Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 507: Akron

Not long after the Hercules transport plane disappeared, the space thousands of kilometers away from the asteroid'swing' in the space of gravitational ripples that are indistinguishable from the naked eye. The time and space are gradually distorted and elongated. As the stream of light passes by, more out of thin air. 12 deep red'color' battleships. , The latest chapter visit:.

These warships are all of the same specification, with a body length of about 230 meters. The overall shape is similar to a dagger with a refined shape. Of course, the proportions of the hilt of the sword should be more open. The sword grid is of oblate structure and distributed on the top. There is a twin-mounted small propeller, and part of the weapon system, the stern is the same as the rudder, and it rotates slowly counterclockwise. In its center is the main propulsion system composed of 4 propellers.

In addition to the above characteristics, the heads of these dagger warships also have a very eye-catching emblem, a dragon, and a powerful black flying dragon that can walk upright like a human.

Its wings are half-open and half-closed, the dragon head is raised high, and its mouth is open, making a roar.

These 12 crimson warships stayed in the dark void for a while, and the main engine at the tail suddenly spewed out a stream of blue ‘color’ fire, and disappeared one after another.

In the blink of an eye, there was a glimpse of the void near the slow-flying asteroid thousands of kilometers away, and 12 dagger warships appeared again, paralleling the asteroid at the same speed.

The starboard cabin of a battleship at the forefront of the battleship sequence opened, and a spherical aircraft drove out, quickly rushed into the gravitational range of the asteroid, hovered at a low altitude, and then passed by the place where Tang Fang fought with the forces led by Hei 3 , And put it back into the mothership engine room after about 5 minutes.

After the 12 warships stood still for a while, under the action of the auxiliary propulsion system, they turned slowly, and the blue tail was masterfully made.

In the next second, 12 silver lights flashed one after another, the battleship cluster disappeared without a trace, and the void returned to calm again. The asteroid was still traveling slowly, gradually turning into a small black spot, plunged into the endless darkness in the distance.


At the same time, in the bridge of the Hercules transport plane, Tang Fang stood in front of the combat control platform, looking at the holographic projection image of the star map, silently saying nothing.

If it is the "Morning Star", at its 6.5 speed level. It would take about 10 days to get to the "Saam" space station, but it would only take about 3 days to change to the Hercules shuttle, and the voyage time was shortened by more than three times. In this way, it could be as early as a week earlier than originally planned.

Kleiya, Zhou Ai and others went to visit the facilities inside the ship. They were not on the bridge, but Tang Yun was very interested in this transport ship. She stood quietly behind the bridge and watched the pilots "manipulate" the ship. The air is more serious than the crew of the Morningstar.

"The pilot crew, stop the jump, reset the course, and target the'Akubados' star system."

The sudden order from Tang Fang shocked the crew of the Morningstar, including Aros.

What they were shocked was not the route change, but the four words "Stop the jump". If Captain Tang hadn't said nonsense, wouldn't it mean that the Hercules transport plane could stop the speed jump halfway?

The 8.8 high-speed tier is scary enough. If you have this ability to brake halfway, wouldn't it completely break the rules of interstellar navigation in today's human world?

The crew of Zhongchenxing stared at each other. Some people tried to swallow the acid water that came up in their mouths. They suddenly thought of one thing. If the engine system of the Hercules transport plane were transplanted to the "Morning Star", it would bring much change to it.

The defense has the "Aurora" shield, the attack has the Yamato Cannon, and the speed has a warp level up to 8.8. The interstellar engine that can brake halfway, this kind of warship is exciting just to think about it.

With Tang Fang’s cleverness, it is naturally easy to guess the thoughts of the crew of the "Morning Star", but at the moment he does not have the ‘essential’ to take care of them, and his attention is focused on the regular flicker of the star chart model. It represents a stellar system ------ Akubado, where aqbd-1 has no ‘sexual’ jellyfish.

The idea of ​​going to "Akubados" is that the search for the star map just now was a temporary motive. First, "Akubados" is not far from the current position of the Hercules transport plane, and it only takes half a day to reach it. Second, he is right. The aqbd-1 non-sexual jellyfish body is very interested, or this is the main reason why he decided to turn to "Akubaduo".

From traveling through this world to today, I have encountered many weird creatures in these days, but only a small part of the gas resources can be collected, including the subterranean "fine" rockworm on planet 5, Namistar Epsilon The bat monsters in the ruins, the mushroom monsters at the Meghal relay station, these small and medium-sized creatures with zero elements in their bodies are more or less related to epic creatures such as evil eyes and giant snakes.

According to Emma’s analysis, the aqbd-1 non-sexual jellyfish body is the key to unlocking the abyss of infection. This makes him very concerned about whether there will be other creatures similar to aqbd-1 non-sexual jellyfish on the Akron planet. exist?

In the strong acid ocean environment that covers the entire planet, human creations cannot penetrate deep into certain seas and can only move in shallower seas. Therefore, no one can be sure whether "Akron" is still outside the body of aqbd-1 non-sexual jellyfish. There are other species.

Tang Fang intends to try his luck. Human creation cannot withstand the strong corrosive acid solution. What about the Protoss unit? Take a step back and take some acid water samples for analysis. Maybe Emma can find a solution to the problem?

Just when he was slightly distracted, the pilot started the abort process according to the command. The speed of the Hercules transport aircraft dropped sharply, the speed bubble contracted in the opposite direction, and the curvature of space-time rebounded. As the silver light flashed on the bridge display, the battleship appeared. In the real universe.

The pilot turned the heading lever to change the heading of the ship, input "Acubaduo" into the navigation system, and started the speed engine again. After a while, the light flashed and Hercules entered the virtual space again.


The "Akubados" star system is located in the heart of the Star Alliance, even only 9.7 light-years away from the "Duma" star system. However, it has not been developed here, and it is as barren as an empty desert without people.

It’s not that the Star Alliance government doesn’t want to develop it, but the internal environment of "Akubados" limits its development.

The central star of the star system "Akubad" is a star with a mass of only 0.7 solar. There are only two planets around it. It can be said that the "doors" are cold and people are thin.

Among the two planets, the closest to "Arkubado" is "Akron", a green ‘colored’ planet covered by a strongly corrosive acid solution. As for the outer planet, called "Erna", it is a gas giant planet.

The preciousness of marine planets in the universe needless to say. They are considered to be one of the most habitable types of planets. Only some simple atmospheric transformation projects can become a habitable star with a pleasant environment.

"Akron" is an exception. Because of the extremely high concentration of acidic substances in the sea, the cradle of life has become a graveyard of life. Only aqbd-1 non-sexual jellyfish can survive here.

As a gas giant planet, "Elna" is naturally not suitable for human life. Therefore, even though "Akubados" is in the heart of the Star Alliance, it has become an inaccessible airspace. Only some people in the scientific community reside in "Clone" high-altitude orbit scientific research space station for research work.

When the light of "Akubad" rises from the sea level of "Akron" and a layer of frost spreads over the upper part of the scientific research space station, a stream of tens of kilometers of void flashes. A spaceship more than 140 meters long appeared on the planet's high-altitude orbit.

This spacecraft is the Hercules transport plane carrying Tang Fang and others. After 14 and a half hours of warp speed, it successfully reached the target location.

After the unmanned radar station deployed by the scientific research space station discovered the existence of the Hercules transport aircraft, it immediately sent this message to the center system of the space station.

Because "Akubad" is located in the heart of the Star Alliance, and the scientific research space station is another Qingshui government. There is nothing valuable. There has never been a pirate group that dares to risk being encircled and suppressed by the Star Alliance navy. Unofficial scientific researchers often come here to collect data on the "Akron" seawater. In the hope of being able to develop equipment capable of resisting acid solution corrosion, and develop and utilize the zero-element resources in the planetary stratum.

and so. The appearance of the Hercules transport aircraft did not arouse the vigilance of the staff in the scientific research station, and routinely issued communication requests.

Tang Fang ordered the correspondent to transfer to the large screen of the bridge, and then told the station master of the space station with his identity and the purpose of bringing this.

Since this time, he has become a household name in the Star Alliance, and he does not need to introduce himself. The bearded stationmaster saw him at the first glance and was stunned. He never expected that such a big man would come to "Akubad" without shit.

Regarding Tang Fang's request to collect seawater samples of Akron, he certainly would not refuse, not only. It also said that the space station is willing to provide additional help, such as related information, guides, and operating equipment.

Tang Fang thanked him for his enthusiasm, but declined the space station’s suggestion to provide a guide, only hoping to borrow a special landing device and an unmanned operation boat.

In the past, when some heavy machinery manufacturing companies organized scientific research personnel to investigate the situation on the seabed of "Akron", most of them chose to refuse guide services due to business secrets. The bearded webmaster was not surprised by what he said. Entangled and told the relevant staff to open the berthing dock of the space station and let Captain Tang and others enter the station.

The scientific research space station code-named "Stanfonia" is not large, only about 2 kilometers in length. It belongs to the category of small space stations. The Hercules transport plane is parked on a berth under the guidance of the navigation drone. Tang Fang takes Roy, The two Zhou Ai entered the space station through the connecting passage.

First meet with the bearded stationmaster, chat for a while about "Akron" related issues, politely reject the other party’s proposal for a meal, and bring two people to the space station hangar, choose a landing ship, and say goodbye to the stationmaster, and leave space station.

The landing ship associated with the "Stanfordia" scientific research space station is a special equipment developed by the official Star Alliance agency for the "Akron" inland environment. It can be used as an atmospheric shuttle or a surface speedboat. It has anti-corrosion and anti-lightning effects.

This is because the entire surface of "Akron" is covered by the ocean where strong acid solutions converge, making the planet's atmosphere thick, with high water vapor content, frequent convection and circulation activities, and extreme weather such as heavy rains and hurricanes.

The landing ship plunged into the inner clouds from a low-altitude orbit, and through the transparent special glass cabin, the eye caught a scene of wonder.

The sky of "Akron" is different from ordinary resident stars, because the water vapor that composes the clouds contains a lot of acidic substances, which makes the clouds that should be like cotton flowers glow a light green color, in a blue color. 'Under the sky is particularly eye-catching.

Below the clouds, the green'colored' ocean is like a silk ribbon floating in the wind, setting off a sparkling'wave' of light, like a green'colored' cotton blanket spreading towards the end of the field of vision, and'crossing' with the blue and green on the other side of the sky. Weave together. It makes people feel relaxed and happy.

The only regret is that there is not a trace of anger between the heavens and the earth. There are no gulls soaring in the sky, and no petrels lined up. They are ‘swing’ and ‘swing’ in the sky. Except for the sea, there are clouds and blue sky.

The landing craft made a smoke track between the sea and the sky, slowly reducing its flight speed. Finally landed on the turquoise ‘color’ water.

Different from flying in the air, the chassis of the landing ship is extended to increase buoyancy. The main engine of the stern is retracted into the hull, and only two auxiliary propellers provide surface propulsion for the landing ship.

When the landing ship stopped, Tang Fang pressed the switch to put away the huge glass window of the bridge.

The inland environment of "Akron" looks pleasing to the eye, but in fact it is a hell, affected by the strong acid ocean. There are extremely high concentrations of acidic substances in the air. If human beings breathe without protection, the acidic substances will burn the respiratory system in a short time and cause death. Therefore, it is necessary to think Landing on the surface of the planet for field research, in addition to a dedicated landing ship, it must also be equipped with a special power armor equipped with a filter system.

Tang did not use the power armor on the landing ship. Instead, they put on protective suits for the harsh environment. Zhou Ai and Roy also had the same equipment.

Although the two of them can't use the phantom drive components of the harsh environment protective clothing. But it can use its filtering system to operate in the harsh environment of "Akron".

He also did not use the unmanned work boat carried by the landing ship, but instead set off a detector to "manipulate" it to dive into the water and dive down to the seabed.

Just as expected, this kind of protoss machinery designed for investigation can work in most harsh environments, and the acidic solution with a strong corrosive effect cannot cause substantial damage to it.

Order Emma to pay close attention to the underwater images from the detector. He also summoned a puppy from the system space to pay attention to its health in the acidic environment of Akron.

He is not worried that what he did on the sea would be discovered by those on the space station. As early as when he boarded the space station, he had arranged to cooperate with Emma to invade the entire space-based surveillance network of the space station. What he wanted the people on the space station to watch , They can only see what.

Zhou Ai and Roy couldn't help below. They had to climb on the second deck of the landing ship and look at the distant scenery. They seemed to have regarded this "Acron" trip as a sightseeing tour.

Tang Fang didn't have time to control them, and focused all his attention on the puppy.

Exposure. Under the acidic environment of Akron, the puppies were very manic at first, but recovered calmly after about 5 or 6 minutes, and the scales on the body only became a little mottled. Death, serious injury, etc. occurred.

Since the weakest puppies of the Zerg can survive in such a harsh environment, presumably the queen, Euglena and other big guys will be fine.

Next, it directly ordered the puppy to jump into the water, intending to see the corrosion of the Zerg unit by the sea.

Almost the moment the puppy fell into the water, he heard a scream, the scales on the puppy's body were quickly corroded, and his health dropped sharply.

He quickly pulled it back into the system space, replaced it with a cockroach and threw it into the water.

Perhaps the cockroach’s carapace is much heavier than that of a puppy, or it is a creature that uses acidic substances to hunt down its targets. Therefore, its corrosion resistance is very high until it sinks underwater. Only after a kilometer of a kilometer did he see a drop in his health, but the speed was relatively slow. It was initially estimated that he could drop more than 3,000 meters before he died.

Cockroaches can drop more than 3,000 meters, what about the corrupter? Even considering the pressure factor, 10,000 meters should not be a problem. The key is that the deepest abyss of "Akron" is tens of thousands of meters from the surface.

Is it possible that you can only rely on the Protoss unit...I wonder if the Immortal can withstand the strong pressure of the sea.

While he was frowning and meditating, Emma told him that the detector had reached 13,000 meters below the water and was close to the bottom of the water. If he continued to dive, the water pressure would damage the detector.

"Have you found anything?"

"A large number of aqbd-1 non-sexual jellyfish bodies were found in the 5000-8000 meter area, and no other species were found."

Do you want to try another Immortal? The Immortal has a fortitude shield and a heavy armored mechanical unit. The pressure resistance should be stronger than that of the detector, but whether it can withstand the extreme water pressure of the deepest sea abyss of "Akron" is still a Unknown.

At this moment, there was a crackling sound from behind, and when I looked back, it turned out that it was the special cushion of the cockpit that was beating the backrest.

got windy……

"Tang Fang~www.readwn.com~ the storm is coming, what should I do? Go back or change to another sea area?" Zhou Ai's voice sounded in his ears.

The ‘wave’ on the water surface surged slowly and quickly, and the head of the gradual ‘wave’ gently shook the hull.

Tang Fang raised his head and looked towards the sky. A greenish black cloud came surging like wild horses, and flashes of light flashed past the horizon. It was the thunder raging in the distant clouds.

The acid rain fell from the air, and fell on the surface of the sea, splashing patches of water'flowers'.


At the end of the field of vision, a ‘wave’ surged under the violent wind to form, and a few meters high ‘wave’ head was slapped against the water.

Darkness and storms are like rolling demons gushing out of hell, quickly spreading toward the landing ship. p

ps: Thanks to Honey Sauce 288, Mr. Baishan, and the passing-solo 3 book friends for their rewards


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