Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 561: Sister Logic

As the distance between the two people became shorter and shorter, the light in Edison's eyes became more and more brilliant, and finally, it became as brilliant as a star.

The starlight came from a sword, a sword gleaming with blue lustre, and the flowing clouds at the edge of the blade rolled, like strands of flame.

Those radiant blue flames reflected in his eyes, and they became dazzling stars.

With the gun hand hanging down weakly, Edison lowered his head and glanced at the lightsaber passing through his chest, then looked at the six fanatics and Tang Lin at the door, his eyes full of incomprehension.

The man didn't look back, didn't look sideways, didn't even glance at him, still frowned step by step towards the touchpad surface on the armrest of the high-back chair, as if he didn't realize the crisis at that moment.

Edison gathered his little strength, slowly turned his head, and looked behind him.

The white light pattern fluctuates like water, accompanied by a slight electric sound. A soldier wrapped in black leather armor appeared in his eyes, and the light blade that pierced his chest originated from the cyanosis of the opponent's right wrist. Blue energy flow.

It suddenly dawned on him, and finally he understood why the kid dared to walk to the high-back chair openly, fearlessly attacking, and not afraid of trouble. It turned out that he had arranged a second hand early in the morning, so that he could kill people like himself at any time.

These special forces can be hidden and can enter the command center silently without being discovered, which is really hard to accept.

Harrington? Harris opened his mouth and did not speak after all, because he didn't know what to say, did he desperately like Edison? Or scream like a cat whose tail is trampled on?

Susan looked at him with no emotions such as sadness or pity in her eyes. On the contrary, she was surprisingly calm. Calm enough to make people feel that there is a smell of indifference in it.

Edison remembered that she was a very kind woman. Could it be that he was worse than a wounded bird? Not worthy of her mercy? Doesn't it deserve her sympathy? Isn't it worth her grief?

Finally, he looked left and right again, several of his followers had fallen soft to the ground, and blood flowed from the rupture of the power armor. Sickness from time to time slowed down, staining the floor of Guang Ke Jian Ren a red.

He forced himself to hook his fingers, tried to pull the trigger with the last trace of his power, and sent the hateful kid who never forgot to insult him to hell, but all was in vain. A trembling index finger can't even press the trigger.

After a few breaths, he died unwillingly.

Harrington remembered the words that Edison King used to say, "I would rather die on the battlefield than die in bed."

Just as Edison saw the wreck of the "Eternal Night", he owed his body slightly to show his condolences. He whispered: "If I can, I will fight for you in the next life... This is what I owe you..."

Susan released the hand holding his left hand and turned her face away, unwilling to look at the blood on the ground.

Tang Fang frowned tighter, even if he was not unfamiliar with the smell of blood, it didn't mean that he could ignore and remain indifferent.

He walked very slowly, and the distance he could travel 5 steps had to be dragged to 10 steps because he didn't know what to do with them. Kill directly? It always feels cruel. Keep them? What good is it for yourself? To be honest, the death of Harrington would be more conducive to the plan of killing chickens and monkeys.

The funny thing is that he killed so many enemies. But it will be bothering to kill Harrington and Edison.

He suddenly remembered a sentence, not seeing is pure, maybe...this sentence is also applicable to killing.

In war, there is no right or wrong, no good or evil, only victory and defeat, life and death.

But now it's different. Even if there are still some defenders in the general mansion area sporadicly resisting, it is difficult to have any impact on the overall situation. The "Mubarak" war can be put to rest, and the identities of Harrington, Edison and others have also changed from enemies to prisoners.

Going into battle to kill the enemy is one thing. The slaughter of prisoners of war is another matter.

He can face the former calmly, but cannot comfortably kill those who have lost the ability to resist, unless they deserve it.

Does Harrington Harris deserve it?

Perhaps in the eyes of others, the First Fleet of the Hell's Army raided "Dillard", killing and wounding hundreds of civilians. As their leader, Harrington Harris was to blame. However, only a few core members of "Morning Star Casting", such as Tang Fang and Ruskin, knew that the cemetery outside the "Christier" industrial park was only a few mimetic chicks produced by Euglena, as well as Albert and Bill. Bohm and others are just spies planted in the industrial park.

Before heading to the "Lost Land", he left Izsha and some Euglena in "Christier" in order to create the appearance of "Morning Star Casting" with heavy casualties in order to implement follow-up plans.

Because every few days, the "Babylon" branch will send a batch of Sulu and Mongolian Asian laborers, and the employees of the original "Venus Pharmaceutical" were broken up and reorganized by Sheridan, and they were assigned to different departments. It is impossible to be familiar with each other within a period of time. In this way, the use of mimic larvae to transform into a human appearance creates a scene of heavy casualties, even the old employees of the "Christier" Industrial Park can't see the tricks inside.

As for the navy, it is natural that it will not try its best to collect the identity information of the alien migrants who lost their lives in the attack, because most of them entered the Star Alliance by means of smuggling, and personal data is generally fraudulent.

And because the behavior of these people is treasonous, the Sulu Empire and the Monya Empire will not recognize their citizenship at all, and naturally cannot contact their relatives to deal with the funeral, let alone the war between the two sides.

To put it bluntly, confirming the identity of the deceased is just a face-saving project, because no one really cares about their lives and lives. It belongs to the kind of existence where grandma doesn’t care for uncles, and Star Alliance can only do a little effort to show the world. Respect the side of human rights.

In this way, how Sheridan reported, how the navy remembered, after all, the "corpse" was there, with noses and eyes, and could not be adulterated. Therefore, there was an extra cemetery outside the "Christier" Industrial Park.

Few people know that it is not human beings who sleep inside, but some mimic chicks with a life span of only 3 or 4 days.

Of course, something went wrong. The two agents dispatched by Prince Henrietta of the Turanx United Kingdom to "Christier" should have died together in that raid. How could I have thought that only Wang Jianzhi was killed. However, Meteleev did not stay at the supply space station due to personal reasons, and thus escaped, but was taken away by the landing force of the First Fleet of the Eye Legion as a valuable scientific researcher.

The heavy casualties in the eyes of outsiders are actually nothing more than Captain Tang’s idiots, a method used to create favorable conditions for himself. As for the First Fleet of the Hell Corps. It was even used by him as a tool to eliminate dissidents...Of course, he originally planned to use the Pirate Alliance.

In the eyes of the Star Alliance people, he is an upright, kind, benevolent, and respectable person. How could he dirty his hands and kill people, and get rid of those rapes without even knowing it, without causing him a commotion. Of course it is the most cost-effective to kill with a knife.

Others can play with him like this. He can naturally play with others like this.

Compromise? Patience? That is not his style.

In fact, no one suffers from the whole thing.

The Star Alliance used the hand of the Hell Legion to beat him; to hype the theory of stronghold threats, exaggerate national hatred, and further promote the war process; dispatch the 44th Fleet to "Dillard" to protect the "Morning Star Casting" as a pretext. nest.

For the Pirate Alliance. It can not only help Albert out of his heart, but also obtain high-sponsorship from the government, and it can also snipe the development momentum of "Morning Star Casting".

In the same way, the raid on "Diral" is equally beneficial to the Hells, but those benefits become Captain Tang's alms to them when Behemoth appears in the void outside "Arumiga". Funeral goods.

Harrington Harris is really unlucky, very pitiful, very sad, he can obviously live longer. At least they will live longer than those of Albert and Poyle, but unfortunately... the reality is not like a game, and it can never be read again.

and so. He did not want to slaughter the captives, and was more or less unbearable.

Edison King's self-defeating death made him breathe a sigh of relief and gave himself a reason not to be guilty. It is true that this is hypocritical, but it is useful not to deny it.

He is alone. Not a machine.

Eddie is dead, but Harrington is still alive. Did not do anything impulsively.

"What should I do with him?"

When he was hesitating how to deal with Harrington, he had walked to the right of the high-back chair. Subconsciously insert the data cable of the harsh environment protective clothing into the universal interface next to the touchpad.

"Emma, ​​see if you can recover the deleted data."

"please wait."

Tang Fang agreed and continued to think about whether to kill or stay with Harrington?

After a few breaths, without waiting for Emma's answer, the system prompt sounded suddenly.

"Available data is detected, the diagnostic program starts..."

"Diagnosis is complete, confirm suitable humans."

"Perform data analysis..."

"Craft level c+, research tree unlocked, technology level 2, unlocked the building'Planetary Fortress'."

Planetary fortress? The planetary fortress corresponding to the Star Trails Command Center is the core unit of urbanization tactics in the battle mode. It... unexpectedly unlocked at this time. However, carefully recalling the weapon system almost armed to the teeth in the central unit of the General Mansion, I think this is reasonable. For one thing, the planetary fortress was originally similar to the battlefield role of the central unit of the General Mansion.

"Unfortunately, it's just a planetary fortress..."

He sighed, disappointed. Because at the moment when the main buildings cannot be summoned to the real world, planetary fortresses are like missile towers, bunkers, and photon turrets, which are tasteless buildings.

You bother to gnaw off ‘Mubarak’ to unlock such a thing? Think about Zeratul's cudgel, and the "Void Seeker" of the 4th base. The emotional battle is in vain.

"Forget it..."

He shook his head, thinking that it would be good to have new elements to unlock. At least the unlocking of "Planetary Fortress", "Zeratu" and "Void Seeker" today is a bonus. After all, this attack on "Mubarak" is for Considering the strategic layout, at the same time, we will make some plain flowers.

For the "Mubarak" campaign, he can say that he has lost his capital. The resource consumption of 100 Phoenix fighters + 50 reconnaissance aircraft alone is as high as 90,000 crystals and 52,500 gas, not to mention the addition of more than 100 Corruptors and dozens of flying dragons. , There are also high-consumption units such as Colossus, Brood Lord, and Hercules Transport Aircraft.

After this battle, the gas resource in the system space dropped directly from 154,514 to 48,544.

Of course, crystal resources have skyrocketed. From 1054345 to 4265456.

He only hopes that Harrington Harris will not let him down. The energy warehouse of the munitions warehouse has abundant spare parts resources. At least it can make up for the cost of the battle, right?

"By the way...what is the weapon of the planetary fortress called?"

He thought about it carefully, only remembering that the dual cannons of the planetary fortress had an attack power of up to 40 in the battle mode, making it an extremely powerful defensive weapon. As for the name, I can't remember it, mainly because it is not very loud.

Thinking that Emma was still searching the data in the central unit database, it could not be completed for a while, and the cost of the planetary fortress was not high. Only 450 crystals and 150 gas are needed. It would be better to take this opportunity to build one to see what the artillery name is.

In the face of similar problems, he felt that he had a slight obsessive-compulsive disorder, and if it were those with a big personality, he might just give up. But when he got here, he always felt uncomfortable not to make things clear.

So he immediately focused his attention on the human base in the system space, selected one, pressed the hot key, and placed a "command center" on the edge of the building complex.

A few seconds later, the "command center" took shape, and the hot key to upgrade to a planetary fortress was pressed for the first time.

After waiting for a pair of dual cannons that can rotate 360 ​​degrees horizontally and lift up and down 45 degrees vertically, he moved the cursor to the information bar below. Finally came up with the answer to the question ------ Ibex Artillery.

If the weapon system can be raised and lowered vertically at an angle of plus or minus 45 degrees, it should be able to deal with distant air targets, but unfortunately it cannot summon real space. Otherwise, you can take the opportunity to experiment.

He was thinking about it. Suddenly, the Ibex artillery, which was supposed to be mechanically rotating, rose up at a 45-degree angle to the horizontal, and then uncontrollably fired several cannons into the distance.

"Hey, hello. What the fuck? Emma... Emma... what's the matter?"

He was convinced that he had not issued a forcible attack command, and it was impossible for him to penetrate the enemy in the system. What does the planetary fortress mean?

Emma didn't respond, and the Ibizus artillery continued to attack at that point.

He began to wonder if there was a problem with the system. Things happened again beyond my control. I remember that in the past few times, it was either to upgrade the database, or to refresh the system, or to load expansion items, such as the expansion of the Protoss base, the expansion of the interstellar 1 building, and the process of wormholes breeding Behemoth.

What is Sister Logic doing?

He gave the system a very relevant name, Sister Logic, to commemorate the "her" logical way of thinking without discipline.

The Ibizus artillery of the planetary fortress stopped after dozens of consecutive operations. Nothing happened to the Terran base, no new elements were unlocked, and all data on the interface remained unchanged.

When he was feeling strange, there was a voice in his ear that was different from the human unit.


Listening carefully, there is something similar to the neighing of Zerg units.

In the next second, a shadow fell from the sky.

When he saw the body of the shadow, his eyes widened suddenly, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitched a few times, finally understanding what Sister Logic was doing.

The Ibizus artillery bombarded the invisible barrier between the human base and the Zerg base. The owner of this shadow falling from the sky is the queen, the flying queen of the first generation of StarCraft.

It turned out that the system caused such an incident to remind him that this time it was not only the "Planetary Fortress" that was unlocked. The two upgrade modes of the Terran "Command Center" were unlocked, which triggered a special combat unit of the Zerg in the Interstellar 1 era. --Blaster, commonly known as the bomber.

He once again ordered the construction of a "command center" on the edge of the base to control the Ibex artillery of the "planetary fortress" to carry out a forced attack until the base's HP dropped to 40%, using the queen's ability to "invade the main human base" to control the "command center" "infection.

Just like the "pollution" skill of Euglena, a large amount of viscous biochemical materials envelop the "command center" and condense into a film like a fungus blanket, and the original options in the production menu are replaced by blew people.

Blast: The queen of the Zerg can infect the main base of the human race that has been severely damaged, and then infiltrate it with parasitic biochemical toxins. Once the main base is completely infected, the former occupants can become some thoughtless suicide fighters~www.readwn.com~ These fighters can cause serious damage, they are called self-detonators.

These infected victims have been completely controlled by will. Their bodies are twisted and deformed and produce extremely unstable chemicals. Once the battering person finds a large number of enemies together, they can detonate their bodies to release poisonous gas to destroy the enemy. Like other Zerg ground troops, these battered people can also burrow.

The resource consumption of a self-destructive person is 100 crystals, 50 gas, and 1 population.

In the age of StarCraft 1, the self-destructive man can be called the unit with the highest attack power. It can cause 500 explosion damage and has a splash effect, but its health is very low, only 60 points, and it is not fast, and it cannot be airborne. , Is a melee unit.

Blasters also have certain flaws in their operation. They must manually assign the target to attack. They cannot use the "check box + a past" operation method, because they will foolishly ignore the hostile target on the movement track, and then be used as a target to explode. A powerful, but not very useful unit.

In the real world, they are naturally not as idiots as in the game. After all, the level of the StarCraft 1 era is not high and cannot be compared with the StarCraft 2, and the game is one thing, and entering the real world is another. (To be continued)

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