Seeing his own figure appear on the sky dome, at this moment, Yang Qi's heart was a little bit of luck!

"I, Nima, this horse is really myself!"

Yang Qi was still lucky in his heart, maybe he just had the same name and surname, not himself, but this slowly condensed figure was exactly the same as him, and it could never be someone else!

"This horse, it is himself who is exposed!"

"Finished calf!"

Seeing his handsome appearance emerging from the sky dome, Yang Qi's whole person was about to collapse.

My hot horse, this is exposed!

Yang Qi originally thought that he would finally be able to reverse his life, but he didn't expect that all this seemed a little different from what he thought.

Yang Qi's mentality is really about to completely collapse.

"It's over, it's really over!"

"Thinking that it has not been long since I obtained this exercise, and even this exercise has not been covered with heat, this is publicized."

"At this time, not only Yan Capital City, but almost the entire world, knows that he Yang Qi has such a heaven-defying exercise."

How many people coveted and coveted this technique would at, he didn't dare to think about it.

Before the exercises were hot, they were already being targeted.

Moreover, he had just obtained this technique not long ago, and he had not yet grown up, so he could not keep this exercise, and he himself had no self-preservation power at all.

As for the Yang family.

Although the Yang family is indeed a wealthy family in Yandu City, its strength is not weak.

But after all, the Yang family is only a family, and it will be the whole world who covets their own exercises at that time.

The Yang family, how to be the enemy of the entire world.

Yang Qi slowly exhaled a turbid breath.

Moreover, he must not bring such a scourge to his family.

Since this matter arises because of him, let it end with him.

In his previous life, he was so disobedient and brought disaster to the family, and he already realized that he was wrong.

Since he lived again, he didn't want to let the Yang family make any mistakes because of himself.

Yang Qi clenched his fists and his gaze firm.

The entire Yang family must not be allowed to fall into danger again!

Looking up at the sky dome and looking at his own figure on the sky dome, Yang Qi had already firmed his thoughts in his heart.

This time, no matter what, he will not repeat the same mistakes.

Tragedy, it is enough to happen once.

Since the heavens gave him a chance to live again for a lifetime, and also let him obtain such a heaven-defying technique, it was for him to make up for the regrets of his previous life.

He will never miss such an opportunity.

At that moment, Yang Qi had already made a decision to hide first.

Deep in Yandu City, he was the biggest whirlpool, stared at by countless people.

If you want not to implicate the family and protect yourself, then the best way is to jump out of this whirlpool, hide, and hide well.

At the same time, Li Xiaoyao's mighty and magnificent voice fell from the sky.

[Yang Qi, the third young master of the Yang family, a wealthy family in Yandu City, is extremely talented, and at the age of only eighteen, he has reached the four-stage "refining qi" realm. 】

Holy King's Face.

When many creatures heard this, they all looked up at the young figure on the sky screen, and their faces were surprised and surprised.

"Eighteen-year-old refining qi?!"

"This talent is not bad, on the contrary, it can be regarded as more outstanding!"

As a creature on the Holy King's throne, he naturally knew the division of the realm and the gold content of refining qi at the age of eighteen.

It is not a peerless demon Tianjiao, but among his peers, he can also be regarded as a leader.

With such talent and qualifications, he can be regarded as a genius.

The talent of this third son of the Yang family is also quite good.

"This time this hanging is better than talent, although it is not particularly demon, but it is still outstanding."

"That's right, there are indeed not many young people who have reached the Qi Refining Realm at the age of eighteen, and as a wealthy son, it seems normal to have such cultivation and talent."

"I don't know how many people are difficult to reach such a state at his age, this Yang Qi's talent is rare."

"However, if you only have such a talent, maybe you are not worthy of the name of hanging comparison?"

Although the creatures of the heavens and realms are not very clear about the division of the realm of the Holy King's throne, they probably still have some understanding when they hear the discussion of the creatures on the Holy King's throne.

Although I don't know what level of refining Qi at the age of eighteen is in the Saint King's throne.

But looking at the discussion of the creatures on the Holy King's throne, it should be quite good?

It seems that the starting point of this hanging ratio is quite high, not only a wealthy son, but also a genius himself.

Coupled with the anti-heaven technique obtained by chance, it can be expected that this Yang Qi's future must be bright.

"Yang Qi is already a genius without hanging up now, and now that he has hung up the account, isn't he going to take off and be destined to become a demon against the sky?!"

"I, Nima, this really doesn't leave a way for people to live, being a little genius is not satisfied, there is actually a heaven-defying technique, peerless external hanging, it is outrageous!"

"I propose that geniuses can't get plug-ins!"

"This Yang Qi is a genius, and it is already outrageous to get the plug-in again, but what is really more outrageous is the way he obtains the plug-in!"

"His plug-in was actually picked up!"

"As far as Nima is outrageous, can you also pick up this thing?"

"I really don't understand, is this the world of hanging comparisons?"

"I'm really curious about how he picked up the plug-in, and if I can, I also want to learn it, maybe I can also pick up the plug-in."

(aedb) "Then you have to consult Han Tianzun, after all, he also picked up the plugin." "

"Yes, that's right, I have to learn from everyone's strengths."

"No, I want to see under what conditions he picked up the plugin, so that I can also try my luck, maybe the next hanging ratio will be me!"

"This kid is starting again!"

At the same time, Li Xiaoyao's mighty and majestic voice continued to fall.

[However, he was used by others, his cultivation was abandoned, and he was struck by lightning, and his life was in danger! ] 】

Hearing this voice, the creatures of all the heavens and realms were stunned.


"Did this reversal come so quickly? It was true that he was a little caught off guard, and almost flashed the old man's waist. "

"No, why can this reversal be so smooth?"

"Just now, he was still a genius, and in a blink of an eye, this cultivation was abolished?"

"Still struck by lightning?!"

"No, are you sure this is the treatment of geniuses, this is the treatment of hanging comparisons? How is something wrong? "

"Hahahaha, he was actually struck by lightning, isn't this kid's luck so good that even God can't stand it?"

"I have to say that this reversal is really absolute, one moment it was a genius who was proud of the spring breeze, and the next moment it directly became an unlucky egg."

"The cultivation is gone, and it was struck by lightning, this encounter is really unlucky."

"What about hanging? What about plugins? Help, yes! "

"Say it's a good hanging ratio, but I don't look like it, the cultivation is gone, the person has been slashed by lightning, and I see that I am going to be gone, how can I pick up the hang?"

"This buddy's life path is really outrageous!"

"Groove! There is a feeling! How do I feel that this buddy's template is a little familiar? "

"Genius becomes waste, isn't this template a proper Yandi template?"

"Isn't Xiao Yan also a genius of a generation, but as a result, his cultivation regressed, and he later became a waste?"

"Do you have the impression that this guy's path is exactly the same as Xiao Yan's!"

"Don't say it, don't say it, it seems to be true."

"Could it be said that he followed the same path as Xiao Yan? Is the plug-in different? "

"However, he is still not exactly the same as Xiao Yan."

"If you think about it, why Xiao Yan turned into a waste, it's because there is Yao Lao living in his ring, and Yao Lao has absorbed all his fighting qi to keep his soul body undispersed."

"Although Yao Lao did make Xiao Yan become a waste, but in the same way, Yao Lao also provided Xiao Yan with hanging, escorted Xiao Yan, and became the backing for Xiao Yan no matter how he waved."

"If it weren't for Yao Lao, Xiao Yan might not have achieved what he is today."

"But the reason for Yang Qixiu's death, and what it is, can be sure that it has nothing to do with his hanging."

"But speaking of it, this Yang Qi is really miserable, worse than Xiao Yan."

"Although Xiao Yan also lost his cultivation, but people were not slashed by lightning, this unlucky child, was also slashed by lightning, and was slashed by lightning at the beginning, which is indeed the first in all the hanging forces."

"Really curious, I want to ask him, what is it like to be struck by lightning?"

"Hahaha, it's definitely not a good feeling."

"The beginning of this hanging comparison is really miserable, and it is a little better than the Barren Heavenly Emperor who was dug up at the beginning."

"However, even the Barren Heavenly Emperor was not slashed by lightning!"

"I feel like I'm being struck by lightning, I can play for a year!"

At the same time, large thousand planes.

Xiao Yan raised his eyes to look at the sky, looking at the figure of the young man who appeared in the picture, for some reason, he suddenly felt a little emotional.

Perhaps this young man also lost his cultivation, and the experience of turning from genius to waste made him think of his former self.

"I was really the same as this teenager at that time."

He smiled faintly, fortunately, everything was gone.

Still, he wanted to laugh.

Because of this luck, it is really miserable.

"Isn't it still counted that the cultivation was abolished, but it was actually slashed by lightning?" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Hahahaha, this is a possibility that he never thought of at all!

"Why can this son of luck be so unlucky?"

"It stands to reason that as a hangbi, they are all sons of luck, and they should be unmatched in luck, how can they be so unlucky?"

"It is enough to hold back when Xiu Wei is abolished, and he was actually struck by lightning, this treatment is really all arranged."

The corner of Xiao Yan's mouth twitched, and he almost couldn't hold back his smile.

I wasn't so unlucky in the first place.

At first, he was just absorbed by the medicine elder, but he was definitely not as unlucky as him.

"Hahaha, it can actually be slashed by lightning, and it is also a talent!"

At that time, although his fighting qi was absorbed by Yao Lao, he also gained a good teacher because of this, and it was not a loss.

I just don't know what will happen to this Yang Qi.

Yang Qi's hanging was the anti-heaven technique he picked up, and it was obviously different from his own way.

It is said that the time comes and goes, and it is a blessing in disguise.

He was really curious, Yang Qi was unlucky to be like this, and he didn't know what blessings would be in the future.

It is also rare to be unlucky to look like this.

Xiao Yan really doubted, can Yang Qi really have any blessings?

To be honest, compared with Yang Qi, Xiao Yan suddenly felt that his life seemed to be really good.

Much stronger than this unlucky guy.

He was really curious about Yang Qi's story.

The guy who was unlucky at the beginning of this game, what kind of chance and adventure will there be next.

Really curious.

"You won't be struck by lightning again, will you?"


I really can't help it.

Xiao Yan is already a Yan Emperor, but at the moment he can't control his facial expression, he wants to laugh, he really wants to laugh, hahaha!

At the same time, the Holy Throne.

On the hill, Yang Qi looked at the majestic purple-gold sky curtain, which was completely numb and rotten!

Swinged, completely posed!

He collapsed directly on the hill, his face full of helplessness.

"This inventory is really outrageous!"

"He is really all-knowing and all-powerful, omniscient, omniscient!"

"It is enough shame and enough to fall down for the cultivation to be abolished, but this is not enough, and you actually have to turn over the matter of being slashed by lightning!"

"Inventor, you are really an evildoer!"

"Damn it!"

Yang Qi felt that his face had been completely lost in the heavens and realms.

However, being struck by lightning is not something he can control, and he can't help it!

It is clear that he was struck by lightning, but he is also a victim!

Yang Qi looked up at the sky, and his face was unloveable.

"What can I do?"

"Tired, destroy, destroy quickly."

His own black history has been completely exposed to the eyes of countless creatures in the heavens and realms, and it is estimated that he has no desire to live anymore.

This Nima is also too embarrassing.

Although being slashed by lightning did give him a chance, the process of getting the chance is definitely black history!

Proper black history!

How miserable this experience was!

In the future, the creatures of the heavens and realms will definitely laugh at their unfortunate experience.

Yang Qi sat up straight from the hill, a little curious in his heart.

The process of obtaining this exercise by myself can be described as unlucky.

I finally got this plug-in, which was called by the inventors as a practice that was enough to go against the sky, and I don't know how against the sky this exercise is.

Roaring down the stars, swallowing the sun and the moon, it's exciting to think about.

"Could it be that this technique has really such heaven-defying power in the late stage of cultivation? I can't even think about it! "

"Even the most powerful one in Yandu City can't do this."

"If this technique really has such heaven-defying power, it is not at all surprising that it attracts coveting."

"If you think about it, it's really stressful."

Because the person who covets his own technique is definitely not a small man, it is likely to be the top group of people in the entire Great Yan Dynasty.

Thinking of those wealthy families, Yang Qi had a headache.

Now that the exercises are exposed, it will definitely cause prying, and I have to deal with this matter well.

It seems that hanging is not good!

At this moment, the picture on the sky dome changed.

A teenager was lying on the bed, bandaged like a mummy, revealing a face, dying look, which was extremely miserable at a glance.

This young man's face was exactly the same as the one that appeared on the sky before, and there was naturally no need to say who it was.

It is the hanging ratio that was identified this time, Yang Qi!

And Yang Qi was lying on the hospital bed, looking like he was obviously seriously ill and dying, and his life was like a gossamer, maybe when he would completely finish the calf.

And next to his bed, there is an old doctor, and at a glance, he knows that he must not be an ordinary doctor, he must be an apricot forest master, and his medical skills are superb.

The old doctor sighed and spoke, "The life of the Third Young Master can be regarded as saved." "

"But... After all, he was slashed by heavenly thunder, and the heavenly thunder was fierce, fierce in power, and even more with fiery flames. "

"His whole body was burned by the thunder fire, and his meridians were even broken due to the thunder split, and his martial arts were completely wasted, and from now on, he could only be a cripple."

Saying that, the old doctor sighed helplessly.

"To be able to save the life of the Third Young Master, the old man has already done his best, as for the rest, he can no longer do it."

The former Tianjiao suddenly became a cripple who had no cultivation and could not even cultivate.

No matter who changes this, it will definitely not be accepted.

Everyone in the room could only sigh, but fortunately, Yang Qi saved a life after all.

Big deal, from now on, I won't practice, just be an ordinary person, and spend this life safely and richly.

Everyone left one after another, and soon only Yang Qi was left in the room.

Yang Qi had a very peculiar feeling in his body, and for some reason, he felt that his body suddenly didn't hurt.

Surprised, he closed his eyes and looked inside, only to find that in the dantian he had, a thunderbolt elephant actually appeared!

In addition to that, there is a little golden man!

Although he didn't know what they were and why they appeared out of thin air, he was still subconsciously immersed in them.

At the same time, eight words kept coming to his mind: "Break and stand, the world is invincible!" "

Yang Qi communicated with the villain through his thoughts.

Immediately afterwards, a stream of information entered his mind, it was a exercise!

[God-like Hell! ] 】

Take qi as the guide, use God as an image, raise your hands, the power of a giant elephant!

Turning over the river and the sea, roaring down the stars, picking the moon and swallowing the sun, in one thought!

Hang up the account!

Ten thousand worlds boil.

"Finally here!".

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