Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 1324: Tang Fang's answer

The veteran didn't wait for Thomas to reply, one stooped to carry Mr. Archon, and strode towards the edge of the platform.

Tang Fang turned his head and looked at the corpse of a flying mechanical beast. He saw the black smoky crystal-like wings trembling a few times. A bull's head was drilled inside. The lower nostrils whirred out with white air, and his thick tongue resembled an old dog. His tongue sagged outside, looking exhausted.

The murloc crawled out of the gap opened by the Tauren Marines, threw the laser gun to the ground, and walked straight to the big guy. The horse stepped steady, and both hands held the nose ring above the mouth and pulled it out.

Every pull of the murloc resulted in the howl of the tauren marines. In the end, it did not rescue its partner. Instead, the exposed tongue turned into a dead fish, which slumped softly at the corner of his mouth.

"Hey, that's my wedding gift for Liya, please...you...can't do this." The Tauren Marine shouted weakly, his voice dull like a subwoofer without speakers.

Murloc: "Woo la la... woo woo woo... babble babble babble babble..."

"Ah, I'm almost annoyed by you... No legs of White, no legs of White, no legs of White, Kane taught us important things to say three times."

Tang Fang didn’t understand what tricks the pair of live treasures were playing. He didn’t have time and energy to talk to them in the current situation. He quickly summoned a miasma beast and pushed away the flying mechanical beast, sending the tauren marines and the murlocs. Back to the system space, this will retreat with Nova in the direction of the exit.

Aros set off earlier, but because Thomas Angkluo dragged his running speed, Tang Fang and Nova soon caught up with him. They saw Ma Runjia’s steel back and also saw Mr. Archon’s constipated profile. It is very uncomfortable to want to travel in this way, leaving an unforgettable shadow on the old man's life.

After the four people converged, there was not much language exchange and they continued to rush towards the exit. When approaching the destination, the vibration under the feet changed from the original intermittent to continuous. If you look behind you, you can see that the top facilities of the central optical core are peeled off, and the wind whizzes down, falling into an invisible end. The abyss.

The lights in the cylindrical space began to go out, changing from the original silver world to the dusk after the war. That kind of membrane conveyor belt has been out of service, only the Yipsyron stone wall in front is still circling the blue light, without much change.

Just like when he had come, Tang Fang opened the closed stone gate closest to the crystal platform with the help of the rune of Ipsyron in the forehead and entered the circular walkway outside.

The core area of ​​the Atlas Space Station is a dumbbell structure. Outside the cylindrical space where the optical core is located, there are a circle of inner circular walkways, which are connected to the outer circular walkway with a larger outer entrance diameter through a straight corridor with steel gates.

The inner circular walkway is a combination of epsilon and man-made materials. The texture is hard and stable. The four people walked out of the cylindrical space and found no abnormalities. When they reached the outer circular walkway along the gate corridor, they found that the part outside the core area was crumbling. Large chunks of building materials collapsed from the dome and raindrops seemed to fall. Secondary systems such as air-conditioning system, filtering system, life support system, damage control management system, etc. are directly paralyzed and offline, or have different degrees of failure.

Armed robots used for patrol are all out of service, like a sculpture scattered all over the aisle. The soldiers had already evacuated, and the sound of the alarm and the surging arc of the short circuit added to the sense of urgency. When the four people used the orbital module to move through the parking facilities outside the dumbbell structure, they could already see the expanding flame waves of the structure below the space station.

After the 4 people arrived at the sealed port, Tang Fang, Aros, and Thomas Angkluo entered the shuttle first. Nova went to the nearest control platform, set the departure procedure, and returned to the shuttle to warm up the engine. The cabin door opens.

Knowing that the shuttle was operating normally and could leave safely before the destruction of the Atlas space station, Thomas Angkluo breathed a sigh of relief, remembering what Tang Fang said in the cylindrical space, and said in a serious tone: "Now you can tell me you are in red Have you found any shocking secrets in the Queen’s archive?"

Tang Fang adjusted his seat belt and glanced at the seat next to him. Just as he was about to say something, his face suddenly changed, his eyebrows were raised, and he sneered, "Don't worry, you'll know soon."

At this moment, the front airtight cabin opened, and the shuttle turned into a shocking shot, thrown into the dark space outside.

Thomas Angkluo noticed that the lower body of the space station behind it was almost covered by the explosion, and the steel fragments thrown by the shock wave formed a cloud of metal jets that radiated into the void outside. The plasma fountain from Merida was disintegrated from the height of the broken probe structure like a collapsed mountain peak, and it flowed down from thousands of miles above the sky, forming a huge divergent storm on the surface of the planet, looking at a doomsday scene from a distance .

"Where are we going next?"

Thomas Angkluo's question was not answered. Not only that, even the image going away outside the window became slower and slower. It seemed that the shuttle stopped from the high-speed state just now.

He looked to the console, and through the front window he saw the splendor on the other side of space.

To be precise, it was the light of different brightness leaked from warships of different specifications.

The shuttle is surrounded by naval warships! This is why Nova had to stop moving forward.

He saw Tang Fang's calm expression and no wave of eyes. He seemed to have expected that he would be intercepted by the Silver Eagle Navy, without any surprise or shock.

Thomas paid attention to the close-up on the front screen for a while and sighed heavily. Because he found that not only the defense forces responsible for the security of the Atlas space station, but also the warships of the Silver Eagle Wing Capital Guard, the 0025th Fleet and the 0079th Fleet were surrounding the shuttle.

He also saw Meyer’s Miracle Ceremony, Hoffman’s Ebony, Han Zhao’s Longwei, and Sindika’s Emerald... This shows that the Lagras star system garrisoned the navy and several governors. All officials, including the officials, learned of what happened to the Atlas space station, gathered here to lay a net of heaven and earth, waiting for them to show up.

If the Red Queen wins, the four of them will naturally die. If the Red Queen misses, then there is a line of defense by the Navy.

Since he decided to help Tang Fang take the extreme path, the name Thomas Angkluo is no longer a noble third consul, but a national traitor and national sinner.

Tang Fang unlocked the seat belt, got up from the seat, stood in front of the console and quietly looked into the distance.

Facing the thousands of lions ahead with a shuttle, he didn't show any fear, on the contrary, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Nova's hand hit the console, and the communication screen flashed light and shadow, and Meyer's cold face appeared in front of several people.

"Tang Fang...you will pay the due price for what you do today." This is a declaration of war from the first archon of the Silver Eagle regiment, and it is also a decision, determination, and determination.

The Red Queen can be said to be the foundation of the consul system. He detonated the Atlas Space Station and has forged hatred with the Silver Eagle. Whether it is because of the face of the country or the spirit of the Silver Eagle, war is inevitable.

Meyer's voice just fell. Before Tang Fang could respond, Nova clicked on the console again, and the communication screen was divided into left and right columns. The left column is Meyer's face, and the right column is Hoffman's face.

"You... are so reckless." Hoffman could be seen depressed, with unbearable and disappointed eyes. From the beginning of the Facebook door incident, from the beginning to the end, he tried to stand guard for Tang Fang and actively defend Aros and Bukharin. He never thought that Thomas Angkluo and Tang Fang would be crazy to such a degree, he would destroy the Red Queen in order to get the details of the middleman plan. With the current situation, even if he is willing to help, he has no room for maneuver.

Tang Fang still didn't speak, and Nova clicked the Connect button again. The right column of the communication screen was divided up and down. Hoffman's face moved to the upper right, and Han Zhao's loose face appeared in the lower right.

"Thomas... you betrayed the country and the people for an outsider, I am really ashamed of you." Han Zhao's target was not Tang Fang, but Thomas Angkluo.

The old man didn't explain anything, he didn't even see a wave of his eyes. As early as the moment he decided to help Tang Fang enter the Atlas Space Station, he realized that there would be a moment before him.

Tang Fang asked a similar question, and his answer was a clear conscience.

There are many kinds of patriotic countries. Some people’s patriotic behavior is admirable, and some people’s patriotic behavior is disgusting. In a sense, patriots are not necessarily sages, but may also be thieves...patriotic thieves. What's more, there is another kind of people who use the flag of patriotism to steal the country.

Meyer said with a cold face, "You have no way to escape. The only thing you can do now is to surrender and confess your guilt." He is confident enough to say this, because as long as he is a normal person who is not blind, he can See how unfavorable the current situation is for Tang and Thomas.

Both sides of the battlefield. A shuttle, tens of thousands of warships... This kind of contrast is thrilling.

With a sneer on Tang Fang's lips, he looked at Meyer's face on the communication screen and said, "Plead guilty? What do I need to confess?"

Meyer said: "You destroyed the Atlas Space Station. This behavior hurt the feelings of the Silver Eagles. It is a desecration of national dignity and destruction of national property. No matter who you are, no matter what background you have. , Must pay for this behavior."

"National property? National dignity? Haha..." Tang Fang stared at the righteous and awe-inspiring face on the communication screen with a playful look: "I think it is your property, your dignity... Your middleman."

He speaks loudly and clearly. Aros can hear, Thomas can hear, Han Zhao and Hoffman can also hear.

It's like dropping a flying rock on the surface of a calm lake, the waves splash outward, the huge sound resounds through the sky, and the waves and ripples swell outward.

Aros squinted, Thomas firmly supported the front seat and muttered in a trembling voice: "What do you call him... the middle... middleman?" He thought he had heard it wrong, but Tang Fang had no intentions. The meaning of correction, and the expressions of Hoffman and Han Zhao confirmed the authenticity of the sentence from the side. He...he heard it correctly, Tang Fang did call Meyer the middleman.

Han Zhao's pupils opened wider and wider, and he didn't understand Tang Fang's words, wondering why this kid was crazy? Do you see that the situation is bad and deliberately talk nonsense to distract them and provoke their relationship?

Meyer is Meyer, how could he be the middleman? The middleman has long since retired from behind the scenes, regardless of Yinying's political affairs. You must know that there are still a few people alive in the first generation of consuls. If Mayal were the middleman, they would definitely care about it instead of retreating in peace.

Hoffman had the same idea, but he didn't think that Tang Fang was playing tricks like Han Zhao, to provoke the relationship between them, so that he could profit by fishing in troubled waters. He stared at the young face opposite, and asked in a low and powerful voice: "Tang Fang, do you know what you are talking about?"

Of course Tang Fang knew what he was talking about. He also knew what Thomas, Han Zhao and others were thinking, but he didn't explain, his eyes focused on Meyer's face, as if he was about to pierce the skin and see the real soul behind.

Unlike Han Zhao and Thomas, Meyer's expression was calm, even calmer than before.

"Do you think this can shake the Silver Eagle Navy's fighting belief? That is just your wishful thinking. You are limited to surrender within half a minute, otherwise I will not hesitate to order fire and shoot and sink your shuttle."

Tang Fang raised his hands and patted. The sound was not loud, but for Hoffman, Han Zhao, Thomas, and the following consuls who were connected to the conversational network, it was as loud as a slap in the face.

"I admire your calmness and calmness~www.readwn.com~ I really admire it." He didn't care about the passage of time, didn't put the first consul's ultimatum in his eyes, and said unhurriedly. "To provoke your relationship? Shake the silver eagle navy's fighting faith? Frankly speaking, you are not qualified for me to do this."

Today, Hoffman redefines the word "arrogant" in his mind.

What is arrogance? What Captain Tang is doing now is arrogant. There is no fear in facing tens of millions of warships with a shuttle plane. There is nothing to say, "I am not targeting you alone, I mean all of you. People are rubbish."

This is what Hoffman thought, and it was the thought of others.

Thomas was a little surprised, he didn't expect Tang Fang to proactively provoke Meyer. Ever since the Minotaur-class battlecruiser arrived in the Lagras star system and the two sides met at the space station above the South Pole of Lagosius, Tang Fang has always been very humble, very polite, and very calm. It is not as arrogant as it is now. Arrogant.

About three breathing times, the doubts in his eyes, the smile on Han Zhao's lips, and the anxiety on Hoffman's face all changed, because the situation outside changed upside down.

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