Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 585: Sinister situation

"You are all tricked by him. ▲∴▲∴ǎn▲∴小▲∴ said,"

When the maid served Terry Ferdinand took off his robe, he opened his closed eyes and said in a very calm and indifferent tone, just like before, like a passer-by and spectator.

After changing into a new dressing gown, Terry Ferdinand took a glass of boiled water and walked to a single sofa to sit down. He looked up for a while at the life drama without sound and said, "Are you very happy?"

"Yes?" Hamlet asked rhetorically.

Terry Ferdinand repeated again: "You are very happy."

Unlike the previous sentence, this time he used declarative sentences.

Hamlet laughed blankly, slowly sat up from the sofa, took the glass of water he handed over, and drank half of it in one breath: "How?"

"What can I do? Under the dual pressures of domestic and foreign countries, this matter must be promised or not."

Hamlet said: "Why don't I see frustration on your face, as a loser, you should be more sad."

Terry Ferdinand didn’t seem to hear his ridicule. He caught a small square cup from under the coffee table, took out a bottle of brandy, poured himself a shallow line, and looked at the amber wine at the bottom of the cup and said: " The video of Harrington Harris’ meeting fell into his hands, and Prince Henry of Turanx, the United Kingdom, put pressure on the outside world to let the Star Alliance give an explanation for the death of Wang Jianzhi and Meteleev."

Hamlet frowned. "You know, I'm not interested in that."

"Of course I know." He was playing with the crystal clear wine glass, his eyes blurred, as if attracted by the beauty of the bottom of the glass, he was reluctant to pour them into his mouth and swallow it into his belly, feeling that it was a waste.

"I'm not interested either."

I wonder if what he said was that. Still drinking the wine in the glass.

Hamlet drank the last half of the white water and pushed the empty glass in front of him: "When will it start?"

Terry Ferdinand held the bottle with a slightly shaking hand, poured some into the empty glass in front of him, and pushed it to Hamlet.

"Wait a little longer, after all, this matter has just ended, the chess has to be played step by step. You have to eat one bite at a time."

Hamlet raised his glass, bowed to him, and swallowed it.

"Looking at it now, everything is like a dream."

With a little bit of reluctance on his face, he swallowed the beautiful strands of his belly, moving slowly, like catkins flying under the breeze.

Hamlet put down his glass, looked up at his face, and said, "I wish you could live longer."

A smile of relief appeared on Terry Ferdinand's face. Rarely said in a joking tone: "Then why don't you stop me?"

Hamlet's gaze shifted down, fell on the half bottle of brandy, paused, and said, "I forgot..."

"Forgot?" Terry Ferdinand burst out laughing: "Hahaha, hahaha..."

Hamlet looked at him bitterly: "Is it funny?"

Terry Ferdinand said, "Isn't it funny?"


When the news of "Mubarak" was captured by Tang Fang set off a monstrous tsunami on the Star Alliance network, in a bright office in the Governor's Mansion of the Babylonian Star System "Alkasi", Earl Marlow looked at the deep night sky and was silent.

Abano stood behind him, lowering his head slightly. The whole body was shrunk in the long shadow in the middle of the window, like an old servant who likes to live in the dark.

"My lord. Do you want to make the existence of the Ypsilon fortress public? This may make the water more muddy, indirectly slow down the progress of the Star Covenant preparations, and curb the rapid rise of'Morning Star Casting'... "

Marlow Smith did not turn his head, but raised his right hand to stop him from speaking: "China Civilization has a term called "doing nothing but governing the world."

Abano thought for a while. I felt a little confused, I didn't understand what the Lord Earl meant by this sentence, and what he said just now was that the lips of the donkey were not right, the difference was a thousand miles away.

Marlowe Smith turned around, leaning back against the window. Explains: "We don’t need to do anything, we just need to watch quietly. The greater the external pressure, the more the Star Alliance government and the “Morning Star Casting” will twist into a rope and unite to fight each other. If the outside wind is calm, they The opposition between them will be infinitely magnified, calculating each other, attacking each other, hurting each other, and finally walking on the opposite side."

"This is called one mountain not tolerating two tigers!"

Abano calmed down and thought about it for a moment, thinking that Earl Marlowe had something wrong. It wasn't called "doing nothing but ruling the world", it should be called "doing nothing but chaos in the world", but he wouldn't say what he was thinking.


In the deep space zone of the Sokannada Line, the dark universe is full of light, stars are precipitating in distant places, and nebulae of different colors are like children’s random graffiti. I am in you, and you in me. On a dark background cloth.

The Hades-class aircraft carrier of the Anubis Legion is 1.5 kilometers long and looks like a giant centipede from a distance. It is dark and cold, making people shudder.

However, compared with the protagonist this time, the Hades-class aircraft carrier is obviously at a disadvantage.

It was a huge ship that was even longer than the Hades-class aircraft carrier, about 2.3 kilometers long. There is a very eye-catching difference between the two. The Hades is completely black, but its main color is a kind of white, not a shiny silver white, nor a transparent white, but a kind of pale white, like a bone. The scary color.

If the Hades-class aircraft carrier travels in the dark universe, then it is flying in the dark universe.

Yes, it has wings.

A pair of floating expansion parts that are wide at the front and narrow at the rear, like a wing, tightly wrap the main body of the battleship.

It is different from the styles of all the warships of the sovereign states of the Hilumbel region and even the Ypsilon battleship. If viewed from a distance, it is more like a skull dragon than a battleship.

That's right, it was a bone dragon brandishing incomplete wings.

In the most important abdomen of the battleship, dozens of thick ribs tightly wrapped the structure like a vacuole in the center, radiating **** light to the surrounding void at regular intervals, as if there was a regularly pacing heart inside.

The entire battleship does not have any inkjet prints or ship numbers that are sufficient to mark its identity, because it does not need it, and anyone who knows it can know its identity at a glance. People who don’t know it will feel terrified in their hearts.

Grim, horror, evil, dark...Most negative adjectives can be used on it.

If the Hades-class aircraft carrier of the Anubis Legion is an epic poisonous insect living in a dark wetland, it symbolizes insidiousness and weirdness. Then it is the Nether Bone Dragon flying in the endless abyss, symbolizing tyranny and chaos.

At this moment, the black light rolled over tens of kilometers away from the battleship, and in the blink of an eye there was a small ship more than 50 meters long and resembling a silver carp. A black flame was ejected from the tail, approaching the Bone Dragon battleship in the distance very quickly, and plunged into the huge hole in the skull orbit of the ship's bow, spreading dark red ripples when passing through the liquid bubble.


At the border of the Monya Empire and the Star Covenant, there is a star system called "Ernaga". Thousands of warships, large and small, are densely roaming in the void. Some perform patrol missions step by step, and some are heading for war speed interception. A mooring wharf attached to a military port for hundreds of kilometers next to the net is carrying out resource supply work, and some are slowly leaving the star system, turning into flashes of light and disappearing into space.

Channel indicator lights, space-based unmanned platforms, outposts, communication towers, navigation beacons... the light of all space-based equipment merges into an ocean. It is denser and brighter than the stars in the distance.

This is the core of the Monya Empire's combined fleet. The naval headquarters headed by the six prince Mackintosh Stewart was set up in the one-hundred-kilometer-level super-large space station called "Ptolemy".

"Ptolemy" is not a simple military port. In addition to all the functions of a general military star port, it also integrates space-based defense facilities and a production line for small and medium-sized ships. In addition, it is a mobile space-based defense fortress, of course. The speed is anxious.

In fact, news of the fall of "Mubarak" was sent to "Ptolemy"'s Monya Naval Front Command Command more than a week ago, but it was a pity that Mackintosh was not there at the time. Go to the front line to inspect, or to frighten the fleet requisitioned by several domestic princes and dukes. After all, the empire has been fighting for a long time in the Ganpuna region, and various princes have invested a lot of manpower and material resources in the war zone. , But did not exchange for a victory worth celebrating. Now the Star Alliance is attacking the two countries again, and Kirklaf I ignores the suffering of the people. In addition to increasing taxes and conscription, the continued deployment of private armies of the princes to the front line will inevitably cause the princes and the fleet command level to rebel.

When the news announced by sns TV station spread widely on the domestic and international networks, Mackintosh finally rushed back from the front line.

When he was on the front line before, he had negotiated and appeased the issue with the commanders of the 21 fleets through a video conference, and also transmitted the information on the "Mubarak" campaign provided by the Sulu Empire to the subordinates. In the hands of the fleet commander.

therefore. After returning to "Ptolemy", he learned that the maddening of "Mubarak" on the Star Alliance network was very calm, and told his officers to wait a while and then report to him what happened within a week of leaving the headquarters. Then took personal guards into a conference room in the core area of ​​"Ptolemy".

There was a staff member waiting inside, and when he saw him entering the door, he hurriedly stood up and saluted.

"His Royal Highness, the quantum channel with the 13th prince is ready, and you can talk at any time."

Mackintosh walked to the conference table closest to the door and sat down. While signalling the staff on the opposite side to send a communication request, he asked the lieutenant communications officer next to him: "Where is Prince 13 now?"

"Report to Your Highness that His Royal Highness the 13th Prince has joined the Xingjun's'Hudla' department and is supplying daily necessities in the'Clonil' port. You will be able to leave for'Ernaga' soon."

"What about the information about the'Mubarak' campaign?"

"It has been transmitted to His Royal Highness the 13th Prince a few days ago."

Mackintosh's head, seeing the quantum communication equipment start to operate, waved to several people to signal them to retreat.

The four cold-faced guards behind him also exited the meeting room behind the staff and stood at the security door.

The scarlet cloak fell to the ground like coagulated blood.

Mackintosh scratched the itchy scalp with his hand, took out a small oblate box from his arms, opened the lid, put it in front of the nose and sucked hard. After a few seconds, the pupils were somewhat cloudy. Become clear, the exhaustion on his face is swept away,

When the small box was put back in his arms, the holographic projection device outlined a figure on the opposite side of the conference table. Halifax Stewart, also wearing a red cloak, appeared in the conference room.

Compared with Mackintosh, Halifax looked much younger and much handsomer.

"Brother, everything is well?"

Halifax looked straight ahead, looked at McIntosh's slightly thin face, and asked a very unnutritious sentence.

In fact, his relationship with Mackintosh is very good, otherwise Kirklaf I would not agree to his request to join the war. After all, leadership discord is taboo on the battlefield.

Halifax is obsessed with scientific research. He has always been disinterested in politics, and he is favored by His Majesty the Emperor. Mackintosh is very similar to him. He also has no interest in politics. He spends his energy and time on military affairs and is not used to it. Be polite to others, even his younger brother.

"If you are polite, you will be exempted. Have you read the information about the'Mubarak' campaign?"

Halifax's handsome face was cold. ǎǎn head: "I've seen it." After that, he added: "He has grown up very fast, I admit that I underestimated him before."

The information related to the "Mubarak" campaign provided by the Sulu Empire is naturally far from the fragmentary fragment published by sns TV station in less than 2 minutes. It was formed by the officers who fled the battlefield through memory and battle recorder. The system information is very detailed.

Mackintosh sighed softly: "I didn't expect Harrington Harris' Hells to be so gone. Not only do you underestimate him, I also underestimate him. If he is allowed to grow like this, it will take time. It will definitely become a major disaster for the empire."

Originally, Tang Fang’s speech on sns television became an opportunity for the Star Alliance to declare war on Sulu and Mongolia. This incident made the Monya executives start to face the "Morning Star Casting" and smell a hint of danger.

Later, the Garcia Rebels announced that Tang Fang had become the second person after Marion Duncan. The status even surpassed the leaders of Payne, Krisugarde, and Miki Hyuga, and was once again known by the big figures of the core of the imperial power.

Until now. "Mubarak" was destroyed by his own power, and finally made Kolklav I feel threatened and began to pay attention to the young man named "Tang Fang".

A few months ago, in the eyes of the 13th prince, there was still an ant that could be crushed to death at will, but now it is like a rising peak, making all people and forces attached to the Stewart family feel the lingering pressure no matter what. .

"Brother, don't worry. My father allowed me to mobilize'Hudla' this time, just to eliminate Tang Fang and his'Morning Star Casting' in one fell swoop." When saying this, Halifax showed his face A strong confidence.

As part of the criminal army, "Xudla" has always been used to deter princes and crusade against rebellion. It is conceivable how strong its combat effectiveness is. Originally, Halifax was only going to mobilize a fleet of "Hudla", but I did not expect that it had just dispatched various supplies and was ready to lead the fleet to leave the "Clonil" military port. Going to the front line, "Mubarak" has undergone such drastic changes. When Kolkraf I learned about it, he urgently ordered the entire ship of the "Hydra" regiment to go to the front line, trying to block the attack of the Star Alliance navy, while staying in the "Dila". "Morning Star Casting" was completely destroyed.

Mackintosh was silent for a moment and said, "I hope so."

He was a prudent person, and Kirklaf I was a good at using people, so he was sent to the border between the Star Alliance and the Monya Empire.

The Gampner war zone is like a meat grinder that devours countless lives. The Charles Federation, the Dolanx Republic, the Monya Empire, and the Sulu Empire are riding a tiger. No matter which side is slack, it will inevitably lead to a collapse.

The more Charles Confederation and the Dolanx Republic faced such a situation, the more the people’s will to fight became stronger and firmer. Just as Charles Confederation President Antoinette said, there is no turning back to the bow. The fighting significance of the district has far surpassed a regional war. It is a collision of democracy and dictatorship, and freedom and oppression. At the moment when more than half of the countries in the entire Hilumbel region are shrouded by dictatorship, the spirit of democracy and freedom cannot bloom. The brilliance it deserves, the positive side of human nature will sink.

The dictatorship of the Hilumbel region includes the Sulu Empire, the Monya Empire, the Sauron Empire, the Republic of Date, the Turanx United Kingdom, and the Phoenix Empire.

The only countries that advocate democracy and freedom are Charles Federation, the Dorlanks Republic, and the Star Alliance.

The Yinying regiment's political system is rather special and is not counted.

The number of specialized countries is ~www.readwn.com~, while the number of democratic countries is only 3. The Star Alliance is a country with incomplete sovereignty. It is conceivable how desperate the social situation of the entire Hilumbel region is.

The Charles Federation and the Dolanx Republic invested in the war in the Gampna Theater to force the Sulu Empire and the Monya Empire to continuously increase their use of troops, but the willingness of the citizens of the two sides to participate in the war was different. The two empires were implemented in Gampna The policy of ruling the army with iron and blood barely managed to hold on to the situation.

Now the Star Alliance has also joined this war, bringing heavy pressure on the Sulu Empire and the Monya Empire.

Kirklaf I had to send a cautious and prudent prince like Mackintosh to control the overall situation, not seeking merits but no demerits in frontier warfare.

Halifax was a handsome man, just like he was confident in his appearance, he was also a very proud man, dissatisfied with Mackintosh's words to exaggerate others' prestige.

"Brother, I admit that I underestimated that guy before, but it does not mean that I am afraid of his'Morning Star Casting'.'Hudla' is the most elite legion in the empire, second only to the Royal Navy and the father who have already invested in the Gampner Theater. The Celtics guard is much stronger than Harrington Harris’s Hell. What do you think the result will be if you use it to deal with that kid?” (To be continued...)

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