Take StarCraft with You

Chapter 595: Rulzan

Tang Fang hesitated. Combining the information collected by Emma about Surbaggio’s character characteristics and ruling philosophy, as well as his dialogue with Meng Haoyu, he really didn’t like this young duke. If he could teach him something, such as this A star system from another star system in the territory of the Knar family, completely destroyed by the fleet under the control of the young duke, will it let him converge a bit and be less self-conscious.

But doing so will inevitably expose his strength and let others know that he has the ability to break through the national speed interception and early warning network, and this is contrary to his purpose of coming to "Aradele". Although Philips and Benny have been rescued, Zhixin hasn't got it yet, so it shouldn't cause trouble.

Besides, he is already in the political vortex of the Star Alliance and the Monya Empire. If he intervenes in the Turanx United Kingdom, he will definitely bring heavy burdens and international pressure to the "Morning Star Casting".

He can only apologize to the civilians of "Aradele". Maybe after he has enough influence in the future, he doesn't mind beating and beating Sulbaggio, but not now, his strength is far from enough.

Two protoss transport planes sent everyone to the "Seraph" and disappeared. At the same time, Phoenix fighters, scout fighters, and flying dragon clusters that fought with the garrison over Kandal Island also disappeared one after another.

Philips, Old Barney and others just got off the Protoss transport plane and entered the inner space of the "Seraph". All the crew looked at a loss. Only Irma had become numb under repeated shocks, even if Captain Tang said he It was the reincarnation of the gods, and he would not doubt it, maybe he would even run over and kiss his feet.

Of course, she knew he would not be so vulgar.

Next, the "Seraph" sailed out from the shadow of the satellite and started the warp engine to fly to the seventh planet asteroid belt.

He was going to transfer Philips and others to the "Morning Star" first. Then go to find Zhixin.

When asked about the location of Congreve’s collection on the way, the old Benny told him that it was located on a satellite of the third planet of "Aradele". In addition to the old Duke’s private collection, it also had high-tech laboratories and cultivation facilities. Research facilities with a high degree of confidentiality such as centers.

Tang Fang suddenly realized that, no wonder the detector had not found the collection hall on Kandal Island. It turns out that it is not in "Aitiya".

When "Seraph" and "Morning Star" merged, Surbaggio's Edward Fleet had already jumped from the airspace of Planet 8 to the outer void of "Etia" and was under the command of the fleet commander. Encircling the entire planet, more than 90 light and heavy interceptors and space-based interception equipment confine the airspace between low-altitude orbits and high-altitude orbits, not to mention aircraft. Not even a fly can fly out.

Surbaggio didn't know that Tang had evacuated "Etia", and Fenero Coria, commander of the Edward Fleet, also didn't know, and still blocked the entire planet according to the instructions given to him by the young duke, intending to catch turtles in the urn.

At the same time, the ground world of "Aitya" entered a state of martial law. The police and the army began to search the major cities, and countless early warning drones and space-based reconnaissance satellites continuously scanned the surface of the planet over a large area.

No one knows that just 5 minutes ago, a warship named "Seraph" appeared next to the Edward Fleet flagship "Mercury" and stopped there for a while, watching the Edward Fleet expand its formation, The entire planet is included in the encirclement.

Tang Fang thought it was fun, Zhou Ai said he was bored. Roy smiled silly, only Freya's mouth was almost pouted, because "Seraph" was originally her and Tang Fang's happy nest. Today is suddenly regarded as a living room + transport plane, of course she will not be happy.

The "Seraph" left silently, as if it came silently, no one knew that it had been there, and it left no trace.


The planet where the collection is located is called "Ruerzan", a dwarf planet with a diameter of only 900 kilometers. It is the smallest one among the satellites of the third planet "Aradele".

Nevertheless, the building complex composed of numerous scientific research facilities is still shown as a small piece on the ground scan map.

According to the old Benny. There is a small palace in the middle of the building complex, which was the residence of Congreve when he stayed in "Rulzan". The collection hall was built under the palace.

According to the measured coordinates, Tang ordered the "Seraph" to land the battleship to the low altitude of "Ruerzan" and then teleported several people to the surface.

Since Emma had been instructed to invade the space-based satellite and shield the existence of a few people, the group of people came to a circular valley on the edge of the building complex without any surprises.

After conducting preliminary observations on the scientific park through a telescope, he found a somewhat abnormal situation.

There are five large armed shuttles parked on the apron of the western area of ​​the scientific research park where several people are located. There are dozens of soldiers wearing "pilgrim" powered armors patrolling outside the shuttles and at the entrance of the park.

There are also two multi-functional armored vehicles not far away that take on the task of alert, as if they are facing an enemy.

Could it be possible that the little actions I made in "Aitiya" even affected "Ruerzan", and even the alert level of the research park was raised to this level?

It shouldn’t be... More than 2 hours have passed since the Protoss transport plane left "Aitia" and it was only after the crowd arrived at "Rulzan" that Surbaggio still thought he was still in "Aitia", or else. The Edward Fleet will not be ordered to block the entire outer airspace of the planet.

Could it be that the clever young duke sniffed some scent from Philips and the old Benny, and speculated that the transaction between the two people and the old duke was related to him, thus increasing the protection of the intellectual core? If this is the case, it is said that you must not use the blitzkrieg method to rob, if the smart core is transferred to another place, things will become very tricky.

However, just as he was about to release secret agents such as Ghost and Ghost to the scientific research park in advance, he planned to carry out infiltration operations after the battle started, and immediately controlled the collection hall, the patrolling soldiers at the entrance of the park had a new trend.

A person who looked like a commander rushed into the park with more than 20 soldiers at the door, leaving only 2 multifunctional armored vehicles at the door.

Tang was puzzled and couldn't figure out what was going on. Could there be any trouble in the park?

But no matter what, the arrow has to be sent on the string.

He told Aros, Zhou Ai, and Roy to wait for their signal to attack and activate the stealth device of the harsh environment protective suit. Jump out of the crater and run to the entrance of the scientific research park.

Strangely speaking, the 20mm-caliber Gatling guns and rocket launchers on the top of the two multifunctional armored vehicles all point to the entrance of the park, not the outside.

Arriving near the entrance, he and one each locked a multifunctional armored vehicle. Pull the trigger.

Two emp bombs were fired by the c-20a grenade launcher, and each nailed into a multi-functional armored vehicle, creating a powerful electromagnetic pulse storm, instantly paralyzing various vehicle electronic components.

Several ghosts opened the door with Nether Energy Blades, and several armor-piercing rounds were fired at agr-14. The soldiers inside were blown out of their heads one by one without knowing what happened. Just follow Tang Fang's instructions to leave a living.

After checking the surrounding environment, he found that everything was normal. After sending a signal to the veterans hiding in the crater, he recruited the infected insects and ordered "neural parasitism" on the living mouth.

A few seconds later. A piece of information obtained by the soldiers came from the infected.

It turned out that they were not the "Ruerzan" garrison troops, but from the Edward Fleet. They were appointed by the landing force commander to **** a team of researchers to the research park.

The strange thing is that after unloading these researchers, the transportation team commander did not ask them to retreat, but waited in place. About 20 minutes later, the second order was even more bizarre. It actually asked all soldiers to guard the entrance of the scientific research park. No one was allowed to pass, and then the squad commander rushed into the park with more than 20 soldiers, leaving behind two multifunctional armored vehicles that were inconvenient to enter to continue the mission.

The life left by the feelings is a soldier. I don't know anything about the internal conditions of the park.

At this moment, Aros, Roy, and Zhou Ai who were hiding in the crater each took a vulture chariot to the entrance of the park.

Tang Fang thought for a while, and decided to follow the original plan, ordering the hidden mobile unit composed of ghosts and ghosts to sneak into the park first to see if there was any danger, and wait until the obstacles were cleared. They enter the park again.

Instruct Emma to pay close attention to the movements of the ghost, especially the internal structure of the research park. It is best to build a 3D model of the entire underground building complex, and then he will explain the combat essentials to three people. Waiting for the infiltration force to send a signal of action.

After a while, a person intruded into the local network of the park under the remote control of Emma, ​​obtained the structural diagrams of the above-ground and underground buildings in the West District, and synchronized them to the navigation system of Tang Fang's protective clothing for harsh environments.

While synchronizing the structure diagram of the building complex to the 3-person power armored combat assistance system, he greeted the three of them to start their actions, leaving the multifunctional armored vehicles one after another and entering the interior of the park.

Except for some early warning, command, observation, and lifting facilities, the above-ground part of the "Ruerzan" scientific research park is mainly composed of wide roads after another, forming a transportation network throughout the scientific research park.

Although Congreve never transformed the entire planet into a habitable planet, he planned the entire park in the style of an underground city. For example, on the ground, although there are not many buildings and no high-rise buildings, the holographic projection sky screen of the dome, the roads extending in all directions, and the greening project covering the whole area make people feel like they have come to a beautiful city instead of one. A simple park on a deserted planet.

Roy said it was much more beautiful than the "Christier" industrial park.

The veteran also nodded rarely, lamenting that Congreve was really willing to pay for the "Rulzan".

Tang Fang frowned, because the vanguard troops had arrived at the junction of the western area of ​​the scientific research park and the palace. They found traces of firefighting near a lifting facility. The slight vibration from the ground can tell that the underground part of the area is going on. Offensive and defensive warfare.

At the same time, another message came from the airborne reconnaissance mission. Most of the scientific research facilities in the western district were empty and no life reaction was detected.

Could it be that those researchers have been evacuated beforehand? But what does it mean that Surbaggio later asked the transportation team to **** the researchers here, and why did the fierce clashes occur at the border between the Western District and the palace?

He could not figure out what kind of transformation "Aradère" was undergoing. On the surface, it seemed logical that Surbaggio took over as Duke, but from the parasite incident; Meng Haoyu risked his advice; Edwards The fleet was ordered to blockade "Aitiya", and the old duke's Amber Fleet did not move. Judging from the series of abnormalities of the gunfire of "Ruerzan", the duke was not as calm as the surface. Hidden in the darkness is a murderous opportunity that makes people tremble.

He suddenly thought of a possibility, whether Congreve was killed by Sulbaggio, and then blamed Philips and the old Benny and others, but it didn't make sense, because Sulbaggio had no reason to allow the parasites to survive. Whether it was hurting the nobles and envoys who came to mourn the old duke, or spreading to the other side of the strait and causing a shocking catastrophe, it did not benefit him at all.

If the murderer was not Surbaggio, who would it be?

At this moment, the vanguard sent a contact. Asked whether to continue the mission to occupy the palace or to investigate the underground fighting.

Tang Fang thought for a while and decided to split up. The vanguard troops continued their infiltration operations and occupied Congreve's palace. They went underground with Zhou Ai, Roy, and Aros. See what is going on.

He felt a horrified feeling, as if something bad was happening in the research park.

"Tang Fang... I have an ominous premonition."

On the way forward, Zhou Ai frowned and uttered a word, and his gaze fell slightly to the north, where the Pioneer Squad detected a fierce fight.

"You feel it too?"

His feeling may be a kind of illusion, which is very likely to be inconsistent with the facts, but Zhou Ai said the same, then it must not be wrong.

Since Zhou Ai's body mutated. The perception of malice and danger has been greatly improved, whether it is an attack by an abyss knight or a dryad under Akron. She had a hunch.

She nodded and said with a cold face: "This is not a good place."

After saying this, the girl furrowed her brows tighter, and added: "That kind of feeling...it seems a bit similar to the corpse beast incarnation of Congreve, but it's different. Not only evil, but also... tyrannical?"

Is it possible that the fierce underground battle is related to those parasites?

The girl's words strengthened his idea of ​​going underground. Because he knows the danger of parasites better than everyone, if those soldiers die in fierce fighting. Then he was transported back to the resident star, and God knew what would happen.

He does not like Surbaggio, but this does not mean that civilians can be ignored because of the large-scale casualties of the country's high-level internal fighting.

"Let's go and see what happened."

Of course Zhou Ai would not say anything, she was also worried about what Tang Fang was worried about.

Roy's idea was very simple. Big Brother Tang asked him to go east and he went east, and let him go west and he went west. There was no hesitation. As for Aros, a few people had already boarded the Vulture Chariot and left.


About 10 minutes later, the group came to the fierce battle area marked by the vanguard team.

Somehow, the vibrations and gunshots in the ground disappeared. Only the bullet marks and blood stains on the walls around the elevator hall showed that there was indeed a gunfight just now.

Roy found traces of being washed by strong corrosive liquids on some nearby buildings. Some plants in the flower ponds next to the road were withered and decaying, and the glass doors and windows were broken into pieces.

Fortunately, the data from the detector shows that the virus-causing bacteria that volatilize after the parasites are destroyed are not detected in the air, but due to the high level of energy flow in the underground part, accurate scanned images cannot be obtained.

Tang Fang told the three people to prepare for battle, enter the elevator hall, and press the elevator switch.

About a minute later, the elevator indicator flashed and the door opened to both sides. There was no living thing inside. There was only a large pool of blood smeared on the wall. It was very fresh, because the blood had not solidified yet, and it slowly dripped into a stream of blood. curtain.

Several people put away their guns, checked that there was no danger in the elevator, and walked inside and pressed the button on the floor where the elevator had just stopped.

The elevator doors closed, the soles of the feet shook slightly, and then quickly descended.

When approaching the -21 floor, the elevator's descending speed began to slow down.

Roy rolled up the sleeve of his right hand without arm armor to the base, and Aros slightly raised the muzzle of the c-14 piercer.

At this moment, Zhou Ai's expression changed, and he looked up anxiously, and at the same time, there was a bang from the top of the elevator.

On the next breath, she squeezed the trigger forcefully, the c-14 piercing hand left a row of dense pores on the ceiling, and then several people heard a roar that looked like an injured beast.

"Quickly, open the elevator door, it will destroy the magnetic energy unit."

Aros lifted his foot and kicked hard. The steel boots made a depression in the door. The veteran buckled the gap with his hands and snapped it left and right. Amidst the harsh metal rubbing sound ~www.readwn.com~ the elevator door faced two Side open.

As he was about to reach the target floor, the elevator was not fast, so he jumped outward and landed on the raised platform on the -18th floor, and Roy jumped out immediately.

However, just when Tang Fang was about to jump out, the buoyancy of the car was reduced and it began to accelerate downward.

Before he could think about it, he blasted through the hall door below with a shot, hugged Zhou Ai's waist and rammed the elevator directly, landing on the -20th floor and rolling far away.

When he braced his body for the first time and looked towards the elevator shaft, he saw a trace of blood falling quickly, and correspondingly, there was the harsh noise of the elevator's emergency braking friction track.

He was surprised how that thing made the elevator lose its magnetism and fell from the sky.

"Zhou Ai, wake up, wake up..."


The girl's eyebrows were gently puckered and relaxed, and she slowly opened her eyes, revealing a trace of confusion. It seemed that when she landed on the ground, her head was shaken and she hadn't fully woken up. (To be continued)

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