Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 530: Evil-class special service battleship

This is very likely... at least Captain Tang felt that if he were the designer of this warship, he would definitely engage in such a self-destructive mechanism, so as not to be dealt with by opponents who would turn the warship back on him.

He hurriedly issued instructions to the two fanatics and detectors on standby in the energy system cabin. Once abnormal energy reactions were detected, he immediately cut off the contact between the zero element reactor and the energy supply system, and then considered whether to break open with violence. The hatch, escaped from this coffin covered with strong light, almost invisible to the outline of people and equipment.

In the next second, Emma stopped his violent breaking plan, because the detector in the energy system cabin that closely followed the energy response sent a message that the zero element reactor and the energy supply system did interact, but the zero element supply status It is at a low and relatively stable level, and there has been no runaway.

Hearing this news, he was a little relieved, and was about to comfort Freya not to panic. When he was next to him, the bright light around him suddenly rose and darkened. When his eyes gradually adjusted, the black bulkhead and The glare has disappeared without a trace.

In the distance is the endless starry sky, and nearby is the battleship cemetery. Standing beside Freya, holding his hand tightly, she looks timid and a little at a loss.

The scene before him was very much like the one seen on the bridge of the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress. The only difference was that there was no "Hestia".

"Emma, ​​what the **** is going on?"

"Commander, this should be a virtual space."

"Oh." Tang Fang thinks that the 2-person cabin should have a spirit system built in, which allows the driver to more intuitively recognize the environment around the battleship, but...the bridge of the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress can have "Hestia". Remotely sense the Ypsilon rune and accept the driver's instructions. What is the matter with this scorpion warship? Without a system console and no facilities similar to psionic flames, how do you control a battleship?

Soon, the doubts were answered.

A row of characters flashed quickly in front of him, a little more complicated than the Ypsilon text. The font style is very close.

The most important thing is that Captain Tang found... he actually understood it!

Just like seeing the Ypsilon text before, human words similar to it will flash in my mind.

He turned to look at Freya, pointed at the string of characters and said, "Do you understand?"

The girl shook her head, and then asked very well-behaved: "Do you understand?"

Tang Fang nodded: "I understand."

Then Freya was not surprised at all, not surprised at all, said: "Oh..." As if he should have understood it. He is an omnipotent man.

"Fryya, you can see clearly, this is not the Ypsilon script, although the style is somewhat similar, the individual characters are still very similar. This is definitely not the Ypsilon script that I know!"

Freya looked at him for a while, and said seriously: "What does it matter? Anyway, you know, my Tang Fang is the best man in the world."

Captain Tang remembered an old saying-Xi Shi is in the eyes of a lover. Obviously, in Freya, not only Xi Shi, but also the Lord of God.


He really didn't understand, because of the rune of Ypsilon. He understands Ypsilon's words in principle, but the string of symbols in front of him clearly belongs to the characters of the Ypsilon's hostile forces. Why does he understand the same?

Is it because the two are deeply entangled? The historical relationship is very complicated. Just like China and Japan, China and Russia in the 21st century? The cultures of both sides blend and permeate. You are in me and you are in me?

He believes that this kind of thinking is in line with reality. As two civilized races of equal technological level, when they are bound to agree with each other in the long history of rolling history, they will surely turn against each other. Like the kind of racial war in which the minds of the non-my race must be different when we meet, we must divide the life and death, and will not hesitate to take the lives of all the people in the race war. That is a **** plot that only appears in novels.

Civilization has always progressed with society and philosophy. Seeking common ground while reserving differences is an important diplomatic spirit. A militant race will not last forever.

He thought he had found the answer, so instead of entangled in this question, he once again looked at the string of characters flowing in the midair.

If translated into human language, it would probably be: "Hello, xxxx (number) is waiting for your instructions, the system is on standby..."

He found that he didn't know how to answer or operate, because although he could understand the text, he didn't know what the command set the system could accept, let alone where to input it.

This series of thoughts flashed through the bottom of my heart, and the series of characters suddenly disappeared, followed by a pain in the back of the neck, and a biological impulse traveled all the way from the neck nerves to the brain.

The dizziness swept through the mind like a storm, the instruction set flooded into the neurocortex, and it was deeply imprinted in the memory like Chinese characters.

About 1 minute later, he took a long breath, his pale face returned to a trace of blood, and his horrified expression slowly calmed down. First he told Freya that he was okay, and then he went over the new knowledge in his brain and asked: "Ai Ma, what the **** is going on?"

"Commander, the control mode of this warship is very different from that of the Ypsilon battleship. Although it does not have a multi-purpose quantum computer in the form of psionic flame, it cannot perceive the Ypsilon symbol like Hestia. Wen, it can vaguely perceive biological emotions by analyzing brain waves, which stems from the structure of the cockpit."

"It is not a spiritual system in the ordinary sense. The environment you are in now seems to be empty, but in fact it is all illusion. The real situation is that you and Freya are covered by a special gas cloud, which can be like a laser. The gain module has a coherent effect with weak brain waves to release brain wave signals. It can also form a human-computer interaction interface similar to the spiritual system with the photosensitive unit of the human eye... If you use a more general explanation, you can These gas clouds are regarded as a large number of nano-robots, and when combined, they form an interactive interface, or interactive platform, between the system and humans."

Tang Fang recalled it for a long time, and gradually understood Emma's explanation, feeling extremely shocked. Sure enough, it is a civilized race comparable to the Ypsilonians, and this mode of operation is almost as technical as the psionic flame.

There are many products that can be controlled by brainwaves in today's society, but the whole is not mature enough. Fields that require high safety and rigor, such as battleship driving, are still firmly controlled by hand control and voice control modes.

Even the Black 3's Hellbat-class destroyer requires 6 pilots to wear corresponding helmets and a specially developed operating system to initially achieve a brainwave-controlled driving mode.

And this race, which has never appeared in the human record, has actually developed to this point. The brainwave analysis program integrated in the battleship operating system can actually act on humans, which is really unimaginable.

"Commander, you are mistaken about one thing. The brainwave analysis program of the battleship cannot resolve human brainwaves."

"What do you mean?"

"You... are not human!"

Tang Fang yelled: "You are not a human." After speaking, he remembered that Emma "she"...really not a human.

"Due to the influence of the Ypsilon rune, your brain wave intensity is much higher than that of ordinary people... Maybe. An individual of this unknown race will be recognized by the system."

He thinks it is possible, but Emma is only making calculations based on existing intelligence. What is the actual situation, it is better to ask the battleship that comes with it. and. Just like he thought, doesn't the warship have a technological protection strategy like a self-destruct program? As a different civilized race, why can I activate the central control system and get its approval?

Retrieving the command set of the Scorpion battleship from the depths of his memory, he was puzzled at first, and asked like a gun.


The dialogue ended soon, and the battleship came with one question and three questions.

In fact, it is not a question of three questions, at least telling him that there is a self-destruction procedure. But it is not activated.

As for other issues, tell Captain Tang that it is a combat auxiliary type specially prepared for military purposes. The database does not store system architecture, program source code and other data. As for race culture, grievances with the Ypsilon, social structure, development history and other things outside the battlefield, there is even a blank.

It is just a machine born for war, a combat-type rather than a secretary-type role like Emma. However, with Emma's technological level and unable to crack the core of the Scorpion system, Captain Tang felt very depressed like swallowing a fly, and was unable to change anything. Just throw all these questions out of the sky, and instead ask about combat information.

This time. Once he changed his style, he became eloquent. The various indicators about the Scorpion battleship are presented to him as a data matrix.

The first is the model of the battleship. In fact, it has nothing to do with the scorpion. When translated into human language, it is similar to the evil spirit-class special service battleship.

In terms of speed, the conventional sailing mode is not outstanding compared to the same size Ypsilon battleship, but it has a much higher steering ability and instantaneous explosive power, and is suitable for combat tasks such as interception and breakthrough. The speed level of the main engine is also inferior. On the contrary, it is inferior to ordinary warships, only 9.83, which is much worse than the Silver Moon Shuttle, and lower than the slowest warship Ypsilon 9.9.

In terms of defense, the shield of the evil spirit-class special service battleship adopts a similar operation mechanism as the "universal position generator", but has a higher content of gravitons, and is more resistant to kinetic bombs. On the contrary, it is more resistant to energy attacks. weak. As a warship with a body length of 340 meters, equivalent to the level of a human cruiser, such a shield is obviously insufficient. Generally, warships of the same size of the Ypsilon ship are much stronger than it, of course, because of the original origin. It is not a secondary transplant. The shield strength of the evil spirit-class special service battleship is much stronger than that of the Morningstar.

It is true that the evil spirit level is slightly inferior in terms of speed and defense, but it has an unquestionable overwhelming advantage in attack. First of all, its jaws each deploy a medium-caliber double automatic cannon, which uses a high-purity inert zero element crystal shell made of a super active element fluid inside. Once the projectile hits the target, the super active element fluid will be affected. An explosive explosion produces an energy-releasing reaction similar to nuclear fusion.

Because the zero element contains powerful energy, the energy release reaction will produce hundreds of millions of degrees of high temperature and strong shock waves in a short time, which will tear the inert zero element crystals, causing devastating damage to the hull structure, or directly breaking the armor , Shield breaking effect.

Secondly, there is a large-caliber neutron cannon on the bow of the Evil-class special service combat ship, which is covered by the decoration of the Ypsilon skeleton. It can use the auxiliary conversion chamber of the zero element reaction furnace to prepare a large number of neutral particles, and then accelerate a large number of neutral particles to subluminal speed through the dual means of proton bombardment acceleration and gravitational field acceleration, and then gather them into beams and emit them. While giving the target kinetic energy damage, it can also trigger the emp effect, destroying circuit components.

Finally... the above two weapons are not the main guns of the evil spirit-class special service combat ships. Its main guns are its "sting needles"-Tang Fang felt that Yu Qi called it "sting needles". It is called a special combat drone.

The "sting needle" is composed of 6 segments. These 6 limbs can leave the main body of the battleship, approach the target like a drone, and initiate an offensive.

Their attack method is very special. It is not a kinetic energy attack or an energy attack, but uses its own controllable gravity field to construct an unbalanced force system. Starting with the structure and materials of the target warship, the weak points of the armor were analyzed, and the principle of vector mechanics was used to tear the hull simply and roughly.

Similarly, this controllable gravity source can also position the target on the particle shield. The interference restraint device sorts and adjusts various particles, disturbs the particle distribution and balance mechanism, thereby weakening the strength of large shields, or directly disintegrating small and medium shields, such as supplemented by large-caliber neutron guns at the bow, it can be called a shield killer .

Speed, defense, and attack can be described as the three important indicators of a combat unit, and they are the main factors to measure the overall performance of a warship.

However, the reason why this warship with the transliteration "an" was translated by Tang Fang as an evil spirit class special service warship. The word "special service" has a special meaning, or it is its most powerful place. The bonus to comprehensive combat capability is higher than speed, shield, and attack.

It...can be invisible!

This is not stealth in the usual sense. Instead of simply integrating functions such as light bending, heat shielding, and wave absorption, it can hide itself in a way that distorts space.

The pair of appendages behind the evil spirit-class special service battleship tongs are equipped with more sophisticated space-time warping equipment than the "Nero-particle Space Effect Field Generator" on the Morningstar, which can construct a structure similar to "subspace bubbles" in the real universe. Distorting the surrounding space structure, hiding itself in a special "subspace bubble" behind the overlapping and distorted space... To describe it with a little image, you can compare space to water. The subspace bubble is like a bubble in the water, and the evil spirit special service battleship puts itself in the bubble. And light and various waves can only flow in the water, and will not pass through the bubbles to contact the hull. No matter whether it falls into the eyes of people or to various sensing devices, the light does not turn, but it actually bypasses the bubbles, and naturally there is no way to detect the evil spirit-class special service battleship behind it.

Of course, this is not to say that there is absolutely nothing to detect their existence. It must be able to detect the spatiotemporal warping response. It is similar to the device of the warp probe, but the human warp probe cannot work because it is not sensitive enough to catch evil spirits. The high-level fluctuations of the class-class special service battleship after frequency suppression can only be detected by the early warning equipment of the level of the "Solna" Epsilon Observatory.

Not only that, even in the process of interstellar voyages, the space-time bubble constructed by the evil spirit-class special service battleship is very different from that of ordinary warships. While not affecting the curvature, it can minimize the fluctuation range of time-space warping and offset the time-space. Ripples increase the recovery speed of the space-time wall, thereby avoiding the detection of the velocity probe, which is why it has a lower level of velocity.

To sum up, the evil spirit-class special service battleship is an expert in performing operations behind enemy lines and hiding and sneaking. It can use conventional stealth methods such as frequent entry and exit of "subspace bubbles" + light bending, wave absorption, and heat shielding to impose on enemy ships. Stealth strike.

In addition, he can also play certain investigative purposes, although out of stealth needs, shipborne sensing equipment is not commendable, it is still incomparable to human equipment.

For the Ypsilon people, it is a very troublesome existence. For humans... Tang Fang felt that the word "evil" was not wrong at all in his own translation.

Since Freya can activate the operating system of the battleship, the hull injury is not very serious and can be repaired in a short time. He decided to wait for a while~www.readwn.com~ and wait for "Cupid" and "Nighthawk" Repairing the battleship and driving it back to the human world will definitely be a very fun thing.

The Dreadnought Commander-class fortress will also be transferred back to "Dillard" in the future, but it will have to be repaired by the unmanned engineering operation ship, and more than that. Except for the Fearless Commander-class fortress and the Evil Spirit-class special service battleship, Emma He also screened out a few warships that might be repaired, and later he will add them to the maintenance queue of "Hestia", and separate several unmanned engineering operation ships for simultaneous repair work, and maybe they will form a relic in the future. fleet.

However, the premise is that there must be enough drivers.

He is the only one who can manipulate the ruined battleship at the moment. A way must be found for Emma to design an embedded program to provide an interactive interface suitable for human control, just like the "Aurora" shield on the Morningstar, but it will Sacrificing part of the performance of the system, after all, there is a big gap between StarCraft Terran technology and the Ypsilon.

Moreover, this method of embedding third-party operating procedures can only be used on Ypsilon battleships, and warships of unknown forces such as the evil spirit-class special service battleships are not applicable. After all, human technology benefits from the Ypsilon people. , He also possesses the Ypsilon Rune, which can obtain the highest authorization of Psionic Flame. It is not as rigid as the system in front of him, and it seems that there is no more in-depth use except for the combat assistance function. (To be continued)

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