Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 524: The lost civilization

Emma asked him who he scolded, and he said that he was naturally the enemy of the Ypsilon. ◇↓◇↓ǎn◇↓Small ◇↓ said, killing, fire prevention, grabbing resources, not even letting go of the corpse, this is how frantic to do it.

Emma told him that the corpses of the Ypsilon were not necessarily taken by their enemies, and it was possible that some Ypsilons who survived by chance returned to the "Lost Land" afterwards and disposed of the remains of the same clan.

Tang Fang thought about it carefully, and felt that this possibility could not be ruled out, but if there were still Ypsilons in this universe, where would they be? Human beings have been in space civilization for more than 200 years. With their advanced technology, the two sides should have contact.

If they are friendly aliens, the old federal government should announce their existence. If they are warlike aliens who have destroyed the existence of many civilizations, how can they allow the rapid development of human civilization and squeeze their living space?

Taking a step back, they are "observers" and like to play the role of God.

Will God reveal his incompetence in front of small humans? Take, for example, this miserable scene before me.

Or is it that after experiencing the catastrophe, they have progressed from "observers" to "transcendors", have broken away from the category of genetic organisms, and become a kind of life entity that transcends space and time, and even this universe?

But what about their rival? What is the origin of those "people"? Does it still exist?

Emma didn't know how to complain, she only said a word, leaving Captain Tang speechless.

"Actually, to confirm whether the Ypsilon clan still exists, you can see it in their homeland'Cerepas'."

"Lost Place" is not the birthplace of Ypsilon civilization, "Cerepaz" is!

Tang Fang wanted to say that "she" was farting, but if you think about it carefully, you should forget it. Emma can't fart. Humans and animals fart.

The scope of exploration of the universe by the Ypsilons far exceeds the existing territory of mankind. The "Barton" star system in which "Serepas" is located not only surpasses the human star chart, but even surpasses the Milky Way, and comes from more distant galaxies outside the galactic.

The closest sibling galaxy to the Milky Way is the Andromeda Galaxy 31, which is about 2.2 million light-years apart, followed by the Triangulum Galaxy 332.64 million light-years, and by n253 in Auriga, it has increased to 12 million light-years. The galaxy in which the parent star of the Psirron "Barton" is located is farther away.

Take a look at "Serepas"? What's a joke, even with the acceleration of the Ypsilon relay station, the 9.999 speed level of the journey spanning tens of millions of light grades will take at least 10,000 days for more than 60 years, just to prove that the Ypsilon people still exist. He would spend most of his life on interstellar travel. I wouldn’t do that if my brain burned out.

He thinks it's better to stay in the human world, and the Milky Way is more suitable for a fellow like himself.

Then it suddenly occurred to me that I had only asked the bad news when I was in "Tikal", but had not asked the good news, so I quickly found the "Cupid" and asked what the good news was.

It turned out that in the process of opening the "Omega-2"-"Delta-5" subspace tunnel, thanks to the elimination of the dimensional storm, another star system not far from "Delta-5"------" Delta-4" was accidentally opened.

Although the "Ashtolando" system of "Delta-4" is offline, it is possible to travel from "Omega-2" to "Delta-4" by means of warp speed navigation.

Considering that it will take some time to repair the subspace tunnel of "Omega-2"-"Delta-5", he decided to go to "Delta-4" to see if he could find something valuable. So use the dimensional roaming terminal to rush back to "Tikal".

Walking out of the "door" facility, I haven't waited to open my eyes and look at the surrounding environment. A pair of small hands covered his eyes, and an "old-fashioned autumn" voice sounded in his ears: "Guess who I am."

"Freya, stop making trouble."

Holding her little hand in her arms, the little girl pouted and said: "It's not fun for a single one."

Tang Fang sighed, scraped her little nose, and walked outside the hall holding hands.

"Are you going back?" She was somewhat depressed when she asked these words.

He put away Behemoth and the transportation vehicles. One side said: "No, go to'Delta-4' to see."

The little girl turned from worry to joy, and she put her arms around his neck and said, "Tang Fang, you are so kind."

Listening to this, I remembered leaving her here for nearly an hour. Captain Tang felt very guilty.


"Delta-4" is about 4.8 light-years away from "Omega-2", and it takes about 6 hours to reach "Delta-4" with the speed level of Silver Moon Shuttle at 9.99.

There are very few members of this star system, a black dwarf star that has lost its vitality like "Omega-2", a fragmented gaseous planet, and two planets, of which the one near the "Delta-4" is called The planet of "Dismark" was torn in half by the double tidal force, and the broken land plate hovered around the gap under the gravitational force of the star core, which looked particularly bleak. Even if there are relics of Epsilon on it, Has long been reduced to a ruin under the catastrophe of the planet doomsday.

So he focused the search on another planet named "Dismakda".

He felt that the person who named the two planets must be lazy, lazier than him...

According to the low-light image captured by the detector, he found that the battle of "Delta-4" was not as fierce as "Delta-5", and was inferior to "Gamma-3", the same as "Omega-2" "To the same extent, which may mean that there is a complete ruin on the "Dismakda".

So immediately manipulated the shuttle to approach the "Disco Makoda" and released 3 detectors to scan in all directions.

Soon, Emma gave two suspicious targets, one located near the planet's equator and one located in the middle of the northern hemisphere.

He identified the geographic coordinates of the shuttle and decided to go to the nearest northern hemisphere first.


After a while, the shuttle landed in an open space next to a fairly well-preserved ruin in the northern hemisphere.

According to Emma's geographic data analysis report, before the interstellar war that spread to the entire "Lost Land", "Dismakda" is very likely to be a beautifully landscaped terrestrial planet.

Even if the geographical environment undergoes tremendous changes under the action of dual tidal forces, the surface contours become distorted, and the entire planet's ecological environment suffers irreversible damage. However, from the perspectives of various terrain data, soil sampling and analysis results, and rock formations, "Dismakda" is richer and more charming than any livable planet that has been transformed by humans. For example, this one is similar to the ancient Greek Parthenon. Some similar buildings to the temple were built on an island in the middle of the ocean, but because of the drastic changes in the environment, the island now looks more like an arid and barren icy stone mound.

Get off the shuttle. He went straight to the main entrance of the temple, behind which Freya still followed him silently like a beautiful night elf.

For many years, the meteorite that fell from a high altitude did not cause devastating damage to it. It only smashed the northeast corner of the palace. There was also a larger asteroid that fell not far away. The violent geological disaster was on the dark stone. A huge crack opened on the beam, but it was not enough to shake the foundation of the palace.

The steps in front of the main hall are high and long, with nearly a hundred steps, covered with gravel and sand. The smoothness of the past is gone.

Tang Fang felt a little strange. If it were the usual Epsilon buildings, there should be a lifting platform, but the hall in front of it did not seem to have any high-tech content. It was completely built of one brick and one stone.

This is weird and unreasonable.

He thought carefully for a moment, and felt that maybe the Ypsilon people wanted to show respect for the things in the hall, so they would walk up without the help of any technological products. This is similar to the religious worship of earth civilization.

Freya followed without a word, because she didn't have to climb on foot. It seems to be comfortable.

Ten minutes later, the stone steps were all gone and came to the door. The huge stone pillars were carved with some rough patterns, which were different from the energy patterns seen before and were made by hand. It seems very vivid, without a sense of stereotyping, it's just being abandoned for a long time, the surface is mottled and dusty, and there is a bleak breath.

He did not stay. Reaching out to push towards the huge door that is more than 10 meters high, with almost all of his strength, the stone door quack opened, revealing the dark space behind.

A detector enters the interior first, and after knowing that there is no danger, turns on the onboard lighting equipment to illuminate the entire hall with a soft light.

Tang Fang walked in slowly, and found that there was a horizontal corridor in front of the main entrance. It was calculated that the foothold belonged to the second floor, and there was a staircase leading to the center of the hall on the first floor.

You can’t see any high-tech electronic products, and you don’t even have a handicraft device used to decorate the internal space. In the center of the first floor is an octagonal platform about 2 meters above the foundation. The surface is smooth and flat, and it is made of translucent crystal. .

Corresponding to the eight sides of the platform are the 8 black gold stairs on the periphery, extending to 8 small platforms protruding from the wall on the third floor of the main hall.

Each small platform is equipped with a stone seat with a very high back, constructed of crystal and gold, and the upper end reaches the dome. The majestic atmosphere makes people involuntarily admire.

People who can sit on these eight seats are probably of a very high status in the society of Epsilon.

And this hall is more like a large hall.

Suddenly he popped up a picture. On the octagonal platform below, a young Ypsilon was telling or reporting something. On each of the eight seats above, there was an elderly man in a robe, calmly Listen, ask questions, and finally make a decision.

A word popped out of his head---Presbyterian!

At first, he thought that the Ypsilon was a religious race, from the Esberon Temple in the memoirs of the Ypsilon girl named Liana to the image of the crystal necklace sealed by "Tikar". The colorful cloud group called "Sanctuary" can be easily guessed.

But what is going on in this large hall in front of you?

The elders' council? Is it possible that the Ypsilon people are in a social situation of separation of state and religion?

In a country with a strong religious color, it is difficult to achieve political independence than to gain the sky. It is hard to imagine that the Yipsiron can achieve true separation of politics and religion.

However, in the next second he denied his own views. These are just his own conjectures. He considers issues from a human perspective. Different cultures create different ways of thinking and give rise to many schools of thought. For example, there were hundreds of schools of thought in ancient times, and all kinds of thoughts swept across the land of China. How prosperous and breathtaking, but in modern times. No "everyone" appears anymore, and all human behaviors follow the word "profit". Science and technology are constantly developing, but human thinking, at least Chinese culture, is constantly regressing.

None of the gods and people in the Bible, Buddhist scriptures, and Taoism know whether they are the ancestors of the universe and came to the primitive earth to enlighten human thinking, but...maybe like the Sarnagars in the "StarCraft" story are disappointed with the gods . They choose to leave.

The people on earth call it freedom, but from another angle, it is not abandoning it.

Therefore, as human beings, we may consider ourselves to be great, intelligent beings. In the eyes of epsilons or other civilized races, they may be just some humble, arrogant and arrogant inferior beings.

for a long time. He sighed and discovered that there was no psychic flame in the meeting hall, he did not hesitate to greet Freya to leave, and took the shuttle to the ruins near the equator.

He is a wise man, so he has self-knowledge, so he no longer delves into the social form of the Ypsilon people, so he can be a frog in the bottom of the well without ambition.


Soon, the shuttle came to the "Dismakda" equator. Landed on a plateau.

According to the geographical map of the planet drawn by the detector, this is the highest altitude area of ​​"Dismakda". The status is equivalent to the Earth’s Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and the remains of a more complete appearance than the Ipsyron Chamber of the Northern Hemisphere sits on the highest peak of a mountain range in the middle of this plateau.

The shape of the ruins resembles an upside-down pyramid, and the structure and shape are very strange. The entrance is not visible in the foundation part, and the wide platform at the end is almost covered by sand. However, in some places, some Ypsilon characters can be seen faintly, and they are usually used in facilities such as aprons.

He adjusted the shuttle's position, activated the landing system, slowly landed on the apron area at the end of the ruins, opened the hatch and jumped down.

The moment his feet were on the ground. Suddenly felt that the forehead was hot, and the rune of Ypsilon seemed to echo with something. The sand and dust on the ground rose without wind, and the platform became spotless in a blink of an eye, and the dark floor lit up with light patterns one after another, and finally gathered To a depression in the center.

Stepping closer, I discovered that the depression was not caused by the impact of a meteorite, but a downward stone staircase.

Like the relics of the meeting hall in the northern hemisphere, this building tens of meters high has no lifting equipment. Except for the integrated technology products on the dǐng floor apron, the space below is completely dark.

Freya thought for a while, removed the electrical energy from her ankle, landed barefoot on the cold ground, followed him and walked down step by step.

The stairs are wide, but not long. Go down about 20 steps and enter a long corridor.

The detector in the front of the path sent back a piece of information. Tang Fang thought for a moment, and took Freya's little hand to the edge of the corridor, went straight to the diamond crystals on both sides, indicating to inject electricity into it.

The girl raised her hand very obediently and shot an electric light.

The inside of the crystal slowly diffused with a soft light, like someone burning a palace lantern under the cold night.

One, two, three...

The crystals on both sides of the corridor lit up one after another, and the surrounding environment reflected was subtle, but not dazzling, but rather soft.

The ground and gallery walls are made of black metal and quartz stone. The solemn and solemn style reveals a touch of lightness and elegance, which makes people feel dull.

Tang Fang took off the mask of the harsh environment protective clothing, took a deep breath, and the fresh oxygen-containing stream entered his chest and abdomen, as if drinking a bowl of cold water during the dog days, it was fresh and refreshing.

He did not pause, and continued to move forward, his feet on the floor making a crisp sound that was not low.

At the end of the corridor is a stone gate more than 6 meters high. The engraving is different from the gate of the northern hemisphere hall. It is very complicated, shining with brilliance and dazzling.

He stretched out his hand and pushed, not moving, frowning and continuing to exert force, until the rune on his forehead reappeared, the round jade inlaid in the middle of the entrance to the rune flow of Ypsilon, the door opened silently.

Freya blinked her big eyes and leaned into his ear and said, "It smells good."

In fact, Tang Fang also smelled it. Since the door opened a crack, there was a faint fragrance, like mint, but not irritating, fresh and refreshing.

He didn't know the source of the fragrance, but the strange thing was that a kind of flower appeared in his mind, a small flower made of crystal, called Tallola.

"It's Tallola," he explained.

Freya shook her head, frowned and thought for a while, and said, "It seems that the bouquet of flowers on the bedside of sister Kleiya also smells like this."

Tang Fang thought for a while, and recalled the origin of the bunch of flowers-Yimihua, the gift given to him by the Galaxy Enchantress. When he left "Babylon", he was taken on the Morning Star by Kleiya~www.mtlnovel. com~ Even after changing to the Hercules transport plane, she did not forget to move to the new dormitory.

"No, Yimihua doesn't taste like this. It should be lighter and quieter."

"Really...it seems to be."

The little girl didn't argue with him. In her eyes, what Tang Fang said was right. Everything that went against him was wrong, even if it was the common sense that proved its correctness after hundreds of millions of years.

She took his arm and continued to walk forward.

Such movements and gestures make the two look more like a couple in love.

Of course, there is no jealous look that belongs to others.

On the other side of the door is a downward staircase, which is very long and wide, with hundreds of steps. There are also a staircase on the left and right sides, which stretches to the bottom of the pyramid building.

In this huge funnel-shaped room, the ring crystals on the ceiling sprinkled a round of white and soft light like ice and snow, illuminating the bottom like daylight. (To be continued...)

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