Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 586: The crisis of the next generation

"Perhaps... the description of killing a chicken with a sledge-knife is very appropriate."

Halifax is a scientist who likes to speak with data. This rigor is different from McIntosh’s caution. In his opinion, if the Hell’s Legion’s combat effectiveness score is 50 points, the Hydra’s Legion will It is 120, not to mention that the Hell Legion is full of 4,000 warships, and the Hydra Legion is twice the former.

Just like the Ayalos-Koplin-Srandar no man’s land between the border of the Sulu Empire and the core economic zone of the Star Alliance, there is also a Kalilan-Rutto between the border of the Monya Empire and the core economic zone of the Star Alliance. The Nado no man's land is guarded by 22 fleets led by another five-star general of the Star Alliance Navy, Luc Stillberg.

On the surface, the Star Alliance side has the dominant force. However, once the Hydra Army arrives at the front line, the situation will instantly reverse unless the Star Alliance uses the Spartacus Alliance or the Glory Army.

The information on the "Mubarak" campaign provided by the Sulu Empire showed that Tang had played a lot of insidious tricks during that siege. If he could beware of it in advance, the Hell's Legion would never endure such a fiasco. .

Halifax didn’t think that he would fall into the trap of the opponent like the Erye Legion when he had mastered part of Tang Fang’s combat unit information. Moreover, the Hydra Legion was much stronger than the Erye Legion. Therefore, no longer underestimating Tang Fang does not mean he is afraid of the military power of "Morning Star Casting".

Under the rolling wheels of the 9th Fleet of the Hydra Corps, Tang Fang and his "Morning Star Casting" were destined to be rolled into meat sauce.

Unlike Halifax, who is full of self-confidence, McIntosh clearly knows that data does not represent everything, but he did not refute it because it is meaningless. The 13th brother in front of him would rather believe the data than accept his advice.

"I hope so." He repeated again.

Halifax frowned, a little unhappy, and didn't say much, saying: "Take care, look forward to the day you meet with your brother." Then disconnected. The body image slowly disappeared from the conference table like the morning mist.

Mackintosh got up and walked out the door, his cloak dripping from behind, like a gorefiend crawling on the ground.


Three days later, the public opinion controversy caused by the fall of "Mubarak" in the Star Alliance gradually eased. "Dilal" did not receive as many interview requests as the previous two days. Only the Internet on this matter is still not being discussed. Stop fermentation.

David Conan got in touch with him after the "Heisenberg" meeting. Tell him that Venus Pharmaceuticals agreed to transfer the right to use "Dillard" to "Morningstar Casting", so as not to wait impatiently and cruelly leak out the negotiation information between Ruan Tingwen and Harrington Harris.

As for the signing of the transfer agreement, the time is set at the beginning of next month. After all, Bilbom needs to make some arrangements in advance. Also coordinate the opinions among the board members.

Tang Fang expressed his understanding and told David Conan that he would send Nehemiah to "Heisenberg" to sign the transfer agreement for the use of "Dilal" on his behalf.

After the two parties disconnected, he issued a new order to Emma to use the capabilities of the Star Orbit Command Center to do everything possible to lock the stock trading of Venus Pharmaceuticals, especially the trading behavior of corporate executives and shareholders. .

He is a lazy guy, with no big ambitions other than killing Kirkcraft I. He doesn't understand the economy, nor does he understand the people's livelihood, and the military is also a master of dissatisfaction with half a bottle.

But this does not mean that he can't guess Bilbom's plan. It doesn't mean that he will sit back and watch.

Need to arrange corporate affairs and coordinate time for board members? These words deceive young people who don't understand anything. The stock price of "Venus Pharmaceutical" soared because of his speech on the "Babylon" sns TV station. The power of interest and public opinion forced Billbom to shut up and confirmed the cooperative relationship between "Morning Star Casting" and "Venus Pharmaceutical". .

Today, the citizens of the Star Alliance settled in the "Dillard" incident through the 44th Fleet, and later the death of Pompeii Clark and the sinking of the "Wuxian" have been keenly aware of "Morning Star Casting" and "Venus Star Pharmaceutical" "It's not as close as Bilbom claims to the outside world. The two sides may have already had irreconcilable conflicts.

If there are rumors that "Venus Pharmaceutical" will transfer the right to use "Dilal" to "Morning Star Casting" again at this time. Some smart people will definitely smell the gunpowder inside, making people lose confidence in "Venus Pharmaceutical". It caused turmoil in the stock market and sold stocks aggressively.

Believe this, Bill Boom knows better than anyone else. The reason why he delayed the signing time. It is to dispose of the company stocks he holds as soon as possible when he is in the high position, as well as some directors and executives' lifting of the ban, to arbitrage huge amounts of cash, and to minimize the economic losses caused to him by the foreseeable decline in corporate profits in the future.

This is undoubtedly passing on his own losses and absorbing the hard-earned money of investors.

After his speech on sns TV, the stock price of Venus Pharmaceuticals has gone up all the way. Although this is the choice of stock investors, he has some responsibilities.

He didn't know what deal Bilbom had made with the Star Alliance government, and if he wanted to come, the old guy must win himself a way out.

Since the Star Alliance government had given him a way out, he still had to reach into the pockets of stockholders to seek further benefits for himself, which he couldn't stand anyway.

Sure enough, Emma reported to him the next day that some executives of Venus Pharmaceuticals and Bilbom began to reduce their holdings of the company’s shares, and she used technical means to freeze the transaction process one by one and disclose it anonymously. The message.

On the third day, ordinary shareholders began to sell a large number of "Venus Pharmaceutical" stocks, and the price per share fell rapidly from high levels. It was not until most of the shareholders withdrew from the market a few days later that Emma began to open up the "Venus Pharmaceuticals" such as Bilbom and Ruan Tingwen. Business" directors and senior executives’ trading authority.

This nationwide sell-off caused an uproar in the stock market. However, because it was only the limit of individual stocks, it did not have any impact on the market. The only unlucky thing is the "Venus Pharmaceutical" itself, as well as board members, corporate executives and other major shareholders.

The personnel of the China Securities Regulatory Commission sent technicians to investigate the suspension of the trading authority of the senior executives and directors of "Venus Pharmaceutical". However, the investigation found the CSRC itself.

The selling behavior of Bilbom and others is a vicious ploy to collect money and is not ashamed of others. Those people from the China Securities Regulatory Commission had to investigate because of their duties. I didn't think that the **** basin would be buckled on their foreheads, but they had no motivation to do it, and they all had no guilt or proof of innocence, so a group of people stayed in the office to argue for a long time. They can only choose to turn this matter into a big one. As for how the "Venus Pharmaceutical" will explain it, it is a big deal that they are arguing with each other, anyway, what they did is a bit shameful.

Tang Fang is in a good mood these days, not only because Emma is sick of Bilbom's **** capitalists, but Philips has also negotiated with Duke Congreve. As soon as the money arrives, subsequent transactions can be made.

Congreve is a man with no political ambitions. He didn't test Philips' bottom line like some old foxes, or verbally agree to investigate such things secretly.

the other side. Nehemiah took the "Star Shuttle" to the Duma Stellar System a few days ago, completing the signing ceremony with "Venus Pharmaceutical" ahead of schedule. Since then, "Morning Star Casting" has obtained the right to use "Dilal" for nearly 50 years, and has completely completed the first phase of the strategic layout.

Old Corey held a press conference in “Babylon” as the manager of the “Morning Star Casting” branch, and officially announced to the outside world that “Morning Star Casting” had won the right to use the “Dillard”, and at the same time announced that he and "Star Pharmaceutical" had to "painfully" end the cooperative relationship because of serious differences in business philosophy.

Regarding this incident, the Star Alliance people had a hunch since the stock market turmoil. At this time, it was not surprising to hear that "Venus Pharmaceutical" and "Morning Star Casting" had broken. Some people combined the original attack in "Dilal" and the actions of the navy in no man's land. Vaguely guessed something, but suffered from no evidence, unable to verify it.

"Venus Pharmaceutical", as the original tenant of "Dillard", must have played an important role in it. Now the stock price has plummeted, and the company's situation is precarious under internal and external troubles. Now that even the lease of "Dillard" has fallen into the hands of "Morning Star Casting", this fully illustrates one thing. The young man far away in "Dillard" had the last laugh.

Many people are happier than Captain Tang himself, because watching those old foxes play tricks. Then it is a delightful thing to be beaten and swollen, yet dare not speak out. Patriotism does not mean that you must love the government. Only a government that can accept criticism, accusations, and even reproaches from the people is a good government that really benefits the people. I think that through this lesson, the politicians in the parliament can take a warning.

Contrary to popular sentiment, the members of the Adam government and the Liberal Party members are as disgusting as swallowing a fly, because more and more people have figured out a problem through a series of events that happened back and forth. The trilateral forces of "Morning Star Casting", the Hell Legion was wiped out of the world by the biological fleet, and the Pirate Alliance, the Black Pearl Pirates, collapsed, although Hannibal, Whitebeard, Cobra and Albert’s Apollo Pirates have not yet When the bad news came out, Captain Tang, who wanted to increase his strength, would not let them go so easily. There will always be a day to settle the old accounts in the future.

As for the government, since the boy returned to "Dillard", he has been leading the military and the government by the nose. Pompeii Clark and the Wuxian were killed by him, and the navy did not even dare to let go. Before leaving, the 44th Fleet gave away a military port that was about to be completed.

Now the right to rent "Dillard" has also fallen into the hands of Captain Tang, without even spending a cent.

"Venus Pharmaceutical" is now on the verge of bankruptcy because of its involvement in this matter, and its stock price has fallen to a freezing point. Those distributors and downstream manufacturers that have a cooperative relationship with it have drawn a clear line with it, so as not to cause non-governmental resistance.

Of course, this does not mean that Bilbom will fail. The bankruptcy of "Venus Pharmaceutical" is a foregone conclusion, but he turned over at the last moment and conspired with the Republicans to put the Liberal Party on the verge of a tiger.

Adam Oliver really has a headache, because it is not an easy task to engage in black-box operations under a system like the Star Alliance. In order to make "Venus Pharmaceutical" "fairly open" to obtain "Ayalos" resource development Right, we must first get other resource development enterprises.

As that sentence says, "To tell a lie requires ten lies to make up."

Fortunately, it is wartime politics, he has enough power to operate this matter.

"Tang Fang..." What he hates most now is hearing these two words. The young man who is far away from "Dillard" has almost become his nightmare, or curse. He had been suffering from insomnia for a week, and he could only fall asleep relying on drugs.

Tang Fang's state is completely opposite to Adam Oliver. He eats well, lives well, and sleeps well. of course. The premise is that Freya doesn't toss him in the middle of the night...Although this is a luxury.

He was very strange, saying that women in thirty are like wolves and forty like tigers and fifty sit on the floor and **** dirt. Freya is just a little girl of seventeen and a half years old, and her needs in that area are more than that of a forty-year-old woman. Seeing oneself is like a drug addict seeing du products, just can't stop.

Emma said this stems from the fatal attraction of the Ypsilon rune to fusion hybrids. It is a poison that cannot be quit.

Tang Fang feels that "she" has an extra talent attribute besides occasional complaints-literary and artistic young women.

Emma did not respond to his ridicule, and continued to explain to him. The reason why Freya was able to control her body was not like she would run away when reaching the critical point as before, removing the transformation of her body by the dark matter fluid in the remains of the Dismakda planet Epsilon in the Lost Lands. Human intimacy is also one of the important reasons.

"Combined registration and double repair". He thought of the word again.

However, Emma rejected this argument, because it has nothing to do with what he called "joint registration and dual cultivation".

He said that he didn't understand... Then, Emma pointed out a unique thing that happened when the two were making each other.

After listening to the entire passage, he did not remain silent, did not think, did not question, but chose to swear. Very demeanor, very vulgarly asked Ri Emma's immortal board, because this shameless iron knot dare to spy on him making love with Freya.

Emma is a very cultivated adjutant. Even though the respected commander deeply expressed his greetings to the immortal "her", he still gently explained to him that it was he himself who wanted "she" to closely monitor Freya's physical condition. Once he found any problems, he would promptly report He reported, so she just acted on the command line. It belongs to the open study of human mating behavior, not peeping.

Tang Fang was helpless. Facing Emma, ​​this kind of powerful greeting didn't help. It is very uncomfortable to hit the air like a punch that gathers all the power of the whole body.

He had to selectively forget the unpleasantness of being peeped, and ordered Emma to close the watch the next time he and Freya rolled the sheets, and then, thinking of the words "her" just now, he was a little bit dumbfounded.

It's no wonder that Freya is always used to swallowing something in one bite. He still regards it as a little girl's special hobby, but he didn't expect...people are double absorption.

Fusion hybrid is fusion hybrid, and it is not comparable to humans.

He immediately thought of another question. If everything is absorbed by her body and the dark energy contained in it is used to make up for the body's defects and strengthen the nervous system's control of the electrical energy in the body, doesn't it mean that she cannot have children.

Emma affirmed his guess that Freya is indeed infertile, or that it is not suitable for human reproduction.

Except for the nervous system, all organs of her body have been strengthened and remodeled. Compared to humans, she is more inclined to the Ipsyron. Therefore, she will not have menstruation, period, or ovulation. If she wants to conceive, she must It is possible to find a solution by referring to the fertility process of the Ypsilon.

"The fertility method of the Ypsilon is different from that of humans?"

He thought of the memoirs of the Ypsilon girl named Liana, and remembered that her family was formed like a human being, with a father and mother.

The scene demonstrated by the pendant obtained at the Ashtorando Hall at the beginning proved that the Ypsilons in their infancy were also similar to humans, so weak and small and needed to be raised by their elders.

Similarly, in the Epsilon ruins in the "Dismakda", the information contained in the three totems representing life has the interpretation that "life comes from the union of the sexes".

Now Emma tells him that human fertility is not suitable for the Ypsilon.

This made him speechless, and it also made him realize that, no wonder she hadn't held back what was inside several times, but Freya's body did not react at all. It turned out that her body structure was different from ordinary people.

This has both advantages and disadvantages~www.readwn.com~Pros, you don’t need to take protective measures in the future, you can do it with your own temper, and you don’t have to worry about becoming a father before Zhou Ai and Kleiya are settled. The downside is naturally to additionally solve Freya's fertility problem, of course, that is a future thing, there is no need to rush for a while.

There is another problem that makes him very troubled. When he was at Nami Star, he was affected by the evil eye, his gene was mutated, he was able to regenerate at a high speed, and his physical fitness was greatly improved, but this does not mean that his abilities in that area will also increase. , Reaching the level of inhumanity.

Now that he encounters a little girl like Freya who can’t feed enough, he finally understands the bitterness of "paying public food". In vain, he still thinks about the other two girls on the Morningstar every day. This really has to be done... he touches The midfielder asked himself in a low voice: "Can you eat it?"

Then he thought of Li Ziming, the partner of the medical laboratory and Valentine, and remembered what he said to himself before.

"Why don't you ask him for a secret recipe?"

The next second, he shook his head vigorously, shook off the water in his head, and looked for Li Ziming? What a joke, some things have to be handled even if they die. If Captain Tang dangles even his own woman, he will be laughed out of. (To be continued)

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