Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 594: 1 joke

When McDowell restrained the combat units belonging to the blockade from fighting passively, Meng Haoyu ordered the Dengger Palace garrison unit to abandon the counterattack completely and attempted to contact Surbaggio. The Protoss transport planes carried by the Tang Fang were on two Phoenix fighters and 5 Under the cover of a flying dragon, they successfully arrived at Norburg City.

The small-scale fighting on Kandal Island on the other side of the strait did not have much impact on this large city with a population of tens of millions. The sunset poured over the golden coast, dyeing the sea an orange, and the cheering waves were like naughty children. Stop kissing the beach, making a splash of water.

Occasionally the cheers of children and the giggles of women came with the wind. From time to time, one or two sea crabs were drilled out of the frothy sand pit, and they were pushed to the hinterland of the beach by the waves, and then they would crawl like frightened. Back to the wet sand, go into the bunker and refuse to show up again.

Zhou Ai and Freya rushed to the meeting place with the managers and family members of the trade group close to Philips, waiting for the arrival of the Protoss transport plane.

Sunset, sunset, high tide, beach... this beautiful scene of dynamic and quiet can not relieve their anxiety and sorrow, and irritability.

Part of it is because I have to leave my homeland where I have lived for many years and feel at a loss and panic about a different lifestyle in the future. Some people are skeptical of the decision of the family in charge. They don't understand the young man, and it is difficult to believe that he has a powerful military force that rivals the Knell family, and therefore feel uneasy. Some people simply hate Zhou Ai, because the unsmiling woman threw all their large luggage off the car and told them in a very stern tone that this was not a travel, but an escape, and only kept some memorial value. Small things are enough.

"Aladel" sinks slowly. The wind is getting stronger, and there is some darkness at the end of the field of vision, and it looks like it is going to rain.

At this moment, the two dazzling golden colors, like the gentle lightning fire in the hands of the gods, drew a round arc in the sky. Dive down from high altitude and head straight to the beach where everyone is.

The wind blew the women's skirts, and the men's robes, brought up the neat hair, gently whipping the cheeks, itchy. It feels uncomfortable.

But no one cared about these small details. Most people leaned forward slightly, resisting the blowing of the strong wind, while staring at the larger and larger golden aircraft on the horizon, with infinite shock in their eyes.

Several boys hugging adult thighs yelled with surprise. Vent my excitement and excitement.

Compared with human flying machines, these golden-yellow men are more like alien technology. They are only seen in their lives, and it is inevitable that they will give rise to thousands of emotions.

The two protoss transport planes dived from the clouds to low altitude, and the gust of air torn the fuselage caused a long silver-white water mark on the surface of the water below. From far and near, they went straight to the people standing on the beach.

The strong wind brought moist sea water on their faces, hands, and clothes, and they couldn't even open their eyes. I can only squint a small line and look at the two golden aircrafts more than 30 meters above my head.

Zhou Ai loudly told everyone to prepare.

It hasn't waited for them to figure out how to prepare. A thick beam of light fell from the sky, and people within the radiant range of the light were wrapped by the anti-gravity field, and sucked into the cabin like taking an elevator, and then flew into the sky again with a swish.

Many people along the beach used photographic equipment to record this scene, and they were shocked by the origin of the golden aircraft. Some people suspected that it was the latest scientific and technological achievement of the military. Others wonder whether it was the work of the Ypsilon.

At the same time, the hall of the ground command center on Kandal Island. Meng Haoran was talking aloud to a middle-aged man in his 50s on the big screen, and he was very excited.

The white man on the big screen frowned. The broad forehead twisted out one after another Chuan, adding a lot of gloom to his cold temperament.

He is the first heir to Duke Congreve, Surbaggio, the new head of the Knell family, who stands at the top of the Duke’s power pyramid.

"What are you talking about? It's not a terrorist, but the thriving Tang Fang in the Star Alliance?"

Surbaggio looked at Meng Haoyu below the big screen, his pupils contracted slightly, like an old cat that found its prey.

Standing straight, Meng Haoyu faced the cold gaze that shot into the face like a sharp sword, and said, "No one else has this ability. The image of the warplane taken by the high-speed camera lens of the crashed h-20076 frigate can also prove it. at this point."

His voice was very loud, a kind of soldier's neither humble nor overbearing, just like facing Congreve before.

Surbaggio did not speak, the coldness in his eyes tended to ease, but the next second, it became extremely cold, and said: "This is not an excuse for you to shirk responsibility."

The expression on Meng Haoyu’s face fluctuated violently. He was surprised, and he didn’t understand what Sulbaggio’s words meant. Is it possible to know that the terrorists on Kandal Island came from "Dilal". What's in the Duke's mind?


"Are you threatening me with Harrington? Harris' fate?" Before Meng Haoyu finished speaking, Sulbaggio interrupted directly: "Harrington is Harrington, I am me, and my father is insulted. I will hate him for him, not to mention a small Tang Fang, even if the Emperor Lao Tzu arrives, you will still have to pay for it. No matter what method you use or how many people you sacrifice, you will leave him with me... Remember, you have to live. See the corpse if you see a person dead."

Surbaggio has always disliked his subordinates questioning his orders, even if there is a hint of it.

He has always thought that Congreve was too gentle, so that the small and medium-sized nobles who vassalized the Knell family had their tails up to the sky, relying on the old tribe of his father, and dared to veteran in front of him.

The servant is the servant, the master is the master, and the two must be strictly hierarchical.

In fact, Surbaggio is not a stupid person, because his desire for control and self-esteem are too strong to hear those different voices.

He was very clear about Tang Fang's abilities, and he also knew that "Aradel" could not be compared with "Mubarak" by virtue of his combat power, and he was definitely not an opponent of the biological fleet. But he is clear that this is the hinterland of the Turanx United Kingdom, not the border area of ​​the Star Alliance. Unless Tang has the ability to penetrate the sky and the earth, it will never be possible to lead a biological fleet through the kingdom border warp interception and early warning network. be found.

The prison robbery and the small-scale conflict over Kandal Island seem to have confirmed this. Tang should use a small group of troops to infiltrate the Turanx United Kingdom. Then launched a prison robbery operation.

Otherwise, as long as Behemoth showed up in the high-altitude orbit of "Aitya", he could only admit it and obediently send out Philips and old Benny.

Combining the above circumstances, Surbaggio determined that Tang Fang did not bring the biological fleet with him when he came to "Aradele". It's just a small surprise. If he can concentrate his superior forces and kill that man in "Aitiya", he will surely gain great prestige and honor.

The Knell family is a loyal follower of Hymn Will and has a hostile relationship with Henrietta, and "Morning Star Casting" is Henrietta's partner.

The friend of the enemy is naturally an enemy. Since he is an enemy, he should take advantage of his illness to kill him.

It is not stupid to think of so many Surbaggio, on the contrary, he has the courage and logical thinking ability to do big things. It's just that he is not accustomed to revealing his inner thoughts to his subordinates in order to maintain the majesty and status that the master should have, which makes him somewhat self-conscious.

It's a pity that no reasonable logical reasoning is applicable to Tang Fang. Surbaggio didn't know that from a certain angle, he really had the ability to reach the earth. A curvy interception and early warning network that can cross the border of the Turanx United Kingdom silently.

The reason why Captain Tang didn't use Behemoth's face-riding method to force the Knell family to submit, first was because the intellectual core didn't want to startle the snake before he got it, so as not to become constrained; second, it seemed too arrogant and not low-key enough; The third is that the influence is not good. The sight of the biological fleet blocking the door of the house will frighten the civilians of "Aitiya" and discredit the glorious image that he has erected in the past.

In his opinion, this dispute was his grievance with the Knar family, and had nothing to do with the common people of the duchy. It's best to not affect their lives.

This misunderstanding is not beautiful, because it is seen by Surbaggio as a good opportunity to make contributions and surpass his father. It can also pave the way for his subsequent centralization of power in the Duke.

Obviously, Meng Haoyu didn't think so much. Looking at the stern face of the young duke, his right foot couldn't help taking a small step back, but it was this small step that made his straight back look a little curved.

"I didn't mean to threaten you, but have you thought about it? What consequences would a declaration of war with him bring? Since he can drop a tactical nuclear bomb on Kandal Island. It can also be dropped to other areas of'Aitia', I wonder if there will be How many civilians were killed or wounded in this war. Is it... worth it?"

Surbaggio looked at him, his eyes getting colder and colder, he felt that Meng Haoyu was so dazzling, he was just a colonel, and a colonel who didn't even have a knighthood, he dared to speak like this in front of him, but there are still many "Aradele" As for the general, this is simply contempt for him, a naked confrontation.

"Meng Haoyu, are you educating me?" Surbaggio squeezed a word from between his teeth, and his eyebrows were almost raised: "Are you the master or I am the master? Don't forget your identity!"

"As a dog, don't imagine yourself as a person. From the moment you put on that military uniform, you are a dog raised by the Kner family."

Surbaggio was very rude, and it could even be said to be cursing. Although it is not pleasant to listen to, this is true.

In countries with high internal pressures like the Turanx United Kingdom, whether it is an army or a police station, as long as they put on that layer of skin, they are no longer humans, but birds of prey raised by power groups.

Surbaggio is different from Congreve. The former is tough and the latter is gentle. The current conflict between Meng Haoyu and Surbaggio is actually a conflict between the old and new dukes in terms of governance.


Meng Haoyu's lips moved for a long time, but he didn't know how to continue the conversation with him.

Surbaggio and Congreve are two people with completely different personalities. Once they believe something, they can't listen to other people's opinions.

He was also very chilled, because after so many years in the army, he finally got such an evaluation. He remembered that every Christmas and Thanksgiving, the old duke would visit the grassroots soldiers and officers in his army corps every year, not in the grand hall, but in the low and shabby, or dark and damp dormitory, holding their hands. Say "Thank you."

What now?

He remembered a sentence, time has changed, people go to the cold.

"Excuting an order!"

Saying that, Surbaggio didn't have a trace of guilt on his face, he was still in that lofty posture, like staring at an unpleasant dog with scrutiny. So indifferent, so cruel.

For the army, he wants iron and blood and absolute obedience, not subjects with conscience and independent thinking.

As for his attitude towards civilians in the territory, he hasn't figured it out yet. Anyway, in this era of technological explosion, without the support of external forces, there is no such thing as officials pushing the people against the people. They just need to brainwash them constantly, making the relationship between people more indifferent, and tending to be greedy for life and fear of death. animal. Instead of a dignified person, the Knell family will continue to flourish.

Facts have proved that the benevolent governance and reforms implemented by his father Congreve will only make the group of slaves more and more difficult to restrain and more difficult to satisfy. They want the right to know today and the right to speak tomorrow. If things go on like this, the authority of the Knell family will fall and weaken, which is tantamount to ruining their ancestral business.

Although Congreve was his father, Surbaggio did not at all agree with the governing policy of the past duchy. In the 20 years since Congreve was in power, due to the implementation of more moderate reform policies, the rights status and living environment of civilians have been greatly improved. The weakening of the power of the Knell family made a large number of family members dissatisfied, but they could not shake Congreffe's ruling ideals. Over time, it will accumulate into a resentment that permeates the harem and the clan.

Growing up in such an environment, Surbaggio was inevitably affected by various negative emotions, and then moved to the opposite of Congreve, until the old duke found that he was completely isolated within the clan, and it was hard to return when he found a way to improve. Powerless.

Since the old duke has cultivated and fostered a large number of powerful figures in the army and politics for so many years, so. No one dared to engage in small actions while he was alive, so he could only choose to wait quietly-waiting for the day he returned to the West.

In the heart of Surbaggio. The so-called civilians should be livestock raised by nobles, or slaves, and only nobles deserve the title "human." As slaves, they don't need human rights, as long as they are servile, that's enough.

Use brainwashing education to establish their distorted values, outlook on life, and world outlook. Use narrow-minded racism and family-state hatred to transfer contradictions. Use power to rule out their inner fears and low self-esteem. Use life pressure to restrain their pursuit of life dreams. Use deformed economic policies to enslave their bodies and squeeze surplus value to the maximum. The flawed laws were used to create injustices and create convenient conditions for the nobles to play with them and their female relatives as they wished. Use killing and torture to destroy the martyrs who dared to resist the government, and let the **** terror enshroud them.

After years of practice in the Sulu and Mongolian empires, the above-mentioned ruling policies have been very mature, and they only need to be used.

Since it is called a fief, and since it is called a duke, everything above it is the private property of the Knar family. As a master, naturally you can play whatever you want. This is the game rule of oligarchy. Their reincarnation skills were not good, they were born in such a place, such a country—this is Surbaggio’s early thoughts, when Congreve slapped his left cheek and cursed. "How can I have such a frantic son."

Surbaggio did not hate his father, but passed the account to the civilians of "Aradère", so that he would not think about the problem from their perspective.

Will people be sad for livestock like chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep? Obviously not!

"..." Meng Haoyu seemed to see through those eyes the thoughts in Su Erbaggio's heart, or called evil more appropriate, but he was powerless to change. When Duke Congreve died, Aradelle's sky also fell into chaos. .

This is not just his sorrow alone, but also the sorrow of mankind as a whole, who was wantonly played and abused by politics and power.

The light of the big screen dimmed, and Surbaggio's face disappeared. Instead, it was completely dark, like an abyss tunnel to hell, so dark, so cold, and so silent.

"Major, what shall we do?"

He didn't answer the questions from his subordinates, and squatted down gently, his back was as lonely and rustic as a migrant worker who didn't get a salary. He interprets a truth with his actions. No matter how straight a person's spine is, he cannot hold up the blue above his head.

Man can conquer the sky? That's a joke...Humans can't even beat themselves!


The conversation between Surbaggio and Meng Haoyu was rebroadcasted by Emma to Tang Fang and learned that ~www.readwn.com~ He thought for a while, then sighed slightly. This time he came to "Aradel" to save people. With the seizure of the intellectual core, as for the political change of the Duke, he has no time or energy to manage. In the face of this sad and gloomy society, he is as small as an ant.

Because the combination of Phoenix fighters, scout fighters, and flying dragons dragged most of the air defense forces of "Aitiya" on Kandal Island, all the reconnaissance, remote sensing satellites, and space-based radar stations in space orbit were controlled by Emma, ​​two Nothing is known about the Protoss transport plane breaking through the atmosphere and entering space orbit.

After all, relative to a planet, the 40-meter body length of the Protoss transport plane is no more than a drop in the ocean.

Instead of flying directly to the asteroid belt where the seventh planet is located, they flew to the larger of the two satellites of "Aitiya", and the "Seraph" was on standby on the sun's back side.

According to the latest news from Izsha on the "Morning Star", the Edward Fleet garrisoned at the "Golding" naval port near Planet 8 has been assembled. The 1,200 warships belonging to it are adjusting their formations. Tia" encircled him. (To be continued)

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