Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1174: Domestic and foreign difficulties

Emma has another explanation, whether the energy released by the zero isotopes transcends or violates the rules of the universe and cannot be expressed. Only by changing a "perspective" or "identity" can it be recognized and felt.

He didn't understand the meaning of the above sentence until Emma described it in more plain language.

Generally speaking, "she" means that the zero element is a very rare energy material with huge energy, which is proved by the fact that they can distort the curvature of space-time through the zero element reactor. As the zero element isotope, as a manifestation of the extreme compression of zero element energy, whether the quality becomes another weird existence.

Just as a black hole may be formed after a star collapses, turning into a twister or destroyer of the spatial structure...More image, if the zero element is regarded as a person, then the zero element isotope is a fairy, possessing magical powers that mortals cannot understand.

In other words, the energy radiated from it can no longer be represented in the current universe and needs to be identified in higher dimensions.

When something radiates to the z-axis in a two-dimensional space with only x and y axes, things in the two-dimensional space can of course not "see" the changes on the z-axis. Only if you leave the two-dimensional space and stand in the three-dimensional world, you can Ability to be felt.

He used the word "horse and emptiness" to describe Miss Emma's point of view.

This is the communication between two people during the flight. In Tang Fang’s view, whether the energy released by the zero isotope decay process is represented by dark matter or escapes to a higher dimensional space and time, once these tiny energy crystals are preserved Improper, will produce extremely serious energy waste.

With the smelting process of the Yipsyron, 1 ton of refined zero element can produce 1 gram of zero element isotope crystal!

After entering the facility where the zero isotope is stored in the crystal tower, he found that some of the preservation lattices had been damaged by the impact, and the terror energy contained in the suspended zero isotope core was losing extremely rapidly.

He didn't dare to neglect, he immediately summoned dozens of worker bees, ordered them to mutate into extraction fields, and tried his best to refine those zero-isotopic crystals.

Under normal circumstances, the zero isotopes produced by the Epsilons are diamond-shaped crystals, weighing about 5 grams, but counting the preservation of the lattice, it is almost the size of a human skull, and the weight has increased significantly.

He roughly estimated the number of lattices in the storage room and found that there are more than 2,000 pieces. If all conversion losses and energy losses are not taken into account, it is more than 1w tons, measured by gas resources, and the total is more than 1000w. Enough to summon the Queen of Blades, and has a generous balance.

This is just the zero isotope stored in the sanctuary by Noah in order to meet the daily operation of the energy cloud. The fan blade structure should have another storage room, and the same applies to the Paradise Star and the other shore star. In fact, the Ypsilon and Ailantes not only left behind an advanced technological heritage, but also a huge amount of energy.

The above idea is generated when the protoss transport ship leaves the crystal tower and flies to the ground. He didn't dare to waste his time on random thoughts. According to the latest news from the Queen of Insects, Tang Lin's situation was also not good, although there was no life worry.

Considering that the system space resources have not yet reached the standard for summoning the Queen of Blades, he took the opportunity to rush to Tang Lin's coma position.

Suddenly, a strange situation was discovered while walking. Hecarty, who had fallen short of Tang Lin's side, disappeared, leaving only the second half of Death's marvelous gun body buried in the scattered crystals.

He knew that the first half of Death's exclamation was destroyed by the power of King Scourge, but where did Hekati go? It was obviously fine when Tanglin flew out.

The incomprehension of the heart was interrupted by the diagnosis report sent by Emma. According to the examination results of the queen and nurse mm, Tang Lin was injured by the black knight, and the wound had infiltrated many nanoparticles from the heart of darkness. The number is small, but the nanoparticles are radioactive and highly magnetic.

Similar to a poisoned dagger, if ordinary people are infected with these nanoparticles, tissue cells will gradually wither and eventually die of organ failure. But Tang Lin is different. After Faraday’s genetic modification, his body is very large and can effectively resist the radiation damage of nanoparticles. However, due to the serious injury, the recovery speed is slow, and the special magnetic field radiated by the nanoparticles will harm human energy. The field, now in a deep coma, the best treatment is to leave here and send to the Angel, and use the Zerg microbes to clean up the environment in the body under the leadership of Abathur, while importing nutrients.

Kleiya was dying frequently, Tang Lin was seriously injured and unconscious, and he himself was wounded all over. The battle with Noah can be said to be the worst loss since coming to this world.

Also, he didn't even know what happened after the coma, how things would develop to this point.

Could it be true that Cleia saved him, but where did she get the power to rival Noah?

At this moment, Emma interrupted his thoughts: "Commander, the extraction field has collected the resources needed to summon the Queen of Blades."

Because the confrontation between the other side star and the paradise star has never stopped, the crystal resource has already exceeded the 500w mark, so as long as the gas is enough, summoning the Queen of Blades is not a problem.

Instructed the nurse mm to take care of Tang Lin, and he hurriedly returned to Claire's location.

As the binding force field continues to weaken, the brilliance of the girl's skin is getting more and more, the brightness is getting stronger and stronger, and the overflowing lightning creaks from time to time, which makes the heart irritable.

He didn't dare to waste time, so he quickly devoted his attention to the system space, chose the Zerg base, found the menu bar corresponding to Queen Blade, and pressed the parasitic mode hotkey.

The purple parasite had just climbed out of the main nest and was summoned by him into the real space and implanted in Kleiya.

After doing this, he took a deep breath and grasped his sweat-stained palm. Suddenly, there was an impulse to pray to the gods and Buddhas all over the sky, hoping that they would bless the girl to be safe and wake up soon.

I don't know if it is to be considerate of his feelings or to relieve his mental pressure, Emma chose to transfer that important but not urgent information to him at this point in time.

So Tang saw an unexpected scene. The Singularity Tunnel appeared inside the Ark World, followed by the fortress of the Third Committee, the Nibelungen, followed by the hybrid asteroid of the Supreme Council, and then by a ship more than 600 meters away. An assault fleet led by long mixed relic battleships.

Because the three tribes in the temple were smashed by Noah, the whereabouts of Tasada, Zeratul and others were unknown, and he passed out again, so he did not know the dialogue between Noah and the chairman, let alone Mr. Sage. There is another identity, and I don't know that it may be because of myself and others that exposed the location of the Ark World, and also disrupted Noah's plan to transfer the Ark World to avoid the enemy, and finally caused the scene at hand.

He was puzzled by what the Third Committee and the Supreme Council were doing, and they chose to attack God's armed forces at this time. Isn't this picking up people's heads and taking advantage of the fire? I fought with Noah and suffered both losses. They were better, and at a critical moment, they ran out to clean up the mess and grab the victory. It was extremely shameless.

Noah is dead, the strength of God's armed forces has been hit hard, and it is bound to die in a short time. If the people of the Supreme Council take the opportunity to kill him, it can be said to kill two birds with one stone and take advantage of it.

Sure enough, none of these hidden forces are fuel-efficient lamps. They are more black than the other, and ruthless than the other.

Fortunately, the mixed warships of the Supreme Council did not attack the Ypsilon space station for the first time after entering the Ark World. They may be afraid of the power of the Crystal Peak, and fear that Noah is hiding some kind of assassin. Dare to launch a total attack easily. They chose to fly to the airspace where the Paradise Star and the Beyond Star are located. The target is the remnant warships of God's armed forces and the biological weapons at his disposal.

He quickly understood what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd of the Supreme Council-to deal with God's armed battleships led by the Djinn-class super battleship, they chose to destroy it directly, but the means to deal with flying epic creatures and Zerg air units It is completely different. Hybrid warships of 400 meters and above have a special structure that can launch Type II or Type III phagosome polymers to the outside world, including the biological weapons of the Paradise Star space battlefield and the biological weapons of the ground battlefield. Within the strike range. No, it should be said to be within the scope of infection.

Because of genetic defects, epic creatures that live on the ground will not necessarily evolve deep-space flight organs after being infected by phagosomes. But once the biological weapons that can fight in the cosmic environment become phagosome polymers, one can imagine what changes will occur.

Through the library's biological "mind" control system, he instigated the epic creatures of Paradise Star and turned his head against the God-armed fleet. Now the Supreme Council intends to use the phagosome to infect the biological weapons of Paradise Star for their use.

He no longer knows what words to use to describe his mood at this moment. If the guess is correct, the opponent is going to use them to attack the Ypsilon space station to probe the opponent's fiction and act accordingly.

During the time he was in a coma, dozens of monkey monsters had been infected and turned into chilling monsters. When Emma transmitted this information to him, the two Corruptors who had been injured in the previous battle couldn't dodge, and they were hit by sporangia containing phagosome material and began to mutate. The sword-nose shark in the rare epic creature also became the source of the plague and began to rush to the original partner.

Naturally, the living unit cannot be the opponent of the phagosome. The Zerg air force unit headed by Leviathan can be recovered by him to escape the infection of the phagosome, but what about the epic creatures with the large number of Paradise Stars? Even if the rare species of epic creatures containing a large amount of Epsilon human genetic material have certain resistance to phagosomes, they cannot resist the surging phagosome polymer army.

Judging from the current situation, it is the best policy to quickly find a chance to leave the Ark World. How to deal with the Supreme Council is something that the Dragon Whisperer needs to worry about. Now he just wants to heal Kleiya and Tang Lin as soon as possible, and stay on the battlefield for a second. , It is more dangerous.

He planned well, but many times the plan failed to keep up with the changes. Just as he racked his brains to think about how to bypass the hybrid warship, leave the Ark world through the space-time tunnel opened by the Nibelungen, or open a path to the real material universe by himself, Emma sent an order The news that his look has changed dramatically-Queen Blade's parasitic plan did not unfold as smoothly as expected. It encountered great resistance and might end in failure.

"I'm sorry, Commander. I underestimated the instability of the mixed energy in Cleia. As the binding force field weakened, they became more and more violent. The purple parasite's infection and regeneration of human cells have become faster than The damage rate of mixed energy to human cells remains flat. If the binding force field continues to weaken, more mixed energy will overflow, and the regeneration rate of human tissues will be slower than the rate of destruction, with disastrous consequences."

"That mixed energy is too strong, I didn't expect that Queen Blade's physical fitness could not carry it."

"How could this happen?!" Hearing the above bad news, where did he still have any worries about the Star Wars in Paradise. The threat from the hybrid warship is certainly not as important as Clea's life: "Is there any way to change this situation... Is there any ?" He almost yelled out the last three words in a roaring manner. One can imagine how anxious his personal emotions are.

He doesn't regret those resources, he doesn't care about the effort spent, what he cannot accept is that he cannot save his wife.

"If the binding force field can be kept stable, the situation will not get worse... But, I'm sorry, I can't do it."

Hearing such an answer, that kind of depression, pessimism, grief, helplessness, anger... and so on, the negative thoughts drowned him like a tide, and the whole person drifted away on the edge: "You can't do it... If you do it all If not, who else can do it? Tell me... who else can do it?"

Emma is a robot~www.readwn.com~ According to common sense, she doesn’t understand the feelings of human beings’ loss of love. At most, she just stylizes “I’m sorry” or “Sorry to change”, but she doesn’t. , Replaced by a long silence.

I don't know how long it has passed, this long silence was suddenly broken by a sound, as if the first light that pierced the night before dawn, illuminating his world and melting those cold sadness.

"Commander, thank you for your reminder, I... seem to have found a solution to the problem."

Tang Fang felt his heart jump to his throat, the throbbing almost killed him, and it seemed that he could still hear the sound of his heartbeat...puff, puff, like someone beating a drum hard.

Emma said he reminded her, what did he remind her? He didn't understand it himself.

"I can't do it, someone can do it... No, to be precise, it's not a person."

There are five most annoying things in Tang Fang’s life. The first is Miss Emma’s popular science, the second is Miss Emma’s verbose, the third is Miss Emma’s "I’m sorry Commander", and the fourth is I bite into the pepper when eating vegetables, the fifth item... let's not talk about it. Three things are related to Miss Emma.

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