The picture continued to play, and Yang Qi in the picture had also been practicing the Divine Elephant Prison Force, perhaps realizing the strength of the Divine Elephant Prison Force, and Yang Qi had never relaxed the practice of the Divine Elephant Prison Force.

And as his cultivation deepened, the particles in Yang Qi's body were also constantly awakening, and his strength skyrocketed wildly.

The awakening of particles brought him unimaginable terrifying power, and the awakening of particles into a venerable god and elephant, the mighty power was monstrous, suppressing everything in the world!

And as the particles of awakening became more and more, the creatures of the heavens and realms noticed that this practice turned out to be. There are other strong points!

Not only can every particle awaken into a divine image and burst out with unimaginable magnificence.

At different stages of this exercise, as more and more particles awaken, different magical methods will be awakened.

Just like the previous Hades Spear, and the Flying Essence Technique, they are actually all the handiwork of this technique!

The more particles awakened, the more particles Yang Qi could master.

The fourth divine power awakened by this particle is the furnace of hell.

Condense the hell furnace in the body, and once the furnace is formed, it can refine everything and devour everything!

This method plunders a large number of life essences, heaven and earth vitality, and even sun and moon essences, and the power of the stars, and these essences can be transformed into their own life origin through melting in the furnace.

This is the law of the furnace of hell.

It is also Yang Qi who can rest assured that he can take medicine, and when a medicine king relies on it, he doesn't have to worry about being overwhelmed by powerful anti-heavenly pills.

This hell furnace can naturally refine the massive medicinal power and essence contained in all elixirs, and it is an indispensable tool for medicine cultivation.

And when he awakened more particles, he awakened the fifth divine power method, the God and Demon Seal.

This is the method of perfect sealing!

Chanting the incantation, the true qi turned into black and golden snowflakes, flowed into all parts of the human body, sealed the breath power everywhere, and finally gathered at the dantian, turned into a ball, and was hidden in the sea of qi, no matter who noticed it.

This sealing method, whether it is the enemy or yourself, can be sealed!

Sealing the enemy can naturally make the enemy lose its combat power.

Sealing oneself can perfectly seal one's breath and not be detected by anyone.

Whether it is against the enemy or against yourself, it can play a wonderful role.

This sealing method can be called against the sky!

Because the previous sealing method focused on the enemy, and the powerful people could easily see through the seal.

However, this divine and demon seal is a perfect sealing method, not to mention that the strong cannot see through it, just can be against the enemy and against themselves, it is a new powerful sealing method.

And when he comprehended the fifth divine power, Yang Qi's cultivation also reached the second life-killing realm.

At the same time, Yang Qi successfully joined the Heavenly Position Academy with his strength and talent.

When the creatures of the heavens and realms saw this scene, they were completely dumbfounded, and 543 looked confused.

"Good fellow, is it so outrageous?"

"Is it reasonable that every time you ascend to a realm, there is a divine awakening that can obtain a powerful plug-in?"

"It should have nothing to do with the realm, it should be that the more particles that the divine elephant awakens, the more magical methods can be comprehended."

"Is there any reason for this? Each of these magical powers is like a plug-in, a powerful method beyond the reach of ordinary people. "

"If it can really be said that all 480 million particles have awakened, God knows how many magic methods there are, is this Nima really not cheating?"

"By the time Yang Qi becomes the strongest in the world, I'm afraid that his body will already be full of external hangings."

"Is this practice so against the heavens, is there still a royal law, and is there a law?"

"Is there really such a practice in the world? Suck - brothers, I really like this. "

"Pull down buddy, which one you don't really like."

"I admired, I soured my brothers, this exercise is Zhennima against the sky."

"Yang Qi can get such a heaven-defying technique, brothers, I have a bold conjecture, you say Yang Qi will not also be the son of destiny, right?"

"Being slashed by lightning can actually get such an opportunity, who dares to believe this Nima when he says it, who else can have such luck and chance except the son of destiny?"

"That is, it is good to be killed by lightning, and you can actually get such a powerful opportunity against the sky, this luck is really not what ordinary children of luck can have, is Yang Qi really the son of fate"

"Brother thought a lot, when the inventor introduced Yang Qi at the beginning, he said that his external plug-in was a heaven-defying exercise, not a son of heavenly destiny."

"How can the children of destiny have so many, into cabbage on the rotten street?"

"This Yang Qi should be too strong in qi luck, and the exercises obtained are very strong, and he should not be the son of destiny."

"Makes sense."

"However, you say, can you really obtain such a heaven-defying technique by being slashed by lightning?"

"I have a friend who is curious and wants to try it."

"Gee, the Taoist friend upstairs, don't make something out of nothing, just say it yourself."

"Heaven sends hanging, who doesn't want to be struck by lightning? I want to be struck by lightning too! "

"Daoist! Don't be impulsive, you must recognize your identity, you are not a hang-up! "

"If you get struck by lightning, you'll really ripen."

"I'm really looking forward to Daoist friends to give it a try, and I'll let the old man see if there is still your voice later, and I can make a decision!"

"Has the big guy told me what kind of creatures these so-called hanging ratios are?"

At the same time, perfect planes.

Ara was independent of the sky, looking at the picture in the sky, and a look of shock and stunned appeared on his face.

"This exercise... So against the sky? "

"The more particles you awaken, the more powerful magical methods you can awaken?"

As the awakening particles grow, the magic method also becomes more and stronger?

It's a bit outrageous.

"Divine Elephant Hell?"

Ara narrowed his eyes and whispered the name of this heaven-defying exercise.

It seems that he underestimated this anti-heavenly exercise.

It was also the first time he was so interested in an exercise.

"This exercise, whether it is a way of practice or a magical method, is somewhat interesting."

If so, it seems that there is nothing wrong with this being called a sentence against the sky.

"I don't know how far Yang Qi can finally reach with this exercise."

He still has that view, no matter how against the sky the exercises, it is the user who really determines whether the kung fu is powerful or not.

If the person who uses the exercises is evil and powerful enough, he will naturally have great power.

If the strength of using the exercises is not good, even if it is a heaven-defying exercise, it is useless.

He is now somewhat looking forward to Yang Qi's future.

At the same time, Arashi's mind also began to deduce.

"Cultivate particles?"

A grain of dust can fill the sea, and a grass can cut off the sun, moon and stars.

Even the tiniest and most inconspicuous particles can erupt with such terrifying power.

Perhaps, he could also create a similar exercise based on this?

If it can really be done, it may be of great help to yourself!

The Barren Heavenly Emperor closed his eyes and felt the mysterious feelings that caged around him.

"It seems, is it really possible?"

Ara closed his eyes and began to deduce the exercises.

At the same time, in the mortal plane, Han Li was also shocked when he saw all this on the sky screen.

The mortal he was in was the Dantian who majored in the plane, emphasizing that the Dantian was the foundation of everything, whether it was those warriors, spiritual cultivators, or these bigwigs in the immortal world, their foundation was all Dantian.

All of their cultivation was Dantian, and Dantian was the foundation of their cultivation path.

It was also the first time he had seen someone cultivate human particles instead of cultivating dantian.

Human body particles are all over the human body, and cultivating the dantian is to contain the supreme power in one place; And cultivating human particles is to scatter this terrifying power everywhere in the body.

To be honest, although he could understand it, it was really the first time he had seen such an exercise, and he was quite strange.

"The awakening of every particle is a leap forward for the practitioner."

After all, every time he awakened a particle, Yang Qi was able to generate the terrifying power of an additional divine elephant.

This is already very scary.

And not only that, this exercise has a more heaven-defying place, that is, as the awakening particles increase, the practice will also be cultivated to the next realm.

Every weight of this technique has the ability to defy the sky, what kind of Hades Spear, Flying Essence Art, Heaven and Earth Forge, God and Demon Seal are all like this!

Each of these divine powers can be called against the sky.

In this way, this technique is really a demon and really powerful! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Such exercises are rare in the world!

No, it never even appeared!

"I'm Diunima, if I encounter such an opponent, can I really fight?"

"Not to mention that his powerful anti-heaven technique has endowed him with unimaginable terrifying combat power, allowing him to be invincible at the same level, and even fight beyond the rank!"

"Just this numerous and powerful magical methods are already countless unimaginable means."

"If there really is an enemy with so many means, my advice is to lie down and wait for death, and don't struggle."

"That's right, how can there be so many plug-ins on good people, just (agbi) Nima is outrageous!"

"Hiss-scalp numbness, real scalp numbness!"

"Such an enemy is really terrible!"

"Such a hanging ratio, luck is too good, I hate ah, I hate!"

"I wonder if there is a heaven-defying technique in my world that is similar to the god and elephant and hell power?"

Just when the creatures of the heavens and realms were talking about it, the picture changed again.

In the picture, Yang Qi and Jun Tianqiu are in trouble.

They encountered a transformed monster to rob them.

The realm of this monster is five times fatal, and his body is not an ordinary monster.

His essence is a dragon!

The dragon transformed into a form, killing five times, no matter how you look at it, the strength of this monster is extremely powerful.

Are Jun Tianqiu and Yang Qi really opponents?

Moreover, this dragon obviously came prepared, he did not come as a dragon god himself, he also brought many subordinates to surround the two.

A group of dragons wanted to form a Nine Dragons Killing Formation.

Even if Jun Tianqiu was the same as this dragon, he was in the realm of killing five times, but he was helpless at all.

Because Jiaolong had already made full preparations, the Great Array was deployed, and his subordinates were bent on robbing Yang Qi and Jun Tianfei, and wanted to seize the exercises on them.

This time, it seems that Jun Tianqiu and Yang Qi are really going to plant.

In such a situation, there seems to be no hope of a turnaround.

But happily, the creatures of the heavens and realms do not think so.

They started chattering while eating melon seeds.

"It's over, this dragon is going to put itself in."

"No, buddy, you are also a dragon, are you so eyeless, hang more than you dare to provoke, isn't this looking for death."

"Hahaha, it's my favorite plot again, playing a pig and eating a tiger!"

"How to say that, the most brilliant hunters often appear as prey."

"It seems that Yang Qi is the prey, but in fact, everyone knows who the real prey is."

"You said you are so decent, what are you doing to provoke this hangbi? Silence for my dragon brother. "

"Poor dragon, it's time to finish playing."

"You think he is a prey, but in fact people are hunters, this kind of identity reversal, playing the drama of pig and tiger, is really boring."

"This dragon is still too young to know the end of offending the hangbi."

"It seems that next year today can go to the grave of this dragon."

"I'm a little looking forward to it, I don't know what way Yang Qi is going to defeat the dragon and resolve this crisis this time."

"I have to say that these hanging ratios are all possible, and every time I can give everyone a new job, I am a little looking forward to Yang Qi's means."

"There are always some experienced players who think they are Tianjiao, and they dare to find trouble with the hanging competition, isn't this result obvious?"

"This dragon is destined to be Yang Qi's stepping stone again, and I feel sorry for him."

In the discussion and ridicule of the creatures of the heavens and realms, Yang Qi in the picture made a decisive move!

The Spear of Hades appeared in his palm.

Immediately afterwards, he directly threw out the Spear of the Underworld!

Despite its name, the name is the Spear of Hades, but it actually plays a role like a javelin, and it is thrown directly every time.

And every time, the Hades Spear will not let him down, and the sharpness and destruction power of the Hades Spear are enough for him to break almost all the defenses in this world.

Most defenses are difficult to resist this terrifying sharpness.

Of course, the premise is that the realm of the two cannot be too different.

The spear of the god of the underworld went like a shooting star, stabbing directly at the dragon at an unimaginable speed.

And that dragon just wanted to defend.

But the scales on his body were instantly broken and shattered, and many fragments were scattered between heaven and earth.

At the same time, his flesh and blood were pierced by spears!

In just one breath, the dragon that was still powerful and coercive just now was seriously injured by the spear, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and the scale armor was shattered.

And that dragon was also beaten out of ferocity, burning his life force regardless of it, intending to deliver the strongest blow.

Even if you die, you have to pull a cushion down!

"Dragon King Nine Slashes!"

This dragon was obviously already on the head, regardless of it, he took the initiative to burn his life force, and he only wanted to burst out the most terrifying killing position.

The terrifying aura stirred between heaven and earth, vast, and heaven and earth were all in a state of slaughter.

Immediately afterwards, the supreme, mighty and magnificent aura circulated wantonly everywhere in heaven and earth, and immediately after, it was about to fall from above the heavenly dome!

The Dragon King slashed nine times, and the nine slashing rays of light, as if he wanted to cut open the heavenly dome and cut the heaven and earth, unstoppable, unstoppable and unstoppable to cut down!

This is the terrifying outbreak that this dragon burned its own life force, which is enough to kill everything and kill all enemies.

If he let his offensive fall successfully, whether it is Yang Qi or Jun Tianqi, he will definitely die!

And at this critical moment, the aura around Yang Qi broke out again!

The terrifying aura erupted and soared into the sky!

And around him, a huge vitality swept between heaven and earth, and the earth-shattering vitality that was stirring wantonly was vast, cleansing everything between heaven and earth!

Yang Qi was finally promoted at this critical moment!

He was promoted to the realm of three fatalities.

At the same time, his god thought of your remaining strength and reached the sixth level!

Successfully advance through dangerous battles.

Seeing this scene, the creatures of the heavens and realms were completely crazy.

"I took Nima, didn't I, I was able to successfully advance in battle!"

"Sure enough, advancing in battle has become a symbolic means of hanging the competition, as well as a regular operation."

"Yang Qi's hanging ratio can be regarded as having been cultivated."

"How to say that, never easily believe that the hanging ratio is dead, because you can never think of what kind of work these hanging ratio shows you."

"Yang Qi's operation, I really see that my scalp is numb, how do I fight when I encounter such an opponent?"

"To be honest, it's not that this dragon is not strong enough, it's really this Yang Qi Tai Nima against the sky."

"If it goes on like this, who else can stop Yang Qi, he will rise completely, like the first birth of the sun."

"This guy is destined to kill all the way to the end, kill all the way to invincible, he may never be defeated!"

"This plug-in is indeed against the sky, the god is like a prison force, against the sky exercises, I recognize!"

(Brothers, sorry, the order of chapters 107 and 108 is wrong, sorry!) )。

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