Taiqing Asking the Dao

Vol 8 Chapter 85: Return to the Taiqing Palace, and finally practice

Chapter 85 Return to Taiqing Palace, and finally practice

Prehistoric, Central Continent, somewhere in the region.

After Qing Xuan carried Taishang and Qian Yuan around this place for a while, they set off again.

Some of his master’s layout in the precipice seems to be almost the same. At this time, there is no specific where to go, just let it walk around in the precipice, and look at the creatures, races, forces and forces of all parties. Changes in the world and so on.

Except for staying in the bone clan for a short period of time, this tour almost ended smoothly.

The changed area is almost the same, and it's as simple as walking more than once. In many places, the sound is even about three times, which can be regarded as a very thorough walk through the countless areas of the predecessor.

"Qingxuan, return to Shouyang Mountain!"

Taishang glanced at Qian Yuan who was on the right track of his cultivation, and nodded in satisfaction.

Although this is a short period of 30,000 years, Qianyuan has already used the practice of cultivation and under the teachings of the Supreme to understand the laws of the universe and the rules of heaven and earth, and has completely entered the late stage of the Daluo Jinxian. The speed is indeed not slow.

After all, it is a Universe Beast, even if his aptitude is placed in the entire prehistoric state, it is a top-notch existence.

If it weren't for this, how could those few of them want to accept him as a disciple?

It's just because of their own sake, they didn't feel embarrassed to speak up.

He could also see that even Yuanshi and Tongtian had this idea, but if they wanted to accept Qiankun Beast as their disciple, then they would give up. If not, then nothing would let him fall into the others. Several hands.

This point is naturally clear to Taishang. Those few people have some ideas, but unfortunately, they were disappointed. They brought Qianyuan into the house by themselves. They had no possibility of that, and they did not speak too much. Too embarrassing.

This time Qianyuan’s progress is good, and Taishang is also quite satisfied. After the world stabilizes, Qianyuan still has great good fortune to do. These world rules, assisted by him, the Universe Beast, will be a great one. Great progress.

Whether it is for the rules of heaven and earth, or for Qian Yuan himself, it is a good thing, and it can also help him reach a higher level.

The thought in his heart flashed by, Xuan even lightly closed his eyes and closed his eyes to calm his mind.


After Qing Xuan under the seat answered, he turned in the direction of Xiangyun under his feet and flew towards Shouyang Mountain. It was tens of trillions of li in an instant, and it was almost at its extreme. After a while, he could reach Shouyang. Mountain up.


When time flies, it is a thousand years of time.

Promise Mountain Range, on the top of Shouyang Mountain.


Only a roaring sound was heard, and countless energetic auras were shaken by an invisible force, forming a circle of waves sweeping across the square, attracting many creatures from the Promise Mountain to stare at the place of Shouyang Mountain.


In the next instant, a giant beast was seen descending from the sky and onto the top of Shouyang Mountain.

Many creatures of the Promise Mountain Range, the monks knew that it was the mount of the Supreme Dao Venerable, the beast Qingxuan, and it was also one of the great powers among the prehistoric.

Thinking about it, it was Taishang Dao Zun who had returned from a journey through the wilds, and they did not pay too much attention to it. They took back their gazes and continued their own practice.

After returning to Shouyang Mountain, Tai Shang brought Qing Xuan and Qian Yuan into the Tai Qing Palace.

Qing Xuan retired directly and went back to his own partial hall to practice. It was also a good choice to talk to the named disciple Cang Song. Zilang Literature

In the Promise Hall, only Kong Qiu is here.


Kong Qiu got up, made a courtesy to Tai, and then looked at Qian Yuan beside him.

He didn't go this time, but he really knew about the matters on the borders of the Central Continent, and he knew that this one was his fourth junior brother.

Tai Shang nodded, and then introduced to Qian Yuan, "Qian Yuan, this is your second brother Confucius, who used to be the Profound Capital of Human Race, but now is the cultivation base of Confucian Confucian sage, Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian..."

Hearing this, Qian Yuan was shocked, the teacher's disciple is so strong!

Senior brother Suiren is the existence of the late sage, the second elder brother Kongqiu, Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, the existence of the second elder brother, the third elder brother is said to have a lower cultivation level, but it is also the existence of the quasi-sage perfection. The realm of Hunyuan.

Look at yourself again, it is the late Da Luo Jinxian, this gap is really big!

"Qian Yuan pays homage to the second brother!"

Although he was secretly frightened in his heart, he still did not neglect the etiquette.

Kongqiu knew about Qian Yuan’s affairs, and the Supreme Master didn’t need to go into details. He saw Qian Yuan bowing to him at this time. He immediately helped him up and smiled. The practice time is short, and you will be promoted in the future, so you don’t have to belittle yourself!"

He saw through Qian Yuan's thoughts and said immediately.

Too high nodded, and said to Kongqiu, "The practice behind Qianyuan is more than a temporary practice. In the rest of the time, you have to improve your own cultivation level. The timing is also quite urgent..."

Hearing this, Kong Qiu nodded seriously and said, "Teacher, don't worry, disciple understands!"

After all, after Kong Qiu and Qian Yuan made a salute toward Tai Tai, they retreated and began their respective practices.

After taking a look, Taishang retracted his gaze, sat cross-legged in the hall, and began his final practice.

During this period of time, he is preparing, everything is ready to be completed, and then the last step of cultivation, the last step is to accumulate Consummation, and everything can be completed, and the state of Consummation will be a matter of course.

With the Taishang's practice of comprehension, waves of great roads began to sound in the sea of ​​knowledge.

The Dao characters in the [Wuwei Dao Jing] flew out, accompanied by the sound of the great road, so that the detailed insights were analyzed, confirmed, and accumulated.

"There is no mutual growth, difficult and easy to form, long and short form, high and low, and sound and sound, follow each other...Heng Ye..."

"Tao is unintentional, unintentionally famous; if unintentional, unintentional is Tao!"

"The avenue is invisible and invisible~www.ltnovel.com~ all beings are Tao!"


Tai Shang was completely immersed in epiphany and analysis at this time. His own Dao accumulation is also in continuous progress, getting closer to the realm of Consummation, and his Dao aura is constantly refined and continuously improved. , Came closer to that realm.

Everything is smooth and smooth, as if it was a matter of course, slowly ascending, slowly approaching.

Soon after, everything will become calm, and he will be promoted completely.

At this time in the hall, the reverberating voice of the Great Avenue and the condensed atmosphere of the Great Avenue were extremely terrifying, all haunting Tai Shang's body, making all aspects of him in the process of improvement.

The perfect state of Hunyuan Taiji Golden Immortal is already, not far away!




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