Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 506: Yemengard

One after another Viking fighters moved away from Behemoth, and they caught up with the large pieces of debris left by the explosions of the 3 Pluto-class destroyers at the fastest speed, and blasted them into a pile of pieces with mt50 Lanzel flying mines. Scum.

Don’t look at just the wreckage of the Wraith Bat destroyer. Because of the high level of technology, it still has a certain research value. Tang Fang doesn’t want to see these wrecks appear on the second-hand goods trading market. A military-industry enterprise like the "Technology Consortium" bought it, and then turned it back to copy something to suppress itself. Wouldn't it be that it shot itself in the foot?

Since there was no time to salvage, it was simply destroyed. Anyway, he already had 2 substantially complete Ghostbat-class destroyers in his hand, and those floating wrecks were nothing to him.

Under the drag of the 4 Protoss transport aircraft, the Black 3 and the "Morning Star" slowly lifted from the ground, gradually leaving the asteroid's gravity range.

At this time, Behemoth, who was level with the asteroid, swallowed his tail and raised his head, swallowed the Black 3 into the abdominal cavity in one bite, and then proceeded in the same way and sent the "Morning Star" into the mouth.

The crew had been evacuated outside by Tang Fang 20 minutes ago. It was the first time for people like Chief Cook, Valentin, and Li Ziming to see this giant starry sky over 10 kilometers long. Li Ziming and some crew members frightened His face turned green, but Valentine's eyes lit up, as if seeing a new world.

He has seen puppies and worm queens, and he also obtained some samples from Tang Fang for research, but he never thought that the cute Captain Tang still had a behemoth of this level in his hands. The big guy named "Behemoth" might be comparable to "Yemengard".

The so-called "Yemengard" is just a term used to describe a huge life form discovered by mankind after entering space civilization, because the captain of the first scientific research ship to discover this organism was a descendant of Norwegian. At that time, when reporting to the local government of the Republic of Date, he used the metaphor of "Yemengjiade", so it was named "Yemengjiade" by lazy bureaucrats.

It is said that a media magazine interviewed and discovered that the captain of the research ship of "Yemengard" asked why he used this name to describe the behemoth that can survive in a vacuum. The captain of the research ship said that when the research ship was collecting material samples from the supernova explosion in deep space, it happened to encounter a small wandering planet.

Researchers working in the research ship routinely dispatched ship-borne unmanned probes to scan the spectrum of this small wandering planet. But no one expected the scan results to be surprising.

The superficial strata of the wandering planet are suspected to have residual elements, but according to the computer-drawn map, these residual elements are scattered and appear strangely inconsistent, which is different from any resource elements found in the history of mineral exploration. The distribution trend of mineral veins.

Moreover, there are two other puzzling places. The superficial layer of the planet has extremely low biological heat source radiation, and there is also a weak elementary reaction in the radiation area of ​​these heat sources. Even more bizarre is that the biological heat source is moving at an extremely slow speed.

This phenomenon suddenly attracted the attention of all the staff on the scientific research ship. After a brief exchange between the captain and the chief scientific officer, he issued an order to abandon the original plan and investigate the wandering planet instead.

Next, the research ship arrived at the gravitational range of the wandering planet, dropped drilling equipment to the ground, and set out to form a landing force to investigate the wandering planet.

However, just after confirming the login member. When preparing to release the atmospheric shuttle, an unexpected thing happened.

Violent geological movement occurred within nearly 100 kilometers of the radiation area of ​​the wandering planet's biological heat source, and the crustal plates cracked. The mountain peaks slumped, and countless broken stones rolled down like soy beans from large and small circular ridges to the bottom of the pit.

Hundreds of meters thick rock strata arched upwards, fractured, and raised countless rubbles. The whole land was shoveled up like a shovel, and the land broke and was devastated. Then, a shadow rose from the fractured part of the rock strata. Crush one huge rock after another and fly to the void with extreme speed.

The earth was shaking. The planet was roaring, with a silent roar of shadows.

The scientists on the research ship were almost dumbfounded. The expressions on the faces of the only two space biologists resemble those of Columbus when he discovered the New World.

According to the image captured by the high-resolution optical camera, the shadow is clearly a huge cosmic creature, a snake-like creature with a body length of more than 20 kilometers!

Its central body is similar to a python with a diameter of one kilometer. Its head is similar to an eel, narrow and sharp. Its neck is surrounded by a circular calyx structure. Its tail is shaped like the back of a squid. It grows with 8 tentacles, 2 long and 6 short. When wandering in the void, the wrist will be rhythmic from time to time, broadcasting a faint blue halo.

After leaving the wandering planet's crust, it is like a swimming fish returning to the sea, with its tail swinging and quickly leaving the planet's gravity range, then a deep blue halo is stirred up and disappears into this airspace out of thin air.

This is undoubtedly a major discovery and an important milestone in the history of universe biology.

Since then, "Yemengade" has been included in the encyclopedia of life sciences as a legendary creature, and has become one of the most frequently asked creatures in human society in decades.

As a professor of biology, Valentine naturally has a keen interest in such legendary creatures. It’s just a pity that the universe is too big to travel in an exhausted life. After the second appearance, it has not appeared in human vision for decades.

He didn't expect to see a creature of the same level as "Yemengad" in his lifetime, and more importantly, this giant whale called "Behemoth" was controlled by Tang Fang.

For a moment, Valentine felt that if he were a woman, he might be excited to marry the guy named Tang. Of course, he is not a woman, just a bad old man, Captain Tang will definitely not like his chrysanthemum.

Therefore, he could only put a smile that was both true and hypocritical, looked at Captain Tang kindly and said: "Tang Xiaozi..."

Tang Fang didn't let him finish the sentence, looked around everyone around him, smiled and said, "I know what you are thinking."

At the moment of speaking, two medical transport planes landed in an open area not far away.

Tang Fang said: "Don't say that I treat the staff badly, I will give you some benefits, Behemoth half-day tour. If you are willing to go, board the plane yourself."

Valentin's old arms and legs were like a clock that had just been wound. The first one rushed out of the crowd, and the beggar rushed to the medical transport plane like looting food.

Yingluo quickly chased after her. The girl's anxious voice came from the communication band: "Professor...Professor, you run slowly. No one will take you over this kind of thing..."

Tang Fang shook his head and smiled bitterly. Whoever said that older people would definitely look away. As long as they poke their heart, they will still be excited, even more positive than taking the bride into the bridal chamber.

Claire walked up to him and asked, "You put the'Morning Star' into that big guy's belly, what shall we do? Waiting for the Covenant Navy here to help?"

Tang Fang shook his head.

"Then... Does this big guy have the ability to travel between stars?"

Claire is not a biologist, which does not mean that she is ignorant. According to some experts in the biological sciences, "Yemengard" should have the ability to navigate between stars. Otherwise, with its huge size, it would never be able to hide from the scanning equipment of the research ship and disappear out of thin air.

In the past few decades, the territory of mankind has continued to expand, but "Yemengad" has never appeared again, and even no clues have been left. This can only show one problem. Its flying speed far exceeds the speed of human colonization of the universe. .

Behemoth, as a life form of the same level as Yemengade, is afraid that it also has the ability of interstellar navigation.

Tang Fang nodded. Affirmed her guess: "Behemoth does have the ability to travel between stars, with a speed level of 9.8."

He didn't just tell this sentence to Claire alone, but used a public channel.

Whether it's Valentine who has run into the medical transport plane and is gasping for breath. It was Yingluo, Roy, Li Ziming, and the other crew members who were behind them. After hearing these words, their expressions changed drastically and their movements became stiff.

9.8! Speed ​​level 9.8! Behemoth's speed level is as high as 9.8!

And "Morning Star" is only 6.5...

"But...it's not yet time to make its existence public."

Everyone thought for a moment and understood what he meant. Now that the Tianchao star area is surging, it is better to keep a low profile. Keeping a low profile and quietly developing is the first task now. Tang Fang's "Babylon" can be described as a lot of glory, but what is the result? Attracted 5 Hades-class destroyers. Fortunately, he has the Ypsilon artifact in his hand, so he can replace it with someone else. I'm afraid that my soul has long since returned to the netherworld, and I even drank 3 bowls of Meng Po soup.

If you don't ask for help from the Star Alliance Navy, and you don't need Behemoth, how do you leave the asteroid next?

This kind of problem flashed in the minds of most crew members, and was immediately left behind. This is a problem Captain Tang should worry about. As a crew member, why bother to think so much?

Two medical transport planes carried more than 100 crew members slowly into the air, thrown into Behemoth's "pocket."

With Izsha sitting in the center, there is no danger of accidents.

Claire recovered from the shock caused by the number "9.8" and asked what he was thinking about. At this time, Aros and Zhou Ai also came over, looking at him curiously.

Not much to say in Tang Fang. When the mind moved, a Hercules transport plane appeared at the human base. When the mind moved again, a ray of light appeared in the dark void above the asteroid, and a brand-new ship slowly sailed out of nothingness.

Signal lights of different colors flickered on the surface of the ship's hull, and the light from the seven propellers illuminates the outer space for thousands of meters, and the searchlight below the hull is turned on, illuminating the footsteps of Tang Fang's people from a hundred meters high.

This is a ship with a body length of more than 140 meters, with an off-white paint and a somewhat bloated shape. At first glance, it looks like a small cargo ship.

"this is……"

A few people were a little dumbfounded. Along the way, they knew a little bit about the "Ipsy Dragon artifact" in Tang Fang's hands that was inexplicably hidden. They would renovate the tricks every once in a while, just like some specialty restaurants. Introduce new dishes.

However, the longest aircraft in the combat unit that has long been biased towards the human science and technology tree is only more than 40 meters, and does not have the function of warp speed. I did not expect that today's "Xincai" suddenly broke the original record, and it was 140 meters long. , Reaching the level of heavy frigate.

Tang Fang explained: "This is the Hercules transport plane."

"Hercules Transport Aircraft" ------ shows that it has a strong load-bearing capacity and is a transport aircraft.

Zhou Ai is very clever. Reminiscent of the scene just now, he asked, "Is this an interstellar transport ship?"

Tang Fang nodded and said, "Yes, the speed level can reach 8.9."

According to Emma's explanation, the prototype of the Hercules transport aircraft is a colonial ship. It is not a warship with very strict performance requirements, so its interstellar speed is not high.

But even only 8.9. It is also much higher than 6.5.

"Are you planning to use it to temporarily replace the Morningstar?"

"Not bad." Tang Fang agreed, and led everyone to the Hercules transport plane that slowly landed on the ground: "I will use it as a means of transportation until the Morning Star is repaired."

Because considering that exposing Behemoth's existence now will not bring him any benefit. On the contrary, it will expose its own strength and cause a lot of trouble. It is better to temporarily hide this weapon and use it to deter nations in the future.

The main engine of the Morningstar was damaged and it was unable to sail at war speed.

The Protoss transport plane is too conspicuous. If it is taken out before the war between the Star Alliance, Sulu, and Monya is completely started, it is easy to be used by people with intentions to cause trouble, and there is a risk of disrupting the layout.

And the emergence of the Hercules transport plane can be described as a blessing. Although it is different from the existing cargo ship system of Star Alliance, it is undoubtedly a human creation, and because "Morning Star Casting" itself is a ship manufacturing enterprise, is it normal to design a new ship? No one can say much.

As for the wreckage of the "Morning Star" and the two Pluto-class destroyers with research value, they can be collected in the system space through Behemoth's channel, and they will be released after returning to the "Diral" star system.

In fact, Tang Fang has always criticized the system space’s ability to contain dead and not living things because the theory of the soul is elusive, and Emma cannot explain what the so-called “living matter” is. In the end, he can only Use your imagination. Give a plausible explanation.

The interstellar system can be regarded as a microcosm, where the laws of physics and chemistry are completely different from the current universe, and the units produced by the system have a special standpoint. It has a certain relationship beyond reality to the core of the system and can freely project to the current universe through his portal.

The "living matter" that Emma said is formed in the current universe, and it also has a special force field, which can be called "life force field". Once this "life force field" overlaps with the special position of the system unit, it is possible The field energy is disturbed, and the connection between the interstellar system and the unit is interrupted, and the system space cannot be included.

Of course, there is an exception now. The female Morris slave transformed into Izsha changed her physique due to parasites. The so-called soul is also fused with Izsha's memory, and there must be an unknown change in the "life force field". In order to obtain the ability to freely enter and exit the system space.

Recalling the various changes in the interstellar system along the way, Tang Fang suddenly felt inexplicable. The system has been evolving, evolving in a direction that is beneficial to him, as if there is a simple will in the ethereal core. Grow along with his growth.

He suddenly remembered a topic he had talked about while drinking tea and chatting with old people like Valentine and Nehemiah.

It's about whether "God" exists or not.

Nehemiah said that he didn’t know whether there were gods in the world, but it’s good for humans to have faith. Because of faith, people have souls and they can be called "humans." If they don’t even have faith, then humans , Is just a group of animals, no different from pigs and dogs.

Valentin is a scientist, and he prefers to look at problems from an academic perspective. He believes that there are gods in this world, but the gods in his mouth are not the powerful existences in myths and epics that are enough to call the wind and rain and throw beans into soldiers.

"God" exists in everyone's body. If you change it to an easy-to-understand word, it is "gene".

Birth, reproduction, life, death... All human behaviors are completed under the drive of genes. They act in accordance with the information or rules carried by genetic material. Of course, there may be a certain degree of freedom and extension, but Who can prove that this is not genetic tolerance to humans?

The so-called human nature and the so-called soul are nothing but by-products derived from a series of double helix DNA chains.

At the beginning, Tang Fang listened to the two old men chatting with each other in the mood of watching the excitement. As a debate between social scholars and scientists, he was not in the mood to study what belief is not a belief, what soul is not a soul.

He was not in the mood before, and he is not in the mood now, he just temporarily thought of a strange idea, genes... really only exist in carbon-based organisms? It seems that there are silicon-based compounds in the big snake that occupies in the Meghal Ipsilon relay station.


An hour later, the Viking fighter squadron cleared the air battlefield. Valentin, Li Ziming and others also visited the interior of Behemoth and returned to the Hercules transport plane.

Valentin has been pestering Tang Fang since he came back, saying that he is very interested in Izsha. It will take a few days to study her body.

Tang Lin, Kleiya, and Zhou Ai didn't go to Behemoth to join in the fun, and their understanding of Izsha remained only on the perception of "a beautiful woman". So, faced with the statement of "study her body carefully," the gaze looking at Valentine was intriguing.

Zhou Ai and Kleiya naturally wouldn't say much. Bai Yue came out from the crowd and asked: "You...sixty out of seventy this year, right?"

He uses honorifics.

Valentin's mind was put on Tang Fang, and he didn't bother to pay attention to him, and said casually: "Does this have anything to do with you?"

"No, no." Bai Yue shook his hands vigorously: "I'm just curious about the state of mind of ordinary people when they are old, knowing that you are strong when you are old. There is still impulse in that aspect at an age, which inspires me a lot."

Valentin frowned, and finally realized that there was something wrong with his way of speaking. He swept through Kleiya, Zhou Ai and others, and immediately woke up. The corners of his wrinkled mouth twitched a few times. He wanted to explain but found it difficult to speak, and turned to look. Li Ziming planned to let him do it for him, but he saw the eyebrows raised high. The five senses were squeezed into a big steamed bun, and he wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, and he was so painful.

The old man felt that if he left it to him. Maybe it will become a more ghostly description, because Li Ziming is very heavy-mouthed and his hobbies are also heavy.

In the end, Roy and Yingluo stepped forward to relieve the old professor and told people who hadn't visited Behemoth's interior about Izsha.

Kleiya, Zhou Ai and others only then understood, watching Captain Tang as if watching a monster.

Bai Yue was suddenly very excited, and asked Captain Tang if he could turn him into that kind of creature. He thought it was really boring to be a human being, and as long as he stood from a human standpoint. It is impossible to objectively and fairly evaluate various human behaviors.

Tang Fang directly ignored Bai Yue's request. Because even if he agrees with the alternative idea of ​​the brain-disabled teenager, there is no extra heroic resources to use in the system space.

As for Valentine. He also declined after thinking about it, but said that he could provide some research data collected by Emma for reference by the elderly.

Although he knew that Valentine was not malicious, he still did not want his subordinates to be used as experimental specimens.

He also didn’t ask for Izsha’s own wishes, because in Tang Fang’s view, such research was unnecessary. Valentin was just an idea based on personal interests. The research process is not important. What matters is the result. The analysis results of Izsha’s tissue samples are stored in the central database, and a copy is given to him.

After dealing with these two things, Behemoth was returned to the system space, and Yuffi, Kleiya and the pilots were greeted to enter the bridge of the Hercules transport plane~www.readwn.com~ and the pilots were asked to observe and observe The transport aircraft comes with the driver’s operation methods and details, and then issues the sailing order.

The Hercules transport plane slowly lifted into the air, and the sailing announcement resounded from every corner of the ship, and the crew members found their seats one after another.

Although the Hercules transport aircraft is only 140 meters long, not as large as the "Morning Star", it is positioned as a transport aircraft without a bloated and complicated weapon system. It is still very spacious with more than 200 crew members. As a colonial ship, there are even Recreational facilities such as independent viewing deck, gym and recreation room.

A few minutes later, Hercules left the gravity range of the asteroid. The pilot started the warp engine. The 7 propellers at the stern of the ship ignited with fire, hurricane-like flames illuminate the void, a little light flashed from the bow, and the transport aircraft disappeared instantly.

In the blink of an eye, the light turned into a halo, spreading and dimming, and the void returned to calm. Only the asteroid less than a hundred kilometers away seemed like a dead old man, walking slowly and sinking steps further and further.

…………(To be continued)

ps: Thanks to the angel's delusion, the anthem of destruction, for the rewards of Al, Baishan Jun, Caiji, Shubai, and Jiang Ye.

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