Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 515: Henrietta

What can the Star Alliance know about this? What about the anger of Republicans? Now that the Star Alliance has opened its bow without turning back the arrow, the war with Monya and Sulu is imperative. Is it possible that at this time the old foxes in the parliament dare to provoke the Turanx United Kingdom?

In such a situation, even if they are no longer angry, they have to endure it, and even if they hate it, they have to **** their tails and behave.

His Royal Highness is really smart... These are Zhou Ai's words, and they are also what Tang Fang is thinking at this moment.

He looked at the helpless old Benny and Philips, and said: "This is a good thing, why do you look so ugly? Since His Royal Highness wants to cooperate with me, promise him."

Philips' eyes widened. He didn't believe Tang Fang could not see the nuances in it. Henrietta was simply a drunkard who didn't want to drink. Cooperation was fake. The survival battleship was real. Maybe there were other attempts, such as Kidnap Roy.

"Are you... laughing?"

Old Barney said: "You are leading a wolf into the house. Henrietta is a well-known traitor in the Turanx United Kingdom. Due to the short time of the current king's hymn to the throne, Will Ollipopod has passed through Henry. Only with ETA’s help can it be implemented. It’s unceremonious to say that in the United Kingdom of Turanx, Henrietta is called the top half of the regent. When dealing with such an old and cunning character, you will be swallowed by him. There is no scum left."

"Although he only said that he was interested in drugs to treat radiation sickness... I suspect that this is not his ultimate goal. Henrietta should have taken a fancy to your biological warship."

Tang Fang nodded and said, "I know this, and I also know what he wants to do with a biological warship."

Philips got up and walked to the door, pushed open the door to look around, and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw no one. Go back to the sofa and sit down.

Tang Fang smiled and looked at the businessman who had been bitten by a snake for ten years and feared the rope, and said, "Don't worry, no one can eavesdrop on our conversation."

Philips said: "Politics has nothing to do with us."

Tang Fang took a sip of tea. Said: "In some countries, the economy is a continuation of politics."

Old Benny looked anxious. Said: "Have you realized the serious consequences of doing this? In case you get involved in the internal fighting of the Turanx United Kingdom, some people in the Star League are afraid to use the topic to play against you."

Tang Fang's expression didn't change at all, and there was no wave in his eyes. He said, "That's fun. The situation is too calm, not good."

The muscles under Philips' eyelids jumped several times, my heart said. Is this calm?

Monya and Sulu continue to increase their troops to the border. According to the grapevine, the infamous Hydra fleet of the Monya Empire is heading to the front under the leadership of the 13 princes. The Sulu Empire also sent a prince to supervise the battle. Ye was actively preparing for the battle, and the soldiers sighed, trying to show the brutal royal family of Mengya and Sulu a little bit of color. On the one hand, the Charles Federation and the Dolanx Republic continued to increase their troops in the "Gampner" theater, while on the other hand they jumped down in the international arena, using video images released by the Tang side on sns television to attack the two countries of Mongolia and Sulu. On the surface of the Phoenix Empire, it seems indifferent, but in fact it is secretly ready to move, while the Silver Eagle Group intentionally or unintentionally creates some incidents in the border dispute area to stimulate its rivals.

More than half of the countries in the entire Hilumbel region are involved in this dispute. Although Turanx United Kingdom, Date Republic, and Sauron Empire did not make any major moves, the stronghold forces deployed by the three countries in the Tianchao area have been extremely quiet these days, making it impossible to feel the pulse.

This is the situation. He still said calm?

Now Prince Henrietta of the Turanx United Kingdom has stepped in again, and what cooperation with "Morning Star Casting", what do these guys think? Must the Hilumbel region become a mess of porridge?

Philips decided not to persuade him because he suddenly realized a problem. The source of the turmoil in the Hirombel region was sitting on the opposite sofa. Everything that happened today started when Captain Tang came to the Tianchao star area. Yes, in other words, everything today is likely to be concocted by Captain Tang.

He was taken aback by his thoughts. If this is the case, perhaps... just as Captain Tang said. Is a good thing.

Of course, to whom is the word "good".

such as. Prince Henrietta felt that cooperating with "Morning Star Casting" was a good thing for him, but in fact it was not necessarily a good thing, because the good or bad of things did not depend on him alone, but also to see what Captain Tang thinks. How to do it.

This kid is so hearty!

"Tang boy, what are you talking about, is it easy for'Morning Star Casting' to have today's popularity... Old fellow, I am not only happy, but also proud of it, but if our relationship involves you and'Morning Star Casting" , I can’t bear it again, it’s better to just dissolve the merchant group and stay in the Star Alliance. No matter how arrogant your Royal Highness is, he won’t dare to come to other countries to stray wildly... Besides, Philips and I are already old and it’s time to enjoy Enjoy the good fortune, find a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters to live the elderly. As for the young people in the business group, you will not starve to death with your help."

"So, go to Your Royal Highness Prince td." The old Benny burst into a **** very rarely.

Irma looked at him affectionately, feeling that her uncle was so handsome for the first time.

Tang Fang has a black line. The old Benny has always been a calm person, otherwise it would not be possible to partner with Philips. I did not expect that it was such an old man who actually smashed in front of the juniors. It is conceivable that he has treated Henrietta Ao. How much of Lippold's resentment.

Philips' expression remained calm, and he did not change because of the old Benny's vulgar words. He looked into Tang Fang's eyes and said, "You really want to do this?"

Tang Fang nodded: "Maybe there is a relationship with His Royal Highness, the affairs of Duke Congreve will be better handled."

Old Benny looked at the two, wondering why Philips, who was still uniting with him just now, made a 180-degree turn, frowned and said, "Philips, what do you mean?"

Philips smiled and looked at his old partner with slanting eyes: "It's a mess if we care, I ask you, who is he?"

"Tang Fang."

"how old is he?"

"Twenty-two? Twenty-three? Twenty-five? Thirty..."

Tang's face was as sinking as water, Zhou Ai gritted her teeth, Irma covered her mouth with joy.

"Cough..." Philips coughed twice. Interrupting old Benny's unqualified cuteness: "I ask you, is he like an ordinary person?" After saying that, he added: "Ordinary young man".

"It's not like, no... it's not like. It's not at all."

"Still." Philips said: "You think about a series of things that have happened in the Star League in the past few months. Which event is not behind him? I dare say. Mengya and Sulu are in The theft of the two Epsilon ruins obtained at Mar's auction is probably inseparable from this kid, and it is even a game he arranged."

"Huh?" The old Benny was a little dazed for a while, his lips twitched a few times, and he seemed to want to say something, but in the end he didn't say a word. After thinking about it, he couldn't believe it. After thinking about it again, I still couldn't believe it, turned his head to look at Tang Fang and asked, "What he said is true?"

Elma next to him with big eyes open, staring at him without blinking, shocked, mixed with a trace of admiration, thinking about how luck is so good for Hausen's stupid donkey.

I remember someone who said to her before: "Good people don't live long, they can live for thousands of years." Anything that can be called a scourge is generally lucky. And their lives are long enough, because they live long, so they have time to harm others.

Tang Fang rubbed his temples. A look of failure: "Sure enough, I am still not mature enough. This series of events is too crafty. People with rich experience can easily see through the tricks inside. Failure... Failure!"

He said that he failed, his expression was not very good, and he appeared very depressed.

Old Benny's twitching mouth almost reached the back of his ears. Without such a burying person, where would he be placed if it was a failure? If not for Philips reminded him. I am afraid that I still can't realize that the recent changes in the Tianchao star area are just a game set by this kid.

Even if there is craftsmanship, the sense of carving is too strong. But what about it, the various forces still jump into the trap. Making the various choices that Captain Tang had expected was an imposing, dignified, upright, unspeakable impulse.

"Oh!" Old Benny looked at the ceiling and said, "The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves forward..."

Philips didn't bother to pay attention to him. This old guy can drive people crazy when nagging. He didn't drink the best herbal tea and got up and walked outside.

"I'll reply to Raodor Ben and help you arrange a video conference with Henrietta."

What he called Laodore? He was originally the deputy stationmaster of the "Saam" space station. Of course, this is only a superficial position. In addition to this, Laodore has another identity. His Royal Highness is sent to the hinterland of the Star Alliance for intelligence. The spy chief who spies and collects.

The old Benny watched Philips leave the room and turned to look at Tang Fang: "What the **** are you guys making?"

Tang Fang's right thumb gently scratched the rim of the cup, his eyes looked at the golden tea soup, and he said slowly, "I haven't thought about it yet."

Old Benny drank the coffee table in the cup, made a gurgling sound, and said, "You are the only one who believes it!"

A wisp of tea slid down and wet the gray scum on his chin.

"I really didn't lie to you." There was a ripple on the surface of the tea soup, because the old Benny didn't handle it gently, and the foot of the cup touched the coffee table to cause vibration.

Zhou Ai said, "Save it, I won't even believe this."

Tang Fang wrinkled his nose and looked innocent, and said loudly, "I'm telling the truth!"

Old Benny stood up, took off his very earthy black round hat from the coat rack, and let Irma walk towards the door with his arms, leaving a sentence before leaving the door: "The Japanese restaurant next to the hotel The sake tastes good."

Tang Fang said, "I hate Japanese food, but I don't hate Japanese girls."

Zhou Ai grabbed the cup of tea from him and poured it out.

Tang Fang said, "Why?"

The girl replied: "This is made by a Chinese girl."

Tang Fang: "...beauties know no borders."

Zhou Ai looked at him up and down several times, and finally fell between his legs, raised his eyebrows lightly, and said, "Beauty has no borders, but men's things have borders."

Tang Fang was furious: "Zhou Ai, did you give the dog your morals?"

Zhou Ai looked down at the teacup in his hand, regretting that he had already poured the tea, otherwise he could just help Captain Tang wash his face.


The next day, at 14:30 in "Saam" time, Captain Tang, who was awakened by Kleiya, yawned and walked to the backyard of the hotel. He boarded an inconspicuous maglev vehicle and turned into the sidewalk from the side door to the business. A ship repair company called "Nordell" at the edge of the district sailed away.

In the eyes of outsiders, he is going to negotiate business. In fact, I went to have a video conference with Prince Henrietta Olipod to discuss cooperation matters.

He didn't think it was necessary to be sneaky, like a thief. But Laodore Ben insisted that it was a trade secret. The less people know the better.

Tang Fangxin said that it was a secret, but Henrietta didn't say that the video conference must be conducted secretly. Maybe it was Laodore's occupational disease.

About 20 minutes later, the car stopped in the backyard of "Nordell". The two got off the car and entered a heavily guarded warehouse on the left side of the courtyard. The security guards walking outside seemed not to see the two of them, so they were allowed to enter the elevator. .

Raodor enters a string of passwords on the touchpad. The elevator started going down, and in the blink of an eye, he came to -3f, which was not on the floor menu.

Go out to the right and enter a conference room. There are already 2 people waiting for them. Raodor will give a brief introduction.

The dark-skinned Asian man named Wang Jianzhi is a space station architect. Another white man with big fat ears, sparse eyebrows like a brush that has been used for many years, and a slightly uncoordinated facial features is called Meteleev, a biologist.

Tang Fang looked at the two thoughtfully, under the guidance of Laodore. Go to a seat and sit down.

The conference room is not big or even narrow, and the center of the room is a holographic projection device. There are 2 conference tables arranged on the opposite side, which can only accommodate 4 people.

Wang Jianzhi and Meteleev sat on the right, Tang Fang and Laodore sat on the left.

As the light in the room dimmed, Laodore pressed a button on the touchpad.

The lens cover of the projection system is opened, and 5 blue rays are shot down, drawing a stereoscopic projection of a person in mid-air.

Henrietta Olipod looked very old, her figure already shrunk, wrinkles layered over her dry cheeks, together with the loose, shriveled muscles under her eyes. It's too much to look straight.

If it's not in the meeting room, if it's not for Laodore to accompany. He stood up and bowed to the figure in front with a humble expression. Tang Fang would definitely not think that such an old guy would be a prince.

He is over 90 years old this year... and. Regardless of his appearance or his temperament, he couldn't see anything impressive enough. The only feeling was ordinary, just like all the dying old people.

Tang Fang didn't understand that he was already this age, and he would reach the end in a few more stops in his journey of life. As a prince with a prominent position, power, and riches on earth, what could he not be satisfied with? Any regrets? At such a large age, we still have to fight, rob, and calculate.

Isn't he tired?

Tang Fang has not climbed to that height, so it is difficult to understand Henrietta’s mood. The beggars sleeping on the stone benches covered with newspapers have their own helplessness. Some high-ranking officials and royal families also belong to them. Was forced helpless.

When "politics" changes from a word to a career, to life, it's like riding on a shuttle bus without a brake system. It either rumbling forward or falling into a deep stream, throwing a cart of people to pieces.

There is a word called "I can't help myself", and another sentence is called "You always have to pay back when you come out."

"No introduction, just start."

The old and dry voice came out from Henrietta's moving lips. He looked at Tang Fang and nodded, and said: "Mr. Tang, I am Henrietta. I believe Philips has relayed my thoughts to you. Having said that, I want to hear what you mean.

I don’t know if it’s electromagnetic interference or equipment problems. The light from the lens is a bit unstable, and the projection is slightly distorted. Henrietta’s facial expressions look very unnatural, adding a nasty taste.

This is an illusion created by light and shadow magic. It is not terrible at all. On the contrary, it makes people a little worried, worrying that his wind candle, which burned more than half of it, will suddenly disappear, turning into a plume of smoke and dissipating.

Tang Fang felt that he should show more respect. At any rate, it was an old man, an old man about the same age as his grandfather, so he "meditated" for a moment and said, "I have no opinion about cooperation. Good thing, but I have to ask about the attitude of Venus Pharmaceutical."

Henrietta's mouth burst into a smile, not warm, a little cold, and said in the tone of a person who came by: "Young man~www.readwn.com~Don’t try to play tricks in front of an old guy like me, that will only be self-defeating. 'Venus Pharmaceutical' has a good reputation in the Star Alliance, but it is not a first-line pharmaceutical company. Their scientific research team is very limited, and you only have a few months before and after your arrival in the Tianchao star area. Develop a drug to treat radiation sickness in a short time? To tell the truth...I don’t believe it, I’m afraid you are the one who really researched the new drug, and Venus Pharmaceuticals is just sitting back and enjoying it... The reason why you chose to cooperate with Bilbom, It is because of the need for a leader to enter the Star Alliance drug market and an object to transfer public attention and commercial pressure."

"Am I right... young man?"

Tang Fang was taken aback for a while, and he was ashamed that he was an old fox who had lived such an old age. He thought a lot. Although his guess was still a bit conservative and he underestimated his ambition, he was still correct from the perspective of hiding his strength. of.

The central point of Henrietta's remarks is the medicine to treat radiation sickness, so he is talking about biological warships.

He doesn't understand his true strength, so he will underestimate it, otherwise, he will probably guess.

Sure enough, being old and not dying is a thief, especially these old guys who play politics, they are more like a sieve. (To be continued)

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