Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 528: Fearless Commander

But... why didn't it unlock? In other words, it is different from the imagination.

Of course, the unlocking of Arbiters, Aircraft Carriers, and Storm Warships requires pre-structures such as "Arbitration Temple" and "Fleet Navigation Marks", but why are the Prophet, Corsair, and Void Glow still locked?

He moved the cursor to the icon of the Void Glowship and noted that he needed a "dark temple."

"Dark Temple"...Unlocking the "Dark Temple" of Hidden Blade?

When is the "Star Gate" related to the "Dark Temple"?

After thinking about it, he suddenly realized that according to the composition of the Protoss, the prophet, the pirate ship, and the void glow ship belonged to the air force unit of the Dark Templar branch. The "Dark Temple" has not been unlocked. Naturally, there are no individual dark templars. Without an individual dark templar, air force units such as prophets and pirate ships will be unmanned and therefore locked.

He found that he had admired the logical thinking of the "Master of the System" to the point of throwing himself into the ground.

As the saying goes, people have to bow their heads under the eaves. The system says it’s doing this right. Captain Tang has no choice but to pinch his nose to recognize it, but after another thought, even if only the Phoenix and the reconnaissance plane are unlocked, for him It is also a big surprise.

He didn't have any hope of unlocking the "Star Gate", but now unlocking it in advance is naturally a surprise. The addition of the Phoenix and the reconnaissance aircraft can be said to be a blessing in the snow and will bring an unimaginable increase in the combat effectiveness of the Air Force.

Phoenix: The Phoenix is ​​an agile and extremely lethal space vehicle. It soon replaced the old reconnaissance aircraft and pirate ships in the Protoss Air Force after its appearance. Phoenix often patrols the outer edge of the Protoss territory, sweeping away foreign threats in the deep sky. The dual ion cannons equipped by the Phoenix are very suitable for hitting air targets, and can also be used to shoot small troops on the ground.

When encountering a more dangerous enemy. The phoenix will use its inertial thrust to overload the fighter's transition force field, thereby releasing a short gravitational beam. The light beam can make the enemy lose his mobility within a few seconds and win precious time to turn the tide of the battle.

Phoenix has four major components:

1. Gravitational beam: Phoenix fighter pilots can use the on-board inertial device to guide the space force field and wrap it around the fighter to form an anti-gravity jet. That is, the gravitational beam. Gravitational beams can almost completely offset the weight of the target, but the Phoenix fighter cannot move when it is activated. The Gravitational Beam was originally intended to be used as a last resort, but it was not widely known until a Protoss fleet used it as an efficient control weapon.

2. Ion Cannon: This is the main weapon of the Phoenix fighter, which emits energy beams containing negative ions. The design of this cannon is sufficient for the Phoenix fighter to move and fire. However, due to the short wavelength of the beam, the effective range is limited, and the damage to heavy armored targets is also quite limited. The effective range problem of the ion cannon did not improve until Protoss replaced the old focusing lens with an advanced negative ion pulse crystal.

Third, energy mesh: This thin layer of mesh looks like an advanced circuit board. It is woven from light-reactive fibers and can absorb, guide, and transfer any type of energy, including psychic energy input by pilots. The main function of the energy net is to help maintain the space force field covering the Phoenix fighter, and to improve the stability and maneuverability of steering, roll, and sideways when the fighter is flying at high speed.

4. Inertial drive: The Phoenix fighter is equipped with a small inertial driver, which can project a powerful space force field around the body, allowing the Phoenix fighter to move quickly in outer space and the atmosphere. In addition, there are two high-energy plasma thrusters as auxiliary inertial drives. Let the Phoenix fighter become an interceptor with superior performance.

The cost of Phoenix is ​​450 crystals and 300 gas, and it occupies 2 population, which is 3 times that of the game. The body length should be between 30-40 meters, almost the size of 2 Viking fighters.

In terms of skills, in addition to a "gravitational beam" used to limit the target's active skills, passive skills also have an "anionic pulse crystal", which needs to be upgraded in the "fleet navigation mark".

Reconnaissance aircraft: Also known as the scout aircraft, there are many common names in the StarCraft 1 era. Such as small pointed planes, carrot planes... Protoss uses this single-pilot spacecraft as exploration tools and small fighters, but when dealing with other races that are technologically backward. They themselves are a terrible fighting force.

In the StarCraft 1 era battle mode, few people choose to produce reconnaissance aircraft. Because its cost performance is really poor and the price is high. Although it has excellent air combat power, it is obviously inferior to the splash attack of the pirate ship. This does not mean that the reconnaissance aircraft is absolutely useless. The battle mode needs to consider gameplay. In reality, the reconnaissance aircraft is in the Protoss The fleet has a pivotal position. It is heavily equipped in the Vannetier and Origa tribes. It was initially used as a weather plane by the Supreme Council, and later changed to air power against Zerg and Tyron. At the time, Atanis was one of them. A reconnaissance aircraft pilot.

The reconnaissance aircraft has three major components:

1. Weapon system: The reconnaissance aircraft carries two different weapons. It uses two photon percussion guns to deal with small targets, which can sweep targets at extremely high frequencies and deal with large and medium-sized targets. There is also an air-to-air missile system that can launch anti-matter. Missiles, to the greatest extent, damage thick armored units.

2. Bee sensor: The reconnaissance aircraft is equipped with advanced bee sensors. This polarization directional device designed according to the structure of the bee’s eye can detect the smallest polarized light in the universe, and the location of the reconnaissance aircraft can be detected by a large number of micro-processing units. The surrounding large-scale area is monitored, generally as the vanguard scout of the Protoss fleet, patrolling and detecting suspicious areas, or appearing in war/defense areas for the purpose of spying on the enemy and supporting operations.

3. Gravity thruster: As a reconnaissance aircraft, the speed requirement is much higher than that of other flying units. In the process from weather aircraft to combat reconnaissance aircraft, the Protoss has modified its power system, which can distort the gravitational field around the fighter aircraft. The propulsion system gives the reconnaissance aircraft flexible steering and instant acceleration capabilities, ensuring that it can quickly evacuate the battlefield under adverse circumstances.

The cost of the reconnaissance aircraft is 900 crystals and 450 gas, and it occupies a population of 3. Although it is also three times the resource consumption, the population occupancy is higher than that of the Phoenix. But the damage of reconnaissance aircraft to large air units is much higher than the latter.

As for skills, the two items of "bee sensor" and "gravity thruster" need to be upgraded in the "fleet navigation mark".

Phoenix + reconnaissance aircraft, although the combat effectiveness is reduced when the "fleet navigation mark" is not unlocked, but with a biological carrier such as Behemoth, the former can be used as an interceptor. The latter can cooperate with the Corruptor and can restrain heavy armored units to the maximum.

Protoss technology is naturally far from being comparable to humans. It is unceremonious to say that whether it is a Phoenix or a reconnaissance aircraft, the comprehensive combat power can surpass the Viking fighter. At the moment when the Viking fighters and flying dragons can cause decent damage to the conventional warships of the sovereign state of mankind, no matter how you look at them, there is a feeling of killing a chicken with a knife.

Tang Fang felt that something like this should be used on the "Anubis" army. He still had a grudge about the last time he was driven to desperation by the Black 3. Thinking about how to get a handful of Dark Seven, it is best to kill the Hades-class aircraft carrier at once.

"Commander, the scattered data from Quantum Core has been sorted out."



Through Emma's narration, he finally got a certain degree of understanding of this huge ship.

""------The name of this battleship, if forcibly translated into human language, should be "Fearless Commander-class fortress."

The fearless commander-class fortress...you can feel its extraordinary from the name alone.

In the past, the control work of the small and medium-sized Ypsilon battleship can be completed by only 1-3 people. The human-computer interaction platform is a quantum computer in the form of a psychic flame, which can provide up to 1-2 people with a fiber loop. Generally speaking, it is a data interface.

The giant ship in front of you is different. It needs a team to control it, and at the same time it is the command center of a fleet. Responsible for multiple tasks such as combat command, intelligence analysis, and strategic planning, Psionic Flame is obviously not competent. Therefore, in order to meet combat needs, the Ypsilons added an additional auxiliary module to the large-scale quantum flame central processor to use dark matter and darkness. The interaction of energy developed an interactive device with the rune of Epsilon as the terminal. The huge "water polo" in the center of the bridge.

Without the use of complicated brainwave measurement equipment with a high error rate, the ideas of all the Ypsilon people on the bridge can be collected and projected to the corresponding hull module. Control the battleship like you control your own body.

Of course, this warship is too big. Limited by the laws of physics, it is naturally not as flexible as a small aircraft.

In addition, the "water polo" can also build a network of ideas, or a spiritual network, for the Ipsilon people who belong to the fleet to communicate with each other, completely abandoning the high delay of language communication, and it is easy to cause misunderstandings and then appear. Misjudged communication methods are particularly important in the complex and rapidly changing battlefield.

Just like Tang Fang didn’t do anything just now, but activated the core core of the battleship that has been silent for many years. It all depends on the "water polo", which is known for its stability, and the dark energy that has not dissipated for thousands of years and his forehead Ipsy Dragon. The dark matter force field generated by the text awakens the large internal quantum flame central processor.

After that, Emma introduced to him why this ship was called a fortress.

According to her explanation, in general terms, it is a complex of aircraft carrier + main battleship + super weapon.

The weapon system of the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress consists of multiple modules. The first is the aircraft carrier combat platform, which carries thousands of manned or unmanned combat/auxiliary aircraft, including the manta ray battleships, electric Eel fighter and so on.

Secondly, the ship is equipped with 28 super heavy condensing light cannons, which can lock 28 large ships with powerful shields at a time. The condensing light cannon can condense a large area of ​​the target shield to close to absolute zero in a very short time, causing structural changes in the shield particles, such as the colloidal shape distribution, and the shield composed of fermions such as protons and electrons. , It will become as brittle as glass, and will be sent to the west by 36 mixed particle cannons on the battleship.

Finally... the above are all the secondary guns on the two wings of the ship. The real main guns of the Dreadnought Commander-class fortresses, which can also be called super weapons, are a creepy big guy with a single name. Similar language, similar to "annihilation" or "revelation".

This gun is very special and different from conventional naval guns. It is not a kinetic energy weapon, nor is it a conventional thermal, explosive, or electromagnetic attack. It is a gravitational sub-weapon. By creating a gravitational field with huge energy and radiating gravity waves in a specific direction, everything on the orbit of the gravity waves, even time and space, will oscillate and twist. So as to achieve the result of crushing the target.

According to Emma's estimation, if the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress was fired one shot over the Star Covenant capital "Heisenberg", almost all people on the planet would die out, and it would definitely be a super killer.

This does not mean that the "Apocalypse" cannon cannot resist. Like the universal mode of the "Aurora" shield, the gravitational sublayer can cancel out a certain degree of gravity waves. Of course, like the main gun of the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress, dozens of "Aurora" superimposed together may not be able to withstand it. After all, the name of "Aurora" is called a universal position generating device, which is an assembly line product. It can't be compared with the main gun of the fortress.

After knowing these circumstances, the first thought that came to his mind was whether this thing could be used, if it could be used, or it could be repaired and brought back to the human world. In the future, whoever is not pleasing to open to the door of the target's house will make a shot Call a cool.

Emma used a very human word: "Daydreaming".

The main gun of the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress was overloaded in the "Lost Battle", causing extensive damage to the main system, and the stern power system was more completely destroyed. Separate directly from the hull.

Tang Fang said, "I knew it would be the result. What a pity, what a battleship. It can't be repaired..."

Emma then said: "If you insist on repairing, it is still possible..."

"What are you talking about! Can it be repaired?"

"Yes, warships of this level are integrated with a fully automatic maintenance system. Because the aircraft carrier platform is not damaged, the maintenance robots in the hangar can perform maintenance on the warship by themselves, and the surrounding warship wreckage provides maintenance work. Convenient conditions, you can take local materials. But... it will take a long time, maybe a few months. Or maybe a year... Of course, there may be some minor flaws, after all, relying on drones, my ability is limited and powerless Help."

"It's only a few months? One year is not too long! To repair such a big guy, spend some time to calculate what, a little flaw can be accepted, this is a purebred Ypsilon spacecraft, or a fortress level The warships are priceless."

He suddenly remembered Emma's phrase "daydreaming" just now, thinking whether "she" had a problem with the language program, using the wrong allusion, and asking: "Since I can fix it, why do I say "daydreaming"?"

"Commander, your idea was to use the main artillery of the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress to obliterate the enemy forces."

"Yes, is it wrong?"

"Although the warship can be repaired, the main gun cannot be put into use."

"Why?" Tang Fang frowned and asked, "Is it missing parts? Or is it the small flaw you just mentioned?"

"As long as there is sufficient energy supply, parts are not difficult, because the automatic maintenance system for warships includes 3 unmanned engineering operation ships that integrate mineral collection, refining, casting, and assembly. You can collect shared minerals nearby, or directly use the warship zero The ancillary equipment of the element reactor converts the elementary resources into the required materials, and then repairs the hull. You only need to open the core database of the central processor to give the unmanned engineering operation ship access to the structural design drawing of the warship power system and other related matters. They will cooperate with the maintenance robots on the ship to repair damaged modules on their own. As for small flaws, at most, they will reduce the firing frequency of the main gun and weaken its power, which will not affect the operation of the main gun."

Tang Fang suppressed his anger and said, "You know, I have never liked listening to your long talks and talking about the main points!"

"'Apocalypse'... requires a lot of zero isotopes... you don't have one."

She answered very simply this time, so that Captain Tang was stuck in his throat like a fishbone, and couldn't say a word.

When he encountered Lord Lancelot’s guard fleet in Recto, he felt that it was a money-burning fleet. Now, he felt that Lancelot’s people were just a group of beggars, and that the huge ship burned nothing. Element, but zero element isotope.

How difficult is the preparation of this kind of zero isotope ~ www.readwn.com~ He knows better than anyone who has obtained all the technical processes of the Namistar Refining Plant. The zero element fluid with a purity of nearly 100% can be converted into this isotope in a ratio of 1000000:1, that is to say, 1 ton of refined zero element can only get 1 gram of zero element isotope. This situation is incredible, but it actually exists. Otherwise, the Ypsilon people would not use the entire Namistar as a refining factory. , And will not build the "Gamma-3" giant Dyson sphere, which is mainly used to prepare zero isotopes.

It is conceivable that using zero isotopes as the ammunition of the main artillery "Apocalypse" is such a prodigal and extravagant act of burning money.

Seeing his long silence, Emma thought her answer was too refined, and Captain Tang couldn't understand it for a while, so starting from the attack principle of the battleship's main gun, she explained it in depth and detail.

The Hull of the Intrepid Commander-class fortress is over 5 kilometers long, even longer than the Protoss Madonna...Of course, the Madonna is approximately round, and there is not much difference between the two in terms of volume.

As warships of the same level, the difference in technological level between the two is actually not that big. Regardless of the fact that the Madonna ship can create small black holes, and the broken star cannon, the "Fearless Commander" can only release gravity cannons. It seems that the momentum is weaker, but it is actually But the control accuracy is better than Protoss. (To be continued)

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