"Yang Qi? Another guy who hasn't heard of it! "

"Who is this? Never heard of that name. "

"Although it is strange, but you can also conclude that this Yang Qi should be the new hanging ratio, I really envy these hanging ratios, unparalleled luck, and external hanging on the body, cultivation is even smoother, if only I could also become a hanging ratio."

"Brother thinks too much, we ordinary people just honestly look at an inventory, grab the opportunity to ask a question, really want to become a hanging ratio, it's not that simple."

"I don't know what kind of anti-heaven hanging this Yang Qi has, should he be the son of destiny again?"

"Huh? Are you kidding? What child of destiny? Buddy really thought that the child of destiny was a cabbage! How can there be so many children of destiny! "

"Although this Yang Qi is a hanging ratio, it is definitely not a child of destiny, I said!"

"It should no longer be the son of destiny, if it is still the son of destiny, then the buddy will really collapse his heart."

"That is, the shock of the son of destiny brought to me by the Barren Heavenly Emperor and Ye Tiandi, I have not slowed down so far, if there is another son of destiny, it will really be the end of the calf."

"It shouldn't be the child of destiny, the son of destiny is so devilish, how can it be everywhere."

"Otherwise, it is too perverted, it is estimated that this Yang Qi is an ordinary hanging ratio, don't panic."

"Yes, I also feel that Yang Qi's name is quite ordinary! It feels like an ordinary hanging ratio! "

"It's not buddy, where is there an ordinary hanging? The key is that you can tell from the name that people are ordinary? Don't jump to conclusions! "

Just when the creatures of the heavens and realms were talking about it, Li Xiaoyao's voice came again.

[Carrying the hanging: anti-heaven gong hanging, coincidentally, find the anti-heaven gong method! ] 】

[The advantages of this hanging: directly to the son of luck, provide extraordinary exercises, turn over the river and the sea, roar down the stars, pick the moon and swallow the sun, in one thought! ] 】

Hearing this magnificent and mighty heavenly sound, the creatures of the heavens and realms were stunned for a moment, and only then came back to their senses, looking at the picture on the sky screen with a confused expression, unbelievable what they heard.

"Shhhh Heaven-defying exercises? Is it so fierce? "

"Turning the river and the sea, picking the moon and swallowing the sun, in a thought? Is this technique so fierce and perverted? "

"There is such a powerful technique in this world?"

"Such a terrifying technique can actually be found by accident, and I also obeyed it."

"Sure enough, the hanging ratios are all children of luck, and their luck cannot be calculated by common sense at all, and they are all perverts!"

"Zhennima, it's getting more and more outrageous!"

"This kind of anti-heaven technique can be picked up, I am really speechless, why don't I have such good luck?"

"Quickly say, where did you pick up this exercise, I will also wander outside every day in the future, if nothing else, just to pick up a book of exercises with my head down."

"Brother, don't dream, you are not a hanging ratio, there is no such outrageous luck, you will definitely not be able to pick it up."

"This is also, alas, these hateful comparisons, I wonder if my luck has been shared by them."

"Makes sense!"

"Don't you think this description sounds familiar?"

"Remember the Han Li who took stock before, wouldn't he have accidentally found the little green bottle and embarked on the road against the sky?"

"Good guy, co-authoring with Han Li is a template, right?"

"This template, really hanging compared to the special template, ordinary people really can't do it, this is the luck that people can have?"

"Oh funny Nima's, the mentality is broken!"

"This technique is absolutely invincible! Why can't I pick it up. "

"Damn it! Hang than damn it! It's time to pull out the pendant lights! "

"I really want to envy to death, such a heaven-defying exercise, you can actually pick it up, really don't be ridiculous, buddy should be envious and cry."

"I could only cover my mouth and cry very quietly."

"Such a chance, such luck, hanging comparison is hanging comparison, sure enough, we can't compare ah."

Someone sighed, and their faces were full of envy.

"I am willing to sacrifice my brother's lifespan and let him live for ten years, in exchange for me to pick up such an invincible exercise."

"Good fellow, I'm really a good guy, Satan has to worship the teacher, buddy."

"These damn hanging ratios, why is the luck so good, I will really envy to death!"

"This exercise can roar down the stars, it must be extraordinary to the extreme, who doesn't want to have such a heaven-defying exercise?"

"I'm really envious."

"Please, let me also have such a heaven-defying exercise."

"People are more angry than people, and this inventory has made me angry to death."

At the same time, in the mortal plane, Han Li looked at the sky screen, and his eyes were a little surprised.

"Accidentally found the anti-heaven exercise?"

It's kind of funny, it's not the same as yourself.

He also accidentally found the little green bottle, which changed his fate against the sky and completely changed his fate.

If there is no little green bottle, with his own qualifications, it is estimated that he is still a little shrimp in the ordinary martial arts.

How can you become an immortal like this!

Han Li sighed a little, sometimes, this person really depends on luck.

It was because of his luck that he became a hanging ratio.

This Yang Qi brother was also lucky and picked up the anti-heaven exercise, which became a hanging ratio.

You see, sometimes luck comes and you really can't stop it.

"But speaking of which, he and Yang Qi both picked up things, and this became a hanging comparison."

"I don't know if my own little green bottle is easy to use, or if his exercises are better to use."

"The efficacy of the little green bottle is heaven-defying, especially now that the bottle spirit has been completed, the function is even more mysterious."

"As for Yang Qi's exercises, they are also extremely against the sky, being able to roar down the stars, pick the moon and swallow the sun in a single thought, listening to this description, it is also really perverted."

"If this is the case, it can definitely be regarded as a heaven-defying technique that can be counted by all the heavens and realms."


"This brother's luck is also quite against the sky."

At the same time, the big world.

Xiao Yan looked at the picture that appeared on the sky screen in front of him with some shock, and what came from his ears was Li Xiaoyao's magnificent heavenly voice.

"I'll go!"

"What is the situation of these hanging ratios, how are they outrageous compared to the other!"

"How is this gradually getting outrageous!"

"Such a heaven-defying exercise, you actually picked it up?"

"I don't believe, I don't listen, it's impossible!"

Xiao Yan originally thought that he was a hanging comparison big and small, and his luck was not bad, but compared with these later hanging comparisons, his mentality was suddenly unbalanced.

I'll take a look, what kind of evil are these newcomers!

The child of destiny is outrageous enough.

As a result, another one came here who picked up the anti-heaven exercise!

Buddy, that is the practice of being able to roar down the stars and pick the moon and swallow the sun, you can actually pick it up?

Isn't it really a joke?

"It's bad, how do I feel like I'm compared to them, I'm completely an ordinary person, I feel like I'm pulling."

Xiao Yan rubbed his chin, and his face changed slightly.

"However, is the power of this anti-heaven technique really so strong?"

"I don't know how strong and weak today's burning technique is compared to that anti-heaven technique."

Xiao Yan spread out his palm, and in his palm, a cluster of flames burned into the appearance of a lotus flower.

After he became an emperor, he collected all the alien fires on the Douqi Continent, and after flying to the Great World, he collected many flames.

The power of this burning technique is now incomparable to before.

Although the anti-heaven technique is extremely powerful, but his own incineration technique is not useless, maybe it can really be compared?

Xiao Yan still had some confidence in his burning skills.

At the same time, the Holy King is on the throne, the Rich Continent.

Yan capital city, Yang family.

A tall and burly man was strolling in the courtyard with his hands on his back, and when he saw the picture on the sky screen, his body suddenly stopped, staring at the sky screen in disbelief.

Immediately after that, around him, there was an uncontrollable majestic momentum, pouring out, covering the sky and sweeping between heaven and earth.

The man was obviously too shocked to control his momentum, resulting in a loss of shape.

At this moment, the man looked at the picture on the sky screen with a shocked face, and his heart was full of disbelief.

"How is it possible!"

"Qi'er, he's the son of luck?! Or hang ratio?! "

This person is the head of the Yang family, Yang Qi's nominal father, Yang Zhan!

The reason why he is Yang Qi's nominal father is because Yang Zhan is not Yang Qi's biological father, but his adoptive father.

Yang Qi's life history is indescribable.

Yang Zhan adored Yang Qi's mother and personally raised him to adulthood.

In Yang Zhan's heart, Yang Qi is his own son.

And Yang Qi did treat Yang Zhan as his own biological father.

In his heart, Yang Zhan is his father.

Yang Zhan's heart was full of stunned, he didn't expect that Qi Er would have such an adventure?

Qi Er actually picked up such a heaven-defying and terrifying exercise, which was really a great joy!

However, speaking of it, Qi Er really died hiding it.

Even he didn't know about it!

If it weren't for this inventory exposure, I'm afraid he wouldn't know that Qi Er still had such a chance against the sky.

"Good, good!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Although Yang Qi had the intention to hide it, he was also genuinely happy for Yang Qi, after all, Yang Zhan really regarded Yang Qi as his own son.

"Is it any wonder that Qi Er's injury healed so quickly, could it also have something to do with that heaven-defying technique?"

"That technique is so against the sky, maybe it will have a healing effect?"

"Qi Er is a hanging ratio, with such an opportunity, can obtain such a heaven-defying technique, doesn't this mean that my Qi Er is destined to be extraordinary in the future?"

A smile appeared on Yang Zhan's face.

That's a good thing!

"Qi Er is really my family's Qilin'er!"

Thinking that the hanging ratios who were selected for inventory before had received such a rich reward, Yang Zhan couldn't help but be happy for Yang Qi.

Qi'er's future achievements must be unimaginable!


Although Yang Qi was not his biological son, in Yang Zhan's opinion, it was almost the same as his own biological son.

Yang Qi can achieve something, and he is really happy for it.

"The hanging ratio that was inventoried, good Qi'er, daddy is optimistic about you!"

At the same time, everyone in the entire Yang family was also happy and excited.

"The Third Young Master turned out to be a hanging ratio?!"

"Doesn't that mean that our Yang family is going to rise?"

A servant said proudly: "Our third young master is hanging comparisons, have you all forgotten how extraordinary those hanging comparisons are?" "

"The Third Young Master is a person like them, that is the dragon and phoenix among people, and our Third Young Master's achievements in the future will definitely be extraordinary."

"If the Third Young Master has achievements, can he forget our Yang family?"

"Our Yang family will definitely be able to rise by relying on the Third Young Master!"

"From now on, our Yang family is also destined to be extraordinary."

"Hold the Third Young Master's thigh!"

"The rise of the Yang family, starting with the Third Young Master!"

Some cheer with joy, others dissatisfied.

It was indeed a good thing that Yang Qi obtained the Heaven-defying Gong Technique, and obtained this opportunity that was enough to change his life against the sky.

But this may not be the case for those who have a scenic heart.

Yang Qi actually had a heaven-defying technique? So, he wasn't as wasteful as he is now? Hiding yourself?

Some people don't want to see Yang Qi have a good time, their hearts are full of sinister calculations and ghost tricks, and seeing Yang Qi get the opportunity is simply more uncomfortable than killing them.

I didn't expect that the waste third young master turned out to be a hanging ratio?

At this point, their plans will be affected1

In the shadows, someone looked at the sky in disbelief, their faces full of shock.

"'How is that possible?!'

"Hasn't his qigong been abolished and lost everything?"

"How could he have such luck, how could he obtain such a heaven-defying technique! How could he be hanging ratio! "

"How could such an adventure fall on his head!"

The man's face was as fierce as a ghost, obviously difficult to accept all this.

By what!

The guy who should have completely fallen in his calculations not only did not die now, but even obtained the anti-heaven exercise, an unimaginable opportunity!

This makes how can the people behind the scenes accept it.

"Damn it!"

From the shadows came the angry scolding of gritted teeth.

Everything is screwed up!

Meanwhile, Yunhai City.

Yunhai City is also a big city, and in this city there is an extremely beautiful woman.

The woman's name is also Yunhai.

She is Yun Hailan, who designed to deceive Yang Qi and let him help him steal the elixir, successfully taking advantage of Yang Qi's feelings for herself.

Not long ago, she had just designed to frame Yang Qi, and she also heard that the Yang family was on the cusp of the storm at this time, and Yang Qi had completely become a waste!

As a result, now Yang Qi has actually become a hanging ratio?

"He actually found the Heaven-Defying Technique?"

What is this Nima kidding?

Yun Hailan only felt that everything was ridiculous.

This beautiful woman looked at the picture that appeared on the sky, only feeling that her mind was blank and her brain was buzzing.

"Why is that?"

It was difficult for her to accept that a waste would suddenly become a hanging ratio, becoming one of those powerful beings in the inventory.

She didn't understand why Yang Qi had such an opportunity.

In her opinion, this is simply incomprehensible.

The hanging ratio, in the inventory, is a unique existence, unparalleled luck, extraordinary talent.

Moreover, the hanging ratios that were counted were eventually rewarded and became extremely powerful existences.

"Doesn't this mean that Yang Qi can eventually become such a great existence?"

For a while, Yun Hailan's eyes were complicated, and his thoughts were full of turns.

At the same time, in the entire Yan Capital City, almost all the wealthy families looked at the picture on the sky in disbelief.

"That waste of the Yang family, it's actually a hanging comparison?!"

"What are you kidding?!"

"That guy who has more than enough success and failure has just caused a catastrophe, and the entire Yang family may have to pay a terrible price for his stupidity."

"But now you say, that guy is actually hanging comparison, he still has anti-heaven exercises, what are you kidding?"

"Nima, fake it!"

"Heaven-defying exercises? That waste can still obtain the Heaven-Defying Technique? It's funny. "

"However, you can first see what kind of exercises he has obtained, and if it is really against the sky as the inventor said, he can snatch it."

"The treasure is virtuous, a waste, what is the use of such a heaven-defying exercise? Young children hold gold and cross the market, looking for death! "

Many wealthy families have malicious intentions and want to snatch Yang Qi's anti-heaven exercises.

Anyway, Yang Qi is just a waste, no matter how much the heaven-defying exercises fall into his hands, it is also a violent heavenly thing, it is better to complete them.

This is also the last contribution that Yang Qi, a waste bitch, can make.

At the same time, on a hill in the Yan capital city.

A teenager in a power suit was stunned.

"Groove! It's me! "

The teenager couldn't help but burst out.

"This just got the exercise, and it was exposed?!"

"Groove! It's not my life! "

He originally planned to hide, and then secretly become stronger, quietly stunning everyone, but he didn't expect that this inventory actually directly exposed him!

It really killed him!

He has not grown up yet, his strength is only violent, and in the face of the real strong, there is no resistance at all.

If this attracts the covetousness of the strong and wants to take away their own skills, then there is really no way to do it!

Broken, to be cold.

This time it's really going to be over.

Yang Qi looked above the sky.

On the sky screen, the mighty purple qi slowly gathered, and his figure gradually became clearer.

The boy's appearance was reflected on the sky screen, exactly the same as Yang Qi! .

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