Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1190: Melee (end)

The first thousand and ninety chapters of melee (end)

In this situation, the small ships in those unfamiliar warships approached quickly from two wings, forming a double-team situation against the crusade, and it seemed that they were planning to wipe out their opponents.

There are two types of these small ships, one is more than 240 meters long and one is about 100 meters long, which can be classified as frigate or down to boat-type aircraft.

The destroyer’s offensive power is not strong, the hull is equipped with 4 laser cannons, and the firepower is not as terrifying as its two predecessors. What troubles Engel and the three fleet commanders is that this is a comprehensive warship. They can drop various types of small micro drones on the battlefield.

Some can be invisible and keep moving at a low speed in the void. It is difficult for the scout ships of the Crusade Army to find such tiny and invisible objects. Once they get close to the enemy ship, they will accelerate to a terrifying speed in a very short time, turning into a powerful bomb, and destroying the target, its nature is similar to a mine.

There is also a small stealth drone, which is not very effective when released alone, but when they form a network, they will radiate a special kind of energy, creating a storm of electronic noise and disrupting the communications between ships. Moreover, it has the ability to analyze and simulate radar waves, disrupt the intelligence network of the crusaders, and at critical moments can be turned into decoys to attract attacks from local warships and cover their own warships to retreat.

In addition to this, there is a large-scale UAV...The "big" here means that compared to the previous two UAVs, it is actually much smaller than the aerospace fighter. This UAV is equipped with a tactical platform that can inspire small missiles to attack fighters and warships, and small-caliber laser weapons are used to intercept missiles and torpedoes fired by the enemy.

In addition, the destroyer is also equipped with weapons for destroyers and cruisers-a powerful torpedo, but fortunately the reserves are not high.

There is no doubt that this is a combined battleship of destroyer + electronic warship + reconnaissance ship. Its technical content is not lower than that of the previous cruisers and battleships, and the level of precision is even higher.

And its defense is not bad either. Engel once saw a torpedo capable of sinking a destroyer of a sovereign country kiss the port side of the destroyer, but it did not cause much damage to it, a woven net similar to optical fiber. The structure absorbed part of the heat energy released by the torpedo explosion, and the remaining force only made a small wound on the hull, and an energy interlayer was vaguely seen.

Because of the Khanos naval battle, more information about the performance of the Skywalker Guards and the warships of the Sons of War has been disclosed. Naturally, there are descriptions of the built-in energy shields of the Sons of War and the anti-thermal armor of the Skywalker Guards.

Unexpectedly, the enemy actually blended these two defense technologies perfectly and used them on these destroyers.

Just over a year...just over a year...

The Marquis Robinson is in a bad mood, because among the three fleets responsible for intercepting enemy reinforcements, there is his Rafale Fleet. Although the combat effectiveness of the Arctic Wind Fleet is slightly weaker, some of the warships have reached the time of replacement. Said that it was also the family's precious property... just disappeared at all?

He hated the enemy's battleships, the enemy's cruisers, and the enemy's destroyers... But the hatred of these three types of warships was not stronger than those of the 100-meter-class small frigates.

If the first three types of ships are ligers and leopards, then the latter type of small frigates are nasty hyenas. They are numerous, have the fastest speed, and have the strongest coordination capabilities. Often, several warships form an interception squad, which can threaten small and medium-sized crusades that are several times greater than their own.

The most powerful thing about this 100-meter-class frigate is its flexibility and acceleration capabilities. It can be said that after the ten streets of frigates produced by sovereign states, it is difficult to imagine how such a small body fits into a big heart. It is precisely because of this speed that they can become hyenas and hunt down antelopes that are fleeing in a hurry.

Unlike destroyers, they are only equipped with a medium-caliber plasma as the main gun, and the rest are fast guns for close defense. Although the firepower is not strong, the medium-caliber plasma cannon is sufficient to sink the destroyer-class warships of sovereign nations and threaten the cruiser-class warships. As for the frigate, it was really a monkey picking peaches and grabbing them.

Unlike the unfamiliar destroyers and cruisers in front, it does not have built-in energy shields and heat-resistant armor. The surface of the shell has a very special nanoparticle coating, which cannot be used to defend against naval gun shooting, but it can absorb radar beams to the maximum extent. Shield the heat radiation of the hull.

The body of this type of frigate is very small, and when combined with this anti-reconnaissance device, it is impossible for ordinary enemy radars to detect them. Even in the face of a reconnaissance ship, the signal on the scan disk is very blurry and difficult to track accurately.

The most disgusting thing is that this thing is not only fast and secret, the hull also carries a wide-area warp interception device. When the circular barrier at the stern is opened, the device that looks like a human eye will radiate a very special energy. Waves can distort the space-time structure of the surrounding area and create a blockade, which can disrupt the warship's warship transition behavior.

Although it is impossible to maintain a secret posture at this time, the size of the blockade created is much larger than that of the interceptor ship of a sovereign state.

As the previous destroyer is a combination of destroyer + electronic warship + reconnaissance ship. This frigate is a combination of frigate + assault ship + interceptor ship.

In the current chaotic state of the three fleets of the Crusade Army, facing this high-speed interceptor, one can imagine what it will end up with.

"It's over... The Rafale Fleet... It's over..." Marquis Robinson's heart was bleeding, but he put all his power into this crusade-Arctic Wind Fleet + Rafale Fleet... But only a short time. In time, the Rafale fleet will be gone.

He is a stingy person and a thrifty person. The damage caused by the loss in front of him exceeded his ability to bear, so his eyes were reddish and his hands trembled.

He regretted that if he didn't come to join the crusade, if he only brought the Arctic Wind fleet, maybe... he wouldn't have encountered such a thing.

Unlike Marquis Robinson, Marquis Li Yun focused on those warships, and then... he suddenly thought of a terrifying possibility. It is absolutely impossible for these warships to be made by a sovereign country. Except for the hidden organizations like God's Armed Forces and the Anubis Legion, there is only one organization left—Morning Star Casting.

As we all know, the battleship production line of Morningstar Casting was officially launched seven months ago. Excluding the preliminary preparations and resource collection, the current progress is only enough to produce a few test ships for performance evaluation and experimentation. With the current scale of Morningstar casting, it is impossible to produce thousands of warships at once.

The more critical issue is that although the Republican Security Forces and the Night Wind Assault Fleet lost more than half, they actually destroyed the battleship production line and Central Star Harbor forged by Morningstar, and dealt a heavy blow to those in Kylinia.

So they cannot come from Morningstar casting. On the other hand, looking at what Tang Fang did in the Hilumbel region, some people speculate that he has a production base in an unknown place. But what is certain is that this kind of production base is likely to be the legacy of alien civilization, used to manufacture the kind of warship that is completely different from the style of the warships of the human nations in the Hilumbel region.

However, these four warships are inferior to the combat units that Tang has shown in the past, but are much stronger than the warships of sovereign states. On the whole, they have a very obvious Helenberg style and should not be an alien civilization. Produced by the shipyard.

Then there is only one explanation left-these warships are from the Turanx United Kingdom and are new warships produced by the shipyard controlled by His Royal Highness the Regent with the help of engineers from Morningstar Casting.

In other words, the battleship production line of the Dilar star system is just a shell, yes... it is a piece of mere appearance, used to confuse Captain Tang's enemy and confuse the sovereign state. The real battleship production facility of Morningstar Casting was established in Turanx, United Kingdom.

Everyone was fooled by him... Everyone was fooled by him... This guy with a stomach full of bad water!

Just as Marquis Li Yun thought, this fleet is not reinforcements from outside, but warships produced by the Turanx United Kingdom. Their birthplace is very close, in Atlanta, inside the second layer of curved speed interception net. Tees Space Station.

Tang Fang not only deceived his enemies, but also kept Kylienia and others in the dark. It is precisely because of this that Kirklaf I, Zaire Abdul, Mr. Chairman, Noah... all his enemies turned their eyes to the Dillard star system and ignored the Turanx United Kingdom. Ignore Henrietta, who has no sense of existence recently.

His Royal Highness the Regent did not participate in the XIAN Political Promotion Committee, and gave this task to Gilcott. Almost everyone thought he was going to let go and spend the last few years of his life steadily.

In fact, he has never been idle. Unlike Gilcott, Cui Enhao and others who reformed the political TI system, he put all his energy on the transformation of the large space station "Atlantis."

The battleship production line of Morningstar Casting is here, not in the Delar Star System.

How could someone like Captain Tang, who are clever and clever, not know that it is easier to transform a shipyard than to build a shipyard? What's more, a space station of the size of "Atlantis", even if the Star Alliance government fully supports it, it will not be completed in a few years.

It is precisely because of this arrangement that today's situation has been created, and a powerful fleet has been accumulated in more than a year.

On the Mirror Light, Gilcott looked at the virtual sand table and said: "The crusade is not a concern, but what about the attacking forces of the Sauron Empire and the Republic of Date?"

Henrietta shook her head, cast her gaze into the deep space outside the window, and whispered to herself: "Where have you been? But knowing that the Hirombel region is almost turned upside down."

Anteli said with regret: "If the situation does not deteriorate rapidly, give us another year or two. Even if the Republican Security Forces and the Night Wind Assault Fleet are intact, even if they are one enemy and two, they will not be our opponents. But now..."

Engel couldn't hear the conversation on the bridge of the Mirrorlight. If he knew that Henrietta and others did not take the crusades seriously, he did not know what they would think.

He only knows that with the defeat of the three combat fleets, the main force of the crusade will face the enemy's full counterattack, which will only cause one result-failure.

Marquis Li Yun had already told him his idea, and he told the news to Grand Duke Edwina on the Black Rose. Want to come... She should be very annoyed now, I don't know if she can still drink afternoon tea.

It's all that guy, he has obviously been missing for more than half a year, but his influence hasn't disappeared over time, but has grown bigger and bigger, making people more and more troublesome.


Without any accident, the Crusaders fled in embarrassment under the combined attack of the New Skywalker Guard, Amber Fleet, Obsidian Fleet and other fleets, and the attack on the Khanos star system ended in failure.

The whole country was in an uproar, no, it should be said that there was an uproar in the entire Hilumbel region, naturally including those in the Dillard star system. Because no one thought that Captain Tang's new warship had already been released, but it was not in the Star Alliance, but in the Turanx United Kingdom.

Adam Oliver, who hadn't smiled for more than half a year, showed a wry smile when faced with a question from a media reporter, and said, "This kid... tricked me so hard." Then he stopped saying more.

Kylinia drank a lot of alcohol after learning of this. Kudria has been considering whether to return to China or not. Insomnia is inevitable. So in the middle of the night, she heard the female executive's drunkenness, clamoring to stop with him, and then calculate the ledger after returning.

Miss Kylenia devoted a lot of time and energy to the construction of the Delar star system, but finally got such a result. That guy...really lie.

Kudria felt that her tantrum might not be simply because Tang Fang lied to everyone, it seemed that it was more of a sense of frustration. As smart as her, she didn't even find his means, she has been kept in the dark,

You must know that Miss Kylinia has always played the role of a virtuous officer, but who would have thought of being enlisted by an immature mountain king at a critical moment, which is really shameful.

The hostile forces, Mackintosh, Rockefeller, Abadon Zaire, Jaina Britannia, Pliden Almaty, and others did not expect that things would take a turn for the worse. The crusaders with high hopes Such a collapse of thousands of miles completely failed their expectations.

They didn't expect that after Tang Fang invested in the two Behemoths, he would also provide technical support, and it was an unconditional, unrestricted, completely shared one.

He teaches fishing, not fish!

Put yourself in and think about it, if they were Tang Fang, they would definitely not do it. A combat force like this surpassing the fleet of a sovereign country is the most reliable in one's own hands.

Unlike politicians in the power arena, the civilian population at the bottom cares more about the performance of those warships and how far the warships of sovereign nations are compared with them. Countless military enthusiasts rushed to major forums like crazy, debating, guessing, waiting, thinking...

When the crusaders fled in embarrassment, the XIAN Political Promotion Committee used Edwina and others to collude with the Sauron Empire and the Republic of Date, ignoring Queen Elizabeth’s changes to GE’s wishes and intending to subvert the Turanx United Kingdom charges and announced their abolition. , Wanted nationwide.

At the same time, they released a video data, the protagonist is Lord Small who disappeared for a long time.

He publicly admitted that he was appointed by Jaina Britania, responsible for contacting Li Yun, Robinson, Edwina and others, and prepared to cooperate with external forces at the right time to overthrow the XIAN political committee and establish a centralized monarchy. New empire.

Regrettably, his actions were noticed by Henrietta, and he immediately asked Morningstar to cast several ruined warships to help him, and captured him in one fell swoop. Knowing that Edwina and others had rebellious intentions, they had been prepared long ago, only waiting for the crusaders to come, and then annihilated them in one go.

This kind of story is reasonable and reasonable, so the people who didn't know the truth and didn't want to understand it understood, and believed that His Royal Highness's disposal of Edwina and others was reasonable, correct, and wise.

Of course, this is only Henrietta and others' counterattack against the crusaders. After the enemy's military strength is resolved, their public opinion foundation will be cut off to achieve the goal of completely annihilating the Chronicles of Will's remnants, and at the same time sound the alarm for those clutters.

For the discerning person, the final fate of Edwina and others depends on whether Henrietta and others can survive this crisis, because the Turanx United Kingdom is facing the armed forces of the Sauron Empire and the Republic of Date. Aggression, analyzed in terms of current national strength, seems to be an unwinnable battle.

There is only one Skywalker Guard, if you can save the East, you cannot save the West. The crusade army turned into a wave of thieves and ran around, glaring at the local tycoons. No matter from which point of view, this is a dead end.

Just like the appearance of the wandering planet in Morningstar Casting, it dismantled the offensive of the Republic’s security forces and the Nightwind Assault Fleet. From a regional perspective, it was a victory~www.readwn.com~ But from the overall situation of the Hillenbel region, it is fundamental There is no way to change the general trend.

There is a sense of frustration in Turanx United Kingdom. Everyone is in danger. They are worried that the political GAI revolution of the XIAN political committee will not be completed. It will be forced to suspend due to internal and external difficulties, and even the country will no longer exist. .

No one thought that something happened suddenly at this time, which was more shocking than the declaration of war by the Phoenix Empire on the Star Covenant, and more shocking than the surprise attack on the Dilar star system by the Republican Security Forces and the Night Wind Assault Fleet...It can be said that since Tang Fang disappeared, All the changes that have occurred in the Hilumbel region are not bigger than this, and it is even more difficult to accept.

Pliden Almaty is dead... Not only him, his entire family, or all the high officials and their families in the power core of the Republic of Date, are dead...

That's still a little bit small and not accurate enough. It should be that almost all of the Iramog star system wore military uniforms, together with officials, wealthy businessmen, and their families, all died, and civilians were killed or injured nearly ten million.

The mob said to A

Tomorrow, you can see the long-lost Captain Tang~ Also, after the two changes are over, I ask for a reward.

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