"The exercises have finally arrived! This unfortunate child's plug-in is finally here! "

"But if this plug-in doesn't come again, I'm afraid that this buddy won't be able to survive, this experience is really terrible."

"Hahaha, although he obtained the anti-heaven exercise, turned on the plug-in, and became a hanging ratio, but it's really funny."

"In this world, there are really people who are struck by lightning! Hahahahaha! "

"Heaven-defying exercises, this is coming? Was it so hasty, without any ritual or vision, and just came? This card is a bit bad! "

"That is, if there is no movement at all, this can also be regarded as anti-heaven?"

"However, I have to say that this buddy's luck is a bit outrageous, being struck by lightning is indeed quite miserable, but he was slashed by lightning, and he can actually get exercises, which makes people uncertain, is he lucky or unlucky?"

"Hahaha, you are Schrödinger's luck, buddy."

"No, his technique was actually obtained from lightning after being slashed by lightning? ~"

"No, what about picking it up? Deceitful! Enthusiastic - horse, refund! "

"It has to be this buddy who dares to play, to obtain peerless exercises from thunder and lightning, this courage, this guts, to be honest, ordinary people really can't get peerless exercises."

"Of course, ordinary people who are good will let themselves be struck by lightning!"

"I'm afraid that I have a life to take the exercises, but I don't have a life to practice!"

What a violent thing thunder and lightning, for the practice that may exist, let yourself be slashed by lightning, this has to be brain Dowatt, to think of such an operation, it is simply outrageous Nima!

Normal people would definitely not do this!

"So, in fact, I have a brother who was just struck by lightning, and he also survived, so I will ask if he has obtained any exercises?"

"That buddy upstairs, listen to me, if your brother refuses to admit any exercises, it may be that you started too lightly, and it would be good to fight a few more times in this situation."

"You can survive if you are struck by lightning, proper son of luck, that buddy upstairs, do you want to try to worship your brother as a righteous father, maybe he can pull you in the future?"

"This is a brand new operation that I never thought of!"

"Righteous Father, I am coming! Against the heavens, I'm coming! "

Some people are paying attention to the way Yang Qi obtains the anti-heaven exercise, and some people are paying attention to the degree of the anti-heaven exercise.

"Let me go, this technique is really so against the sky! It's not that the inventors are bluffing! "

"This... Is it really so outrageous?! "

"This technique is probably too against the sky!"

"The gods and elephants are strong, roaring down the stars, picking the moon and swallowing the sun, it's incredible to think about, what a great power it must be!"

"This exercise, there is a great terror!"

"Shhh—this is really a heaven-defying exercise!"

Of course, there are also great powers who express disdain for this.

"Is it difficult to pick the stars and take the moon, turn the river and the sea, and roar down the stars? Isn't this a basic operation? "

"That is, a little skill, let you be shocked like this, this changes our side, any person with successful cultivation, can do it, I really don't know that there is a god Emei who is so proud, this exercise is also general, and there is no place against the sky at all."

"The old man can annihilate a river of stars with one palm, and when the qi wave is overturned, the drum is spread, and he can destroy an unknown number of ancient stars."

"This technique wants to touch the porcelain old man, but it's still far from it."

"What shit god is like a hell of hell, this exercise describes quite powerful, but it is just average, and it is actually not powerful, it is pure just a gimmick."

The beings of the heavens and realms each held their own opinions because of the different planes and realm strengths, and naturally had different views on this same exercise.

Of course, the vast majority of living beings naturally think that since they can be selected by the inventor to become the hanging ratio and be inventoried, then this practice is definitely not simple.

Can become a plug-in, which is simpler?

It is just a good thing to think that the gods and elephants are just bluffing, but they are just a gimmick, and naturally there are them, but there are not many.

Those who think so, of course, are some old monsters with terrifying strength in the high-level plane, and they scoff at this.

They are all existences standing at the top of a plane, and their combat power is unimaginably terrifying, and they can't look at the gods and elephants, which is naturally normal.

But such people are still a minority after all.

The real majority are actually those ordinary creatures, who naturally think that the gods and gods are extremely good.

At the same time, the big world.

Xiao Yan looked at the picture that appeared on the sky screen, and his face was also shocked, and his face was full of shock.

"Divine Elephant Hell?"

"This is the Heaven-Defying Technique?"

"It sounds really domineering, and the description of the inventor is also extremely against the sky."

"But with just one exercise, Yang Qi can embark on the road against the sky?"

"Is there really such a practice in this world?"

Xiao Yan himself had never seen such a heaven-defying technique, so he naturally doubted it.

Speaking of which, his burning technique is actually another sense of anti-heaven exercises.

At the beginning, the incineration technique was at most a yellow-order exercise, but as he absorbed more and more alien fire, he was also constantly advancing and becoming more and more powerful.

By the time he left the Douqi Continent, the Burning Technique had already become the most powerful technique on the Douqi Road, even beyond the heavenly products!

Coming to this great world, he devoured many powerful flames to make the incineration even stronger.

He could feel that his burning technique was no longer the same now.

The power of the burning technique was cultivated by his own hands.

"It is true that the incineration trick is not powerful at the beginning, but its evil lies in its continuous growth, which means that the incineration trick has infinite possibilities!"

"If you can reach the supreme plane and absorb those powerful flames of the supreme plane, maybe you can continue to make the incineration technique reborn and more powerful!"

"The incineration technique is far from reaching the limit!"

"Its power can be even stronger!"

In the bottom of Xiao Yan's heart, it was as if someone had instantly ignited a flame.

He wanted to make the burning technique more powerful and make his burning technique a true heaven-defying exercise!

Unfortunately, the plane he is in is not the supreme plane.

If it is a supreme plane, the incineration technique can also have a higher growth potential.

Xiao Yan's gaze was slowly firm, and his hands were clenched into fists.

No matter what, he will definitely be able to successfully go to the supreme plane.

At the same time, perfect plane, above the sky.

When Ara saw the scene in the picture, his eyes were also quite surprised at the moment.

"Divine Elephant Hell?"

"Is this technique really so against the sky?"

It seems that this exercise is indeed an extremely good exercise.

But even if the exercises are good, what matters depends on who uses them.

The exercises are good, but after all, they are really powerful.

Even if it is a heaven-defying technique, the person using it must be strong enough to exert the full power of the anti-heaven exercise.

Ara has always practiced his own body, and has never liked to use external objects.

When he lit the divine fire, he followed the path of being a seed, and after so many years, he is still the same.

He firmly believes that all external things are nothingness, and only if they are strong can they be truly powerful and fearless of everything!

Of course, he also has the anti-heaven exercise, just like the method of his incarnation.

But what really depends is how the user is.

No matter how powerful the exercises are, it depends on the person.

This divine elephant Zhen Jin is Yang Qi's plug-in, a practice, can become a plug-in, its extraordinary, naturally needless to say.

He wanted to see how powerful Yang Qi could be with this plug-in, with this technique called the Heaven-Defying Technique.

"The exercises are against the sky, how much can Qi go against the sky?"

In addition, he was also a little curious, this anti-heaven technique can roar down the stars, I don't know how it is other other methods of his incarnation.

Presumably, it should be strong.

The Barren Heavenly Emperor is worthy of being the Barren Heavenly Emperor, and at any time, he has extremely strong confidence in himself.

He believes that he will always be the strongest, and his own exercises are also the most suitable for him and the most powerful invincible emperor method!

At the same time, the Holy Throne.

In the midst of the discussion of the sentient beings of the ten thousand worlds, Yang Qi had already begun to cultivate.

As the saying goes, if you don't die, you will be blessed!

This statement is true!

Yang Qi was really blessed with a curse.

He had obtained such a heaven-defying technique in the heavenly thunder, and the degree of this technique was unimaginable to Yang Qi.

Not only did he recover his cultivation, but he could also begin to practice this exercise normally.

As soon as he saw the exercises, Yang Qi was completely shocked.

A flood of information flooded his mind.

This information is extremely complex, and the bomb dismantling did not scare Yang Qi!

Only then did Yang Qi really realize how heaven-defying this technique he got after being struck by lightning was a blessing in disguise!

The human body is composed of 840 million particles.

This is the judgment and cognition of the human body by Shenxiang Zhenjianjin, and the practice of Shenxiang Zhenjiangjin is based on this analysis.

The cultivation of the god and elephant is to cultivate every particle to the extreme.

Every particle must be cultivated into a divine image!

840 million particles are 840 million gods and elephants!

What a majestic and unimaginable power!

840 million particles, if they can all awaken, they can burst out 840 million divine elephant power!

Stepping on the heavens, shattering the stars, what picking the moon and swallowing the sun, is it not trivial?

"840 million particles, 840 million divine elephants! Hiss--I don't dare to think about it, I dare not think about it! (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Cultivate particles, cultivate dust-like particles into a divine elephant, a full 840 million divine elephants, what kind of anti-heaven technique is this?!"

"If every particle has the power of a god and elephant, how terrifying, how majestic, how unimaginable!"

"That's a bit outrageous, isn't it?"

"Great terror! This is definitely an undoubted anti-heaven exercise, what an evil sect! "

"I finally understand now that this exercise can become an external plug-in, this exercise is too evil and outrageous."

"That's a divine elephant, a divine elephant that can shatter the continent and step on the stars!"

"Cultivating the particles in the whole body into such a heaven-defying divine image, is this Nima really not joking?"

"If 840 million particles awakened to such a point, unimaginable, how terrifying would it be?"

"I take back what I just said, and I admit that I underestimated this exercise just now, and this exercise is Zhennima against the sky."

"I'm sorry, I was too loud just now, I apologize for my previous irrationality, I can see clearly, what kind of anti-heaven exercise is this, this is clearly a hanging comparison exercise!"

Almost all the sentient beings in the heavens and realms were shocked by the degree of anti-heaven of this exercise.

The power of 840 million divine elephants, just thinking about it, feels incredible.

If this Yang Qi can really cultivate this technique to Dacheng, then he will really rise!

The picture changes again.

Yang Qi in the picture successfully awakened a particle!

The gods and elephants roared, shaking the heavens and the earth!

A majestic statue, coercive of all things, incomparably majestic, incomparably powerful divine image phantom condensed behind him.

At that moment, Yang Qi's body suddenly erupted with an unimaginable terrifying aura, which suddenly swept away like a terrifying wave, spreading in all directions and affecting all things.

And his strength, at this time, successfully broke through to the fifth stage of violent qi and went to the next level!

But Yang Qi also understood that his sudden recovery and cultivation growth would definitely arouse suspicion, and keeping a low profile was what he should do.

Therefore, for some time, he has not been exposed and hidden his cultivation.

However, this is often the case, the trees are quiet and the wind does not stop.

Even if he wants to hide safely, no one will let him get his wish.

Not long after, someone forced the palace and wanted to force Yang Zhan to abdicate and ascend to the position of the head of the Yang family.

The Yang family is also a wealthy family in the Yan Capital City, naturally it is impossible to have only one vein, and the Yang family has many branches.

Naturally, there were unwilling Pun tribe people who coveted the supreme position of the Yang family head and wanted to seize the position of the family master.

They took the stupid things that Yang Qi had done at the beginning and wanted to force Yang Zhan to abdicate.

After all, the trouble Yang Qi caused at that time was indeed not small.

In order to help him wipe his butt, Yang Zhan implicated the entire Yang family and was also hurting.

Yang Qi stole the city lord's Frundan in order to be able to fly away with the woman he loved!

Such a catastrophe, even the Yang family, paid a lot of price.

Now, the people of the Punzhi tribe are using this as an excuse to force Yang Zhan to step down, in order to steal the position of the head of the Yang family.

And at the critical moment, Yang Qi finally stopped hiding.

Yang Zhan treated him, spoiled incomparably, for him, at all costs.

If he watched Yang Zhan being forced and humiliated, but he was still indifferent in order to hide his strength, would this still be human?

So, Yang Qi made a move!

As soon as it was shot, it was a blockbuster and completely shocked everyone!

Everyone didn't expect that Yang Qi, who had become a waste, actually had such terrifying strength!

The same five stages of violent qi, Yang Qi's strength is unprovokedly strong, sweeping the same realm and defeating all the juniors!

He Yang Qi, within the same realm, invincible!

Yang Qi shot and completely surprised the audience!

In Yang Zhan's eyes, there was a continuous flash of surprise, it turned out that Qi Er was fine!

Not only is it okay, but the strength is even further!

"Hahaha good!"

And those chaotic thieves, the Puntri people who want to usurp the position of the head of the family are stupid.

"No, isn't this kid all waste?"

"Why do you still have such strength?"

"Even if he hadn't been abolished his cultivation, his strength was obviously only four stages of refining qi, how could he reach five stages of violent qi in a short period of time?!"

Seeing this, the heavens boiled.

"Hahahaha! Long Aotian hit his face! "

"I like to watch this kind of drama!"

"You think I'm a waste, I'm sorry, but I'm actually hanging by! It's so cool to slap in the face! "

"You deserve it."

"Well, if you provoke the comparison, these people next to the Yang family are destined to be unpeaceful, and their trouble is big."

The creatures of the heavens and realms discussed one after another.

"Which is better to mess with?"

"Even Xiao Yan is as cold as winter to his enemies."

"As for Tang San's-stirring stick, let alone that."

"Barren Heavenly Emperor and Ye Tiandi, one kills through foreign lands, and the other is to suppress many dark forbidden areas."

"None of these comparisons are soft-hearted."

"The Yang family has provoked Yang Qi, and it is doomed to be unlucky!"

The heavens and all worlds sighed, and discussed it.

I saw that in the picture of the sky dome, the older generation next to the Yang family could not sit still.

The juniors were beaten by someone, of course, these old guys can't sit idly by.

Hit the small, the old nature will come out.

This Yang Qi really doesn't know the height of the sky, they have to teach Yang Qi a good lesson!

The old man snorted coldly, and the momentum around his body was released, and it was the sixth stage of qigong, one realm higher than Yang Qi!

The sixth stage of qigong can condense qi and transform troops, and its power is extraordinary!

It seems that this time, Yang Qi has lost.

His opponent is a whole realm higher than Gao.

But the creatures of the heavens and realms did not think so.

"Is this old guy really brainless?"

"Yang Qi was slashed by lightning, not only did he not die, his strength has also improved, and he knows that there is a problem with his toes!"

"Can't you just think about it?"

"Can't you see a problem with that? And provocation? It's really self-inflicted! "

"In front of the hanging ratio, what about the high realm, or is it to be hanged?"

"Next, there is a good show to watch."

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