Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 514: Philips' difficulties

Ten minutes later, under the guidance of Emma, ​​Wang Chong found the island of the fungus blanket. The three returned to the landing craft. Zhou Ai and Roy drove the landing craft into the air. Tang Fang commanded a dozen widow mines to dive underground.

When the violent flash illuminates the dim sky behind the landing craft, the fire cloud entrains infinite water vapor and expands into a huge mushroom cloud. The fungus blanket is like a tall building collapsed in an earthquake, destroyed by a terrifying nuclear explosion, and torn into large The small and small fragments then disappear under the high temperature and sink under the huge waves.

The flaming mushroom cloud swelled upwards, forming a huge vortex under the sea, and the waves were connected together.

At this moment, Tang Fang took back the Behemoth who supported the rock formation in the underground space.

There was a muffled sound from the bottom of the sea, like the roar of a monster in the underworld. The sea was torn apart by an invisible hand and poured into the ground. Within a radius of hundreds of kilometers, a sea doomsday, huge waves, vortexes, fire clouds...

Large waves of several meters high collided together, splashing a piece of water, and different areas of the water surface one after another. The waves converged into a wave of tens of meters high, and it had a terrifying name-tsunami.

Thick clouds covered the sun, and the sky began to rain. The raindrops grew from small to large, pouring, and splashes of water spread rapidly across the sea.

A thunder snake swept across the dark sky, brilliance shining in different areas of the clouds, raging thunder billowing, like thousands of horses stepping on the road.

Roy couldn't help but shudder, secretly: Secretly glad that this is "Akron", if it lives on the planet, it will cause much loss.

"A message from the scientific research space station asked us if it is safe."

Zhou Ai relayed the news from the space station and added: "Ulysses sent a large ship to meet us."

Ulysses in her mouth is the bearded stationmaster of the scientific research space station.

The position of Ulysses is similar to that of "Acron" to some extent. He is not only the stationmaster of the scientific research space station, but also the chief administrator of this barren star system, and his position is not low. The power is poor.

A large tsunami suddenly appeared on the cloudless sea, accompanied by violent geological movements. This kind of meteorological disaster that can be detected by portable devices alone is naturally difficult for Emma to conceal, and Tang Fang is the most popular recently. Celebrities, if there is an accident in his jurisdiction. Ulysses could not shirk the blame, so he could only quickly send a special operation ship to respond.

Tang Fang ordered Zhou Ai to tell Ulysses that the three of them were safe, and then drove the landing craft to the special operation ship to break into the "Akron" atmosphere and fly.


Twenty minutes later, the special operation ship returned to the scientific research space station. When Tang Fang's three people walked out of the connecting passage, they found Ulysses and Tang Lin and others walking from the other side of the aisle, accompanied by two doctors in white coats. .

Tang Fang was a bit speechless, this Ulysses was very rough, and he did not expect to act so cautiously.

"Mr. Tang. Are you okay?"

"Thank you for your concern, I'm fine."

Ulysses said: "After receiving a report from a weather observer, I dispatched a special operation ship as soon as possible. Fortunately, you are safe, otherwise, the young people who treat you as an idol will not tear me up... …"

Tang Fang said: "Mr. Ulysses joked, I don't have such a gold medal, but it's just a sea storm. It's a big event."

Ulysses frowned and said: "The key is that in addition to the maritime storm, nuclear explosions have been observed in the clouds of'Akron'. This worries me."

"Nuclear explosion? What's the matter." Tang Fang said haha, and quickly changed the subject: "Going on for so long, I've been groaning with hunger. Mr. Ulysses doesn't mind leaving me for a light meal."

"Of course." Ulysses said with a smile: "I don't have any good food here, but I have good wine."

Tang Fang stopped suddenly and stared at his face seriously. Looking at the sea water with the white beard shaking like "Akron", he said humorously: "I take the liberty to ask, is Mr. Ulysses so enthusiastic about the people who came to "Akron" to investigate in the past?"

Ulysses's smile solidified on his face, a bit hard and a bit dry.

"This... you know. This scientific research space station is a Qingshui Yamen..." He waved his hand to stop the entourage, trot a few steps closer to Tang Fang, and said in a low voice: "I heard that'Morning Star Casting' now has a big The recruitment of funds and personnel has also been formalized, and the only thing left is the site. Although'Venus Pharmaceutical' won the right to lease the'Dillard' star system, but... Mr. Tang, please forgive me If it’s not very nice, cooperating with people like Bilbom is tantamount to working with tigers. If you build your entire industrial base in'Dillard', in case'Morning Star Casting' will cooperate with'Venus Pharmaceutical'. What disagreements arise in..."

He did not continue to speak, but Tang Fang knew the following content and understood the purpose of his words.

If the scientific research space station is a Qingshui yamen, then the Akubado star system is a desert surrounded by oasis.

The Star Alliance officials have repeatedly tried to lease "Akubados" to domestic economic organizations in exchange for considerable funds and increase fiscal revenue. However, the geographical environment and location of "Akubados" are really embarrassing. For those food, textile, For the light industry, agriculture, which is closely related to people’s livelihood, there is no housing star and resource star support, no fleet garrison, safety and security, and no commercial facilities. There are many inconveniences in supplying materials, so they must rely on imports. "Bado" is really unattractive.

As for the military industry, which requires high confidentiality, and has a complex relationship with the government, it is too close to the "Duma" star system. It can be said that it is under the eyes of the government. It’s hard not to let it be done. What if Akron’s underground elemental resources are abundant, it means that it is a waste planet if it cannot be mined.

Therefore, "Akubaduo" has become a poor worm that his grandmother does not care for his uncle. It has been auctioned several times in the stellar system auction that is in full swing, becoming an odd number among many star systems in the Star Alliance.

Knowing the background of "Akubaduo", Ulysses' words will naturally be well understood. Again, the beard looks rough, but his acting style is quite different. The reason why he is so enthusiastic about Captain Tang. Naturally, it is the intention to promote "Akubados".

Although Tang Fang is not a member of the Star Alliance, because of his statement on the "Babylon" sns TV station and the origin of Garcia's resistance, whether it is a civilian or some officials, he has accepted him from the bottom of his heart, and those who still have doubts about him Attitude of politician. I would also like to see "Morning Star Casting" set up its headquarters in "Akubad" and keep it within the sight of the Star Alliance government.

If Ulysses makes this transaction, it will be a great achievement, so he doesn't need to stay in the "Akubad" that doesn't shit, and live the hard life of the scientific research space station.

Thinking of this, Tang Fang stared at his beard with a smile, and said: "If Mr. Ulysses shaves his beard, he is definitely a handsome man."

After speaking, don't wait for him to reply. Turn around and continue forward.

Ulysses touched the tousled beard on his chin and muttered to himself, "What does he mean?"

Zhou Ai curled his lips and said kindly when he passed him: "He means you are old and not old. Shaving your beard can deceive a few little girls."

Ulysses moved stiffly, tore off a few beards, grinning in pain.

"Mr. Tang, go slowly, the price is easy to negotiate..."

Roy scratched his scalp. Looking at Tang Lin walking side by side with a confused look: "What are they talking about?"

Tang Lin patted him on the head and said, "I don't know."

"You don't know why you pat me on the head?"

"Is there? How can there be..."

"What are you running without you? Stop it!"


3 hours later. The Hercules transport aircraft slowly left the scientific research space station dock, adjusted its course, started the warp engine, and disappeared into the high-altitude orbit of "Acron" in the blink of an eye.

Tang Fang didn't promise Ulysses, only that he would consider this matter and let him wait for news. Then he left and continued to "Saam".

In fact, after Ulysses said that, Captain Tang had a lot of thoughts about "Akubaduo". For other commercial organizations in the Star Alliance, "Akron" was indeed a waste planet. But for him it has great use value.

Others have no choice but to take the strong acid ocean, and it doesn't mean that he can't. If he takes over "Akubad", he can build a fungus blanket continent in "Akron" at any time.

However, it is not yet time. No one knows except him that the actual occupiers of "Akron" are epic creatures like "tree monsters", and it is difficult to clear them in the underground environment. He doesn't want to take risks with his own life, so it is not the time yet, and it is not too late to deal with protoss units such as Storm Warship and Mothership in the future.

Don't think he can't do anything if he hides in the ground, burning glass is cool...


It took about a day before and after "Akubaduo" and his party. When the Hercules transport plane arrived at the "Saam" deep space station, it was only five days before it left "Babylon".

As a well-known deep space space station in the Star League, "Saam" is not small in size, with a length of more than 110 kilometers, and its shape resembles a huge rugby made of metal. The interior is divided into a military port area, a living area, a maintenance area, and a commercial area. There are even agricultural and animal husbandry industrial bases in many sub-regions.

Although the "Saam" was funded and constructed by Prince Henryetta Olipod of the Turanx United Kingdom, most of the troops stationed in the Hong Kong fleet were provided by the Star Alliance Navy. This was to prevent the Turanx United Kingdom from "Saam" is used as a springboard for the frontline, to engage in small actions in the Star League, and also to monitor the economic activities of the country's businessmen in the Star League.

The early arrival of Tang Fang and others surprised Philips, the old Benny and others. The Hercules transport aircraft, which is different from the ship system in the Helenberg region, also attracted the attention of many people.

When picking up the plane at the terminal, Philips did not ask too much because of the crowds of people and eyes, and led a few people to the hotel where they were staying in the business district. Only then did they ask what happened, why the "Morning Star" was missing halfway and was replaced by such a transport ship.

Tang Fang felt that there was no need to conceal it, so he told the two of the black three tribulations and killed them halfway, and asked them if they had any impression of the so-called "Anubis" army.

The two recalled for a moment, shook their heads, and both said that they had never heard of rumors about this force.

Considering that Philips and the old Barney were just two businessmen, and had never heard that the "Anubis" army was normal, Tang Fang didn't bother with this issue, and asked him about the supplies he asked them to help purchase.

Elma, the niece of the old Benny, took out a PDA and gave it to him, which recorded the quantity of various supplies.

Philips told him that these items are stored in the warehouse of the "Saam" space station, and the transportation team has been contacted. You can set off at any time.

Tang thanked the two of them. If they hadn't secretly helped, I'm afraid that the required resources could not be gathered so quickly. You must know that he is now a figure in the Star Alliance, how many eyes are on him, no matter what "Morning Star Casting" does. Will attract the attention of interested people.

Philips smiled and said if it wasn't Marion. He and the old Benny had long become lonely ghosts wandering in the stars. Such a trivial matter would be too polite with them.

When he said this, Elma was beside him and stopped talking, and the old Benny's smile was a bit bitter.

How can a smart guy like Tang Fang not see the problem? I am afraid that the Philips business group has encountered some trouble that cannot be solved, and does not want to bother him. Moreover, it is obvious that Philips and Irma are involved in this matter. There are differences of opinion.

He sipped his tea and looked at Irma. Said: "What happened?"

Irma was taken aback, and she didn't understand what he meant. After thinking about it, she realized that it was the subtle change in her expression that Captain Tang noticed that she asked.

She bit her lower lip, glanced at Philips and old Barney on the opposite sofa, and said, "Uncle, why don't you tell? Tang Fang is not an outsider. He will definitely help us."

Tang Fang did not speak, and turned his head forward. Looking at Philips on the end of the coffee table.

Philips sighed, and said to Irma: "How come you still don't understand, if he helps us, he will be harming himself."

Tang Fang interrupted the conversation between the two, frowned and said, "What the **** is going on?"

The old Benny next to him said: "We were too careless. I didn't expect that Prince Henrietta Olipod's spies were hidden among the members of the business group. So that our relationship was learned by the Prince."

Tang Fang was puzzled: "What can he know?"

Philips said angrily: "This bastard, he wants us to match up, and plans to cooperate with your'Morning Star Casting' to get a share of the profits of the medicine for the treatment of radiation sickness. Of course, according to him. He is afraid of you being caught. Venus Pharmaceuticals' entrapment, with his joining, can have a deterrent effect, whether it is Bilbom, or Ferdinand behind him, or even the Republican Party who suffered a loss in this incident, dare not do anything to you ."

"He didn't mention the biological battleship?"

Philips shook his head: "No mention."

"Oh?" There was a faint smile at the corner of Tang Fang's mouth: "I didn't expect that the people on Onion just stopped a little and brought in old foxes from abroad. Did I grow a foolish face? Everyone wants to come over and get some cheap."

Old Benny thought of what he had done in "Babylon" and disagreed with his self-description, foolish face? Bah, that's a face that is not worthy of life, but many people think that they are smarter than him, or that fighting him is a life-worthy challenge, such as Henrietta Olipo A figure like Prince Germany.

Tang Fang continued to ask, "Did he threaten you?"

Philips shook his head: "No."

"This question is very poor." Tang Fang laughed at himself: "A figure of his level is unnecessary and does not need to threaten you, because his status and power itself are a deterrent."

Philips and the Duke of Congreve of the Turanx United Kingdom are close friends, but so what, Congreve is only a duke, and Henrietta Olipod is a prince-Turanx The only uncle of the current king of the United Kingdom, Will Olipod.

Henrietta Olipod is definitely the number one person. He has a deep scheming and is no less than the old guys in the Star Alliance Council. His request for cooperation is impossible to refuse, at least for ordinary people.

First of all, the Philips business group is a registered business group in Turanx United Kingdom, and must rely on his sniff to survive. As a friend of Philips, Tang Fang considers his friend's life and property safety.

Secondly, His Royal Highness has a thorough understanding of the "Morning Star Casting" situation. If someone is replaced by someone else, I am afraid that he will gladly accept it. Whom cooperation is not cooperation? "Venus Pharmaceutical" is strong, and Henryetta's power is stronger~www.readwn.com~ and he can open up the market in Turanx United Kingdom. For a shrewd businessman, why not do it.

Finally, Tang Fang’s relationship with the Star Alliance is very delicate. Although the sns TV interview successfully resolved the crisis of Adam Oliver’s governance, this situation was caused by him alone. The Liberal Party is at best feigned and will not treat He treats him as a friend, and even at a critical moment, he chooses not to hesitate and kill the "Morning Star Casting".

On the other hand, he had a grievance with the Republicans. Terry Ferdinand, the backstage of Venus Pharmaceuticals, was a Republican. It is hard to guarantee that he would not get in the way and put him on small shoes. If the Prince's Palace is pulled into the camp at this time, Bilbo Tom and Terry? Ferdinand must weigh them carefully before he thinks of any other tricks.

In this way, Tang Fang could use the power of His Royal Highness to form a delicate balance with the forces of the Star Alliance, which would benefit him to gain a foothold in the Tianchao star area without having to be contaminated with the colors of the Star Alliance and become a chess piece for those councillors.

As far as His Royal Highness is concerned, he can obtain huge benefits while waiting for the two sides to get acquainted with each other in the future, or to completely hold Captain Tang’s soft underbelly, and he can also get the idea of ​​getting the moon near the water platform and fighting a biological warship. (To be continued...)

ps: Thanks to Mr. Baishan for his reward R1292

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