Although that old man was only limited in strength than Yang Qi, it was only a small realm.

But in the eyes of those clansmen next to the Yang family, this small realm is a world of difference, a huge gap.

Although a small realm is not remarkable, this gap in strength is also a world of difference, and Yang Qi will never win.

Invincible in the same realm, it is already enough to be a demon, this Yang Qi was still a waste before, and it is impossible to cross the border and fight at once.

A small realm gap is enough to crush Yang Qi!

The people of the tribe next to the Yang family all looked at the old man expectantly, waiting for the old man to make a strong move, crush and wipe Yang Qi out, and find the field.

The gazes of many tribal people next to the Yang family were extremely cold, indeed, Yang Qi's strength was not weak, and he could be called invincible in the same realm.

But this time, the ancestor who attacked him was a sixth stage of qigong, a whole small realm higher than him.

In the face of such a gap in strength, Yang Qi is destined to lose!

Of course, this is just their opinion.

In the eyes of the heavens and realms, their behavior was extremely ridiculous, because they provoked Yang Qi!

"What is Yang Qi's identity? He's a hanger! "

"No, no, no, no one really thinks they can win the competition, right?!"

Hanging ratio is always incomprehensible, crossing the ladder to fight, for hanging ratio, is just a common thing like eating and drinking.

"Hahaha laughed at me, this group of idiots actually want to find trouble with Yang Qi, really think that they are a little higher realm, they are very powerful?"

"I really haven't seen such a person looking for death, people are hanging comparisons, and there are anti-heaven exercises, go all out, and they will definitely kill you."

"As long as it is not a complete crushing like the Great Realm, who dares to say that he will definitely be able to defeat the son of luck?"

"Even if he is really a big realm higher than Yang Qi, then he will definitely be able to save his life."

"This old guy is only a small realm higher than Yang Qi, so arrogant and presumptuous, isn't this looking for death? It must be crushed by Yang Qi. "

"Six Three Zero" estimates that this old guy is going to be miserable."

"Daoist friends are more confident, remove the estimate!"

"Condensed gas? This world is a little interesting, can cultivate to such a realm to achieve gasification? "

"Well, in this way, it is somewhat similar to the Dou Breaking Plane, as long as the strength of the Dou Breaking Plane reaches the Dou Spirit, it can also fight Qi Artifacts, and these two worlds are indeed somewhat similar."

"Douqi Hua, refers to Douqihua Mahahahahaha!"

"Can't laugh buddy."

At the same time, Xiao Yan also looked thoughtfully above the sky screen, and when he saw the condensed gas soldiers, he also thought of this.

This plane is really similar to the Doubo Continent where he used to be.

"This world is a condensed gas army, and the Dou Shao continent is a fighting gasification material, for example, the Dou King can fight the gas and transform the wing."

"Dou Shao Continent relies on Douqi to practice, and the foundation of everything is Douqi."

"If you cultivate to a certain extent, you can fight qi substances."

"Those who are strong can condense all kinds of artifacts with fighting qi at will."

"The condensed qi of this Saint King's plane is indeed somewhat similar to the douqi transformation of the fighting plane."

"Then you have to take a good look at yourself and take the opportunity to take a look."

"Maybe you can get something out of it."

They are all gasified, in case there are some similarities between these two planes, what if the Holy King plane can give himself some reference.

Thinking so, Xiao Yan's gaze towards the sky dome became more focused.

At the same time, the picture changed, becoming a picture of Yang Qi fighting with the elder of the Yang family's side branch.

Yang Qi's realm was indeed not as good as that side branch elder, and a whole small realm lower than the side branch elder.

But his undefeated and courageous spirit is still amazing, opening and closing, to the point of fierceness, not at all, fighting this old man.

The two frequently clashed, making a huge noise that shook the entire Yang family.

The elders of the side branch of the Yang family, seeing that they were a small realm higher, and they couldn't take Yang Qi, naturally had a sense of urgency in their hearts.

Therefore, the moves he made became more and more ruthless and dangerous, and the moves all wanted to directly take Yang Qi's life.

But Yang Qi did not sit at all, although he was a small realm lower, but every move and style, he bravely met the enemy, and did not show cowardice at all.

With the strength of the exercises, Yang Qi still crushed the elder of the Yang family who was a little higher than him.

The countless qi soldiers condensed by the elders of the side branch were directly blasted by Yang Qi's fierce punch, scattering into countless qi scattered.

Soon, even that elder was blasted away by Yang Qi's punch!

Yang Qi's punch completely shocked everyone!

Those people from the Yang family who came to force the palace opened their mouths wide at this moment, looked at Yang Qi in disbelief, and looked at Yang Qi in shock.

At the moment, they are already stupid.

"How is that possible?"

In their hearts, only fear remained.

"When did this Third Young Master of the Yang Family, who was once a wasteland, become so devilish?"

"Even more demon than before he was slashed by lightning!"

"Invincible in the same realm, you can even fight beyond the ladder, and win the battle, this... How could Yang Qi be so devilish?! "

Not to mention those people from the Yang family, even Yang Qi's adoptive father, Yang Zhan, looked at him in shock as if he knew him for the first time at this moment.

"Qi'er, is it so devilish?"

And the creatures of the heavens and realms began to mock.

"Slightly slightly, all said, don't compare with hanging, why don't you not listen."

"Look, this is the hanging ratio, completely unreasonable, even if you are a small realm higher than others, but still send."

"I really don't understand, where does this old man have the courage, why do you dare to directly provoke, and the front is hard steel?"

"This is the hanging ratio, the external hanging to the account, who can compete, who in the world can match it?"

"Hanging against the sky!"

"The hanging ratio is like this, crossing the border against the enemy, for the hanging ratio, it is as easy and simple as eating and drinking water."

"Don't think that your realm is higher than the hanging ratio, you will be in control, and it is simply normal to be overturned by the hanging ratio."

"This old guy can also be regarded as a long lesson, in the future, you must not provoke and hang up at will, otherwise you old arms and legs, you will definitely not be able to withstand hanging a fist."

The picture then changes again.

Yang Qi continued to practice and successfully awakened the second particle, and his realm also came to the six-stage Qi Soldier Realm, which could condense the Qi Soldier.

Yang Qi condensed the true qi with the divine elephant and the hell power, so as to transform the army.

In front of him, a war spear that exuded ancient and powerful and shattered aura slowly emerged.

Above that war spear, a terrifying aura spread that made everyone's hearts palpitate.

The first divine power change of the god elephant Zhen Hell Energy, the spear of the god of the underworld, the strongest attack method, is condensed by the Divine Elephant Zhen Hell Power Hell Vortex True Qi!

It has the supreme terrifying momentum that destroys everything!

The spear fell into Yang Qi's hand, and Yang Qi suddenly felt a supreme sharp aura, as if it was enough to break everything.

So, without any hesitation, he threw the Hades Spear in one direction!

In the distance, a mountain forest was pierced in response!

It was a hill, and it was directly pierced by the spear of the god of the underworld!

It shows the terrifying power of this Hades Spear!

Even Yang Qi himself didn't seem to realize how unimaginable the power of this Hades Spear was.

And when he saw the pierced mountain forest, surprise appeared on his face.

This will be his strongest attack!

Yang Qi once again buried his head and began to cultivate.

This time, he started brushing monsters.

Those demon beasts were in front of him, and there was no resistance.

Yang Qi used these monster beasts to improve his strength, and while killing the monster beasts, he improved his strength.

The creatures of the Heavens and Realms looked at Yang Qi with a shocked expression.

"Although I had known for a long time that he was a hangbi, I was still shocked."

"No, how can his cultivation speed be so fast and so devilish!"

"I obeyed, and sure enough, I don't understand the world of hanging."

"Can this cultivation speed be like this? I really envy. "

"This technique is also too special against the sky, the improvement it brings to people, it is so terrifying, so obvious?"

"It's only been a few days, and Yang Qi's cultivation has already risen to two realms in a row!"

"Knowing that you are hanging up, cultivation and improvement are as simple as eating and drinking, but at least don't be so simple, it will really make the human heart collapse!"

"And this combat power is also really terrifying!"

"His spear directly pierced a mountain forest, brothers!"

"He is only in any realm, he can penetrate the mountains and forests, isn't this power a little terrifying."

"I also feel that the combat power of this face is not low, could it be that this Holy King Plane is the supreme plane?"

"Not sure."

"Only after awakening two particles, there is already such a terrifying combat power."


"Maybe you can really do it, pick the moon and swallow the sun, roar down the stars, and think about it!" Against the heavens! "

"This exercise is worthy of being a heaven-defying exercise, and it is not a loss to become a plug-in, this exercise really has a saying!"

The creatures of the heavens and realms suddenly became interested, and they were also quite curious about this terrifying anti-heaven technique.

Such a technique, so not simple, no wonder it is a plug-in.

At the same time, the big world.

Xiao Yan saw the picture on the sky dome, and his face was also full of shock at the moment.

"I, Nima, is the combat power of this plane actually so strong?" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

From Yang Qi's blow just now, he had already seen the clue.

Yang Qi cave through a mountain!

He is only in the six-stage Qi Weapon Realm, and he is already so terrifying, he dare not think about it, he really dare not think about it!

Such combat power, placed in the Dou Shao Continent, at the very least, must be Dou Ling.

Six dan comparable to Dou Ling?


This, a bit outrageous!

"Fighting spirits, in order to fight qi substances."

"Six stages, can condense the army?"

And the combat power of these two realms is similar.

"Is this world really the supreme plane?"

Anyway, he felt that compared to the Dou Bao Continent, the combat power of this world was indeed much stronger.

This only awakens two particles, if you awaken all the particles, hiss, don't dare to think, really dare not think!

What kind of perverts are these!

Xiao Yan's face was a little bitter.

I am also a hanging comparison, how to compare with these hanging comparisons, I feel so cardless.

He is now beginning to have some doubts that he is a fake hanging ratio 0....

The achievements that can be achieved today are all his personal efforts, and have absolutely nothing to do with the plug-in.

Meanwhile, the mortal plane.

Han Li also widened his eyes, looking at Yang Qi's terrifying combat power in the sky screen picture, which was also a little unbelievable.

"Awaken a particle to have such terrifying combat power?"

"This technique is so amazing?"

"It's just one more particle awakened, and the combat power increase brought by this technique is so big, it's a little unimaginable."

"Two particles already have such terrifying combat power, I really don't know how terrifying it will be if all the particles are awakened."

Consider the idea mentioned at the beginning, which holds that the human body is composed of 840 million particles, and that all the particles in the body must be awakened.

Two particles already have such terrifying combat power, if all 840 million particles awaken.

"The power of eight hundred and forty million divine elephants..."


Under Han Li's eyes, a look of horror appeared.

The upper limit of this exercise is unimaginable, and it is simply boundless.

Don't talk about breaking the stars, picking the moon and swallowing the sun, even if it is to annihilate the galaxy, Dong Haichuan universe void, I'm afraid it's not a problem!

Han Li was shocked in his heart, looking at that picture, he no longer knew what to say, and he couldn't express the shock in his heart in words!

Cultivate a particle into a divine image.

If you think of a particle as a dantian.

Then 840 million particles is 840 million dantians.

840 million dantians, 840 million divine elephants, 840 million unimaginable mighty power!

This has almost broken through the limits of Han Li's imagination.

"This Nima can no longer be described as against the sky!"

Han Li was speechless for a while, not knowing what to say.

"In this world, there really is such a practice?"

This was already the only thought that Han Li had in his mind now.

Such a heaven-defying technique can really exist in the world?

Won't it be erased by the Dao of Heaven?

"I lost Nima, brothers, these are only two particles, and they have already gone against the heavens to such a point."

"If you cultivate to the extreme, if you awaken all 840 million science particles, then he may not be able to roar down the stars and swallow the sun and the moon."

"I'm stupid, is this technique really so against the sky?"

"Such a heaven-defying technique was actually obtained after being slashed by lightning, not to mention brothers, I still have something."

"Buddy upstairs, be careful, you are not hanging bi, you may not be able to save your life if you are slashed by lightning!"

"It makes sense, do a good job of measures ah brother, don't get the exercises, but people are ripe through."

While the creatures of the heavens and realms were talking about it, Yang Qi was still practicing and successfully awakened the third particle.

In the early stage of the cultivation path, the awakening of every particle brought him a huge boost.

The awakening of this third particle pushed his cultivation success to the seventh stage, like qi realm!

Yang Qi contains a divine image, and the name of this seventh paragraph is quite consistent with his situation.

When he was in the seventh stage, he came across the white ape who had always been the same seventh stage.

One man and one beast, clashed and began to fight.

To be honest, this white ape is a tricky opponent.

Not only because his realm is 4.9 seven-dan strong, but also because this white ape is best at unparalleled huge power, attack furious, and amazing strength.

If it is smashed by his pair of fists, it is estimated that it will be smashed into meat paste on the spot.

This violent orangutan type man fights, but you must be careful and careful.

When Yang Qi successfully awakened the third particle, he also awakened the second divine power change of the divine elephant and hell energy.

The Art of Flying Essence!

He can use the True Qi condensed by the Divine Elephant Zhen Prison Energy, turn into a pair of wings behind his back, and fly high into the sky!

As a result, a bunch of wings condensed behind Yang Qi, hovering in the air, condescending.

In his hands, the Spear of the Underworld was slowly condensed.

The Spear of the Underworld is simple and majestic, exuding an astonishing aura of destruction.

The waves of qi swept through, the horror was incomparable, and the terrifying killing momentum was wanton and stirred, flying everywhere it passed, as if it could be shattered and broken.

With the improvement of Yang Qi's realm, the power of this Hades Spear became even more terrifying and amazing!

When the Spear of the Underworld God condensed, the heavens and the earth changed color, and the terrifying aura swept in all directions and spread.

The spear of the god of the underworld went like a shooting star, and where it passed, it annihilated everything, shattered thousands of things, and swept out an incomparably powerful force, straight to the white ape!

There is no doubt that the white ape was directly pierced by a spear and completely cooled.

At the same time, the creatures of the heavens and realms were stunned.

Especially Xiao Yan, stunned and unbelievable.

"My Nima? Douqi Wing?! "

"Isn't this Douwang's Douqi Transformation Wing?"

"This is only seven stages, and it is comparable to the Dou King of the Dou Plane Breaking Plane?!"

Not only Xiao Yan, but also the creatures of the heavens and realms were a little confused.

That's a little too scary!

Moreover, the same seven stages, why did Yang Qi kill this white ape like chopping vegetables and cutting melons, so easily?

"Could it be that it is because of that technique that the gap in combat power is so large?"

"I lose it, the gods are like hell, and the horror is like a lot!"

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