Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 509: Underground Battle (Part 1)

Under the guidance of searchlights on the two wings of the crow, Wang Chong placed the three people on the suspended platform. ∷∷,

The ground is slippery, more rugged, and densely distributed with gullies and stalagmites on the edges. On the one hand, it originates from the water erosion of water droplets dropped by the stalactite forest for thousands of years, and on the other hand it originates from the structure and texture of the rock formation.

According to the analysis of the testing equipment on the surface of the protective clothing for harsh environments, these droplets from stalactites do not contain acidic substances, but very high-quality mineral water. This also supports Tang Fang’s conjecture from the side. The acidic marine environment of Akron is not formed naturally, but is derived from a powerful creature. From the analysis of the shape of the flesh sac, it may be a little different from the "evil eye", but it must be an epic creature.

Whether it is a centipede, evil eye, or giant snake, they have all contributed to the unlocking of Zerg technology. Tang Fang hopes to meet them, which means that he will get something, which may be new buildings and gas resources. It may also be the hero's unlock value, and at the same time he is afraid of encountering them, because his previous experience told him that there is no free lunch in the world and these big guys are not easy to deal with.

Of course, he won't back down, turn to "Akubad", and spend so much time sneaking into the ground of "Akron", for what, is it not the hope of unlocking Zerg technology?

Zhou Ai glanced at his feet and the surrounding environment, and said, "Tang Fang, this place really hides creatures that can change the marine environment of Akron? What if it sincerely hides from us? This place is really too big, yet Yes, will we two be here distracting you?"

Tang Fang didn't tell them about the fleshy sac creatures, so as not to worry about them, Zhou Ai didn't know that the insect swarm that opened the road in front of the tunnel had been in contact with unknown creatures.

Tang Fang said with a black face: "Now I know that worrying is a drag, why did you go early, and you..." He pointed to Roy and said, "You are a master who loves people, Yingluo asked you to come and see you. When you see the world, you really follow him. No wonder Bai Hao scolds you for'racking your ears'."

Although he said so, he still did not forget to tell the two people to hide on the platform. After waiting for him to go down for a while, don't panic no matter what you see. If you find that this place is not safe, you can summon the king who is walking in the stalactite forest above the platform. The worm hid in its abdominal sac. Or return to the tunnel.

Roy didn't know what "racking ears" meant. It was not a good word to think about, so he decided to go back to Yingluo and ask her a question. She and Bai Hao are both Han, and perhaps they know what it means.

Zhou Ai was a little aggrieved and explained: "I'm not afraid that you will meet the same situation again, in case..."

Tang Fang knew what she meant by the "situation", even though she was moved, she couldn't help but secretly slandered. Are those black armor warriors so lingering? Unless they have clairvoyance and smooth ears, they can find their place at any time.

He suddenly noticed that Zhou Ai didn’t say everything. Knowing that her personality was different from Cleiya, she didn’t speak half a word, so he turned his head and saw Zhou Ai was like petrified, with her hands frozen in the air, looking away. On the left side of the platform.

It was dark in the eyes. The searchlight of the raven cannot cover the complicated underground space, and this irregular cavity is too big. Zhou Ai looked far beyond the range of the platform, and there was no warning signal from the sensor matrix of the detector. There was silence there, quieter than the abyss of the platform.

Sultry heat and humidity are the only hue of this underground space. Ordinary people in this environment will definitely be upset and fear the darkness. But she is Zhou Ai. Such performance can only explain one problem. There are some unusual things there, or she feels threatened.

The Crow turned the bow, and the power of the searchlight was increased to the limit. The low-light imaging equipment is also operating, trying to capture what is hidden in the open area on the left side of the platform that stretches for thousands of meters.

Detectors and Ravens are both cutting-edge flying units that can perform wide-area reconnaissance in space environments. Naturally, they are not difficult to find in a small area of ​​tens of kilometers, even if the underground space is intricate and there are some unclear sources of interference.

About 3 seconds later, the scene at the end of Zhou Ai's line of sight was mapped into the field of view of the harsh environment protective suit mask through the Star Trails Command Center. The scene in the picture was nothing special, but was just a rugged cliff.

Tang Fang has always felt that "seeing is believing" is a word that fools hundreds of millions of human beings. At this moment, he believes that Ai Zhou has more eyes than he believes, so he summoned three flying dragons without hesitation and ordered They attacked the cliff.

The terrain of the cavity is very complicated, and it is not suitable for the operation of units such as Viking fighters and medical transport ships. However, for small flying creatures such as flying dragons and explosive mosquitoes, it can be said to be like a fish in the water. These obstacles of the bulge are close to the cliff wall and shoot out blade worms.

The sound of rock fragmentation came from a distance. Large chunks of rubble fell from a high place like a cave, and fell into the valley at the bottom of the cavity. There was a continuous sound of falling into the water. The darkness seemed exceptional. terror.

The source of the rubble is not all the strange stones that have been blasted by the blade insects. They come from high places that are out of light, and on the left and right sides, as if someone shakes off the dust from their bodies, they are dense like rain and fall down.

It is not people shaking off the dust, but the whole rock wall shaking off rubble.

The sound of rock crashing, falling water, the cracking of rock formations, the sound of friction, and the rumble of echoes, the dark-colored crypt is a doomsday scene.

The platform set by the three Tang Fang vibrated violently, and there was a cracking sound from far away, and the stalactites hanging upside down one after another broke, as if a dagger falling from the sky was thrown into a mess on the slippery platform.

Not only is the platform in chaos, the entire underground space is trembling.

Roy was stunned. He didn't expect this to happen. Fortunately, he knew that he could not sit and wait for death. He hurriedly threw off his right arm. The skyrocketing tissue cells forced open the armor of the harsh environment protective suit and turned it into a black. The big shield was guarding the heads of the three people, and the cone-shaped stalactites fell on it and made a muffled sound of iron and stone intersecting.

The body of the crow was also trembling when being hit by a stone cone falling from above, occasionally wiping out sparks, and some external equipment was even damaged. Due to its small size and strong flexibility, the detector did not suffer any damage.

The broken stalactite forest was not the only danger that could endanger the lives of three people in Tang Fang. The standing platform was slowly overturning, and the sound of rock cracking was so harsh. The suspended platform with a diameter of nearly one thousand meters was broken by the roots under the shock that spread to the entire crypt.

Roy was anxious, just about to call for help, a flexible tentacled from behind, rolled up the bodies of three people and pulled them into the air.

"Big Brother Tang. What happened?"

He didn't understand what this was all about. What a good crypt said that an earthquake was an earthquake, and there was no sign of it.

Tang Fang didn't reply. His and Zhou Ai's eyes were all focused on the rock wall. In fact, with the current turbulent underground environment, weak lighting, complex terrain, and long distances, it is difficult for human eyes to observe the opposite situation. It is the same even with the aid of protective clothing for harsh environments.

Zhou Ai doesn't need to rely on his eyes, he only needs to sense the mental fluctuations in the dark. Tang Fang doesn't need to rely on his eyes. The detector will act as his eyes, his nose, and his ears.

He is the one who knows the most about what is happening on the rock wall one kilometer away from the suspended platform.

The stone wall collapsed... To be precise, something came out of the stone wall.

That is a tree. This description may be a bit general.

A tree that can move!

More detailed, a tree between animals, plants and minerals!

According to the data report of Emma synchronized to the digital display system of the harsh environment protective clothing. This "tree monster" body is 1.2 kilometers long, and this value does not include it being underground. Even the whole part of the rock formation, such as the root system, would be like a tall tree with fallen leaves and only the main trunk if analyzed from its shape. So Tang Fang thought it was a tree when he saw it.

But when the high-resolution camera of the Raven captured the optical picture and transmitted it to the field of view of the mask. Tang Fang discovered that the "tree monster" was surrounded by stone armor similar to a rock formation, so he thought it might resemble a sea turtle, with a hard shell made of minerals.

About 3 seconds later, the crow sent back a moving image, making him completely overthrow his previous thoughts. Because the branches, trunks, crowns and other parts of the "tree monster" are raised and fissioned, and the outer shells of the ore are peeled off, blood red eyes of varying sizes appear, and they can be rotated up and down, just like a copy. "Evil Eye".

This is the reason why Tang Fang didn't know how to define the "tree monster" category. It was like a plant, but it had a mineral-like skin, and it had eye organs that are unique to animals.

The body length of 1.2 kilometers is several times that of the giant snake at the Meghal relay station, and dozens of times that of Nami Star’s Evil Eye. Even so, compared to the crypt's height of more than ten kilometers, it is not much. The hollow structure caused an earthquake spreading hundreds of square kilometers. This can only explain one thing. Its roots are spread over various rock formations in a large cave. This can be proved from the experience of three people entering the crypt all the way down from the seabed. The fleshy sac-like thing is probably not an individual creature, but a root of the tree demon, perhaps a slender one.

Of course he is in a bad mood now. The 100-meter giant snake at the Meijiaer relay station is already very difficult to deal with. At that time, he almost took his life. It was not sent to the west until he was fed 100 widows. He did not expect "Ah The "Clone" underground "tree monster" uncle is even more terrifying, 1.2 kilometers in length, does it take a few hundred?

The key is that it will honestly let itself feed? It must be difficult. Judging from the scene just now, the uncle "tree demon" has a bad temper and can be said to be headstrong.

With its size, it’s nothing to make trouble in such a complicated underground space. It’s like lying in a crib. It’s no less than the end of the world. It’s better to be smashed to death if hit by those raindrops of rocks. Yes, I'm afraid the whole person can be pressed into meatloaf.

The size of the king insect is nearly 40 meters, and the body surface is covered with flexible organic tissue. In this way, the form is still precarious, like a lonely sail on the trembling ocean, in danger of sinking at any time.

The platform where the three people stood on finally collapsed. The huge rock formation with a diameter of nearly one thousand meters fell from a height of several thousand meters, and fell into the underground river valley with a thud, splashing water hundreds of meters high.

The huge echo reverberated in the airtight crypt, deafening. Some loose and cracked rocks caused by the squeeze and friction of the rock strata fell from the air, hitting Roy's arm with a muffled sound.

The severely damaged Iron Crow has been recovered by Tang Fang, leaving only the detector to monitor the scene in real time. The "tree monster" still moves to the location of the three people, but the speed is very slow, because it does not look like swallowing. The biological organs in the gene bank have evolved based on the fighting environment like the body polymer. Only rely on the peristalsis of the root system to walk slowly.

This undoubtedly gave the three people enough space to think and act. In order to avoid encountering more dangerous situations, Tang Fang summoned a protoss transport plane to be placed above the king worm to resist the huge rocks that fell from time to time.

Zhou Ai, who had not spoken for a long time, retracted his gaze to look at the "tree monster" and said slowly, "Are you sure to defeat it?"

She has tried her best to adjust her emotions to make her voice softer and soothing. But the slightly trembling tone still betrayed her state of mind at this moment.

Unlike Roy, she can only infer from experience that there is a big guy doing destruction. She can feel the danger hidden in the abyss, can feel the strength of the unknown life form, like the "Abyss Knight" like Black 3. "The killing intent it exudes can't even compare to a single "hair".

"do not know."

Tang Fang also had no bottom in his heart, and he seemed to retreat. He thought more than Roy and Zhou Ai, and didn't mention how to fight. The destructive power required to destroy the "tree monster" alone is a big problem. If you calculate from the size ratio of it to the giant snake, feeding it 500 widow mines may solve the problem, but... 500 widow mines may cause the entire crypt structure to be destroyed. Layers of superimposed nuclear explosion damage caused more serious landslides. At that time, the three people had to be buried alive.

Who can guarantee that the "tree monster" will be as reckless as the giant snake? Besides, it is not that big.

Zhou Ai said, "Or let's go."

"Go?" A wry smile appeared at the corner of Tang Fang's mouth, "If we return along the same path, it would be no less than seeking a dead end. If we find another way, do you think it will give us time?"

Zhou Ai wants to say that it moves slowly. As long as a certain number of combat units delay the time, it is enough for them to use the underground channel to leave here.

After all, I didn't say this sentence, because 5 red laser beams shot from the position of the "tree monster", accurately hitting the protoss transport plane above the king insect, spurring a circle of gradual color halos, illuminating the surrounding space. It also illuminates the faces of 3 people.

In Tang Fang's sea of ​​consciousness, the grid representing the strength of the shield quickly faded, and the surface of the transport plane's plasma shield swayed with dark blue ripples, desperately resisting the high-energy beam shot from the huge eyeball of the "tree monster".

Zhou Ai and Roy were dumbfounded, and they couldn't imagine that the eyeballs on the "tree monster" could excite the laser beam. Is that biological or mechanical?

Only Tang Fang was not surprised. The eyeballs of the "tree monster" were very similar to the "evil eyes" encountered on Nami Star. Such epic creatures that feed on zero elements can transform their energy into laser beams. Is it normal?

He did not dare to let the "tree demon" continue to attack the protoss transport aircraft. The king insect needed a shield to block the rubble, so he summoned 5 flying dragons and 3 corrupters in succession to cooperate with the three flying dragons deployed earlier against the "tree demon" Launch an attack.

The blade insects fired by the flying dragon cannot effectively kill the carapace attached to the surface of the "tree monster". They are used by Tang Fang as a means to contain the **** eyeballs, forcing the "tree monster" to stop attacking the protoss transport aircraft, and the positioning tendency of the corrupter To test the target's fictitiousness and reality, to find a part that can effectively kill the "tree monster".

Taking this opportunity, he secretly released another king insect, intending to move Zhou Ai and Roy over to ensure their safety. At this moment, a rock wall burst open not far away. A shadow with a thickness of tens of meters was shot out, piercing through the body of the king insect.

Under the light radiated by the protoss transport plane, the shadow revealed its true appearance, which was actually a sharp spike.

At this moment, another shadow was drilled out of the rock wall, and instantly penetrated the king insect that entangled the bodies of the three people.

Fortunately, he was ready when the first king worm was penetrated by a spike. The moment the second spike shot out, the three were curled up by the king worm’s tentacles, sent to the gravitational tunnel of the Protoss transport plane, and entered the cabin. .

Falling rocks like rain~www.readwn.com~ The rock block with a diameter of nearly one meter hit the surface of the plasma shield of the Protoss transport plane and was bounced off, while the two king insects fell rapidly to the valley below with the extraction of the spikes.

Tang Fang looked at the two spikes magnified on the Kaidarin crystal in the center of the Protoss transport plane with a dark face. His expression was cold and terrifying. This "tree monster" was really trickier than the giant snake, not only because of its larger size, but also Because it is a "native native creature", it can make the best use of the surrounding environment. The spikes that are enough to dig a tunnel in a hard rock layer are probably its roots.

The battle between the flying dragon and the Corruptor is also not optimistic. The strong acid that the Corruptor can erode through the ship’s armor can’t do anything to the hard shell of the Dryad, and even the parasitic spores have no effect. However, the bladeworm of the flying dragon has the **** eyeballs. Desperate lethality, but it is frustrating that, just like the "evil eyes" encountered in Namistar, these eyeballs protruding out of the body like sarcoma have a strong self-healing ability, and they are broken by blade worms. There is an opportunity for the organization to recover in a short time.

He also ordered Corruptors to attack those eyeballs, but unfortunately it was also ineffective. The acid solution would be absorbed by the pores on the surface of the eyeballs, and the parasitic spores would be offset by a special secretion. (To be continued...)

ps: Thank you for the glory of Al and Mr. Baishan for your reward. u

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