Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1144: Disappearing unlock item

   The background lights are weakened, the four race emblems are extinguished in turn, the interface changes from bright to dark, the cursor flashes several times, and a line of characters flashes with a brisk ticking sound. ┡. The armored mothership will reach the sky above the paradise stars in 15 minutes.

   If the epic creature army in the paradise world is regarded as a ground net, then the battleship cluster outside is Tianluo.

   From the perspective of the overall situation, even if Tang Fang did a lot of things that Noah had expected, he was still at a disadvantage even if he even cut several generals armed with God. A smart person like Mr. Sage was not sure enough, how could he use Zeratul as a bait to lure Tang Fang into the world of Ark.

   The ark is his ark, the paradise is his paradise, the library is his library, and the sanctuary is his sanctuary. He is the most powerful person in this world, the controller of everything.

Tang Fang is very clear about the situation he is facing, and not to mention the God Armed Fleet that Zeratul said, the huge crystal mountain range of the Ypsilon Space Station puts a lot of pressure on him, and he does not know how to break it, so He insisted on collecting Noah’s intelligence, and now he has his idea on the epic biological army, whether it is to break the consciousness link network, or use them to turn their guns to attack God’s arms and test Noah’s reaction. For him Both are a good exhibition.

   Therefore, whether it is based on unlocking new units in the system or looking for the idea of ​​defeating the enemy, the floating fortress surrounded by crystal **** is his inevitable choice.

   Streaming light flashed on the stone wall inside the spiral building, and the transparent elevator began to sink and sink into the lake. Affected by the wind and rain outside, the underwater light is not enough, and it is impossible to identify the distant scenery. You can only see the faint brilliance flowing along the pattern, injecting a little bright color and agility into this dim space.

   The transparent elevator suddenly stopped about 2o meters down, and the place facing the car door showed a faint luster. The originally closed safety door opened. The three people left the car and entered the inner space of the spiral building.

   Unfolding in front of you is a walkway, and the energy pattern on the ceiling casts a shining light and illuminates the road under your feet.

   Tang Fang didn't say anything, and walked forward with the two of them.

The walkway is about 2oo meters long. In the past, a security door was an internal landscape corridor. On the other side of the crystal wall, there are many small crystal flowers, scattered with faint brilliance, and some tall flowers and trees are dotted between them. Some look like roses, and some branches and leaves curl into colors Spiral, colorful and colorful, really charming.

   A little further away came the gurgling springs, and the trickles were like rain, converging into small streams, turning from a high place and going down through the garden, into a misty area.

   Claire looked at the tall flowers and trees inside the crystal corridor, sometimes marveling, sometimes novel, unknowingly slower and slower.

   Even people like Tang Lin who are not interested in flowers are looking at him, and they are full of interest.

   Different from the plants in the paradise world, and even more different from the plants in the human world, the flowers and trees growing inside the crystal corridor are very characteristic. Tang Fang even saw a vine plant slowly stretching its body like a living thing, absorbing the flowing stream below.

In his opinion, the most normal plants in the botanical garden on the other side of the crystal wall are the small crystal flowers named Talola. Their native place is the Messier Plain in Cerepas. If translated into human language, "Tower The name "Lola" roughly means "stars that fall from the earth".

He was attacked by Yemengade and massive flying creatures on the surface of the Paradise Star. He believed that God had captured many epic creatures and cultivated them into an army of epic creatures. After entering the Paradise world, he couldn't help but feel a little doubtful. Until this moment, he saw the crystal. The inside of the wall formed a botanical garden with a beautiful landscape, and the doubts in my heart became even stronger.

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