Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1173: Who is the right choice?

But even if he was cast aside by all mankind and suffered malicious infamy, he did not give up or stand still. He came to the Ark world, knew many things that humans could not understand, and then began to work hard and start fighting for the continuation of human civilization. In order to flourish and prosper, he has shouldered a lot and paid a lot.

Although the means are not light, he sacrificed a lot of lives and caused many disasters, but his redemptive heart has never changed, and his steps in practicing the path of the prophet have never stopped. Even if he was burdened with infinite sins and **** debts, he had to go on step by step, exhausting his mind for the common people's righteousness, and after death... Because he didn't have so much time to wake up all mankind from the spiritual level, he could only do so.

This is the life of Morris Griffin. Some people may use the word "sin" to describe it, but in her mind, she is more willing to use "legend" and "great."

Isn't such a person worthy of worship? Isn't it worthy of love? Isn't it worth understanding?

Yes, she couldn't help but fell in love with him. In her heart, he is a hero no one can match.

Beautiful women always like heroes. Sadness is always more moving than bright comedy.

Only she knows this kind of thought, but Noah doesn't.

She would not say it, because the figure of a man walking forward in blood is so touching.

What he needs is a knife, not a small flower swaying in the wind by the side of the road... at least now.

Tripatti joined God’s Armed Forces for revenge, Mr. J joined God’s Armed Forces to avenge his gratitude, and Terro joined God Armed for his ambition. Only she simply wants to watch Noah achieve her ideals in life, so she is better than Everyone worked hard and worried about Noah's life more than anyone.

Will it really be okay? Don’t worry? Why does she always have a feeling of fright.

The transmission platform is not far away, but the worries in my heart are getting stronger and stronger.


I don't know how long it has been, Tang Fang's **** fingers twitched lightly, and slowly opened his closed eyes.

The injuries caused by the explosion of the T energy stone are far different from ordinary gunshot wounds. Even if his body is different from ordinary people, he cannot regenerate damaged tissues and heal his injuries as quickly as usual.

When his consciousness was lost in the endless darkness, like a flat boat drifting with the current, when he could not find the direction, he heard a call, very familiar and warm, how many times he had been awakened from his dream.

He thought of a pair of slender hands that were not painted in various colors and had diamond nails that would always help him to roll up the collar and smooth the wrinkles of the military uniform at the right time. Sometimes it hurts to twist the soft flesh on the waist unexpectedly.

Then he laughed, the dark night sky shattered a little brilliance, it was the distant stars breaking through the shackles of the dark clouds, smiling at him.

Smile like a flower, just like her face.

He soon discovered that these were all his own illusions, or imaginations, no stars pierced the haze, only the slowly circulating energy cloud, revealing a watery brilliance.

The pain from the body reminded him of what happened just now, the T energy stone exploded and he was blown away by the shock wave.

Since he was not dead, there is only one possibility, Noah is dead... was blown to death by the T energy stone.

So he sighed, and his tight heartstring relaxed.

"By the way, I don't know what happened to Tang Lin and Claire?" He remembered that the two of them had been seriously injured in the previous battle. He didn't know what was going on now.

Anxious in his heart, he wanted to get up from the ground subconsciously. At this moment, a tearing pain came from the wound, which almost made him faint, but he persisted and barely supported his body.

An worm appeared next to him, and he continuously sprayed several mouthfuls of feeding fluid into his body, and the pain-relieving ingredients quickly took effect, which made him feel better. However, before he could free his hands to wipe off the cold sweat that gathered on his forehead, the scene that suddenly came into view made his face pale as snow.

He clearly remembered that Claire was blown away by the shock wave created by the missile explosion, and landed not far from Tang Lin, but now he came to him, his always cool hand was less than an inch away from his face in his memory. .

She is in very bad condition. The protective clothing for the harsh environment has long been ragged. Although the blood cannot be seen flowing out, the surface of the skin flashes with cyan brilliance from time to time. It is an abnormal phenomenon caused by fine electric arcs running down the skin. Control performance.

Although Kleiya can also operate electrical energy like Tanglin and adapt to harsh environment protective clothing, the level is not high and the total amount is limited. Tang Fang has never understood where the girl's energy activates the invisibility, thermal vision and other functions of the harsh environment protective clothing. It is guessed that it is due to close contact with him, but it has never been as amazing as it is now.

He noticed another situation and was taken aback.

Noah fell in a place not far from Kleiya, and his heart was blasted out of a big hole. The evil King Ming was shattered and looked dead... But it was not killed by the explosive power of the T energy stone, on the contrary. Like being killed by Claire.

Was it the girl who blocked Noah's footsteps with her weak body at the last moment and guarded his life? !

His heart was messy, his brain was muddy, he couldn't understand the scene before him, and he didn't know what happened.

The injury on the leg was not healed. He almost moved to Crea in a crawling posture. Enduring the pain, he turned her over and put her on his lap, and found that the energy imbalance on the front of the body was more serious.

"Kleia, Kleia..." He called and yelled, shaking and shaking, the girl didn't respond at all from start to finish, although she still breathed, she was as light as a gossamer.

He thought he could **** away the electric energy running away from her body, just like he had cured Freya's madness before, so she would get better a little bit. However, after doing it, I was horrified to discover that the electric energy in the girl's body is not simple, it seems that a special kind of energy mixed with it will cause serious damage to his body tissues.

Abathur is not around, he can only ask Emma for help.

"What happened to her? What should I do now?"

"Commander, please calm down first." Emma reminded him humanely not to be impatient, and then made analysis and conclusions based on the scan report of the detector: "Commander, the body scan data sent by the detector shows Claire's body is filled with a very large violent energy, which is completely different from the power she originally possessed. This violent energy has caused serious damage to her body, and it is likely to...have stimulated her nervous system and brain The Internet, that is to say, her current situation meets the biological definition of'vegetable'."

"She" did not pay attention to the ugly expression on Tang Fang's face, and continued: "What is puzzling is that there seems to be a very special weakening force field in her body that is constantly suppressing the rushing energy, trying to maintain the balance of the internal environment. , But with the passage of time, the weakening of the force field, the final result is likely to be..."

"What could it be?"

"The energy was out of control and exploded in her body."

Tang Fang said, "Is there a way to release this energy?"

Emma said: "I'm sorry, Commander, no. Any attempt to channel out-of-control energy out of the body may destroy the binding force field, like piercing an inflated balloon with a needle, which can only accelerate the energy burst."

"Isn't Sarnaga Keystone OK?"

"I'm sorry, Commander, no. According to the latest calculation data of the Planetary Command Center, I think this out-of-control energy has the special energy contained in the T energy stone involved, and the Sarnaga key stone cannot regulate their operation. Take a step back, even if You can guide this energy away from Clea's body, and there is no way to repair the damaged nerve tissue.

Emma expounded her point very rationally, and Claire was helpless.

This sounds cruel, but Tang Fang will not give up lightly. He cannot accept such a result and cannot bear the pain caused by losing her. He has one last way.

Nova has never been called since he was unlocked. As a qualified Nova party, what makes him able to resist the temptation of favorite characters?

It's fear! After many frustrations and hardships, he was afraid that his relatives and friends would suffer incurable harm. After all, there was only one way to continue their lives at that time. Yes, it is the unique parasitic mode of Zerg and Human heroes, and there are not many female hero units.

Compared with the life of the companion, the latter is obviously more important.

Although it always feels weird to let Nova possess Claire, as long as he can continue the girl's life, he can give anything and accept everything.

Just when he was about to put his consciousness into the human base and choose the Ghost Military Academy to summon Nova, Emma stopped this move.

"Commander, I don't think Claire's current state is suitable for calling Nova."

"You...what do you...mean?" His voice was trembling, and he could clearly hear the panic and helplessness in his heart. If even the parasitic mode is not applicable, what else can he do to save Claire's life?

Emma explained: "Commander, don't panic. I mean it is feasible to treat Kleiya in parasitic mode, but her situation is not suitable for Nova, and it is more suitable for Queen of Blades."

Tang Fang said, "Kleiya... is more suitable for the Queen of Blades?"

On this point, he and Emma disagree. Crea’s personality is indeed quite different from that of Nova, but compared to Queen of Blades, the latter has a greater difference in personality.

"Commander, making this judgment is not based on the degree of personality similarities and differences, but considering the current state of Claire. Her body is filled with a very large energy, and there is no way to deal with it without harming the host. Its guided release. If you use the parasitic mode and choose Nova as the target, the physical quality of the ghost agent is not enough to carry this huge energy. The final result is likely to end in failure, and then you will have no chance to save your beloved woman. However, if you change to the Queen of Blades, Kerrigan’s psionic power level and the body of the Zerg have been tempered, enough to withstand and control this energy, so as to resolve the crisis in Cleia."

"So..." Tang Fang suddenly realized, fortunately Emma stopped his behavior in time, otherwise he might make a big mistake.

For him, whether it is Nova or the Queen of Blades, as long as he can save Cleia, he can choose anyone. But... But another problem is coming. The system space resources are insufficient. What can he do to get nearly 300w of gas in a short time to summon the Queen of Blades?

At this moment, the empathetic Miss Emma sent a three-dimensional model of the church building structure, and made a striking mark somewhere at the end of the crystal tower that was dumped on the inner wall before it completely collapsed.

Then, Tang Fang saw a picture through the "eyes" of the detector, and his nervousness and panic were relieved.

It turns out that the crystal tower not only plays the role of carrying the energy cloud, but also plays the role of energy supplier. There are many zero-isotopic crystals stored near the top, which can deliver energy to the energy cloud through transmission and excitation equipment.

There is a zero-isotope crystal storage facility inside the sanctuary...This is fine and reasonable. As the so-called authorities are obsessed with bystanders, he ignores these things that should have been thought of because of excessive concern.

If he was the previous one, he could only sigh in the face of zero element isotope crystals, but now it is different. After acquiring the technology of "automated gas refinery", the extraction field, absorption chamber, and refinery have the ability to refine zero isotope. , And the unlocking of the “microfiltration system” improves the efficiency of the refining facility. As long as you summon a few more worker bees to mutate into an extraction field, and collect gas resources in parallel, you should be able to rush to disappear the weird force field in Kleiya. Get the gas resources needed to summon the Queen of Blades.

With this discovery, how dare he continue to think about wasting time~www.readwn.com~ With the help of the protoss transport ship, he flew up to the sky and landed on the building facility that stores zero isotopes at the top of the crystal tower.

It has been damaged in the process of collapse, there are many holes on the surface of the structure, and the crystal walls are full of cracks. It seems that no matter how much wind and grass, it will collapse and break.

Of course, comparing the human body to the mass of a large building as light as a feather, its destructive power can basically be ignored.

Zero isotope is a kind of special crystals containing extremely terrifying energy. The Epsilon people compress them into solids of different shapes and store them in a special lattice to avoid energy loss. The zero-element isotope spar clusters in the West Tower quadrant and the inner wall of the wandering planet's tiankeng crystals all follow this plan.

Perhaps the energy contained in this kind of thing is too terrifying. If there is no force field bound by the lattice space, the energy contained in the crystal will be lost in a period of time, similar in nature to some radioactive elements.

What's interesting is that the expression of this energy decay in the real world is not obvious, and it can be said that it cannot be captured by human measurement methods. Tang Fang guessed that the zero isotopes were released due to the high degree of energy compression, and they turned into some unmeasurable energy, such as dark matter. You must know that dark matter is just a general term. In fact, dark matter and dark energy may have many categories.

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