Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 522: Machinery Research Institute

When consciousness returned again, he seemed to hear the sound of his own heartbeat, and he felt the soft and smooth touch of his palm, which came from Freya's little hand. …The Apex Novel, www.

This period of time is not long, there is only a moment before and after in his feeling, but reason tells him that the outside world may have passed for several minutes.

Slowly opened his eyes, the machine gunner appeared first, and then the related equipment of the dimensional roaming terminal, and the slowly burning psychic flame.

Freya also recovered, took a long sigh, and asked, "Where are we?"

She did not understand the specific function of the dimensional roaming terminal, nor did she know the difference between the "door" and the "door". When she opened her eyes and saw the psychic flame and the diamond-shaped crystal, she mistakenly thought she was still in the original hall. Until I saw the machine gunners, the clean floor without statues guarding broken bodies, the building environment without crystal pipes and many "Cupids", they finally realized that they had come to a strange place.

Tang Fang looked back at the radiant "Portal Gate" and said, "This should be the'Gamma-3' star system."

"Ah." Freya exclaimed: "To run so far in the blink of an eye... It's fun."

She doesn't know where "Omega-2" is or where "Gamma-3" is, but she knows that these are two different star systems, the distance between them is measured in light years.

She turned around and walked back, was held by Tang Fang, and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Try again, don't you think it's fun?"


He scolded her, pulled her down the steps, came to the side of the psychic flame, awakened the core process and activated the ecological position of the hall, then took off the mask and told her not to run around. Honestly following behind me, this is the "Gerryland" of "Gamma-3", not "Tikal". God knows if there is any hidden danger.

Freya stuck out her tongue, made a face, and stayed by his side and stopped running around.

Next. He patrolled the main hall first, and found that there was no danger, then walked out the door, intending to see if "Griland" had other well-preserved buildings besides the "Ash Tolando" main hall.

According to the official data of the Star Alliance, the space environment of "Gamma-3" is very strange. The central star is incompletely burning in disorder. With its volume of 1.5 times the mass of the sun, there should be more planets. But what is strange is that the "Gamma-3" star system only has the planet "Griland", and it is quite far away from the central star.

According to the information obtained by the observatory on the planet Solna of the "Omega-2" star system, the so-called "incomplete combustion" in the human sciences is actually because the Dyson sphere system on the periphery of the star was destroyed during the war, and a small part became The ruins wandering in space, the remaining part remains in place, covering most of the "Gamma-3" area, and then incomplete combustion occurs.

Tang Fang once consulted Emma about this. As we all know, photons are also a kind of microscopic particles. When it shoots out from a star and touches an object, it will inevitably transfer its own kinetic energy. The power of a photon is very weak, but the accumulation of many photons will produce a certain pressure on the target object, which is called light pressure. The early solar sails made by mankind for exploring space are the universe that uses light pressure to advance. spaceship.

The radius of the Dyson sphere system surrounding the "Gamma-3" reaches 100,000 kilometers. It is conceivable how large the area of ​​its sphere is. When it is damaged, the whole part is pushed by the light pressure, which will inevitably cause the entire system to deviate from the original track, which is reasonable. It should have collided with "Gamma-3" long ago, and then completely damaged, becoming a huge metal junk going further and further, or becoming an artificial planet of "Gamma-3".

Emma also has no definite answer to this, and can only barely give an approximate reasonable explanation through data analysis. The Dyson sphere outside the "Gamma-3" can resolve the uneven light pressure on the surface by rotation, thereby maintaining itself The position remains unchanged, and for people in the distance, disorderly bursts of light will be observed.

The combination of the above conditions results in disordered incomplete combustion.

I was thinking about things, feeling a flash of blue light in front of me, and I looked up anxiously, only to find that I had left the ecological position that enveloped the hall and entered the outer space.

Only then did he understand why the "Ashtorando" hall of "Gamma-3" was unscathed. It turned out that his location was not "Griland" but in the asteroid belt around "Griland" On an inner asteroid, because the target is small and concealed, the risk of attack is naturally reduced.

"Wow, what a big planet."

Freya's exclamation came from the communicator, and Tang Fang turned his head to look. From the gap of the asteroid group on the right, he could see the huge shadow of "Griland".

It is very large, 4 times the size of the Earth, and continues to increase with the passage of time. This is because some asteroids will be torn apart by the dual tidal forces of "Eye of the Storm" and "Griland". The planets are captured by gravity and fall to the ground, and some asteroids will smash into the ground entirely, causing the "Griland" to continue to expand.

Perhaps soon, the asteroid on which the two people are based will also become part of "Griland".

He also noticed that the building of the "Ashtolando" Hall is not the only building on the asteroid. According to this, there is a small wharf 1km away with only a few dozen berths, and the longest is only 200 meters. It is not military. Facilities, but passenger transport facilities dedicated to transporting personnel.

Since there is a ready-made Epsilon shuttle here, it is naturally impossible to summon the Hercules transport plane, so he greeted Freya to keep up and walked towards the passenger terminal ahead.

Take the lifting platform to enter the dock hangar, select a saucer-shaped aircraft slightly larger than the Silver Moon Shuttle, switch on the psychic flame, set the course, and leave the asteroid to fly to "Griland".

At high altitude orbit, Tang Fang released three detectors to scan the planet's surface and crust in depth to confirm whether there are complete remains of Epsilon.

Fifteen minutes later, Emma gave him a message that there are 5 relics of Epsilon on "Griland", including a space station with a body length of more than 200 kilometers. Unfortunately, these relics are already there. The asteroid was destroyed and buried in the process of hitting the ground and turned into pieces of rubble.

This makes him a little regretful. There are only sporadic aircraft debris around "Griland", which shows that there is almost no war involved. Unfortunately, the entire remains of the Ypsilon were destroyed by the impact of asteroids, which is really embarrassing.

After the shuttle was out of the planet's gravity range, it adjusted its course to the area where the Dyson sphere system was located. As the "Gamma-3" dimensional storm had dissipated, Tang Fang started the warp engine. The shuttle passed away in a flash, and when it reappeared, it had reached the damaged Dyson ball.

This big guy with a volume comparable to a red giant is spinning at a slow speed, and in some places it even sprays out bursts of light intermittently. According to the close-up pictures taken by the detector, it turns out to be a group of huge plasma thrusters.

It turns out that the reason why the Dyson ball system did not deviate from the track is that in addition to the rotation factor, there is also the role of the propeller.

Tang Fang was very excited, because the scene before him fully demonstrated that the Dyson Ball was still "alive", and that there was not only an energy conversion phenomenon on the inner surface. The thrusters on the outer surface are still adjusting the thrust of each part according to the instructions of the core of the system to resist the light pressure and the tidal force of the "eye of the storm".

The shuttle changed from automatic driving mode to manual driving mode, and slowly approached the main body of the Dyson ball under his control.

Some small fragments were restrained by the gravity of this huge artificial celestial body and remained relatively still, which brought some inconvenience to the flight of the shuttle, caused continuous impacts, and caused the hull to slightly shake.

Freya clutched the armrest of the seat tightly, a little nervous. Tang Fang is the same.

Anyone who sees large and small fragments raining on the glass windows of the cockpit will probably not find it fun. This belongs to human fear instinct.

Fortunately, the shuttle quickly rushed out of the debris belt and approached the body of the Dyson ball.

This is a huge celestial body, as well as a magnificent starry sky complex. There are aprons for parking shuttles and Starport to house Daxing ships, although the "Gamma-3" Dyson sphere is just a shell-shaped body. But its thickness is as high as nearly a thousand kilometers, one can imagine its magnificence.

Because of the protection of the Dyson ball, "Gamma-3" did not die as fast as other stars, and was still lingering, according to Emma's estimation. At least there is still a life span of hundreds of millions of years.

Tang Fang switched the shuttle back to the autopilot mode and let it land on an apron on the outer wall.

The difference from the inner wall is that it is dark here. Except for the propulsion system used to stabilize the position of the Dyson ball, most of the electronic equipment are in a silent state. Even the gravity generator is offline and can only rely on the gravity of the shuttle. The compensation system is adsorbed on the surface of the apron.

The two got off the shuttle, walked into the crystal tunnel where the lifting platform was located, and swiped the central control panel.

The platform did not go down as before, and several jittery characters flashed on the display of the panel.

Tang Fang frowned and thought for a moment, and typed in a string of Epsilon characters. The inner wall of the crystal tunnel flashed with cyan light, and finally intertwined into a square frame and contracted inward, and a light filament extended from the crystal wall.

He stepped over, his index finger intersected with the light thread, the e rune on his forehead lit up, and a stream of tiny Ipsyron characters flowed down the light thread and entered the Dyson ball.

Freya looked at the e rune on his forehead curiously, and touched his forehead subconsciously, feeling that she should have that rune too, it was really beautiful, she liked it and liked it.

After a few breaths, the crystal tunnel trembles slightly, and streams of light flow up from the bottom like a fountain, spreading to the surroundings along the lines of the outer wall, like someone lighting a birthday candle, illuminating the surrounding darkness and void.

At the same time, the lifting platform buzzed and began to slide downwards, faster and faster, and the silver streamer on the crystal tunnel looked like a waterfall against the current.

Feeling a little dizzy, Freya rushed into Tang Fang's arms, arching and arching vigorously, like a pink suckling pig that was too hungry.

He said, "Freya, I am not your pillow."

The little girl hugged his body hard, her head rolled on her chest like a road roller, and said in a very ambiguous tone: "You are my big pillow."

Tang Fang looked down and found that there were electric lights flashing near her temples and her eyes became blurred. Only then did she realize that the energy response in the ruins was very high, and Freya's absorption of electricity exceeded the threshold and was already close to the threshold.

He looked at the river of silver light that "flowed" faster and faster around him, frowned and considered for a moment, fiercely cruel, put his hand on her body, and quickly sucked the almost violent energy into his body.

"Tang...fang, you...you..."

Her voice became inaudible. She fell completely soft in his arms.

Tang Fang didn't call the nurse mm to take care of her. Instead, he set out a vulture chariot to sit in, put her in front of him, and looked at her beautiful eyebrows and slightly fluttering eyelashes with a knowing smile.

The lifting platform slowly came down. According to Emma's estimation, it has been more than 200 kilometers deep into the ruins.

It’s not far from the base point of the crystal tunnel. Looking out through the crystal wall, you can see a wide and long road submerged into the far end of the line of sight. Around it are two rows of huge crystal cabins, which are equipped with the ruins of Nami Star. The collision equipment seen inside, the difference is that they are all in a dormant state, and they look particularly deserted.

Some crystal cabins were destroyed in battle. Fine crystals spilled over the road, and there were many statues guarding the wreckage not far away, and the corpse of the Ypsilon was also not seen.

The lifting platform finally stopped at the bottom of the crystal tunnel, and a gap opened in the wall, expanding into a door.

Tang Fang stepped on the accelerator, and the rear thruster of the vulture chariot ejected a high-pressure air current, like a vigorous prairie wolf, rushing out with a whoosh. Hurricane along the long road.

The volume of the Dyson ball is too large, with a radius of 100,000 kilometers. It is conceivable how long its arc distance is, even if the vulture chariot is known for its speed, it is no different from turtle speed at full speed.

Fortunately, during the previous contact with the filament of the crystal tunnel, he learned that a control node was not too far away, only about 2,400 kilometers. Otherwise, he might have returned to the apron to find another foothold.

During driving. He noticed a situation. The “Ashtolando” system of “Gamma-3” is not only found on the outer asteroids of “Griland”. It also exists in the Dyson sphere system, and there are a lot of them. Unfortunately, most of them are Destroyed in the war. Even if some seem intact, they are dormant because of problems with energy supply.

In fact, energy failures are far more than these. More than 30% of the interior space of the Dyson Ball is still in a dark environment. The lighting, gravity, and life-sustaining modules are in a state of suspension. Only the floating statues guarding the remains quietly describe the thrilling scene. battle.

The control node he is going to this time is located in the inner wall of the Dyson sphere. You can see the hot stars through the layers of crystal walls, watching the large and small flares converge in the gap area of ​​the Dyson sphere, and then burst into a spring-like flame storm. It is gorgeous.

Freya didn't know when she woke up, fell into his arms and watched the restless "Gamma-3" in a trance, until the vulture chariot stopped, and Tang Fang cried in her ears before waking up. He was dissatisfied.

She hadn't regained her mobility, so she had to carry her behind her back, approached a black gold gate not far away with e runes, stretched out her palm and pressed it up, the blue light burst out along the lines. , The door slowly opened, revealing the space behind it that was as bright as daylight.

Dozens of thick fiber pipes converge from the ceiling ring-shaped decorative edge to the center of the pagoda-shaped equipment chassis composed of crystals and dark gold materials. Below the inverted spire, there is a cluster of urn-sized psychic flames flowing silently.

He gave Freya to two nurses, mm, to take care of her, and asked her to stay where she was, and walked over, bringing her hand close to the psionic flame, allowing the light thread of the golden rune to attach to the back of her hand.

When a stream of runes merges into the psychic flame core, the surface of the huge artificial celestial body surrounding "Gamma-3" lights up one after another. At this time, if you look from a distance, these light spots gradually become one, as if under the night A sparkling night pearl.

Regrettably, this night pearl is incomplete, not only incomplete, but also in dust.

Freya was stunned. The solar panel matrix on the inner wall of the light from outside spread out a round of gradual halo of seven colors, like a rainbow ocean.

This was undoubtedly beautiful and charming, but Tang Fang was not in the mood to appreciate it, because a familiar voice rang in his ears.

"Psionic fluctuations are detected, the diagnostic program is started..."

"The diagnosis is complete, confirm the suitability of Protoss."

"Perform frequency analysis..."

"Fluctuating level a-, unlocking the crossing tree, technology level 2, unlocking the building'Machine Research Institute'."

It is the upgraded building "Machinery Research Institute" of "Machinery Table"!

The unlocking of the Institute of Machinery ~www.readwn.com~ means the unlocking of Protoss' strongest ground units, including the Golden Beetle from the StarCraft 1 era and the Colossus from the StarCraft 2 era.

He sank his mind into the Protoss Base, framed a probe, pressed the "Machine Research Institute" hot key, and placed it in the brilliant radiation range of the crystal tower.

After a few breaths, the energy matrix turned into a stream of light, and the "Machine Research Institute" appeared at the Protoss Base.

Switch the focus back to the mechanical stage for the first time, and the colossus and the golden beetle changed from the gray locked state to the highlighted activation.

First is the colossus:

The tall giant is an intelligent mechanical design born during the **** arbitration period of the Protoss. With the help of four long and thin mechanical legs, the colossus can cross the towering cliffs and traverse the battlefield like a flat ground. A heat ray gun is mounted on both sides of the heavy shell. The heat rays emitted by the colossus can cross a large area of ​​the target range, which is very suitable for countering a large number of infantry units. Unlike other Protoss intelligent machines, the colossus was born purely for killing. For centuries, the creation of colossus has been regarded as an illegal act, but as the battle against the Zerg worsened, the Protoss had to use the colossus again. (To be continued.) R527

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