Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 531: Wool expert

Considering this return to the "Lost Land" to unlock the "Machinery Research Institute", "Consultant", and "Star Gate" successively, and obtain a number of powerful battleships such as the Dreadnought Commander-class fortress and the evil spirit-class special service battleship, and several Thousand Wreck, this kind of gain can already be described as "fruitful", he has nothing to regret.

Besides, in addition to these advances in military strength, he also managed Freya. Later...

He raised his eyebrows and looked at Freya.

The girl felt bad for no reason, and felt that the eyes looking at her body were evil, so evil, like a big bad wolf seeing Little Red Riding Hood.

"Is he going to eat me..." Freya shook her head: "No, no, it's me who eats him, but why are you afraid and why? Do you want to ask Tang Fang what he wants? What about Freya?"

At the moment when she was thinking about it, Captain Tang had withdrawn her flowing thoughts and turned her attention back to the evil spirit-class special service battleship. He felt that the name and image of the evil spirit-class was a good image, but it was not very pleasant. He was "weiguang and righteous". The image of "hero" did not match, so he rejected Emma's suggestion and gave this pitch-black scorpion a very, very loud code name-Seraphim!

This is vulgar and even more vicious!

Captain Tang has always thought that he was a layman with all the three vulgars, so he felt that this name was really good.

He released two "Nighthawks" and several others, used parts separated from the wreckage of the surrounding battleships to repair the holes in the belly of the ship, and then ordered the system to run a self-diagnosis program to provide life support systems and damaged thrusters. Repair plan so that "Cupid" can perform repair tasks.

Finish these. Coming to the outside of the battleship, dispatch all the air force units that can be used, especially the King Insect Army, and begin to partition the battleship wreckage, according to 4 levels of repairable, difficult to repair, unrepairable but parts available, unrepairable, and low value Open. In order to make reasonable use of the unmanned engineering operation boats of the Fearless Commander-class fortress.

After doing these chores, more than 20 hours have passed, eating some canned food, biscuits and other fast foods, and taking the time to rest... Of course, even if he is tired, he never forgets to go back to "business" before going to bed.


When Tang Fang returned from "Delta-4" to the "Omega-2" Ipsyron relay station, it had been three days since everyone arrived in the "Lost Land". Fortunately, he stayed at the relay station and repaired the remains of the Ypsilon step by step to prove that he was all well, otherwise, I am afraid that Kleiya, Tang Lin and others would be anxious.

When he left, he drove a silver moon shuttle less than 20 meters in length. Two battleships arrived when they returned. The most eye-catching was the 340-meter-long scorpion battleship, which was dark and dull, giving people a strange and terrifying feeling.

The other warship is slightly shorter, about 260 meters in length, and its silhouette resembles a small triangular backpack with many pockets carried by girls.

When Hausen, who was smoking and lazily hiding in the viewing cabin, saw two warships from far and near outside the window, the black hair roots that covered 80% of his body were erected, he thought that an enemy was coming.

An alien warship that can enter the "Lost Land". It will definitely not be a fuel-efficient lamp!

In less than one minute, the entire "Morning Star" was completely messed up. Fortunately, Captain Tang learned of the internal disturbances through it. Tell Zhou Ai, Byron and others in time that the Scorpion warship is not an enemy, but an alien warship he acquired in the "Delta-5". Then, including Kleiya and Zhou Ai, all the crew immediately put down their work. Flocking to the viewing cabin, surrounded by huge glass windows, watching two battleships getting closer and drooling.

Ha ha... Ha ha... worthy of being Captain Tang. When you go out and never come back empty-handed, no matter where it is. Even in the Gobi Desert where the birds do not shit, they can give back 2 taels of wool. What's more, the "Lost Land" is a place full of treasures.

Look, look, the shuttle that drove while leaving, and the return trip brought two alien warships--not the kind of tattered warship floating outside the relay station, but a nearly intact alien warship that can be driven normally, especially in the front At first glance, it is not a good crop.

The scorpion is one of the five poisons.

Howson suddenly thought of one thing. With the addition of the "Morning Star", there are now three powerful warships, and Tang Fang has only one person, and at most one can occupy one ship, and because he is the backbone of everyone, in most cases it needs to be in the "Morning Star" "No." is in town, so at least one alien warship must be assigned to pilot.

He turned to look at the crew and said loudly: "As the old Yuan characters who first followed Tang Fang, Aros and I should have our own warships. Everyone is okay."

He is stupid most of the time, and sometimes he is smart. For example, now he knows to pull Aros into the same trench, because the veteran has the same prestige as Zhou Ai, but no one dares to look down upon him, let alone no one. Dare to mess with him.

"Oh, and Churchill, my good brother, you must be the main gunner of the new battleship."

There was no wind in the room, but the crew felt a bit of a chill. Some people stared at him like idiots. As soon as Captain Tang retrieved the two Ypsilon battleships, they began to gang up and divide the family property. Sure enough, the guy with the big fist. Generally no brainer.

Some people's eyes swept over Tang Lin, Kleiya, Zhou Ai, and Byron, and they scolded him 2b secretly. The captain’s wife and the captain’s younger brother didn’t have much trouble, so he jumped out first.

Fortunately, Chen Jian and Stephen were not there, otherwise there would be some cynicism.

Kleiya, Zhou Ai, and Tang Lin didn't even have to look at him. They turned and walked towards the outer ring pier. There was just a news that the two relic warships will be anchored in the outer ring area Star Harbor.

Aros dropped half of his cigar on the ground, his big-headed leather boots squeezed out forcefully, and then walked out of the room. The fine soot was blown by the wind from his trousers, flying everywhere.

Churchill shrank his head and drilled into the crowd, muttering like a chant: "I don't know him, I don't know him..."

"Ma's, whoever says I'm good with him, buddy I'm anxious."

Howson didn't understand, and asked Roy: "Am I doing something wrong?"

Roy scratched his scalp and replied, "I don't know."

Bai Hao squeezed his eyes and said, "They want to swallow the warship."

Howson nodded, showing a thoughtful expression. He smiled and walked over to him, reaching out his hand to slap his half-size head and slapped his head: "You little bunny, I'm so stupid... I can tell, you are the most slippery among the group of people, in some places. It's exactly the same as Tang Xiaozi."

Bai Hao felt the big bag bulging above his head. He grinned straight in pain, but he didn't dare to say anything more. Unlike Aros and Byron, who didn't know the same as their young people, this guy didn't do anything lightly.

Didn't he just want to repay the hatred that Tang Yun had robbed of a lot of babes...Unexpectedly, the old hatred has not disappeared, and the new hatred has been added.

Yingluo hid behind Roy, covering her mouth and snickering, looking at her sister with a weird look. It seems to be saying that you don't take good care of him. Look at our family Roy, how honest, honest, and safe.

Linglong gave her sister a glance. Said: "Don't you think Bai Hao resembled Big Brother Tang when he made trouble?"

Yingluo blinked her black pearl-like eyes and said in surprise: "It turns out that my sister likes Big Brother Tang."



"When have you been so gossiping?" Linglong looked at her worriedly: "Li Ziming taught you badly."

"No, Brother Li takes care of me and Roy very much, don't hack him." Yingluo cried out for him.

Linglong ignored her, turned and walked towards the door, her back was unspeakable, and Zhou Ai's heroine was ninety-nine percent learned by her.

Bai Yue said: "Really handsome, 36k gold pure handsome."

Bai Hao suffered a boring loss in Hausen. He was holding his stomach and sneered, "Fuck you."

Bai Yue said: "If you want to do it, you are also a secretary, of course, you don't do anything fart."

The exquisite back in front of the door flickered twice.

Yingluo was silent. His face was half cloudy and half sunny, and his expression half smiled and half hated.

Howson: "..."

Roy rolled up his sleeves and shook his right arm, really wanting to beat him up, knowing that it was the older sister.

The few crewmen beside him tried their best to endure their smiles patiently. Baiyue had never been able to stop his mouth, and he was definitely the kind of okay looking for trouble.

More crew members focused on the two battleships outside.

"Guess what kind of weapon system it has?"

"Ipsyron's battleship. At least it should be the laser cannon level. Look at its sting. It's horrible."

"Laser cannon, I think it's a plasma cannon."

"Will it be more advanced? For example... dimensional weapons? Law weapons?"

Someone touched the speaker's forehead. Said: "I don't have a fever, why do you start talking nonsense, do you think this is science fiction?"

The apron on Chief Cook didn't get rid of it, and the wind smelt of green onion when he walked around: "I want to know the configuration of the two battleships, just ask Tang Fang, guess what's the point here."

A group of people looked at each other, and then another swarm of Xinggang, the outer ring area.


The two warships entered the relay station and berthed in place. Tang Fang and Freya got down from the warships, and they saw Claire and Zhou Ai walking side by side.

Tang Lin smiled and said, "Brother, why do you even take advantage of the dead?"

The Ypsilons of the "Lost Land" were probably already dead, and their warships were naturally the relics of the dead. Tang Fang drove them home, didn't they just take advantage of the dead.

Claire looked at him suspiciously, even though she didn't speak, it made Captain Tang's face slightly hot.

Before entering the relay station, he was thinking about how to speak to her, and he couldn't tell the girl directly, "Um...I put Freya to sleep, and I must kill you."

If you don't say it, keeping it from her is not a long-term solution.

Confess or conceal? What happens after the confession? What if she can't accept it? What if I can’t accept Ai Zhou? He didn't have the life of Long Aotian, and no one had a face that loved flowers. Once things were messed up, where would he go to buy regret medicine?

In such a dilemma, I was entangled until the battleship entered the port without making a choice. Finally, I decided to hide it temporarily. The big deal was to start the underground mode with Freya, and wait until the two of them were all done. Anyway, the raw rice was already cooked at that time. So what?

There is a good saying, grab a man’s heart to grab his stomach, grab a woman’s heart to occupy her y-dao, as long as it can be pushed down, things will be half done, so let’s just chop first and then make the meal. Let's talk about it well.

This is despicable. But it is undeniably effective. He never felt that he was an upright gentleman, on the contrary, he would rather be a villain, at least live arbitrarily and lively. Don't be careful and take into account other people's ideas everywhere.

And, God knows if Claire has begun to accept Freya, at least she did not resist the fact that three people sleep in the same bed in "Babylon", indicating that the hope is still great, the blessing of all people is him One thing that makes you happy when you dream. For this reason, it is nothing to put in a little patience and energy.

"Tang Fang, why are your hands sweating so much?"

It was not Claire or Zhou Ai who asked this sentence, but Freya. She held hands with Tang Fang. Naturally, it is easy to detect the sweat oozing from his palm.

She couldn't figure it out, she didn't say anything obviously obedient.

"Maybe the room is hotter."

Everyone looked up at the sky, and above it was a circular dome with no end in sight.

A group of people were silent and felt that something was wrong with him.

Claire worried: "What's wrong with you? Are you okay?"


"Tang Fang, Tang Fang..." a rough voice came.

The arrival of Howson, Roy, Bai Hao and others solved Captain Tang's urgent need and at the same time eased the subtle atmosphere on the scene.

A crew member can't wait to ask about the origin and performance of these two alien warships.

Many people think that the evil spirit-class special service battleship is like a big scorpion with a hideous face. It must have a terrifying id, but Captain Tang's words suddenly hit the g spot of some people. The expression is called a *, looking at him seems to say, how can you be like this. Why do you want to do it like this... It's just unreasonable to play cards, don't bring such a game.

It is evil, it is terrible, but it has a sacred name——Seraph!

What a vulgar person!

Roy said: "I think it's more reasonable to be called the'Great Devil'."

The more Bai Hao looked at him, the more he felt that it was a hammer, and said, "Only you would think so. I think the Seraph is good. It is impressive and disgusting. How good..."

Compared with the name, Churchill and Howson care more about its fighting ability. I don't know that Captain Tang deliberately sold off, and the two anxiously scratched their heads, like bears on a hot pot.

For the 260-meter-long Ypsilon battleship behind the "Seraph", he had to introduce a lot in detail.

The ship was discovered in the process of repairing the "Seraph", and the hull was even less injured than the former, so he spent a little more time on the "Delta-5" to repair it, the same as the "Seraph". Come together "Omega-2".

As for the performance of the battleship, the ship's combat capability is not high, with only two medium-caliber plasma guns and a near-defense electromagnetic gun group equipped with Ipsyron armor-piercing shells.

When he spoke, his expression was very casual, with a calm and breezy look. Other people obviously didn't think so. The 260-meter battleship is equipped with two plasma guns? I think that Lord Lancelot’s "Silver Wheel", as a battleship, could only deploy one plasma gun as the main gun, but the Ypsilon battleship in front of me was only 260 meters long, but it was fully equipped with 2 The door, although its caliber is slightly smaller, must be quite powerful, because it is an Ypsilon battleship.

Just about this, Captain Tang also said that the combat capability is not high?

A "Morning Star" logistics maintenance worker said with a dark face: "Is he kidding? Isn't this kind of combat power high? So what is high?"

A crew member next to him said: "Did you forget the laser cannon at the Meghal Ypsilon relay station?"

The former recalled the scene where the four Monya noble fleets, including You Ying and the Southern Cross, were cut and slaughtered by the laser gun net at the middle station of Ipsyron. He couldn't help but shiver and said: "How is that the same? How big is the warship?"

The crew next to him thought for a while, and felt that it was the reason that 600 kilometers and 260 meters were indeed incomparable, and Master Captain's remarks were indeed too much to pretend to be x.

How did they know that this 260-meter Ypsilon battleship, which can barely be translated as "commander class", is indeed not powerful in the eyes of Captain Tang, and the "Seraph" is much more than it. Not to mention the dreadnought commander-class fortress with a big killer like "Apocalypse".

"Commander class" ------ as its model means, this is a command ship, not a battleship, and the weapon system is not outstanding.

His real strength lies in the capabilities of data processing, communication command, resource deployment, etc.~www.readwn.com~ The ship can use special quantum communication equipment to form the largest quantum entangled state with the quantum communication unit of the combat ship under its jurisdiction, forming a safe and smooth composition. , A data transmission network that is not susceptible to interference, and real-time synchronization of battlefield dynamics. The carrier-based signal repeater UAV can also be used to expand the combat radius of the unmanned fighter jet and reduce the influence of the enemy's electronic warfare attacks. For the "noise bomb" that can affect the quality of quantum communication, the ship also has a calm sentry that can minimize the "noise storm".

Upon learning of these circumstances, the crew looked at each other, thinking that they understood the true meaning of Captain Tang’s phrase "combat ability is not high". It turns out that this is a command ship, not a main attack ship for combat, compared to his auxiliary. Ability, the combat power formed by two plasma guns is really nothing.

Tang Fang also told everyone that the command ship must be modified, and then a set of embedded human-computer interaction programs can be designed to allow humans to control it. These two processes will take some time. The "relay station" stayed for a few days. In addition, such a transformation will definitely cause a certain loss of the original performance of the commander-level command ship.

The crew naturally did not complain about "staying at the relay station for a few days", and most people focused on the information revealed by him. (To be continued)

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