The creatures of the heavens and realms were all stunned!

"This Nima has only improved a small realm, just a while!"

"A small realm improvement is amazing to this extent?"

"This face, what's going on?"

"Is it so against the sky?"

The six-stage Qi Soldier Realm can condense qi and transform soldiers, which is comparable to the fighting spirit that breaks the plane, and can fight qi and transform things.

And when you reach the seven-stage elephant qi realm, you can turn qi into wings, which is comparable to the fighting qi transformation wings of the powerhouse of the Dou Breaking Plane Dou King!

In this Holy Spirit plane, this is just a small realm ascension, but it corresponds to the ascension of a whole large realm of the Dou Shao plane!

A small realm gap is comparable to a gap in a large realm that breaks the plane.

The creatures of the heavens and realms were naturally dumbfounded.

"I, Nima, can the improvement in strength in this world be so great?"

"Is everyone like this, or is it only Yang Qi, who is a hangbi?"

"If all living beings are so perverted, then the level of this plane is not low!"

If everyone is like this, then they will have to doubt the strength of this plane, this is definitely a supreme plane!

"That's not right either, Supreme Plane? Is this world really the supreme plane, I have some doubts. "

"The perfect plane where the Barren Heavenly Emperor is located, and the heaven-shading plane where the Ye Tiandi is located, are definitely the supreme plane, and there is no dispute."

"You see how outrageous those two are, how outrageous the creatures in their planes are, this world is more ordinary compared to the perfect and sky-shading planes."

"If you think about it, in the perfect plane, a blood moving realm is already a hundred thousand catties of huge power."

"This is by no means comparable to this plane."

"I admit that the rank of this plane may indeed not be low, but compared with the real supreme plane, there is still some gap."

"No, buddy, I can't say that, although the perfect plane is indeed outrageous, and it is indeed the supreme plane, but you also have to think about who the perfect plane is, that is the Barren Heavenly Emperor, the son of destiny!"

"That one is the strongest hanging ratio, the strongest and most outrageous hanging ratio of the heavens and realms, you look at the countless creatures in the heavens and ten thousand worlds, how many can compare with the desolate heavenly emperor who is arbitrary and peerless?"

"Even Ye Fan, who is also the Heavenly Emperor and the son of Heavenly Destiny, is a little worse than the Desolate Heavenly Emperor."

"The plane where such an outrageous existence is located, it must be a sublime personality, even if you look at the supreme plane, it should belong to the strongest 05 column."

"You can't compare this plane with such a perverted plane!"

"Just like you compare Yang Qi to the Barren Heavenly Emperor, Yang Qi is indeed a hanging comparison, the son of luck, but how can he be compared to that outrageous Barren Heavenly Emperor."

"The Barren Heavenly Emperor is the real big outrageous, the big against the sky."

"This is true, the Barren Heavenly Emperor is indeed against the sky, and when the Barren Heavenly Emperor has not yet become a Heavenly Emperor, he competes with his peers, and there are many leaders in his generation who are not inferior to him too much, such as the Ten-crowned King Tianzi, and that heavy pupil Shi Yi."

"In this way, it is true, it is not that the Saint King's plane is bad, but that the perfect plane is too outrageous!"

At the same time, the big world.

Xiao Yan looked at the discussion of countless creatures in the heavens and realms, and his face was full of helplessness.

"No, brothers, take care of me, I'm not dead yet! I'm still watching! "

"One and the two have begun to compare the gap between the perfect plane and the holy king's plane."

"But you really don't care if we break the continent?"

"Your comparative level, but you break the continent!"

Although this time the focus of the comparison was placed on the perfect plane and the holy king plane.

But this time, the worst loss was by no means these two planes, but the Doubao plane where Xiao Yan used to be.

A small realm of the Saint King Plane is comparable to the improvement of a large realm of the Dou Breaking Plane.

Breaking the plane has become the measure of the strength of the plane.

"How can this Nima compare?! Can this still be the supreme plane?! "

"This must be the supreme plane!"

"The supreme plane, terrifying!"

Xiao Yan also looked helpless.

No way, the planes are different, the cultivation system is different, and the gap between strength and weakness is also different.

If he were also in the supreme plane, would he be a little different from now, stronger than now?

Inhibitibly, Yan thought of this question.

Although this was just a conjecture of Xiao Yan, it lingered in his heart and lingered for a long time.

To be honest, Xiao Yan's talent is indeed good, after all, before there was no medicine elder, he was also a famous genius in Wutan City.

Moreover, he still has a grandfather hanging, although this hanging is a little eclipsed compared to so many hanging plug-ins today.

But he is also hanging, and he is also hanging, and he is the son of luck.

If he was born in the supreme plane, maybe everything would really be a little different, and he might be stronger?

"The supreme plane, so wonderful, is really fascinating."

Xiao Yan stared at the picture on the sky screen with burning eyes, and his inner thoughts were once again extremely firm, he must improve his strength, make himself stronger and stronger, and successfully go to the highest plane!

This was the best way he could think of, to reach the limit of this world as soon as possible, so that this great thousand planes could no longer bear himself, and finally succeeded in leaving and going to a higher supreme plane.

When the heavens saw Xiao Yan complaining, they also echoed one after another.

"Yes, Dou Shao World didn't say anything, Yang Qi raised a small realm, which is equivalent to Xiao Yan raising a big realm!"

"Some people can't sit still, who can't hold back when they see this scene?"

"What's more, we Xiao Yan still thinks that it is a hanging comparison!"

"It seems that there is also a gap between the hanging ratios! Xiao Yan now estimates that his scalp is numb! "

At the same time, the sky is shading.

Ye Fan looked at everything in the sky and nodded thoughtfully.

To be honest, this divine elephant did arouse his interest.

"If you practice to the extreme, you will be able to awaken 840 million particles, and when you reach the height of your life, each of these 840 million particles is a divine image, and each particle contains the power of a divine elephant that is terrifying beyond imagination."

"In the case of the completion of the exercise, the power that this exercise can exert is amazing."

Cultivating to Dacheng is the anti-heaven exercise.

This technique refining the flesh and tempering the physique, it is extremely powerful, and it is a perfect match with his own Desolate Ancient Holy Body!

The Desolate Ancient Holy Body is the strongest body of the Hong Desolate Flesh Body, if it is paired with this anti-heaven technique of refining the flesh body and cultivating your own body, it can be said to complement each other, and it is a perfect match in the world!

If he was really able to cultivate the Divine Elephant Prison Force, how much terrifying power he could exert, Ye Fan really couldn't imagine!

For a while, Ye Fan's heart was hot, and he was a little moved.

It is really rare to see exercises that suit you so well.

Unfortunately, they are not in the same plane, and he can't start if he wants to learn from them.

I don't know if there is such a practice in the sky shading plane.

Ye Fan sighed, since he couldn't go to the Holy Ruins plane to learn from that god and elephant to calm the hell, he could only find a replacement in the heaven-shading plane.

Alas, if he had been able to obtain this technique in the first place, I am afraid that it would be even more against the sky now!

It's a pity that now he has become a red dust fairy, standing on the top of the plane, overlooking endless creatures, reckless beings, and extremely powerful.

He no longer needs such exercises now.

Standing at the top of the world, he is now the pinnacle of the combat power of the heaven-covering plane, even if he cultivates the exercises again, at most, it is the icing on the cake, and it is useless.

At the same time, just when the creatures of the heavens and realms were talking about it.

The picture changes again.

This time, Yang Qi successfully awakened the power of the seven divine elephants!

Between his limbs and hundreds of remains, he wantonly rolled with a burning aura, and his power surged, like a tidal wave, extremely powerful!

When he raised his hand, he exuded terrifying power!

The blood in his body was surging, surging, and faintly formed a furnace of hell, like a furnace, enough to burn everything, whether it was sin or holiness!

Even though his hellish furnace had not yet taken shape, the terrifying aura that permeated was still amazing.

And for Yang Qi, there is also an extremely terrifying improvement.

No matter what kind of pill, Yang Qi can take it directly, and there is no need to worry about not being able to digest it, and it will explode and die!

Although this hell furnace has not yet taken shape, its powerful function can still be faintly used by Yang Qi.

No matter how powerful the terrifying elixir contained, Yang Qi didn't have to worry, the hell furnace would naturally make a move.

Don't worry about being burst.

This hell furnace is exactly the fourth divine power change, the method of majestic cultivation!

The Hell Forge is a method to condense the Hell Forge in the body, and once the furnace is completed, it is enough to refine everything and devour everything! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Yang Qi can completely plunder the essence of life, the vitality of heaven and earth, and even the essence of the sun and moon, and the power of the stars in large quantities.

These countless essences, no matter what they are, can be melted through the furnace and turned into their own life source.

The furnace burned, the flames flew and soared into the sky, and the holy fire burned everything.

The same is true for Yang Qi taking pills, the hell furnace will melt the pills on its own, converting all the essence sources in it into Yang Qi's life origin, so there is no need to worry about being burst.

There is a furnace of hell, how could such a thing happen.

And the creatures of the heavens and realms were already stunned when they saw this scene.

"I, Nima, this is really a bit against the sky, this exercise actually has this effect, what a good guy!"

"Doesn't that mean that you can swallow medicine with impunity?"

"From now on, Yang Qi will be able to take drugs every day, without worrying about whether he can digest it or not, nor do he have to worry about erysipelas."

"Even those legendary anti-heaven-defying elixirs are not a matter at all for Yang Qi, you can eat them if you want, and you don't have to worry about being burst!"

"This Nima is an invincible hole! Break off! "

All sentient beings in the world know that elixirs can assist people in their cultivation.

But the problem is that some pills, the medicinal power is too powerful and violent, it is difficult for ordinary people to bear.

Moreover, there are some anti-heavenly elixirs, the medicinal power contained in them is magnificent and unimaginable.

If such a pill is swallowed directly, there is no doubt that it will definitely not be digested, and it will even explode and die!

But the god elephant is very intimate and makes up for this defect.

No matter how terrifying the elixir is, as long as it can be eaten, it can help you digest, and there is no need to worry about indigestion and will be burst.

But with this, this practice is enough to be called against the sky.

"Doesn't this give Yang Qi the confidence to take drugs unscrupulously, can it be said that another drug king will be born?"

"Xiao Yan and Han Li seem to be former drug kings, and now there will be a new drug king to join them?"

"The cultivation speed of this god and elephant is already heaven-defying, coupled with the assistance of elixir, wouldn't it be more perverted?"

"Moreover, the most outrageous thing is that because there is no need to worry about digestion, as long as there are enough pills, in theory, you can keep taking the pills and push your realm to the top."

"I feel that with this hell furnace, even if you directly swallow the demon beast core, it is not a problem at all, right?"

"Gee, this exercise, it is really against the sky, and it is deep in my heart!"

"My heart touches my family!"

"How come there are still exercises in this world that can devour pills infinitely, and there is no need to worry about indigestion and exploding and dying!"

"This exercise should not be tailored for me!"

"Family, I need this exercise so much, this exercise is simply perfect!"

When the creatures of the heavens and realms sighed, Yang Qi also ended his cultivation.

And at this moment, an enemy came to the door.

According to the general normal plot, it is indeed like this, after all, hanging bi has just achieved cultivation, if there is no guy who does not open his eyes to come to the door to send death and be beaten in the face, then hanging bi is not white cultivation?

This time, the enemy came to the door and took the initiative.

His enemies were a total of five people, all of them were cultivators of more than eight stages, three men and two women, all extremely powerful.

Although Yang Qi is against the sky, he has only awakened seven particles now, and the realm is only seven stages.

These people, each of the realms is higher than him, not to mention the five people who came together, menacing, straight to Yang Qi.

This dooms that this battle cannot be avoided.

Today, it is destined to be bloody and difficult to give up.

These five people shot together, wanting to completely crush Yang Qi with the advantages of numbers and realms, and kill Yang Qi in one go.

But 697 pity, they still underestimated Yang Qi's strength.

Although Yang Qi was alone, and his realm was not high, only seven stages, lower than all of them.

However, Yang Qi is hanging up ah!

Yang Qi has a technique that is so powerful that it is against the sky, and the divine elephant is calming the hell, which is enough to support him to cross the ranks and fight, and he is outnumbered!

In this battle, Yang Qi showed his ridiculously powerful combat power, sweeping everything and suppressing everything!

Although whether it was the realm or the number of people, he was on the side that fell behind, Yang Qi did not hesitate at all, and shot one after another, the attack was fierce and ruthless!

He made decisive moves, killed decisively, made deadly moves, and left no spare hand.

These people came to him because they wanted to kill him, and since this was the case, Yang Qi naturally had no need to keep his hand.

Those who kill will always kill.

If these people want to attack themselves, they must be prepared to be killed by him.

Yang Qi surged up, and everywhere he passed, like a dragon entering the sea, swept everything.

Almost instantly, with his incomparable combat power, Yang Qi directly killed those three men in seconds.

As for the two women, Yang Qi still took pity on Xiang Xiang and did not directly kill them, but abolished their cultivation.

Although it is still cruel, it is so bad, and he still left them with their lives, which is already Yang Qi's greatest gift to him.

With supreme martial arts, even though it is weak, its combat power is terrifying!

"I, Nima, good fellow, really deserves to be a hanging comparison, and this thing that was done is really exclusive to hanging comparison."

"I'm afraid that only hanging bi can be so dashing, with less fighting more, the realm has been suppressed for a while, but I am stunned to be able to defeat all enemies at once, without pressure."

"Is this the hanging ratio, is this the demon?"

"I can only say that hanging is terrifying!"

"It's worthy of being a hanging ratio against the sky, I really obeyed, this combat power, you dare to think?"

"He has only awakened seven particles, and he is already so against the sky."

"You must know that there are 840 million particles in the human body, and if he really awakens all of them, how terrifying it must be."

"If all the particles are awakened, will Yang Qi still be a human at that time?"

"The road against the sky has risen, and between this heaven and earth, no one can stop him from moving forward."

"Yang Qi, no one can stop it, no one can stop it, this is a peerless demon!"

"The road to the rise of the hanging ratio has been completely on the right track."

"This technique has just started to cultivate, and he is already so outrageous, I don't know how extraordinary it will be if he cultivates to the extreme."

"How perverted that is!"

"If you have to hang up like this, what can the husband ask for!"

"To be honest, this Kung Fu Ga, even if it is Xiao Yan's burning technique, is not comparable!"

"I can't say that, it's just that because of the different planes, the upper limit of the incineration technique is limited."

"If Xiao Yan is also in this direction, his burning technique is also against the sky."

"Makes sense, makes sense."

The creatures of the heavens and realms looked at the sky curtain curiously, all expecting how against the sky Yang Qi would be next.

It is only a matter of time before the moon is swallowed and swallowed?.

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