Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1143: Watchdog (below)

The first thousand and forty-three chapters watchdog (below)

The protoss transport plane is facing the light spilt from the sky, but the opposite of the cloud is not the angel of justice, but the terrifying beast.

The crystal went black and the eyes were dark. The Protoss transport plane finally escaped from the apocalyptic catastrophe outside and entered the Leviathan's internal world. After a relatively smooth flight, it plunged into a biological cavity in the abdomen and landed in a relatively smooth area.

The three of them walked out of the cabin and looked at the surrounding environment carefully. Leviathan's internal cavity is not much different from Behemoth. You can see that thick muscle fibers are distributed throughout the cavity like columns, and occasionally twitches. There are many translucent vesicles growing in higher positions and some key areas, and the liquid inside is shining brightly, dispelling the surrounding darkness.

Tang Fang led the two to jump off the apron and walked to a position to stand still, without explaining to them how Leviathan came, how it relates to Behemoth, and what characteristics it has.

Tang Lin asked curiously: "Brother, why did you stop?" According to the previous rules, he should lead the two to the control center of the giant beast, instead of standing here in a daze, and the battle between the big toad and the elemental creatures outside is anxious. , The double serve is inexhaustible, so fire support should be provided as soon as possible.

He didn't answer, just pointed his finger at the sky. Tang Lin looked up, and saw that the light red mist permeating above was quickly dissipating, and the originally tightly bound muscle tissue quickly unfolded like a reversal vortex, revealing a large hole.

The scene before them happened not only in the chamber where they were standing, but also in the upper layer, the upper layer, the upper layer...Anyway, when viewed from below, it looked like a revolving safety door opened, except that the opening was open above the head. It is not left or right, and the safety door is not made of steel, but made of biological tissue.

Tang Lin's incomprehension grew stronger, thinking that opening the skylight is useful, is it possible that he could still go up in the elevator?

This thought flashed through my mind, and suddenly I noticed a strange touch coming from the soles of my feet. I lowered my head. Those biological tissues somehow climbed up like vines and tied the calves of the three of them.

"This...what the **** is this?" Although I knew that Captain Tang's big pet would not hurt them, I felt chills when I recalled Leviathan's horrible mouth and that vicious face. The scalp was numb as it surged from behind.

Kleiya also noticed the changes under her feet, before she took off her mask, her face turned pale. I don’t know if it was because the Protoss transport plane shook too much under the impact of thunder, and was seasick. Or, like Tang Lin, she thought of something scary .

At this moment, a force came from the standing position, and the originally flat ground bulged upwards, and the biological tissues condensed into fast-growing pillars of flesh, carrying the three people above them into the sky, through the skylights.

Tang Lin looked at the retreating images around and the biological platform on the soles of his feet, and said in shock, "That's OK?"

Tang Fang said: "In fact, living inside biological warships like Behemoth and Leviathan has a much better life experience than human warships. However, the premise is that psychological barriers can be overcome."

Tang Lin thought for a while, and felt that this was really the case, but unfortunately he couldn't do it.

Even so for men, girls like Kleiya are naturally even more unacceptable to this kind of life, which will make her feel like a parasite, just like Lactobacillus in the human intestine.

The flesh column finally stopped in the biological cavity closest to the spine, the skylight closed quickly, the biological tissues were re-entangled, and the meridians that entangled the calves were also retracted underground and disappeared.

Tang Lin sighed and said, "Don't look at this thing as ugly, it's really caring when it does things."

Claire said: "The premise is that you have a good elder brother, not like him."

She was talking about the toad.

The layout of the Leviathan’s central control room is similar to that of Behemoth. There is a neural network with red phantom energy on top of the head, which is used to sense the will of the Zerg hero or directly connect with the body.

The only difference comes from the visual system, which is a built-in attached eye, which is connected to the brain's nerves and can be synchronized with the external eye, presenting the external scene with extremely high pixels.

When the three of Tang Fang arrived in the central control room, Leviathan had changed his flight attitude and turned into a dive mode. The freely retractable spines in front shot from the clouds to the ground, launching multiple attacks on the toads. Although there are no gusts of wind and rain, the momentum is as heavy as a mountain, striving to win over the mountains.

The three of them were hiding in Leviathan. Naturally, they could not feel the actual impact of Leviathan on the battle situation after he appeared. They can only know that it is very strong...very strong, very different from the picture provided by the attached eye. The docile Behemoth is extremely aggressive. This comic comes from the earth

From the outside, since Leviathan intervened in the fight between the elemental creatures and the toads, the battle situation has developed to one side.

The rain falling from the sky remained unabated, the waves on the water emptied, and they collided with each other to make a huge clapping sound. After the protoss transporter got into the body of the giant beast, the elemental creatures became the main bearers of the violent thunder cell. The shell is harder than steel, and the light that blooms is connected into one piece, like a silver star falling from the sky, hanging in the dark clouds and rain.

In such an environment, the power of flame is suppressed. Unless Tang Fang uses special moves to detonate the elemental creatures and release all the heat, the war will continue. Even if the elemental creatures can finally win, it will take a lot of money. Time, and what Tang Fang lacks most now is time.

The toad sits on the surface of the water like a hill. The waves are surging from afar, but there is no way to move it.

The vortex sarcoma on its back was burned down by elemental flame rays, and the lightning that pierced the rain sky was much less. Most toad monsters were also imprisoned by solar cocoons and lost their mobility, but their recovery ability was amazing, comparable to connecting to an incubator. 6 fire dragons, so the rally began to see.

The spines, which are tens of meters thick, became the last straw that overwhelmed the camel. When the four shadows shoot down from the clouds with a sharp sound, whether it is the angry lake or the thunder in the sky, it becomes less important.

The toad was clearly prepared. The bulging airbags quickly contracted, their mouths unscrewed, and a high-pressure airflow was ejected into the sky, turning into a hurricane.

If it is a flying snake, an eyeworm, or even a newly unlocked Swarm Guardian, under the impact of this hurricane, I am afraid it has already been torn to pieces. However, Leviathan's spines were not affected much, as if a sharp knife pierced through the cowhide, pierced through the hurricane, blasted a circle of shock waves, and pierced the toad strange belly.

It seemed to be shocked by the scene in front of it, just like a human being used to block a sudden attack, gathering 7 or 8 toad monsters on top of its head, turning it into a meat shield.

Puff puff……

The blood and meat that exploded around were swept up by the violent wind, whirled and flew into the sky, sinking into an invisible area in the distance.

The clusters of toad monsters in one place are like watermelons poked by a hard object. The green on the skin and the red on the inside are mixed together, becoming captives of the wind and prisoners of the waves.

This is beautiful, not beautiful. A headshot with one arrow is naturally beautiful, but it is obviously not pleasant to break the stomach or something. At least Kleiya would not... Maybe the God-armed Black 6 would think this is a noble and elegant art.

Even though a few toad monsters were sacrificed, the toad monsters still failed to block the four spines. They plunged into the back covered with whirlpool sarcoma, splashing blood and poisonous syrup.

Ga... Gu...

The toad monster uttered a peculiar mournful cry, its mouth spouted a cloud of blood, and its 3 eyeballs fixed on the dark shadow of the sky, and at the same time, it did its best to repair the internal injuries, as if unwilling to lose.

Four black shadows rose up, returned to an altitude of several thousand meters, and then shot down again, puncturing one sarcoma after another, allowing green poison and blood to pour into the lake.

On the other side, the elemental creature's abdomen was a brilliant golden light from the sun fragments, and it seemed that something was rapidly circulating inside, and then a red laser shot through the wind and rain, pierced into the toad's belly, and was injured by the back after a stalemate for a while.

As elemental organisms undergoing nuclear fusion all the time in the body, it is naturally not difficult to stimulate laser light.

Claire looked at the dying toad monster and said, "It's over..."

"No, not yet." Tang Fang pointed to Roshan floating on the lake and said, "It has a harder life, and its ability to regenerate tissues is higher than that of the epic creatures I have encountered before."

When the two heard the words and observed carefully, they found that the wounds torn by the spines were healing at a speed that was discernible to the naked eye. However, the toad monsters wrapped in solar cocoons died one after another and were no longer resurrected. It seemed that the body had been cut off to them. Energy supply, all accumulation is used to repair own wounds.

Tang Lin said bitterly, "I won't die like this? What a tenacious guy."

Tang Fang took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and opened them.

With the next breath, the originally calm ground began to shake, and the horizon of the eye became narrower.

Tang Lin and Claire didn't know what had happened, nor could they see the situation outside, they thought that another enemy was coming, and their faces were a bit ugly. Yao Shixianhuang

Only Tang Fang knows that no new enemies will come, unless it is an epic creature of the level of Yemengade, who can only plug the teeth between the elemental creatures and Leviathan.

The reason why there is shaking under the feet and the narrowing of the eye-attached horizon is because Leviathan is brewing a big move ---plasmid spewing.

From the outside, its huge abdomen shrinks at once, the surface of its appendages and spines streamed like damp, and its vertical mouth opened to its maximum. With the rapid scaling of nearby muscles, a torrent of high-concentration toxic particles sprayed out, pouring on the dying struggling. Toad blames the top of his head.

The green mist once again enveloped the lake. Unlike the venom released by the toad monster, the Leviathan’s torrent of plasmids is much darker in color and covers a wider area. The entire battlefield is covered, especially the body of the toad monster. After undergoing several spinal needle attacks, and then bombarded by the particle stream falling from the sky, those already huge wounds burst instantly, and the highly toxic plasmids contacted the toad strange biological tissue, and a dead gray spread rapidly, like petrification, turning into Some of the fragments of powder go with the wind, and some are washed away by the waves and poured into the lake.

The recovery function of the toad monster completely collapsed with this blow. The three blood pupils gradually lost their brilliance, and the particles poured into the head melted, turning into a turbid liquid and dissipating.

Kleiya and Tang Lin looked at the rapidly shrinking Roshan on the lake through their eyes. They were shocked and speechless. They never expected that Leviathan's breath was so strong that it would erode through the toad monster's body in a short time and destroy it. Biological function.

You must know that even the unthinkable existence of elemental creatures has no way to fight quickly. After Leviathan appeared, he really managed to end the battle as soon as possible, killing the big mountain-like toad on the lake.

Only Tang Fang knew exactly why. As the combat unit of the Hunyuan base, elemental creatures are undoubtedly strong. It can be seen from the fact that the damage caused by their self-detonation can blow up Yemeng’s skull. However, whether it is solar cocoon, flame ray, or even stronger The lasers are all energy-based attack methods.

Leviathan’s plasmid surge is different. This extremely toxic particle is actually a DNA structure. When dealing with mechanical units, it can only use corrosive power to cause damage. But in the face of biological units, such self-replicating DNA fragments can absorb target bioenergy to proliferate. This is similar to the characteristics of phagosomes, but the results are quite different. The purpose of the phagosome is to turn the prey into a part of itself, while the Leviathan plasmid burns biological energy and destroys the target biological activity at the cellular level.

In short, toad monsters are not low resistant to the energy attacks of elemental creatures. Leviathan’s plasmid spewing belongs to its own strengths to overcome the weakness of the enemy. The stronger the self-healing ability of the toad monster, the more biological energy, the more abundant resources the plasmid can plunder, which will accelerate the process of target decline.

I don't know how long it has been, about 10 minutes or so, the wind and waves on the lake surface began to fade, but the body of the toad monster looked like a decaying building, crashing and turning into countless necrotic tissues floating on the water.

The fog that permeated the waters became thinner, leaving only the turbid lake water surging back and forth ~www.readwn.com~ The fluorescence on the surface of the Yipsiron building disappeared, and the churning waves could hit the tarmac again, making noise.

Tang Fang sighed and said, "It's finally over, let's go on."

The two agreed, followed behind him, and took the flesh and blood elevator as they did when they came, retracted into the biological cavity where the protoss transport plane was located, and then left Leviathan and flew to the Ypsilon building below.

The apron is really strong, and it has been baptized by the corrosive mucus melted by a tongue of the toad monster and the flow of fire from the sky, and it has been unscathed, leaving no traces.

The Protoss transport plane landed at the place where the special operations transport ship was anchored. The three of them came out of the cabin and stared at the rotten flesh covered in the water for a while. Tang Fang walked over and released a veto while putting away the elemental creatures. The surface of the water sucked up a whole body of flesh and tissue and put it on the apron.

Tang Fang walked over and put his hand close to a part of the vortex sarcoma. As before when the new unit was unlocked, the consciousness was suddenly imprisoned and plunged into the system space.

The mob said to A

Thanks to Xiaofeng Remnant for the 10,000-point starting coin reward.

Thank you for the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, Pegasus Meteor Cannon, Moon Wing, Twilight Leaf Fall, Mysterious Cemetery, microso1tzha, Absolute Love, Guanlan Listening to the Rain, Super Penguin, Book House, He Xinqin, I like cats, I am a loyal fan of Interstellar , Yuehui swordsman, just for fun, Qi Guo-Young Master Jiang, AIUR will be redeemed, profiteer squad, Cizele kissing the earth, dreaming of killing people, fish memories, book friends' rewards.

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