Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 523: Dyson Ball

The colossus has 3 main components:

1. Aiming system: The aiming system of Colossus uses mechanized artificial intelligence and gravity sensing gyroscope to analyze the composition of target components and their movement patterns. ¢£¢£ǎn¢£小¢£ said, this will ensure that the beam of the heat ray gun can move in the path that causes the most damage to the enemy’s forces. The aiming system is very precise, and the colossus can directly aim at the target without the risk of harm to the body.

2. Thermal energy ray guns: These two cannons will fire high-heat plasma beams that are enough to burn out a large number of enemy ground targets. Even so powerful, the weapon of the Colossus still has design flaws, that is, the range is insufficient. Therefore, the phase craftsmen of Calle have created an advanced version of the thermal ray gun, which improves the airflow design so that the ray gun can be at a higher It operates at temperature, so it can increase the muzzle velocity and effective range without sacrificing power.

3. Insect legs: Colossus's slender legs are designed to easily carry huge weight, and it is also very suitable for action on rugged ground and steep slopes. The four-legged tall tower design uses multiple gyroscope stabilizers to maintain the stability of the colossus body during firing and movement, and can make the enemy lose its advantage in high places.

In addition to the three conventional ability upgrade items of Protoss unit attack, armor, and shield, the colossus also has the passive "cliff climbing" skill, and the "extended thermal ray gun" that needs to be studied separately in the Institute of Machinery.

Next, Tang Fang moved the cursor to the colossus icon in the production menu, and the displayed resource consumption number surprised him. 9,000 crystals and 6,000 gas, occupying a population of 6.

9000 crystals and 6000 gas... 30 times in the game.

Although he was prepared and knew that this big guy who could climb the cliff was big enough, he wanted to reach more than 100 meters is the limit. He didn't expect it to consume 30 times the resources, which means that it is about 300 meters tall.

300 meters... He subconsciously looked up at the ceiling. It was found that this hall was only about 20 meters high.

But think about it carefully, the legs of the colossus account for about 60% of the height, about 180 meters, if it is not 300 meters high, but more than 100 meters like you think, how can such short legs climb the cliff? ?

The resource cost of 9000 crystals and 6000 gas is too high. However, it also guarantees its absolute dominance on the ground battlefield. Just imagine investing in the colossus on the ground battlefield, coupled with Thor and Thunder Beast that may appear in the future. This combination is definitely a crushing existence. In a country like Monya, the army of the "Abyss Knight" came over and beat him so much that his mother didn't recognize it.

This kind of golden tower is like a **** on the ground battlefield!

The fifth production item is the Golden Beetle, the most impressive ground unit of the Protoss in the StarCraft 1 era... the transporter devil... the professional farmer... the invincible kite king...

Golden Beetle:

Attacking the opponent’s base always costs a lot. In order not to sacrifice the lives of their troops at will, the Protoss has developed a robot war machine called the Golden Beetle, which can be used as mobile artillery. The armor of the golden beetles is very thick, and there is a miniature manufacturing factory in them, which can produce a small unmanned aircraft with high explosive performance. These small aircraft are called "scarabs". Although the golden beetles do not have any weapons, the scarab bombs they emit only need to be properly located. But it can damage enemy buildings and troops at the same time.

There are three main structures of the Golden Beetle:

1. Scarab: Scarab is a small intelligent machine. Produced and fired by the Golden Beetle, it can trigger a high explosive mechanical peak. They are launched in groups at the enemy's vital forces and devices. Because of this offensive method, they can instantly level the enemy's base. Unlike interceptors (small aircraft on aircraft carriers), they do not return to the golden beetle but instead detonate an explosion of concentrated electromagnetic energy by impact to severely damage their target. The scarab has a very long attack range and has a splash effect, which can cause damage to enemies in an area.

2. Micro-production platform: The golden beetle is improved from a civilian mobile production unit, with a complex and tight scarab production line in its body. Limited by the size of the relationship. It was not possible to store too many scarabs, until later the Protoss executives carried out a thorough military transformation of them, removed the former civilian modules, replaced the most advanced production equipment, and expanded the internal capacity. The scarab's capacity has been increased.

3. Combat armor: When the golden beetle was put into military use, because civilian armor was extremely fragile, it was easy to be torn by the blades of the Zerg troops. Later, the Protoss designed an external armor with a scale structure for them, which made up for the golden The defensive defects of the beetle have integrated a set of combat induction system to improve the accuracy of the scarab's attack. On the other hand, because of the heavy armor and scarab production line, the gold beetle's mobility is affected to a certain extent. Without the cover of the carrier unit, it will easily become the target of enemy siege.

Since the golden beetle has no attack power, it only has two regular upgrade items of defense and shield. However, the explosion of the scarab can be improved by upgrading the two items of "Scarab Power Upgrade" and "Gold Beetle Capacity Upgrade" in the Institute of Machinery. Power and capacity.

The system shows that the resource cost of the gold beetle is 400 crystals, 200 gas, and 3 population. Considering that the resource consumption is twice that of StarCraft 1, the body length of the Golden Beetle should be more than 20 meters.

The golden beetle, which is the crystallization of the technology of the Protoss, is naturally far from comparable to human units such as the vulture chariot and the raven. Although the actual power of the scarab has not been seen in person, it is not low. The "Golden Beetle" kite tactics are used to attack opponents because of the gameplay. If it is put in the real universe... Tang Fang thinks that it is completely a land-use small suicide drone carrier.

Unlocking the Colossus and the Golden Beetle at one time today is definitely something to celebrate, but he still has some regrets from the bottom of his heart. It is a pity that these two units are ground overlords and cannot attack the air, and the most likely to unlock the "star" The Ypsilon shipyard at the gate was too far away and it was difficult to get through this time.

But then I think about it, there are so many perfect things in the world, "Star Gate" can't be unlocked, isn't there a large number of Ypsilon battleships in "Delta-5"? For example, the giant battleship with a body length of almost 5 kilometers will unlock the core of the mothership? Furthermore, if it can be repaired. Driving to the human society for a round, I’m afraid it’s more shocking than Behemoth, not to mention that there are many other small and medium warships in good condition, the value is higher than the scattered remains of the "Omega-2" many.

Finally, he moved Jiao to the "Institute of Mechanical Engineering" because he synchronized the technology of the Interstellar 1 era. There are a total of 4 upgrades, and the resource consumption is 2000 crystals and 2000 gas. They are "Scarab Power Upgrade"-as the name suggests, increase the explosive power of the scarab; "Gold Beetle Capacity Upgrade"-increase the number of scarabs carried by the gold beetle , But the system did not introduce the specific added value; "Gravity Drive"-an optimization and upgrade project used to increase the movement speed of the 1st generation Protoss transport aircraft and the 2nd generation transmission prism; "Extend the thermal energy ray gun"-increase the range of the giant image;

Add 4 items to the upgrade queue in turn, and reduce the resource value to 1054345 and 154514.

There was news from Emma that the useful data contained in the Psionic Flame had been collected. All are stored in the database of the Star Orbit Command Center.

After "her" narration, Tang Fang learned that "Grilan" was safe and sound not because it was not the center of the battlefield, but because it had been abandoned.

The facilities on "Griland" and the "Ashtorando" hall on the asteroid were built earlier than the Dyson Ball System. They are only the frontline supplies during the period when the Ypsilons built the Dyson Ball System. What's horrifying is that the original "Gamma-3" star system is not only the one planet "Griland", there are 9 other stars... but they have all been demolished by the Ypsilons to build the Dyson Sphere.

Tang Fang had no idea what words to use to express his feelings at this moment, if Bai Yue was here. These guys will definitely complain about their rebellion, because brain-dead philosophers think that the term "man will conquer the sky" is simply fart. People want to "shun the sky" instead of "surmount the sky." The Ypsilon people are a good example. They dare to destroy a planet casually. Whatever, they are now genocated.

In fact, he himself felt that the Ypsilon people had done too much, if they followed the human way of thinking. Such a huge Dyson ball, energy can be described as inexhaustible, environmentally friendly, clean, low-carbon, it is a good place to live.

How many people can an artificial celestial body with a radius of 100,000 kilometers be used to house?

But in the hands of the Ypsilon. It is nothing more than an energy plant, an upgraded version of the Namistar Underground Isotope Refinery. Of course, this evaluation may be biased. There are not only zero isotope refining lines in the Dyson sphere, but also other metal smelting and casting workshops such as titanium, steel, palladium, and platinum.

The available information obtained by Emma almost covers the content of the entire refining industry system of the Ypsilon people, as well as derivative processes such as Dyson Cloud and Dyson foam, as well as nearly non-destructive solar energy conversion technology.

But what makes him depressed is that the entire Dyson Ball system available database network has very few records of the original "Lost Battle". There are only a few fragmentary battleships. Emma explained that it was because the enemy of the Ypsilon was the Dyson Ball. After breaking, a is to prevent the central control system from being paralyzed by electronic storms such as p and magnetic coupling, which will cause the displacement compensation system to become unbalanced and ultimately endanger the Dyson ball itself. Manage the corresponding area, focus on the external force of the monitoring system, and adjust the force through the thruster group on the outer wall to maintain the stable operation of the Dyson ball.

Think about it carefully, in fact, except for the great benefit of unlocking the "Machinery Research Institute", those materials are of higher value. According to Emma’s analysis, taking into account the human technology level, the "Dilal" space environment, material consumption, construction cycle and other issues, and not mentioning the Dyson ball, even if the Dyson cloud and Dyson bubble are built outside the "Dilal" Difficult, but you can take a step back and construct a rope network around the stars, similar to the space facilities in the science fiction "Ring World". On the one hand, it is used for settlement, on the other hand, it collects solar energy and uses the acquired Epsilon technology. Integrating the mineral refining line of "Morningstar Casting".

In this way, the production capacity of "Morningstar Casting" can exceed that of "Rover Technology Consortium" and "Iga Industrial" and other similar types of enterprises thousands of times, and it can save costs to the greatest extent.

However, the initial investment in this magnificent project is too high. The 800 billion SG on the book is less than one-thousandth of the total project investment. In the current form, he will either cooperate with the Star Alliance government. Either learn from the Ypsilonians and break up a few planets. Of course, the premise is that he has enough manpower, material resources, and technology to support such projects as planet bombing.

Hearing what "she" said, Tang Fang recalled the bombing of Nami Star, and the spectacular scene at that time. Now the back of his spine is still a little numb. I feel that this is not good. I have the feeling of unscrupulous real estate companies demolishing the houses. Besides, the Star Alliance government is only renting out the right to use the "Dilal". He wants to blow up the planet. Doesn't it mean provoking national sovereignty? , The patriots in the government are not playing with him?

...Although the Star Alliance has no sovereignty at all, it is relative to other countries.

Since the method of bombing the planet is not appropriate, there is only one way to cooperate with the government. It is difficult to get government funds to help mountaintopists like him build projects, but...it's not impossible, that requires some external conditions.

Thinking of this, he suddenly broke into a cold sweat, and was terrified of his terrible thoughts.

"Emma, ​​can you design and develop a space refinery based on the refining process of the Ypsilon people, which can be used as a space station at ordinary times, and can be mounted on the'rope network' when it is allowed in the future."

"Commander. This is a good idea, there should be no problem."

"That's good. You can do it now."

Holding back Emma, ​​he came down from the high platform and walked out the door with the little girl who had just recovered.

Although the "Gamma-3" Dyson ball system is readily available, the damage is too serious. The system has only used most of its energy to maintain the balance of external forces, and the refining process is either seriously damaged. Either it is offline, and it is too expensive to repair. You must know that this is a Dyson ball system, not a dimensional lock, and it is far from something that a few "Cupids" can play. Moreover, there are too many factors of instability in "Lost Land". No one can be sure whether the huge artificial celestial body under our feet will suddenly lose balance in the next second, and eventually hit "Gamma-3", a century-old explosion.

He can only use it as a large garbage dump, occasionally dismantling a few parts he needs, or developing the tourism industry when conditions are ripe.

He didn't say a word, thinking about all kinds of things, sometimes smiling happily, sometimes smiling very wildly.

Freya also said nothing, looking at his face, sometimes wronged, sometimes angry, sometimes confused, and finally looked worried, wondering if he was stimulated, but don't become a fool. Abnormal talents such as idiots and brain disabled are good.

She would be very sad...so she couldn't help saying: "Tang Fang, you must not become an idiot, in exchange...I...I don't blame you, OK?"

The smile on his lips freezes on his face, dry and astringent.

Take the vulture chariot back to the entrance again, return to the apron via the crystal tunnel, drive the shuttle to the asteroid next to the "Griland" with the "Ashtolando" hall and the passenger terminal, and pass through the dimensional roaming terminal Back to "Tikal".

Tang Fang glanced back at the "door" structure behind him, feeling like he was dreaming.

The refining of minerals is nearing completion, "Cupid" reported him 2 pieces of news, one for good and one for bad.

Like ordinary people, he chose to hear the bad news first.

Affected by the dry humidity and impurity content of minerals, the number of dimensional locks prepared is less than expected, and because of the superposition of dimensional storms in the subspace tunnel network, repair the subspace tunnel from "Tikal" to "Delta-5" star system The number of dimensional locks required for the tasks of has increased, and the preliminary estimate is that 3 are missing.

Three are missing!

Tang Fang's face turned white with anger. This is simply killing him. "Alpha-7" is too far away and he can bear it. Now, "Delta-5" can't be reached, so how can he accept it?

"You...you group..."

He thought for a while, and don't say the latter word. If "Cupid" is rubbish, not to mention s. Just be honest and dumb, accept the reality with peace of mind.

At this moment, Emma's voice came to mind: "Commander, there should be some refined raw materials in the Dyson sphere system of'Gamma-3', but because the warehouse where the iridium material is stored leaks, it is impossible to prepare a large number of dimension locks. , But there should be no problem if it is over ten."

"Yes, why didn't I think about it. Why did the Ypsilon people build the Dyson sphere system? Isn't it about refining and casting mineral resources."

He simply asked Freya to wait here~www.readwn.com~ with a "Cupid" to enter the dimensional roaming terminal again, back to the "Gamma-3", use the Hercules transport plane to go to the Dyson ball system, wake up a "Ah In the Shtorando’s main hall, it took more than an hour to prepare the raw materials into 12-dimensional locks and hand them over to Cupid to continue the suspended subspace tunnel repair work.

During this period, he suddenly thought of something. There are refined raw materials left in the warehouse of the Dyson Ball system. What about the isotopes of the zero source element? That is something more precious than ordinary zero element.

Emma's answer disappointed him. A part of the warehouse where the zero isotopes were stored was destroyed in the war, and the other part of the warehouse that was intact for unknown reasons was also empty.

Tang Fang cursed: "A bunch of bastards!" (To be continued...)

ps: Thanks to local book friends ☆ Fallen Angel, and book friends 140410212603629, angel delusion, Baishan Jun, sly, light squint, big elephant 1985, spider crab, Bai Fengling for their rewards.

The chapter of "Lost Land" is difficult to write. . . . . . . Brain Hole, a civilization that is not as good as the Protoss but has different technological levels is simply killing brain cells.

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