Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 510: Underground Battle (in)

Tang Fang believes that he has used the wrong way of fighting. Flying dragons and Corruptors are very flexible, and they are indeed suitable for a large empty battle environment. However, the "tree monster" is an epic creature that is slow to walk and is good at braking with silence. , You must know that the ocean of strong acid covering "Akron" was made by this creature. He didn't know how many "tree demons" existed in the entire planetary strata, but biological acid-etching substances would obviously not cause much harm to it.

After giving orders to the transport aircraft driver to fly back to the wide area where the platform was to avoid spikes, he released three Viking fighters one after another to test the defense capabilities of the "tree monster" in the second round.

The roar of MT50 Lanzel's flying thunder resounded through the large cavity, followed by a violently expanding fire, exploding and fermenting in the crypt, the loose rock structure in the area around the "tree monster" creaked, and rubble fell down.

Inside the protoss transport plane, Zhou Ai and Roy finally saw the true face of the "tree monster", their expressions became extremely ugly, surprised and curious, but more panic.

Tang Fang didn't explain to the two of them much, because there was no time at all, and the bombing of the Viking fighters was unexpectedly effective. There were dozens of craters on the hard shell of the "tree monster", exposing the strata-like internal structure.

The stone armor on the surface of the "tree monster" should be made of minerals that are bonded and forged under the action of a certain secretion, which is a kind of hard material that is close to super solid.

Super-solid is a high-density matter formed by white dwarfs in the later stages of their development. Under the action of extremely strong pressure, the atoms that make up matter are "smashed", electrons escape, and atomic nuclei are closely packed together to form high-density matter. The neutrons are squeezed out, and under further high pressure, the protons and electrons combine to form neutrons, thus changing into another form-"neutron state", most of the "neutron state" exists in the universe Under dense celestial neutron star environment.

The stone armor of the "tree monster" is not in a "neutron state", nor is it considered a "super solid". It is just close, but since the composition of the substance has undergone subtle changes in the order of particles, the acidic saliva and parasitic spores of the Corruptor are naturally unable to deal with it. To cause effective damage, only MT50 Lanzel flying thunder, phase jamming cannon, or other attack methods that contain extremely high kinetic energy and high impact can cause a certain degree of damage. According to Emma's estimation, if you want to go head-to-head, you must carry out a powerful and saturated bombardment before it is possible to tear its stone armor. As for the Zerg unit, it is better to put it away.

If you don’t target the stone armor, but start with the eyeballs of the "tree monster", how to solve its rapid regeneration ability is a big problem. When Namixing was given an Ipsyron refining equipment for him Using it, it can explode these greedy guys, but now the "tree monster" uses a huge root network to extract resources from the zero mineral veins in the depths of the earth. Not only can it not survive it, it can't even break its ration.


One kilometer behind the Protoss transport plane, a large hole burst into the rock wall. Amidst the roar, a fleshy sac-like thing protruded and roared loudly towards the transport plane in which the three Tang Fang lived, spewing strands of strong acid steam. The blue zero element can be seen in its open mouth.

Tang Fang knew that it was the "tree demon" provoking him, and at the same time he realized that the meat sac connected to the "Akron" seabed hole was not only its excretory organ, but also a feeding organ.

This is really disgusting...

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

When he was distracted, the dazzling flames of fire exploded around the "tree demon", and the three Viking fighters exploded into large fireballs that rapidly expanded, and the parts and fighter wreckage hit the surrounding stone walls with crackling noises.

With the light of the fire, Tang Fang saw shadows flashing in the air, chasing the Viking fighters at extremely fast speeds.

In a large hollow environment, the movement performance of the Viking fighter is greatly restricted. Unlike the flying dragon, which can flexibly climb over rock formations and pass through stone forests, it can only fly and attack in some relatively open areas. In this situation, When encountering a "tree monster" launching a root network to carry out a large-scale sweeping attack, the Viking fighter plane is like a bird trapped in a cage, one after another, the wings are on fire, or they become pieces of iron with fire in the corners, or they become billowing away in the turbulent underground river. Dust away.

Even the iron crow that Tang Fang later released was not immune. It was bound by a tree root, and then was penetrated by a spike with a diameter of nearly 10 meters through the hull, falling down with hunting flames and continuous explosions, hitting it. A large bulge fell to pieces, and finally rolled into the river valley and splashed two water splashes.

As a small, flexible Zerg unit, Wyvern can fight in a dark environment and make the most of the large hollow terrain to harass the "tree monsters". Unfortunately, their attack power is slightly weaker than the MT50 Lanzel Flying Thunder. The attack on the stone armor has no achievements, and can only be used to contain the raised eyeballs on the surface of the "tree monsters" and minimize the frequency with which they emit high-energy lasers.

Corrupters are both Zerg units, but unfortunately their sensitivity is far less than that of flying dragons. Under the chain attack of the "tree monster" root network, they end up not much better than the Viking fighters. Those huge spikes can be easily torn apart. Split their heavy armor and dismember them into large and small corpses in a blink of an eye.

The trunk of the "tree monster" alone is 1.2 kilometers long, and its roots are responsible for the task of penetrating the ground and extracting zero elements. From this, you can imagine how huge the entire root network of the "tree monster" is.

Da Kongdong is its home, and Captain Tang has caused so many incidents at its door, can it not be angry or hate it?

Vanguard forces composed of Viking fighters, Corruptors, and Ravens exploded in less than 5 minutes, and died of death. Only a few flying dragons were still playing hide-and-seek with those spikes, causing the entire cave to remain on both sides of the rock walls. In a state where rubble is flying around and crumbling.

The eyeball body was slowly liberated, and the speed of the high-energy laser far exceeded the ejection speed of the "root". Some flying dragons evaded it, falling from the air like birds pierced by arrows, and sank into the depths of the river valley.

Tang Fang’s face was covered with a layer of frost, thinking that when he encountered the giant snake at the "Megal" Ipsyron relay station, he did not suffer as much as he does now. In order to distract the "tree monster", he did not try his best. To deal with the Protoss transport plane, he could only choose to continue to send flying dragons and explosive mosquitoes to the front.

Roy once again offered to take the opportunity to escape.

In such an environment, the Protoss unit that can effectively kill the "tree monsters" has nowhere to stand. Taking a step back, even if you can find a suitable attack location, facing the root network that covers the entire hollow, there is no way to avoid the attack of the spikes. In the same way, Terran air force units cannot be deployed, and Zerg units are in an unfavorable situation of "attribution being suppressed".

Tang Fang was silent. He hadn't thought about the issue of escape. But how to escape and how to escape is the key. Turning back on the original road is equal to giving the "tree monster" a chance to bury three people alive. If you listen to Zhou Ai's walk through the underground river channel Leaving the large hollow area, imagine the big body of the "tree monster" with a root system covering an area of ​​more than ten kilometers. Once you enter a narrow underground river, it is still difficult to avoid those spikes. It is not as safe as the large hollow, at least spacious.

Since the road to escape was unworkable, there was only one way left to fight the "tree monster".

He cast his gaze on the battlefield projection on the Kadarin crystal again, thought for a moment, and ordered the pilot to get close to a stone platform protruding from the front line, and summoned three high-ranking templars.

The light of "Energy Erosion" illuminates the area where the "tree monster" and the flying dragon group are located, and the blood-red eyeballs are like ripe red pomegranates, bursting one after another.

The source of high-energy lasers is zero element, which is a universal energy source. The eyeball is like an energy processing factory, transforming zero element into high-energy laser beam. Such a structure is naturally difficult to resist the internal energy caused by "energy back erosion". Blast, the eyeball body is alive broken by the turbulent energy flow in it.

"Rumble rumbling..."

The vibration of the big hole became more and more violent. The "tree monster" looked like a wounded beast, its huge body twisted, and the damaged eyeball body spattered a lot of red body fluid, like blood.

This was the first time it was injured and it was serious.


The rock wall next to the stone platform erected by the high-ranking temple warrior collapsed, a few meters high stones splashed, and a tree root quickly rolled toward the edge of the stone platform with three figures.

The root of the tree finally rushed into nothing, because the protoss transport plane directly put the three high-ranking templars away.

This further aroused the fierceness of the "tree monster", the shaking of the ground became more violent, the flying rocks were like hail, the huge waves in the river valley were heavy, and they hit the stone walls on both sides to make a sound of water.

Tang Fang's face was fierce, and he was determined to fight the "tree monster" to death and death. Today, either three people will become meat sauce under the rock, or they will be broken into pieces.

The Protoss transport aircraft continued to move forward, and three high-ranking Templar warriors appeared in the hatch again, with green awns looming in their hands, and released three "psychic storms" one after another against the "tree monsters" who were crazy due to pain.

Three psychic storms with an influence of nearly one kilometer are superimposed together, illuminating almost the entire large cavity, and the violent ion current ignites various impurities in the air, making a crackling sound like thunder, and the thunder arc is in the "tree monster" The body bounced and spread, hitting the stone armor and shattered into bits of light.

Psionic storm is not a stone armor, but it can cause secondary damage to the eyeball trying to regenerate. Just like salting a wound, the "tree demon" struggles even harder, and the bare trunk twists strangely, and the stone armor is like The mud walls that fall off over time, fall in the river valley and make the sound of water. Their material density is very high and their weight is naturally extremely high.

A huge boulder with a diameter of hundreds of meters was swept into the turbulent flow by a large cavity. With a "boom", the water splashed tens of meters high.

The "tree fairy" became completely crazy. The roots of trees as small as a few meters or as large as tens of meters in diameter drilled a lot of holes on the rock walls on both sides of the large cavity, with sharp screams and splashes from the piercing air. Stone, passing by in the chaotic crypt, is like a demon that has escaped from the underworld, sending flying dragons everywhere and jumping around.

At this moment, the stone armor of the "tree monster" raised a few bulges again, and then fell off as a whole under the corrosion of unknown body fluids. Blossoming lotus-like fruits were drilled, and large round holes spouted out from the surface. Tuan green thick gas.

These thick gases spread very quickly, and in the blink of an eye, they drowned the "tree monster" shape. The flying dragons around seemed to become blind, or crashed on the rock wall and rolled all the way into the valley, or could not be avoided by tree roots. The front end of the spikes penetrated, and some of the spikes even hung several flying dragon corpses, like chicken wings.

The detector was also in chaos. The microchip spectrum analyzer, optical camera, and electromagnetic induction equipment integrated in the induction matrix all failed, and the "tree monster" disappeared from the field of vision.

This turquoise mist that quickly fills the large cavity is not highly acid-etched. What is terrible is that it can affect the perception of the target by the reconnaissance unit. Emma said that the mist is caused by small molecular cell particles in the "tree monster" body. It is composed of elemental compounds and can be dispersed by wind power equipment.

Tang Fang felt that "she" was talking nonsense, where to use high-power exhaust fans in the crypt environment, let alone this kind of fog that filled thousands of cubic kilometers.

The "tree monsters" began to take the initiative, throwing more than 30 flying dragons back and forth, and died in the foggy environment. Even the Protoss transport aircraft stumbled all the way and hit the face with stones, especially the huge spikes, right. The shield on the outside of the fuselage caused damage again and again, and before long, the transport aircraft would completely lose its defensive ability and become a piece of meat with a special taste on a spike.

He knew that this could not go on, but what could he do to get rid of it?

The faces of Roy and Zhou Ai were pale. They did not experience the Battle of Nami Star, nor did they participate in the battle against the giant snake at the Meghal Ipsyron Relay Station. This is the first time that the two have encountered an epic creature. Human beings are so weak in front of them.


A huge blood red sphere broke through the fog barrier and landed on the surface of the plasma shield of the Protoss transport plane.

Through the sensor device on the surface of the conveyor, it can be distinguished from its origin-the broken eyeball.

Roy was puzzled, Zhou Ai's pupils dilated a circle, and a word called "horrified" flashed in her eyes.

The bright light suddenly obscured the huge Kadarin crystal in the cab, and swept the entire group of portholes. The plasma shield on the surface of the transport aircraft collapsed instantly, and the aircraft body was like a ball kicked by someone, and quickly slammed into the right rock wall.

Roy clung to the Kadarin crystal in the middle and called Yingluo's name loudly with his mouth open. He felt like he was going to die. The thing he wanted to do most in his life hadn't been done yet. He was very unwilling to die, but again What can I do? I just call her name vigorously, hoping that the girl can hear her and think of him often in the future.

Zhou Ai gritted her teeth and grabbed Tang Fang's hand and dragged her toward the door of the cabin. She was never a weak person, let alone a person who gave up lightly. Even if she was really going to die, she would die on the road of trying to survive. No Never give up hope at the last moment.

After all, she failed to rescue Tang Fang, and the Protoss transport plane finally crashed into the wall-a wall made of flesh and blood.

While the fuselage was tumbling, he did not yell like Roy, nor did he cooperate with Zhou Ai's last fight. He only did one thing-summon Behemoth.

The damaged protoss transport plane fell into Behemoth’s abdominal cavity, and the big hole was like a coffin that could not be opened even to this huge starry beast. Its head was measured in kilometers from top to bottom, and Mount Tai was pressing on top. Disperse the fog and hit the "tree monster" body.

The entire cave was shaking violently. This time, unlike when the "tree monster" was angry, it could only cause the rock formation to shake, but the effect of Behemoth was a change in the structure of the entire area.

Large chunks of rock formations were crushed and cracked, stone forests were rolled flat, thousands of meters of cliff walls were cracked, and the rock formations on the top of the cave were completely broken, and Behemoth fell from a height of tens of thousands of meters with Behemoth's body.

The great earthquake is angry, the river roars, the mountains screams, and the giant beasts roar.

The "Tree Demon" is very powerful, stronger than "Tai Sui", stronger than "Evil Eye", stronger than "Giant Snake", but no matter how powerful it is, it is only a small thing against a star behemoth like Behemoth. Being pushed down and overwhelmed, even its main trunk was bent and broken, falling into the turbulent river water and violently twitching and shaking, seemingly painful.

Behemoth's body almost filled the entire hole, the underground river almost stopped flowing, and the large and small rocks falling from the sky were almost as high as a hill.

Tang Fang was also driven to a dead end by the "tree demon", and he cruelly resorted to this unsuccessful means of becoming benevolence. At that time, the moment his eyeball exploded and broke the plasma shield of the Protoss transport plane, he had only one thought in his mind, "Either you shoot Crush me or I will crush you to death!"

Can Behemoth carry the weight of a rock formation? Will it die?

He can no longer manage so much~www.readwn.com~ his life is almost gone, worrying about resources? Also consider the consequences?

As a result, the "tree monster" pushed him to a dead end, and at the same time he also put himself into a dead end.

Not to mention that its simple brain circuits are not as complex as humans. Even if the IQ is as high as 250, I am afraid that things will eventually develop into such a situation. It is like the monkey under the Five Elements Mountain, trying to shake the mottled trunk and swing back vigorously. The movable roots whipped Behemoth one by one.

It was wailing, and Behemoth also twisted his body in pain, because although the spikes could not damage the carapace that protects the key internal organs, they were enough to scratch the folds of the king's sac.

Every time Behemoth twisted, it would crush the stone armor of the Dryad, causing certain damage to the Dryad, which made the Dryad even more violent and tried harder to whipped it, so it continued to twist , I can only twist, because the big hole is too narrow for it, the "tree monster" continues to get hurt and continue to whip...

In such a cycle, the stone armor attached to the surface of the "tree monster" was squeezed by uneven force, and the pieces burst, and the uneven gray-brown skin tissue of the "tree monster" was exposed in the gap, which seemed to have met Nami Star. The "evil eyes" are no different. R1152

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