Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 527: Star Gate

"Lost Land", "Delta-5" star system.

Here is a cemetery, sleeping thousands of large and small aircraft, like dead fish floating on the sea, sinking and slowly turning over with waves.

Death and ruin are the only themes here, there is no light, no warmth, only a dead "Delta-5", and a dark "Regor" ------ it used to be away from "Delta-5" "It was very close, but due to the tidal force of the Eye of the Storm, "Delta-5" died soon, causing "Regal" to be weakened by gravity and deviating from its original orbit.

This planet, which is wrapped in layers of carbon material, has extremely low reflectance. Because it was once very close to "Delta-5" and the environment is harsh, it will naturally not be transformed into a resident star by the Ypsilons. It is barren with only meteorites. The large and small craters formed by the impact and approaching the edge of the battleship cemetery after the change of orbit, gravity captured a small number of battleship wrecks, scattered on the surface.

Today's "Delta-5" star system has no other large orbiting celestial bodies except for the planet "Regor". The reason why there is only one remaining 10 planets of "Gamma-3" is that the Epsilonians used planets close to "Gamma-3" as raw materials to cast the Dyson sphere system, but "Delta-5" is completely complete. Because of the war.

That unprecedented interstellar war destroyed all the planets belonging to the Delta-5 star system except for "Regor". It is conceivable how terrible its cruelty is.

This is evident from the scale of the battleship cemetery. For so many years since the end of the war, there are still thousands of warship wrecks in the Delta-5. It is conceivable how spectacular the fleets of both sides participated in the war. I'm afraid it's not in the tens of thousands.

Tang Fang did not set the end of the voyage to the inner area of ​​"Delta-5", but the edge, because he was afraid of death, if the shuttle hit the wreckage of the large battleship, his life would be dangerous. He had just overthrown Freya, he hadn't enjoyed enough Yanfu, but he didn't want to just go to see Yan Laowu.

Although I had seen the internal situation of "Delta-5" at the "Solna" Observation Station, I am now immersed in the scene, only to discover how shocking everything is in front of me.

Warships of different styles and sizes were smeared on both sides of the fuselage. It is densely packed, like huge ocean fish, which is breathtaking.

A star-shaped trident battleship collided with a key-shaped battleship. The belly of the key-shaped battleship was poked with a big hole in the red anchor-shaped nose of the key-shaped battleship, which was made of unknown metal materials. Various crystal fragments and metal debris of

A butterfly-shaped frigate-class warship rolled sideways at a very slow speed. From time to time, the fragments of the hull and small rocks in the surrounding area were hit.

There are also some small combat aircraft similar to eels. I don't know what type of attack they have suffered. Their flat and long bodies are twisted into waves, and their shells are broken into pieces under the action of squeezing force.

More distantly, dozens of 800-1200-meter-long warships were surrounded by the wreckage. Some of the hulls were cut off by a giant long knife. The cuts were flat, clear, and neat. What was even more bizarre. A piece of silver-white crystal was spread out on it, as if it had been frozen by ice.

He also saw the main gun of a cruiser-class battleship with a body length of more than 300 meters composed of a pearl-like structure and a black polymer with strong contrast. A lot of dust floating nearby seemed to be attracted by the magnet, and attached to it, looking bloated, like a garbage dump.

Freya had a similar expression to him, like a child who had entered a zoo. For a while, she pointed to the sword-shaped warship outside the porthole and said, "Tang Fang, look at this ship. What a miserable one!" For a while, she pointed to the front, which was shaped like high heels, with long legs. A 2km Bastion class warship said: "Tang Fang, look there. It's a big ship." Then it was attracted by other aircraft, or marveled. Either sad or silent, the expression is like a gradual neon light on the stage, changing different tones.

In fact, Tang Fang was even more excited than her, and there was no other emotion in his eyes except excitement. It is true that these are abandoned warships, but that is for the civilization of the Ypsilon and their enemies, and for him and mankind, these warship remains are invaluable.

"Tang Fang, Tang Fang..." Freya's hand waved a ghost in front of her eyes.

He recovered from his absence and promised: "Ah, what's wrong?"

"Where are we going? The shuttle has been flying for a long time."

Freya is a girl in the end, and the excitement at the beginning fades away with the passage of time. She feels that it is boring to look like this. She always needs to find something to do. So she unlocked the safety equipment and slipped into his arms. Inside, he gnawed at his neck and found that Captain Tang had no response, and he felt a little discouraged, and blamed the iron bumps outside who had robbed her of Tang Fang.

"Where to go?" Tang Fang thought for a while, cast his eyes on the largest warship in the ocean of warship wreckage, and said, "Of course it's the largest ship."

"Okay, okay." Freya simply put his arms around his neck, sat next to him, and yelled: "Go."

A child who is not growing up.

Tang Fang rubbed her head and said with a smile: "Why are you more excited than me."

"Because Freya is happy to see you, and thinks it is a great thing anyway."

Her thoughts may be naive in the eyes of an adult, but for no reason, Tang Fang's heart warmed, and the happiness of a long absence came to her heart, with a mixed feeling.

I think that after graduating from university and setting foot in society, there will no longer be such a feeling of joy and sadness due to one person’s words, and gradually learn to suppress, learn to give up, learn to have self-knowledge, learn to be tired of life, and forget what it is. The feelings that are more important than life, or the so-called love, are utilitarian, jealous, and vigilant towards everything or people.

Because of this, he was heartless, embarrassed and stubbornly living in a society that was soaked into his bones by money, power, and desire, like a walking dead.

It is also because of this that only after crossing into this world can one wander in the intriguing complex social environment, based on the interstellar system. Gaming with all the forces, fighting for a place for himself, for his family, and for the crew of the Morningstar who has been following him and will never leave him.

This is tiring. It was really tired, but he had no choice.

Fortunately, there are people like Kleiya, Zhou Ai, Aros, lovers, family, companions... have been silently supporting him and understanding him.

For example, Claire, her gentleness is unmatched. For example, Zhou Ai, her self-improvement is admirable, and... Freya next to her, she can't find a trace of impurities in her feelings for herself, it is as clean as the blue sky without clouds. The blue is like a wash, it makes people feel bright and warm, and feel that there is power constantly gushing out in the heart.

He knows that this is called heartbeat.

She touched her heart with her heart.

Whether it is Claire or Zhou Ai, they have different colors in their feelings, which come from their different perceptions of love and values. Only Freya's love for herself is transparent.

"What an elf." Tang Fang hugged her hard, burying his head on the soft breast. Inhale hard, as if to **** her body odor into her mouth, into her lungs, and engrave it on her heart.

Freya was itched by the stubble he had grown, her body shrank back, and her giggling branches trembled. Suddenly he noticed that Captain Tang had a physiological reaction that was not controlled by his consciousness, and he looked at him with a smile and said: "Okay. You are making bad ideas again."

Tang Fang simply turned on the safety equipment and threw her towards the bridge. As if the Big Big Wolf grabbing a beautiful goat, he smirked and said: "Come on and shake the car... No, it's a machine shake."

Freya asked: "What is car shock?"

His hand opened the zipper of the dress, leaned close to her ear, and whispered, "You'll know after the shock."

The girl pursed her mouth, thinking about the benefits of the golden fluid. If she was in "Dismakda", she would know everything Tang Fang was thinking in the first time.

Of course, knowing that there are benefits to knowing, don’t you know... there will be freshness.

"Will it hurt?"

"A woman only hurts the first time."

Freya counted with her fingers, smiling naively and innocently: "Then I can rest assured, because this is the seventh time."

Captain Tang suddenly felt a sense of guilt. Why was there an inexplicable sense of sight in the scene before him? It seemed to blame Shu and the little sister's daily life.

"What are you thinking?"

Tang Fang woke up when he heard the words, raised his brows, and said, "How do you want to eat you."

Freya was puzzled: "Didn't I eat you..."

Tang Fang: "..."


About an hour later, the shuttle stopped on the front deck of the largest warship in the ocean of warship wreckage. Tang Fang jumped out of the wheelhouse and waited for Freya's space to rub his stiff old waist by the way. A very physical work.

"Tang Fang, I'm here..."

Suddenly, a shock came from his back, a pair of arms wrapped around his neck, and said coquettishly: "I feel so tired...carry me, OK?"

Tang Fang rolled his eyes and thought, tired? Tired ass... the spirit of this little girl film is clear enough that it can’t be enough. The book says that the woman’s first night of marriage is too long, and the next day she can’t even get off the ground. She’s better, like a okay person, just in The first time I yelled pain and shed some blood, it really deserves to be a "fusion hybrid".

Fortunately, there is only such a little girlfriend as her. If there are more, he is really afraid that he will be sucked into adulthood.

"Stop it, who knows whether it's safe or not, whether it's dangerous."

Freya is not a wayward person. After listening, she obediently descended from his back, turned her back on the ground, like a cheerful butterfly, looking at the deep universe, her hands gathered into a trumpet, and shouted: " Freya likes Tang Fang the most."

"I know, I know, my eardrums will almost burst if you call that again."

Freya can ignore the harmful rays of the universe, does not need to wear protective clothing for harsh environments, and only has a respirator with integrated communication equipment on his face. When he shouted, all the sound was fed into Tang Fang's communication equipment, and he was startled.

"sorry Sorry sorry……"

She was like a child who had done something wrong and begged the adults for forgiveness, whispering in a low voice, for fear that Captain Tang's eardrum would be ruptured, and what to do if you can't hear her.

Tang Fang sighed and said, "You really can't help it." Then he turned his attention back to the battleship under his feet, thought for a moment, and looked up at an open area.

The streamer flickered, and one medical transport plane appeared out of thin air. There are two zealots, one enthusiast, and two to three machine gunners. Then they rushed to each other. According to the information obtained by Emma from the detector, they rushed to the relatively complete battleships for field investigation. Tang Fang led Freya into the hole blasted by the Immortal on the surface of the ship and into the interior of the battleship.

The armor of this 5-kilometer warship is made of unknown materials, and even the Immortal’s phase jamming guns can’t be blasted in a short period of time. 5 Immortals will focus their targets and bombard them. It took a long time to penetrate the armor that was several meters thick. It is conceivable that if it can still function normally, with a shield and self-repair mechanism, how strong the defense is.

The center of the battleship is a ring, and the center of the ring is a circular structure. The bow and stern are shrunk to the tip of a spear, a bit similar to Zeratul's "Void Seeker" in StarCraft.

Because its damage was located at the stern of the ship, which was too far away from the bridge-like structure in the center, Tang did not choose to land from the stern, but the time wasted by the Immortal bombarding the armor was almost enough for him to explore the 2km area inside the battleship. The time was spent, which made him very upset and shocked.

Enter the outer compartment. When the pressure subsides, the mechanical sentry is ordered to use the "force field" skill to seal the hole. The zealots and the detector opened their way in front, and the two of them walked all the way to the Central area.

Judging from the hull structure, internal furnishings, and decoration style, this is obviously an Epsilon battleship, although the equipment is rough in shape, the technical content is very high.

Freya is very sensible. Holding his arm all the way forward, about half an hour. From the Central Electrical Equipment Zone, enter the core central command system.

Fanatics used violence to open the bridge gate. The scene in front of him suddenly made him breathe.

There was not a single person on the bridge, or the corpse of the Ypsilon, still just scattered statues guarding the remains.

Of course, this is not the point, the point is the internal conditions of the bridge.

It... is still alive! To be precise, there is still energy wandering between the devices, although it is only confined to a small area, it is equally shocking.

For so many years, it has been hit by numerous meteorites and collided with wreckage, and it still has energy response. It can only be said that the things made by the Ypsilon are too tenacious and too reliable. Compared with human warships, it is no different from those made by Nokia. .

The bridge is an oblate rotunda, covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters, extending from the foot to the ceiling, forming a panoramic field of view, and everything around the battleship can be seen in full view.

There is a distant and profound universe dotted with colorful clouds; there are quietly floating warship wrecks; there is the "eye of the storm" that is so gloomy and even more terrifying than a black hole; and there are medical transport planes passing through the wreckage of battleships... …

A pair of golden rings with a diameter of about 16 meters are suspended in the center of the hall. Once up and down, there is a water ball in the middle-it is a water ball! The sea-blue surface is still full of ripples, and even figures can be reflected.

"Wait for me here,"

Telling Freya not to run around, he stepped towards the huge water polo, the reflection on the surface became bigger and bigger, and his solemn face could be clearly seen.

There is no psychic flame, no data interface, or even a ring crystal with r-like functions.

He was a little puzzled, what exactly did he do to get information about this warship.

As he walked, he found an anomaly, similar to what happened when he saw three totems in the "Dismakda" pyramid ruins. The rune of Ypsilon on his forehead was agitated and heated again.

The distance between him and the water ball is getting closer and closer, and the Ypsilon rune on his forehead is getting hotter and hotter, and finally appeared on the surface of the skin, creating a wonderful resonance with a virtual fire inside the water ball.

The ripples on the surface of the water ball became more and more rapid, the energy fluctuations rose rapidly, and the virtual fire grew stronger, and a series of Epsilon characters flickered on the surface of the water ball, reflected in Tang Fang's pupils, like a fast flowing computer data matrix.

"Psionic fluctuations are detected, the diagnostic program is started..."

"The diagnosis is complete, confirm the suitability of Protoss."

"Perform frequency analysis..."

"Fluctuating level a-, unlocking the crossing tree, technology level 2, unlocking the building'Star Gate'."

When the word "Star Gate" sounded in the depths of his mind, Tang Fang was completely stunned. Didn't he say that it was unlocked at the "Alpha-7" Ypsilon Battleship Factory? Why is it unlocked because of a battleship?

He thought that this giant battleship might unlock the mothership core ~www.readwn.com~ or Zeratul, and even his vehicle Void Seeker, but he never thought that td would make such a big joke with himself.

"Star Gate"...it was unlocked!

Tell Emma the first time to analyze the data transmitted by the water polo, and he turned his attention to the Protoss base.

Select a probe, press the hot key to build the "Star Gate" and place it in the radiant range of the crystal matrix. After a few breaths, a waterfall-like stream of light flashed by, and the "Star Gate" appeared in front of you.

What does the star gate stand for? It represents the Protoss’ aerial armaments. Although the "fleet navigation mark" has not been unlocked, it is impossible to produce heavy ships such as aircraft carriers and storm warships, but there are prophets, phoenixes, void glow ships, and reconnaissance in the first generation. Machine, pirate...

When the last word "boat" was still on the level of consciousness, he suddenly became stunned, because he suddenly found a very bad, very bad situation, a situation that made him yell at the system "the **** of dog x".

The "Stargate" was successfully completed, and it was able to produce air force units. It also expanded the units of the StarCraft 1 era, including reconnaissance aircraft, pirate ships, and arbiters. (To be continued)

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