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Chapter 1189: Melee (7)


The first thousand one hundred and eighty-nine chapters melee (7)

If Henrietta and others want to save their lives, once the border defense line is lost, the lords who are falsely and arrogantly with the XIAN Political Promotion Committee are bound to rise up, forming a tide of resistance and subverting the reform of GE. Please search () to see the most complete! The fastest novel

If Henrietta does not mobilize the frontier army to return to support, and in the face of the sinister international and domestic situation, how can the garrison fleet whose morale has fallen to the bottom of the crusade fleet be the opponent of the crusade.

Therefore, those people who can take care of the east cannot take care of the west, and they can’t take care of the tail.

Around the second line of defense near Ledi Naval Port, the Amber Fleet and Obsidian Fleet from the Duke of Knorr are scattered around. Not far away are the Vega Fleet and Sirius Fleet of the original Duke of Tucson, as well as several core members of the old faction. Private army.

The Skywalker Guard did not appear, which surprised Engel and others. However, as Henrietta's **** fleet, the Skywalker Guard has no more than 200 warships in total. Even if the combat power is not weak, it can't turn up a lot of waves. Perhaps it has long been assigned to the border to resist the attack of the Republic of Date fleet.

While Engel was examining the internal defenses of the Khanos star system, Cui Eun-ho and Gilcott were also examining the fighting power of their opponents aboard the Bucefalos.

There was no greeting, no pre-war declaration of justice and evil, and the war began.

The flash of front-line artillery fire fell on the faces of everyone on the bridge through the big screen, a bit less cruel, and a bit more jumpy.

Gilcott said, "Let's get started."

Cui Enhao nodded: "Let's start." Then an order was sent by the communications officer.

At the same time, on the bridge of the Mirror Light, Henrietta looked down at her with a PDA, and casually asked her son-in-law, how was the matter going on?

Aintely nodded and told His Royal Highness that everything had been arranged, only waiting for the battle to end.

When Henrietta handed the PDA to the waiter, in the small space station in Natasha's high-altitude orbit, Elena hugged VIVI with a melancholy expression on her small face, muttering to herself: "Baiyue and Izsha are going to the end? Where is it? How come it suddenly disappeared...Hey, Tang Fang...Why don't you come back."

The frontline war is in full swing, and she is still thinking about escaping.

VIVI said, "He... wouldn't he really be dead..."

Elena raised it in front of her, stared at her face and said, "Close your crow's mouth."

"Well, you are starting to betray me for that guy. Sure enough, the girl is outgoing... I will definitely tell this matter to Miss Galaxy Demon. I will definitely..."

Elena sighed, her expression turned dark: "The situation in the Star Alliance is worse than Turanx's United Kingdom. I don't know what happened to Charlotte..." she stood up and walked to the window. Looking at the place where the battle started, he sighed again.

Everything is going well...At least for Engel, everything is going well.

The crusade fleet is advancing steadily, pulling out the defensive strongholds built by space-based defense platforms around the defense line one by one, slowly approaching the airspace where the enemy's main force is located, forming a double-team situation.

After all, they are superior in strength, and Henrietta’s fleet is relatively small. In the face of a huge force gap of more than 2:1, if the defense unit constructed by a large number of space-based defense platforms diverts the firepower of the crusade fleet, the enemy has already Defeated like a mountain, how can it remain undefeated as it is now.

Even so, the garrisoned navy of the Khanos star system can only shrink from a corner, not daring to advance in the slightest.

To put it bluntly, the crusade army holds the initiative on the battlefield and has a great advantage. Rao is so, Engel did not put all his troops on the battlefield, leaving about 3 fleets as reserve forces to deal with some special situations.

He acted very cautiously, doing his best not to leave a chance to the enemy, and to carry out the strategic thinking of not being greedy for meritoriousness and advancing.

In the end, the goddess of fate responded to his caution and gave him a chance to prove his ability.

The reconnaissance ship scanned a large range of temporal and spatial curvature fluctuations on the flanks of the battlefield. According to the calculations of the computer system, more than 700 battleships will arrive in the theater in a few minutes.

Of course it will not be the reinforcements of the Crusade Army, but the reinforcements of the XIAN Political Promotion Committee.

As a result, the three reserve fleets became useful and were sent by Engel to intercept more than 700 warships quickly approaching the theater.

With a force gap of more than 4:1, even if the more than 700 warships are of the same rank as the Skywalker Guard, there is no small chance of victory. But is it possible? Obviously impossible.

Soon, there was a bad news from the reconnaissance ship that more than 700 warships of unknown origin would arrive on the battlefield sooner than expected. The three fleets sent by the Crusaders have not yet arrived at the target location, constructing a curved interception net to gain the first opportunity, it seems that only head-to-head approach can go.

They reach the battlefield faster than the revised forecast. Then Engel saw an unacceptable scene-it was indeed not the Skywalker Guard, it was the New Skywalker Guard. The most important thing is that the reconnaissance ship's prediction is obviously deviated. The number of enemy reinforcements is not more than 700, but more than 1,400, which is twice the estimate.

He saw the battleships of the original Skywalker Guard and the battleships of the original Sons of War fleet, but obviously they have undergone a certain degree of transformation, the appearance has not changed, but the performance has been greatly improved.

What Engel cares about most is not them, but another batch of warships besides them, almost 1,000. In terms of appearance and style, it is obviously not a domestically produced warship of Turanx and the United Kingdom, and it is also out of bounds with warships of other sovereign countries in the Hilumbel region. If you insist on finding an object with a similar style in the ten-nation warship system, these 1,000 warships are more or less like the Star Alliance...

Since they are not warships produced by sovereign nations, where did they come from, Dragon Whisperer? God armed? The newly revealed Legion of Anubis?

Engel shook his head and denied these conjectures, because those hidden forces had no reason to help Henrietta.

Li Yun thought of a possibility, and quickly abandoned that idea.

The flames of war ignited on the flanks of the defense line, and the three fleets from the crusade army and the 1,400 warships that suddenly broke out had a more intense conflict than the internal defense line.

With a force gap of more than 2:1, both Engel and Li Yun believed that even if the enemy's fleet was lost, they could at least drag them. It would not be too late to make any calculations after confirming that the enemy's combat effectiveness was at that level.

However, no one thought that as soon as the two sides came into contact, the battle would be one-sided.

It was not the warships of the original Skywalker Guard and the original Sons of War fleet that caused this situation, but those warships of unknown origin.

Generally speaking, battleship-class battleships have fierce firepower and sufficient firepower, but they are expensive to build and have poor maneuverability. They are rarely placed directly in the forefront of the battle line and are completely exposed to enemy fire. However, in front of the 3 fleets of the Crusade Army, The enemy's battleship-class warships left the frigate group in such a grand manner, running through the war zone like a sheathed long sword.

Looking to the bow of the ship, the outline of the entire ship looks like a cluster of crossed arrows, with a naval gun on the upper, lower, left and right sides of the ship, which can fire plasma beams that can penetrate cruiser-class warships at the same time. Yes, it is a plasma cannon, not an orbital cannon!

Twenty such battleships lined up, and a total of 80 plasma guns were fully fired, sowing a rain of light, stirring up a storm of flames in the crusade battlefield, and destroying more than 50 battleships of all sizes in just one salvo.

Just when Engel was shocked by the scene before him, something that made him even more speechless happened.

The enemy’s plasma guns ceased fire across the board, and the bow armor in the form of cross-arrow clusters opened outwards, split into four lobes, and then left the hull, forming a quadrilateral magnetic shield in front. .

"Externally placed magnetic shield?"

Just when he thought that these hull parts were an external magnetic shield system that was still in the laboratory stage, the following pictures made him wonder how to describe his mood.

He focused all of his attention on the magnetic shield constructed by the 4 hull parts, ignoring the things behind the shield. Because at the beginning it was plain and memorable, until a safety device was opened, the dazzling energy ball was pushed out of the hull, and the 4 hull parts that built the magnetic shield were turned into external acceleration tracks. Guides and rectifies the huge energy behind, accelerates for a second time, and fine-tunes the beam trajectory, piercing the crusade fleet with a palpitation.

The target of these 20 thick beams is not the small and medium ships wandering in front, but the battleship-class battleships falling behind.

More than a dozen frigates were swallowed by light beams, and the surging energy current was not satisfied, engulfed in flames and fragments and hit the large ship behind.

The violent light explosion blinded many people's eyes, and the flames spread rapidly along the portholes of large ships. The explosion destroyed the hull structure and threw out a large number of fragments and corpses.

It was only then that the death beam from the enemy ship left a lasting glow and disappeared into the cold void.

The fireball inside the bow changed from white to blue, the safety device fell again, and the four ship hulls returned to their original positions and became the bow structure again.

Then, the 20 battleships that brought chaos and fear to the crusade fleet retreated slowly and returned to the rear of the fleet.

They are replaced by smaller cruiser-class warships...Unlike the cruiser-class warships of sovereign states, which are divided into heavy and light, they have only one specification, about 380 meters in length, narrow front and rear, and slightly wider in the middle. What is strange is that it is not like the battleship in front of it. You can see 4 large-caliber naval guns at a glance. You can only see the dense near-defense guns on the deck and sides.

"Those are...armored ships? They exist to gain recharge time for the battleships ahead?" The GE armed forces in the defense zone near the Ledi Military Port were not encouraged by the arrival of reinforcements, and they continued to counterattack tepidly. So Marquis Li Yun had enough time to pay attention to the situation on the flanking battlefield.

He was mistaken, it was not an armored ship, although more than 100 such battleships lay in the void, with the thick and steady atmosphere of a cold river.

They are here to harvest... to harvest enemy ships that are in chaos.

A ring-shaped structure floated from the wide part of the belly of the ship and rose to an altitude of tens of meters. The equipment well below suddenly shot out several thick beams and injected artificial crystals inside the ring-shaped structure.

In the next breath, the radio frequency crystal orbit outside the ring structure bursts out multiple lasers, forming a three-dimensional fan-shaped strike surface, bringing the numerous small ships and the four aerospace fighters traveling downstream in search of fighters into the firepower range.

Unlike the previous battleships, they are weapons designed for attacking small and medium ships. It is not an exaggeration to describe them as frigate killers.

The biggest drawback of laser weapons is the heat dissipation problem. However, for these cruisers, as long as they rotate the ring structure 180 degrees, the rear laser cannons can replace the front laser cannons and continue to perform shooting tasks.

After these laser cannons need to be cooled due to overheating, the laser cannons that moved to the back row have returned to normal, and only need to rotate 180 degrees to continue shooting. Like this cycle, the laser beam with destructive power is like a rainstorm that has been brewing for a long time, and it has been pouring, never pattering,

In all fairness, these laser beams are not as high as the plasma cannons on the bow of the battleship and the plasma cannons on the sides of the ships ~ www.readwn.com~. But the win is dense and fast. One shot cannot sink a destroyer, but two shots... ten shots?

The warships of the Crusaders quickly withered like flowers under the heavy rain.

Some small and medium ships retreated sharply, which inevitably disrupted the formation of the warships at the rear, causing even more violent chaos. There are also some ships dive down, trying to enter the ring structure to shoot at dead ends to avoid destroying fate.

However, what they didn't expect was that these cruisers did not roll and adjust the shooting angle. The ring structure that was originally suspended in the sky suddenly fell back, and went through the equipment well and appeared from the bottom of the ship, chasing the retreating ships.

This discovery made the crusaders really understand the meaning of the word "despair".

According to the firepower configuration of the general fleet, the frigate and destroyer-level warships account for 70% to 80% of the total number of ships, which can be said to be the absolute main force on the battlefield. The comparison of battleships is like the relationship between elite soldiers and generals. When large and medium-sized ships were severely damaged and frightened, in the face of more than 100 cruiser-class battleships capable of firing multiple lasers, small ships did not even have the ability to fight back. The only thing they could do was escape.

Fully 70% of the warships are preparing to flee, or are already on the way to flee, what will happen to the crusaders? it goes without saying.

The defeat was inevitable, and Engel couldn't resist it.

Most of the warships participating in this crusade were from the private army of the lord, so naturally there was not much trust to speak of. If you have an advantage, you can follow your superiors rationally. However, once you fall into a disadvantage, how can you cooperate obediently.

The mob said to A

Thank you for being like Narcissus, Uncle Village Head, Yueyi, Jiyue Huaming, Gubu Luku, Deep Smile A for your rewards.

This book comes from

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