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Chapter 1323: Blue Revolution (Part 2)

As a power-thirsty person, Ah Duncan refused to let go of the control of the pseudo-federal government personnel at the moment of escape, and wanted to re-establish order and regain his power after standing firm. It was his greed that ruined his life and made the silver eagle regiment's military and political circles completely fall into a situation of no leader.

The wings of the silver eagle lost its direction, the Langkinus system smashed into the sand, the star of Lagosius was dyed red by the flames of disaster, and the vast starry sky of the star system of Lagras was filled with the breath of death...

It was in this situation that the three major factions of Dragon Whisperer Kukulkan, Behemoth, and Tiamat suddenly appeared on the battlefield of garrisoned naval warships and mixed warships.

Before the Silverhawks could react, the Dragon Whisperer battleship sounded the battle horn, ignoring the blank eyes and communication requests, and began hunting the hybrid battleship.

From the beginning of the war against the Sea Spirit fleet, absorbing the long-range firepower of the Langkinus system, to the emergence and destruction of the U.S. Truth, the Supreme Council damaged more than 4 director-class members, and several large mixed warships were also destroyed. Bullying the garrisoned navy based on the current situation is naturally simple and easy. If the opponent changes to the Dragon Whisperer fleet, the result is obvious.

One hybrid battleship after another was dying, and the damaged phagosome tissues turned into frost-covered biological remains in deep space. The battle of the Lagras star system transitioned from the first stage to the second stage.

No one thought that the Dragon Whisperer fleet would appear in time to attack the hybrid warship of unknown origin. For the garrisoned navy, the greatest significance of the Dragon Whisperers' presence is that they were saved.

The second phase of the war did not last long. With the appearance of the Olympus, the war of the Lagras star system entered the third phase.

In contrast, the fortresses of the Dragon Whisperer fleet, the Stargazer, Endless Poetry, and Quantum, also appeared on the battlefield of the Lagras Star System, and launched a deadly battle with the unfinished military works of Mr. Chairman.

There is no more specific description in the archive, such as the image, combat effectiveness, and attack methods of the Olympus, such as the image, combat effectiveness, and attack methods of the Infinite Poetry, Quantum, and stargazers. This may be because the Dragon Whisperer does not want to leave too much information about himself, or it may be that the Red Queen made her own claim to simplify the content of the file. In short, the documents provided by Emma took the battle between the two sides in one stroke.

The contents of the archives show that the battle between the Olympus and the Dragon Whisperer’s three fortresses was not divided. When the overall battlefield situation of the Lagras star system is developing in a direction that is not conducive to the Supreme Council, the Third Committee’s Three fortress ships appeared in the core battlefield to help the Olympus break through the direction of the dead sea.

From the comparison of combat power, the combination of the Olympus of the Supreme Council and the three fortresses of the Third Committee is significantly better than the combination of the Stargazer, Endless Poetry, and Quantum on the side of the Dragon Whisperer fleet, but I don’t know. Why didn't you entangle too much? He gave up the battlefield of the Lagras star system neatly and escaped far overseas.

This result means that the Supreme Council’s operations in the Yinying Group for many years ended in abortion.

Tang Fang guessed that the reason why Mr. Chairman was so decisive was that he had received some bad news from the Third Committee. For example, the fighting forces of the remaining branches of the Dragon Whisperers were on their way to the Lagras star system, so they had to choose. Give up and implement a strategic shift based on the idea of ​​keeping the green mountains without worrying about not having firewood.

If you look at the beginning and the end of the Blue Revolution from a global perspective, this major event that caused the turmoil in the Silver Eagle regiment may be just a trial carried out by the Supreme Council to go back and hide, perform the purpose of the experiment, and carefully carry out the experiment after the success of the experiment——Tentative Longyu The response of the author, while proclaiming his existence to the world, is not as some people believe that the ultimate goal of the Supreme Council is to steal the Yinying regiment.

Of course, it is not ruled out that Mr. Chairman will have the emperor addiction.

There is another doubt that Tang Fang is very puzzled. In the so-called Canglan Revolution, "Cang" should refer to the Supreme Council, and "Blue" should refer to the Third Committee. However, looking at the entire process, the Third Committee did not have much substantive action except for one appearance at a later stage. Even the name "Third Committee" is also the name of the Silver Eagle Group entering the Archon era after the end of the Blue Revolution, and the investigators learned from a survivor of the Dragon Knight team.

In official records, the Third Committee, like the Supreme Council, is a functional department of the Yinying Group and is affiliated to the planning support center of the Ministry of Health and Human Services of the pseudo-federal government. However, no one knows who proposed the formation of the third committee, and no one knows which aspect of affairs the department is responsible for. They are clearly there, but there is no sense of existence.

Human beings are always afraid of the unknown... It is precisely because of too little or too little knowledge of the Third Committee that Thomas Angkluo cares about the affairs of the Third Committee, even more than the Supreme Council, and Keene? Greenspan went to the Lunar Space Prison to interrogate Aros and Bukharin, and all the follow-ups that followed.

According to the veteran, the term "third committee" is limited to the information of the Supreme Council. At least the Dragon Knight team has not seen the members of the third committee. So what role does this organization play in the Blue Revolution?

Naturally, there is no answer in the archives of the Red Queen... The battle between the Dragon Whisperer fleet and the Supreme Council and the Third Committee in the Sea of ​​Silence was taken away. The next step was the advancement of the middleman program. As well as the completion of the Atlas Space Station, the establishment of the Archon system of the Silver Eagle regiment.

The Blue Revolution, which belonged to the Supreme Council, failed, and the Silver Eagle Society ushered in a new life.

Revolutionary representative Calvin Brady became the first-generation chief consul, while the Dragon Knight squad, who had the same dream, became the sinners of hostage hatred... History has always been so ironic.

The next thing does not need to be expressed in writing. He has a relatively complete understanding through the mouths of Thomas Angkor, Aros, Bukharin, and other channels.

The above is the situation about the Blue Revolution recorded in the Red Queen database.

After browsing the contents of the file, he finally understood the history of the Yinying Regiment that was little known at that time, and also understood the crux of the dispute between the veteran and Li Ran when he was in the Lunar Space Prison.

Put all the blame on Hellmann... Of course it is impossible to agree with a veteran character like this. However, the middleman and Calvin Brady chose to sacrifice them for the silver eagle team to tide over the difficulties and let them bear the infamy of history.

The veteran has never told the people around him what happened back then. For one thing, it didn't make sense, the injury had already happened, and it was irreparable. Secondly, perhaps in the heart of the veteran, he never stopped loving the motherland. For the smooth development of this country, I would rather bear that kind of infamy.

He thought of another question. Who was the messenger sent by the Silver Eagle to the Talida Star System to negotiate with Kravchuk? Since the consuls know that the veterans and others are deceived and deceived by the Supreme Council and are not really national criminals, why do they want to kill them all? Is it possible... They think that what happened to the Dragoon squad will be reversed in the near future?

Considering the details of the intermediary plan in the previous document, he understood a little bit.

Few people in this world are capable of helping Aros to reverse the case. He is one of them. Only by ending the case completely... or killing people can the truth of the incident be concealed-for the country and for certain reasons. Human honor.

Thomas Angkluo can do what he is right now for this country, and of course the other consuls can also.

Regrettably, not only did the other party's actions fail to achieve the desired goal, but instead forced him to intervene in this matter, which allowed the situation to develop to the present day.

Just thinking of this, a slight vibration suddenly came from under her feet, and Emma sent a warning message at the right time: "Commander, after the destruction of the Red Queen, the central control system of the Atlas space station has lost control, and the high-energy particle stream from Merida is wrecking The structure below will cause explosions and fires. You must leave here as soon as possible, otherwise life will be in danger."

Tang Fang stopped thinking about the question just now and turned his attention to it.

The vibration from under my feet became clearer. I saw clusters of rapidly rising flames through the crystalline ground. The built-in parts of the optical core facility in the center of the columnar space began to fall off from the main body, causing sparks to fall downward due to friction.

The clearance of the battlefield by the interstellar units is nearing completion, and valuable wreckage has been moved back to the system space for storage.

When he walked up to Aros and Nova, and planned to tell them the situation below, Thomas Angkluo woke up from a coma under the slap of the veteran. He narrowed his eyes first, adjusted to the external light, and then quickly opened. Open, the originally weak hand also grabbed the arm of the person in front of him.

"Be careful, the Red Queen will use force against you."

The veteran frowned slightly, but Tang Fang was amused by the old man's performance. He smiled and said, "Don't get excited. Excitement can easily hurt your heart, and it's not good for your health."

Nova took him a glance and said nothing.

Thomas Angkluo was neither a fool nor a blind man. Naturally, he could tell something from Tang Fang's words and the facial expressions of a few people. What's more, there was still smoke in the sky, and there was still war in the distance.

He suddenly woke up from the confusion, grabbed the veteran’s arm and straightened up half of his body, looking around the surroundings with dazed and shocked eyes, seeing the debris, the fire, the beeping arcs, and finally his sight was lost in glory. Only on the central light core of the light, the mouth opened and opened, and the fingers pointed and pointed, but couldn't even say a word.

Without Tang Fang's explanation, the old man knew that the Red Queen was over, and the precious wealth left by the Dragon Whisperers to the Yinying Group was destroyed by the flames of war.

He showed regret and self-blame. I thought I could help Tang Fang get information about the middleman plan without hurting the Red Queen, but I didn't expect things to get out of control. From the messy scene, it can be seen that the two sides experienced a terrible battle, which ended in Tang Fang's victory.

Tang Fang knew that Thomas Angkluo was in a bad mood. After all, the other party was the Archon of the Silver Eagle Group. After all, the Red Queen helped the Silver Eagle Group a lot, and now destroying it by herself is undoubtedly a kind of harm to the Silver Eagle Group and to the old man. Such a patriot is a heavy blow.


Thomas shook his head and stopped him from continuing: "I didn't mean to blame you. I just hate myself for being useless and unable to convince the Red Queen to make the right choice."

"Choose the right..." Tang Fang was a little emotional at this statement. Thomas, Meyer, Han Zhao, Hoffman, and others, together with the Red Queen of artificial intelligence, have the same goals but different actions, and they insist that their choice is the right choice.

Is there an absolutely correct choice in this world?

Thomas struggled to get up with the help of the veteran, looked at the red queen's body and said regretfully: "I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

He was apologizing to a machine, solemnly looking like he was facing a respectable person.

From the perspective of the third consul, although he chose Tang Fang and failed the Red Queen~www.readwn.com~, he never felt that he had abandoned the Yinying Group from beginning to end. He still loved the motherland. And the Red Queen helped this country a lot in the most difficult and difficult time of the Yinying Group, even if it was just a robot, it deserves to be respected.

Nova walked over and put a piece of medical glue on Thomas's forehead.

The old man quickly adjusted his mood, said thank you, and then turned to look at Tang Fang: "How is it?"

He knew what Thomas was referring to, nodded and said: "I already know the identity of the middleman."

"That's good...that's good..." The old man squeezed a smile on his face: "Such sacrifice... finally it was not in vain."

In Thomas Angkluo's mind, the contradiction between Morningstar Casting and Dragon Whisperer is the most critical and dangerous issue at the moment. If it is not handled well, it will have a profound impact on the Yinying Group and the international situation. Compared with Tang Fang, the Red Queen is nothing, because as long as Morning Star casts a reconciliation with the Dragon Whisperer, he can naturally request the Dragon Whisperer to provide technical support to rebuild artificial intelligence. This is why people like him who are full of patriotism can tolerate the destruction of the Red Queen.

Tang Fang looked at the corpse of the Red Queen along his sight, sighed and said, "I'm wondering...if you know the things recorded in the Red Queen's archives, would you still be as happy as you do now?"

The old man who said this sentence was stunned, his expression was relieved and ugly: "What do you mean by this sentence? What secrets are recorded in the archives of the Red Queen?"

At this moment, the flames surging in the underground space interrupted the conversation between the two, shaking like waves and pushing up.

Tang Fang glanced at his feet, saw the red flames, and said in a deep voice: "Those things will wait until I leave here." After he said he winked at Aros.

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