Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 593: Unbeautiful misunderstanding

"I know what you are worried about, don't worry, as long as Surbaggio exercises restraint, I am naturally happy to live together in peace."

Tang snapped his fingers towards the sky, and a light spot suddenly lit up in the blue sky, and a Jinhua approached from far away at an extremely fast speed.

Philips didn't notice the vision on the horizon, his dry lips flicked twice, and said in a weak tone: "I hope so." He had faith in Tang Fang, but he had no faith in Sulbaggio, anyone knew. The young duke is a self-sufficient person.

The Protoss transport plane swooped down towards the location of the prison area from far to near. Two unmanned fighter jets on the edge of the island followed closely behind and projected two air-to-air missiles. Unfortunately, such an attack could not cause substantial damage to the transport plane.

At the same time, ground-based air defense facilities finally caught the target, and the launch tube array spewed out bursts of fire, and dozens of surface-to-air missiles soared into the sky, shooting straight at the target with thick white smoke.

Boom, boom, boom!

The cloud of smoke released by the missile warhead exploded rapidly, and a large number of fragments shot outward.

Only then did the old Benny and Philips discover the abnormality in the sky. When they looked up, a huge golden aircraft smashed through the smoke cloud and swooped down with wisps of gunpowder.

A touch of golden, silvery-white brilliance flashed in the clouds, like rain lines from the sky, drawing a long straight line on the ground, and the area where the anti-aircraft missile launcher was located was instantly shrouded in a sea of ​​fire.

On the other side, a sharp roar cut across the sky, and two small black spots in the distance exploded the unmanned fighter plane following the Protoss transport fuselage from far to near, turning into a large fireball that rolled down from the sky, and finally fell. Enter the woods outside the Dengger Palace. A flash of light rose up.

The military fighter planes wandering in the northern part of the garden began to change their formation, changing from the inspection mode to the combat formation, and urgently went to the west for reinforcements.

Some missionary-class frigates wandering high in the east of the garden and heresy-class fast assault boats pressed forward and attacked the looming golden brilliance in the clouds.

No one thought that the scale of the battle would suddenly expand, but at the moment when the Duchess and many great nobles were evacuated by the undersea tunnel. The garrison of Kandal Island received the latest order from Surbaggio, who inspected the "Aradele" navy from far away in the "Goldin" naval port, to eliminate those terrorists at all costs for his father, Congreve. Shame.

When the Banshee fighters bombed the ground structures, the commander in charge of the defense affairs of Kandal Island, Meng Haoyu, thought that the enemy had only a few small stealth aircraft, so he dispatched fighters from the northern military base to lift off and block the sea and air outside the island. Line commander Brigadier General McDowell seconded the reconnaissance ship.

When the widow mine exploded. He ordered to increase ground defense, activate emergency plans, and set up fire blockades in various areas of the garden to deal with ground terrorist groups. At the same time, he once again asked Brigadier General McDowell for help, seconded the missionary-class frigate and heresy-class fast assault boats to line up.

Meng Haoyu thought he was already cautious enough. As Brigadier General McDowell said, no matter how cunning the enemy is, it is just a small group of terrorists. How big a wave can it make? It's really a fuss.

However, when a stream of silver and white streamers fell in the clouds, turning the area where the air defense facilities in the southern part of the park was located into a sea of ​​fire, the unpleasant feeling that was suppressed to the bottom of my heart was like a sudden solar eclipse, which immediately obscured all the light in the world.

The scale of the terrorist attack was like a snowball, and he had to order the frigate behind to also go into battle.

at the same time. In the west of the park, the Protoss transport plane finally dived to a low altitude and stopped over the prison area. A beam of light shot down, and 6 people on the ground rose slowly.

Philips and the old Benny looked a little at a loss, while Irma looked numb. Now she has a crazy confidence in Captain Tang. Let alone kill "Mubarak", even if he is really confused someday The sub-emperor’s nest is over. She would never be surprised.

The Protoss transport plane sucked 6 people into the cabin and made a volley. The engine ejected a cyan beam of light, drawing a silver-white trajectory like flowing water. Flew slowly to the blue sky.

The golden color that was fast-going away was so dazzling that the soldiers in the bunker on the periphery of the prison showed a lost expression.

The 150-meter body length of the missionary-class frigate is particularly eye-catching when it passes through the clouds. The jet black paint and bloated hull make it look heavy and oppressive. The heretical-class fast assault ship is about 70 meters in size. The style is very different from that of a missionary, resembling a bat with open wings, revealing a trace of evil.

Finally, under the pressure of the frigate and the fast assault boat, a touch of golden shadow hidden in the clouds revealed itself, and the rear thrusters of the seven golden warplanes with sharp heads and tails spewed out a blue light, like an arrow from the string, With a long brilliance, he rushed to the 3 missionary-class frigates and 7 heretical-class fast assault boats at a speed that was hard to keep up with.

After that, one after another golden phoenixes with elegant arcs and charming figures swooped down from the clouds and flew to the battleship formation in an arc-forward manner, with silver silk threads flowing on their wings, and the fuselage flickering. It shines like a sapphire.

The three missionary-class frigates had no time to lock onto the target artillery and railguns. The scout fighters that felt they were flying forward could only shoot out a ray of light and rain, but they were avoided without exception.

As a counterattack, anti-matter missiles were sent to the battlefield, evading the frigate's rapid-fire cannon at an extremely alarming speed, and hitting the ship hull with violent flashes.

This is not like a war mime in a starry sky environment, nor is it like a vacuum environment that lacks an energy transmission medium. A huge roar resounds across the sky. The shock wave and scorching air waves generated by the antimatter missile explosion can easily tear the shell of the battleship, and the emp wave and internal circuits cause regional Electronic equipment went offline or even caught fire.

Under the maximum power of the 80mm rail gun fired by the heretical fast assault craft, a small number of antimatter missiles exploded in advance, and the rapidly expanding flames dyed the sky red.

The horrible sonic boom caused by the projectile piercing the sky, the roar of anti-matter missiles, the roar of scout fighters, and the screams of violent wind caused by the rapidly spreading shock wave.

A violent wave was set off above the clouds, and the smoke of gunpowder blackened the milky clouds. The flames of the explosion ignited the entire sky.

A missionary-class frigate was battered by anti-matter missiles that kept pouring down the hull, and finally could not maintain its flight attitude. It fell from the sky with billowing smoke and flames from time to time, and the strong winds brought them into it. The wisps of fireworks left a long mark in the sky.

A heretical fast assault boat was surrounded by two Phoenix fighters for a round of salvo. The light emitted by the ion cannon resembled a surgical scalpel, dismembering the body of more than 70 meters into two sections, and falling in the opposite direction under the impetus of the explosion, sprinkling countless parts, sparks, and burning unrecognizable corpses along the way.

Normal artillery and small-caliber rail guns cannot cause substantial damage to the two golden fighters, even if they hit them. Just a wave of light traces like water can't hurt the fighter's main body at all, and at most slightly affect their flight attitude and speed.

Only the missionary-class frigate-magnetic rail gun can cause a certain degree of damage to the seemingly thin blue light film. Relatively speaking, it can pose a threat to the fighter itself, but this is limited to those light fighters like Jinfeng. .

Commanders know that it is called a shield. But why can a mere terrorist have such a level of technology?

Until a Phoenix fighter cut into the core of the battlefield from the flanks, a missionary-class frigate and a heretic-class assault boat flew slowly, halfway through the fuselage with two ion cannons on the frigate and the assault boat. Gully, the ultra-high-speed camera finally captured its overall image.

Then, the captain of the missionary-class frigate remembered the two-minute-long image data that he had seen at Brigadier General McDowell two weeks ago, as well as the battles that appeared in the image data by the Technical Department of the Turanx United Kingdom General Staff. Slides and notes made by the unit after zooming in and trimming.

"It's... it's him? Isn't that guy in'Dillard'? How did it appear here? How is this possible!"

When the captain of the frigate shouted from the bottom of his heart, the heresy-class assault boat below began to fall, and the flames above the boat body were like fountains. A few crew members chose to abandon the boat and flee, but only a few lucky ones can survive. Whether it's the ship fragments ejected from the hull explosion, or those raging hurricanes. As well as the vortex formed by the fall of the ship's body, it is enough to become a death sickle that takes their lives.

The extreme attack of the Phoenix fighter is not only as simple as ruining a heresy-class fast assault boat. The power system of the missionary-class frigate was also damaged in this attack. The emp paralyzed the jet control system of the battleship, and the three sets of thrusters were broken 2 Group, the warning light of the bridge damage control system indicator illuminates everyone's faces.

On the display of the flight attitude console, a battleship is capsized downward. The engine thrust value dropped to the base point, and the lift of the battleship was not enough to resist its own gravity. Started to fall to the sea.

The captain didn't say any farewell words, but silently passed the Phoenix fighter images captured by the high-speed cameras to Colonel Meng Haoyu at the Kandal Island Ground Operations Command Center and Brigadier General McDowell at the outer blockade. And attach a sentence, "He...coming."

Who is coming? Who is he?

When the image of the Phoenix fighter appeared on the big screen of the ground combat command center, some grassroots sergeants were blank. Only Meng Haoyu and several combat staff officers showed diametrically opposite expressions. It was a mixed emotion of shock, incomprehension and fear.

Meng Haoyu suddenly regretted it, regretting why he ordered the ground air defense facilities to attack the golden aircraft that was diving down from a high altitude. Wouldn't it be good for it to leave safely after being picked up? How could it be possible for a so-called "terrorist attack" with no casualties to develop to such a degree.

Through the introduction of the soldiers who recovered from the coma in the western prison of the garden, and the situation inside the prison, combined with the fact that the Banshee fighters did not bomb the buildings and facilities where the people gathered at the beginning, he came to a conclusion that those terrorists were Those who came to robbery were only to rescue Philips and old Benny.

But they were stunned that they razed the hall where the Duke of Congreve’s body was placed with a nuclear bomb. This made Surbaggio and the Duchess furious, and they ordered the terrorists to be smashed to death at all costs. command.

However, the moment he saw the picture of the Phoenix fighter plane, the bitterness in his heart seemed to melt into an ocean, drowning his whole person-the so-called terrorist turned out to be Captain Tang from "Dillard". , The person who buried "Mubarak" on his own.

He was sad and hated. Again wronged.

What is worrying is whether this battle is still fought? how to spell? Contest against Captain Tang's biological fleet with the defensive power of Kandal Island? The other side's "Mubarak" all gnawed away, let alone "Aitiya".

What I hate is why the surnamed Tang destroys the body of Duke Congreve, isn't this deliberately angering Surbaggio and deliberately provoking Aradère's army?

What is wronged is how a small person like him is so unlucky. Encountered such a thing, caught between the young duke and Captain Tang as the new official was in a dilemma. Surbaggio ordered the imprisonment of Philips and the old Barney, and the two backstage bosses were provoked. And Captain Tang destroyed the old duke's body and angered Surbaggio, giving the death order to destroy the invading enemy at all costs. Captain Tang can't afford to provoke him, and he can't provoke the young duke either. Both of these people can kill a small person like him a few times.

Just then. A communication request was sent from the off-island cordon command. After the call was connected, McDowell's not-so-good-looking face appeared on the big screen. The first sentence was: "You see it."

Meng Haoyu nodded and asked: "What should I do?"

McDowell said: "I will direct the blockade troops to try not to fight with his combat units. You immediately report this to the Young Duke. Do your best to stabilize the lord. As long as the navy does not move, I believe he will be rescued. After the rescued person chooses to leave, after all,'Aradère' is not'Mubarak' and it has no strategic significance to him."

Meng Haoyu hesitated and said, "That old duke's hatred?"

McDowell said: "The young duke has just ascended the throne. There are many aspects that are still immature. Those of us who are courtiers must help him share his worries. This is not only reflected in obeying orders."

Meng Haoyu thought for a while. As if to make a major decision in life, gritted his teeth and said: "Well, I will contact the Young Duke."

A female liaison officer next to him was very surprised why he showed such an expression. Isn't it normal to report the latest information on the battlefield to the young duke? Why does he show embarrassed expression?

She is a pure woman, unaware that the current situation is very special and sensitive.

Although Surbaggio is the first heir to the Duke of Congreve, he has always managed another star system belonging to the Knell family. The military and political circles of "Aradère" were promoted by the old duke. People, not everyone can accept Surbaggio's leadership sincerely without a complaint. Otherwise, how could he be impatient to go to the navy for inspection before Lord Duke was buried.

As many people know. Surbaggio is a self-serving person, and self-serving people are generally impatient and irritable.

He ordered the elimination of terrorists at all costs. Shame for the old duke.

However, the so-called terrorist was from Tang Fang of the Dilar star system in the Star League. Obviously, this was a very hard iron plate, and the strength of "Aradore" was not enough to kick the iron plate through.

McDowell told Meng Haoyu to try his best to persuade Surbaggio to give up the order, which meant that the old duke’s body was destroyed in vain. At the same time, it also revealed from the side that the first thing the young duke did in "Aradère" was wrong. ------He shouldn't imprison Philips and the old Benny on unreasonable charges, intending to send them to the guillotine to establish prestige. If he didn't do these things, he would naturally not anger Captain Tang of "Dillard" and use a nuclear bomb to blow up Congreve's body and in turn humiliate the Knar family.

Meng Haoyu would obviously offend Surbaggio to do so, but in order to prevent "Aradele" from being swallowed up by the war, he must do it again. This is the sorrow of a man of conscience and principle, but also a courtier. When the interests of the country and the people are contrary to the will of the monarch, he must make a choice, and this choice may push him into the abyss of death and become a sad, pathetic and deplorable political victim.

The Star League is about to start war with the two empires of Sulu and Monya. There is not much time for Tang to seek the "intelligence core" through proper means. In order to ensure that this matter is not artificially obstructed and interfered with, the most effective means is hard. grab.

He gave Philips and the old Barney the opportunity, and Congreve also agreed to sell the intellectual core, but it was a pity that a good deal was mixed by Surbaggio, and he gave Philips and the old Benian a chance to murder the old man. The Duke’s accusation ~www.readwn.com~ naturally, he doesn't need to care about Congreve's face anymore. Surbaggio is inhumane first, so he simply robs him.

Congreve’s body was destroyed for another reason. It’s not like Meng Haoyu and McDowell thought it was to report to Erbaggio for imprisoning Philips and Benny. He had to do this for the hundreds of millions of lives on the other side of the strait. . Not only that, if this is really a conspiracy against the Knar family, the 7 princes and other princes, it would be equivalent to indirectly saving their lives.

It’s a pity that Tang Fang will not explain to Surbaggio. Even if he explains, the young duke who has always been self-sufficient will not believe it, because those are all his own words, unless he can provide live battle images recorded by the detector, but that will Exposing his strength, there is also the existence of mimic larva. This was something he didn't want to see, so he could only keep silent and let Surbaggio characterize the incident as an insult to the Knar family by the terrorists.

What Meng Haoyu needs to do is to persuade Surbaggio to abandon the investigation, endure the momentary humiliation, and bow his head to Captain Tang. This is likely to anger the young duke, who has always been self-sufficient, and meets suspicion and disgust, because faith has always been against his ears.

It's a pity that Surbaggio is not Mingjun, and reality is often so cruel.

…………(To be continued)

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