Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 560: different

"General, you don’t think about yourself, don’t think about Miss Susan, but always think about the safety of the empire. I’m afraid you know best how strong that kid’s military strength is. If you can’t send the details of this battle to the army, Ministry, I don’t need to say the consequences, you should also understand."

Harrington's face changed slightly, and he had to face Edison's question, and said, "Now that the'Arumega' high-altitude orbit is lost, do you think that kid named Tang will let us leave? What is needed to kill the chickens is not kindness, but cleanliness. neat."

Edison said: "Why can't you leave? The "Star Shuttle" is a special shuttle given to you by His Majesty. It exists to deal with the situation today." He is very confident in the "Star Shuttle".

As the precious shuttle that Zaire Abdul gave to Harrington Harris, the Star Shuttle is the brainchild of the old guys of the Imperial Academy of Sciences. Although it is a human creation, it carries a small Yipu Xilong curved speed engine, matched with the version of "Empire Heart" zero element reactor, can reach up to 8.5 speed level. In addition, it is also equipped with a small shield system that can inspire Yipu like the "Morning Star" Xilong shield.

It is said that the shield system was purchased by His Royal Highness from the "Red Martyrs Party" active in the vicinity of the Talida star system. It was originally used as a birthday gift for His Majesty the Emperor, and was later transplanted into the "Star Shuttle". Bestowed to Harrington Harris.

It is guarded by a shield system, and the "Star Shuttle" equipped with the Ypsilon warp-speed engine does not require a certain reaction time before proceeding with warp-speed navigation like an artificial shuttle, and has requirements for the space structure and surrounding environment.

For example, the man-made shuttle must break away from the planet's gravity and enter the space environment. Only when the warp engine can be launched for interstellar voyages, the "Star Shuttle" has a much higher adaptability. As long as it leaves the atmosphere and enters the high-altitude orbit of "Arumega", the warp engine can be launched for the first time. Leave this place of death.

The power of the Ypsilon warp engine is not only reflected in the "quick response" and "strong adaptability". Such a small shuttle with a warp level of up to 8.5, unless it is a large-scale, similar to the edge of the star system. Speed ​​interception nets, generally light and heavy interceptors cannot intercept at all, and can even escape the monitoring of some old models of warp probes.

If you stand in a life-saving perspective. The value of "Star Shuttle" far exceeds that of "Full Moon", although it is only a shuttle, although it is also a small man in the shuttle, although it can only accommodate 3 people... it is already spacious enough, because the Duke of Harrington only one. Even if Susan is added, there is still a seat left.

Edison never thought of leaving with Harrington. It was his duty after the break, and his death in battle was his destiny.

"General, are you worried about those golden fighters? Don't worry, the powerful firepower of the central unit weapon system is enough to open a channel in the high-altitude orbit of'Arumega' to allow the'Star Shuttle' to evacuate. Please leave it to us."

Finished. With a wave of his hand, the relatives walked to the front of the weapon console and switched on the power. Call out the interactive interface, ready to use the powerful weapon system of the central unit to open a channel between the ground and the high-altitude orbit.

"Don't waste your effort."

Harrington interrupted their actions, shaking his head and said: "The connection between the weapon system and the energy system has been artificially cut off."

"Being cut off by man?" Edison King looked suspicious, after thinking about it, his expression changed: "You mean...there are traitors in the army?"

The central unit of the General Mansion is the most heavily guarded place in the entire defense area. Since the biological fortress launched an orbital airdrop to the ground, the commonly used channels have been completely closed. There are only one or two hidden paths for people like him to pass, and part of the weapon system in the central unit is different from the magnetic shield. It does not depend on the fusion reactor community in the North District and has a separate energy supply.

Since the central unit has not been breached by the opponent by violence. Then, the disconnection of the connection between the weapon system and the energy system will only be done by the personnel inside the General's Palace.

"Sorotule, immediately take a few people to the place where the weapon system and the energy system connect to see what is wrong."

Harrington Harris let out a long sigh and said, "Edison... now that you have never thought of it, or are you unwilling to accept the facts?"


Sorotule and several of his men were stunned, not knowing whether to execute the order.

The room was silent for a long time before Edison said in a trembling voice: "I'm not reconciled... I'm really not reconciled."

It was not that he did not expect that he would not accept such a fate.

Since knowing that the guy surnamed Tang has not gone mad, let alone jumped over the wall in a hurry, he has already guessed the other party's plan.

Obviously there is such a strong military strength, there are such elite combat units, but they are not willing to launch blitzkriegs, or assault and beheading operations. Instead, they choose to head-to-head with the Erye Legion, and the ground battle in "Arumega" is even more important. Choose this style of blossoming on all sides and pushing forward step by step.

Even students who have just graduated from military academy know that this tactic is undesirable, and some rookie commanders will use this thankless style of play... No, even rookies won’t do it, maybe... only those with brain problems Idiots and idiots would do this.

Is Tang Fang an idiot? Is it an idiot?

If he is an idiot, an idiot, how will they deal with themselves as a defeated general?

He is neither an idiot nor an idiot. He did this deliberately, using the roughest and most direct method to run over from the Hell Legion to demonstrate to the Star Alliance, the Monya Empire, the Sulu Empire and other large forces. , This can also be called killing the chicken and the monkey.

Unfortunately, the Hell Legion was the chicken.

Some people say that he is here to "Mubarak" to seek revenge. Is that really the case?

The word "revenge" is just an excuse and a cover. The attack on "Dillard" is clearly a big hole dug by the kid.

Edison was unwilling to be treated as a chicken by others. He wanted to resist, fight, and say no to fate.

It's a pity that this has happened. The Hell's Legion's naval forces have almost been wiped out. The only thing he can do now is to make a way for Harrington Harris, as long as the Lord Duke can escape the danger safely. That kid's plan of force rolling is not perfect, even if he sacrificed his life for it, he would be happy.

There was a gunshot outside, messy, and soldiers roared like a beast.

His color changed drastically. Muttered to himself: "How could it be so fast..."

When the reverberation was still lingering in the ears, the outside became quiet, but it was like the calm before the storm, so depressing and dull, as if something was stuck in my heart.

The door finally opened to both sides. A soldier raised the gun in his hand and was about to fire at the golden figure at the door. One hand stretched out and pressed the gun body.

"There is no need to waste bullets, it makes us feel stingy."

Harrington walked in front of everyone. His gaze fell on the golden armored general who walked into the room side by side, surprisingly calm, and said sincerely: "You won..."

When he said this, he suddenly remembered his thoughts when the biological mothership appeared in outer space outside "Arumega" two hours ago. Thinking about it now, it is really ridiculous and sad.

If you look at the whole thing from the perspective of ordinary people, Tang Fang tricked him. Tricked everyone, but... he suddenly remembered a very crude remark, pretending to be x, but being x.

of course. He would never just belittle himself and feel that his Hell legion is a bunch of rubbish, mob.

Although this battle ended with the defeat of the Hells, and will be famous for the fall of "Mubarak", Harrington Harris's name will become a touch of halo on Captain Tang's head.

He still feels that the Hell's Legion is fought very well, and Piccolo Fred and Dupont Catalan are outstanding. The reason for losing was only because the opponent was too strong.

The 6 fanatics were separated left and right. Tang Fang walked out from behind, his eyes swept over everyone in the room. Eventually fell on Harrington, saying: "You are very unlucky."

He didn't use "you lost" because no matter who the stronghold forces near the Star Alliance came to this muddy water, the result would not be better than "Mubarak". Go there, use "you lost" more or less In a humiliating way, he couldn't do such a thing, even though Harrington himself had admitted defeat. Therefore, he chose to use the word "unlucky" to show respect.

People always have "unlucky" times, right?

Harrington took a closer look at him and found that his appearance was no different from the picture. He was really ordinary and had no impressive temperament. There was even a big gap between the young handsome men of the imperial aristocracy. It was a sword of cold light, and the young man in front of him was an unpretentious fruit knife.

Yes... It's a fruit knife.

Everyone has it, everyone has used it, in most cases it is used to cut fruit, of course, it can also be used to kill.

If this is the living room, you might say: "Please sit down", please this legion that ruined him, his honor, the young man who will take his life, sit on the sofa, and offer a good cup of tea or even a greeting One or two sentences.

If you put it in the eyes of the court officials who seem to be polite, but are actually a bunch of male thieves and female prostitutes, this is tantamount to shame, or inferiority. Treat the enemy as cold and ruthless as winter.

But... he is Harrington Harris, not one of those officials who absorb the anointing of the people all day, but still dominate the people, just like he likes others to call him "general" instead of "lord duke" "; Just like he ignores other people's crazy words and learns dumb speech for Susan; like he is willing to station in remote and bitter places like "Mubarak", and he is unwilling to go with those foxes and dogs.

He is more willing to be a soldier than to be a nobleman or an official.

Soldiers advocate martial arts, and soldiers also advocate justice.

Of course, this is not noble, because some people are right. These soldiers are just dogs kept by the royal family of the Sulu Empire. They are tools used to oppress the people and defend vested interest groups. ? Whose home is it guarding?

Harrington never argued with people about this. He only did what he thought was right. Just like now, even if Captain Tang is his enemy, at least people dare to come out at gunpoint and talk to him on an equal footing, at least people. Know how to respect, even if he is a defeated general, a prisoner, as for the humiliation during the "Mubarak" battle, it is just because of different positions and the situation requires it. Those insults exist because of his duke's name, not because of an individual.

These, he understands. The young man on the opposite side knows the same.

Therefore, such a person is worthy of his respect, and will not exist because the opponent is a winner, nor will he be missing because the opponent is young.

"I used to think you were a dog. I also thought you were a dragon, but now... I found out that I was wrong. You are more like a person than some'people'."

What he said was so contradictory that Edison couldn't understand it. Tang Lin didn't understand, and the soldiers didn't understand either.

Of course, it doesn't matter if they understand or don't, as long as the protagonist in the discourse understands, it is enough.

Tang Fang walked to the front of Harrington Harris and stood still, and swept past Susan who was standing next to him. A faint light flashed in his eyes, and he saw Claire in a daze... and there were some differences.

"You know why I am here."

Harrington nodded, staring at him calmly: "I deleted it."

Tang Fang frowned: "Done it?"

Harrington said: "I am not a villain, and I don't want to be a conspirator... And, such rules. You don't know it."

Tang Fang nodded and said, "I know."

"So you shouldn't be surprised."

He did not respond to Harrington's words, and turned to the high-back chair that symbolized power and status.

Its shape is simple, without losing the atmosphere, the surface is shining with gloomy light, and it looks like a flame from a distance. It is quite mysterious and dark, which coincides with the name of "Eye".

Tang Fang liked its style very much. Thinking that it must be cool to get on the "Seraph", but unfortunately he has a heart to pretend to be x, but he has no chance to pretend to be x. The act of getting it into the "Seraph" is no different from Jin Yi Ye Xing.

Then, he thought of a very uncomfortable thing. If Freya engages him like this in the future, it would be inappropriate to sit on such a chair... No, it's not a little inappropriate, it's very inappropriate!

He is a man of spiritual cleanliness.

and. This made him very uncomfortable, compared to a throne inlaid with gold and jade. He prefers office chairs and sofas that can be turned around.

Admittedly, this is a real turtle. He really couldn't make it to the table, but he was a lazy guy with no ambitions, and he couldn't take any interest in the troublesome things like calling the king and the ancestor.

He no longer entangled the irrelevant question of whether the Duke's high-back chair matched himself, and turned his attention to the present, while walking, looking at the data interface of the high-back chair armrest console.

Even if it has been deleted, he still intends to try to see if Emma can restore the deleted data from the system.

At this moment, Edison King, who had been silent for a long time, moved, quickly took out a gun from his arms, and sprinted towards Tang Fang's location.

His face flushed slightly, the blue veins on his sideburns jumped and his eyes were hot and cold.

Hotness comes from anger, and coldness comes from resentment.

He found that he could not control his emotions like Harrington Harris.

Just like "Haruko adds polysaccharides to coffee", he is not accustomed to forbearance, he is accustomed to indulgence, even if facing Tang Fang, even if the Eye Legion is exhausted.

He would rather die in battle than being humiliated.

Yes, the "respect" in Harrington Harris's eyes is entirely "humiliation" in his eyes.

Since you are a victor, you should naturally have a victorious attitude, you should be happy, you should laugh wildly, you should celebrate with a toast, rather than being calm and indifferent like that kid, as if the "Mubarak" war was just a breeze, a wave of waves , So trivial, so not worth mentioning.

The performance of the opponent made him feel that his failure was so worthless and meaningless.


Just because of bad luck? Such an understatement, even stingy with the saying "You are defeated"?

The young man was supposed to be more arrogant and proud. He regarded defeating the "Hell's Legion" as a capital to show off to the world, a monument in his life journey.

But... he actually only used the sentence "You are unlucky" to pass it? Then he asked a question casually, and walked past Harrington Harris casually.

You know that is the leader of the Hell's Night Legion, he is Edison King's target!

Who does that kid think of himself? Dare to despise an empire's grand prince so much, and how can a person like him treat himself?

This is an insult to personality and hard work!

This is a denial of the strength of the Hell Night Legion!

He couldn't accept such insults or denials, so he didn't follow the orders of the Lord Duke and chose to give it a go, because this could not only give a breath of malice in his chest, it might even reverse the situation.

The so-called capture the thieves first capture the king, as long as Tang Fang can be restrained, the crisis of "Mubarak" will naturally be resolved.

In fact, killing him is also a good way to break the boat. As long as he dies, "Morning Star Casting" will surely fall apart. For this reason, even if it takes his life, what will happen.

Things in the world are often like this. People have different personalities, different philosophies, and different educational backgrounds. They have very different views on the same thing.

Harrington Harris felt that Tang Fang reserved a trace of face for him, which was very rare.

Edison King thought that an attitude that was too indifferent was a kind of extreme arrogance and a kind of humiliation.

When Tang Fang walked to the high-back chair ~www.readwn.com~ the famous fanatic did not follow, and still stood at the door. Tang Lin also did not move, and even the gun in his hand was taken back into his bag.

No matter from which angle he looked at it, it was impossible for him to escape Edison's sudden attack.

Not to mention that it is not only the major general who became angry and angry, but also the soldiers behind. They are all of Edison's personal followers. In this case, they will subconsciously choose to obey the close commander instead of the superior Duke.

Tang Fang still moved forward, as if a slow-reacting person could not respond in the first place. (To be continued)

ps: Thank you local tyrant brother hwblm for your reward.

Thanks to Luanwu Spring and Autumn, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, Mr. Baishan, Can't get up Chuang Xiansen, and Tianma Meteor Cannon Book Friends for their rewards.

Thank you for the black blood wanton, heartbroken, the shadow of the tree, the maple peak, the dream family, 781474938, the appreciation of youth without horizon, the spider crab, the master of Huang Yizi for the appreciation.

This is last week, it should be here, bow and thank you.

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