While the creatures of the heavens and realms were talking wildly, the creatures on the Holy King's throne were all numb in their scalps, looking at the scenes that appeared on the sky screen in disbelief, and they were numb with shock!

"So perverted?"

"This exercise, actually went against the sky to such a point?!"

They know that this exercise is against the sky, but they really don't know that this exercise is so against the sky, many terrifying magical methods, powerful combat power, enough to change a ~ person's life!

"This exercise is so powerful, no wonder just one exercise is enough to be called a hanging off, let Yang Qi become a hanging ratio!"

"Such exercises, no matter who falls on, are enough to change a person's life!"

"The strength of this technique can be called against the sky!"

This was the first time that the beings of the Holy King's throne realized that there seemed to be situations where the exercises were more important and powerful than people.

Especially those who knew Yang Qi, the gaze looking at the picture of the heavenly dome at this moment was completely incredulous and shocked.

Yang Qi, they naturally know.

Although he used to be a somewhat talented Tianjiao, but later Qigong was abolished, and he did such a stupid thing.

It's just a complete waste, plus a fool.

Such a guy is just the most ordinary waste, who can actually soar into the sky with a single exercise and completely change his destiny!

Do you need to say more about the anti-heaven nature of this exercise?

"A technique can make that waste boy of the Yang family become a hanging comparison that shocks the heavens, and can completely change the fate of that waste boy."

"This exercise, so against the sky, if it is used for that wasted person, it is really a pity."

"Such a technique should be inhabited by the able."

"This kind of anti-heaven technique, let that waste young master of the Yang family hold it, it is simply a violent heavenly thing!"

"Yang Qi, that waste has this method, he can reach this height, if I get it, control the whole world, it will be just around the corner!"

At this time, in the entire Saint King Face, countless Tianjiao demons were fascinated, and they all wanted to snatch the Divine Elephant Zhen Jin from Yang Qi's hands and take it for themselves!

I have to say that the Divine Elephant Prison Strength is too powerful, and almost all the creatures on the Holy King's throne are moved.

Especially those wealthy families in Yandu City, they didn't make a move at first, just to see how strong this god elephant is.

But now, they see it.

The Divine Elephant Prison Strength is really terrifyingly strong, and it is extremely amazing.

At this moment, they could no longer contain their greed, and finally showed their fangs.

Yang Qi's waste, with this heaven-defying god and elephant town power, soared into the sky, and completely became a demon that no one could stop.

If they obtained that technique, wouldn't they replace Yang Qi?

A thunder split Yang Qi's waste into a hanging ratio.

Yang Qi became a hanger because of his god and elephant calming the hell.

If they want to obtain this divine elephant and hell power, they are not so troublesome, just go directly to the kid of the Yang family.

No one will not be moved by such exercises.

Such a heaven-defying technique, you must grab it!

"A thunderbolt to completely turn over a waste? That's! "

"Waste is always waste, and it can't be compared at all!"

"Since he has such an opportunity now, it is destined to be used to achieve me and so on."

"At all costs, rob the gods and elephants of their strength, even if it is a mess, they must win that heaven-defying exercise."

"Gather everyone, follow me to the Yang family in Yan Capital City, and snatch this heaven-defying technique for me!"

Such words sounded among the major families and many Warcraft families almost at the same time.

In an instant, the entire continent was stormy.

Many forces then went to the Yan capital city one after another, preparing to deal with Yang Qi and force him to hand over the exercises.

Of course, in the Yan Capital City, there are also wealthy families who are moved by the wind, and they want to get the moon first near the water building platform and snatch the anti-heaven exercise.

Heart is not as good as action.

Such a heaven-defying technique is powerful to a limit, and I believe that no one will not be moved.

Instead of secretly moving yourself, it is better to act directly and snatch it.

Anyway, such a powerful exercise should have belonged to the strong.

That Yang Qi was just a waste person, and he didn't deserve such a technique.

They don't have much time, and if they wait until the inventory is over and Yang Qi gets rewarded, it will really make him turn over against the wind.

At that time, it will be like those villains in the previous inventory, and everything will be gone.

It is estimated that the current Yang Qi has already run away.

But it doesn't matter, the Yang family can't run anyway.

If Yang Qi does not appear, they will besiege the Yang family, and even destroy the Yang family, do not believe that he will not appear!

At the same time, Yan Capital City, who had long had the foresight, Yang Qi, who was hiding in the mountains and forests, looked at the picture on the sky dome with a shocked face at this moment.

Even he didn't expect that this technique could go against the sky to this extent!


Yang Qi swallowed his spit, rubbed his face fiercely with his hand, and whispered to himself in disbelief.

"I'm not dreaming, this technique is so devilish?!"

"Is that guy so strong in the picture really me?"

"I'm really that strong?!"

"In the future, I will be able to come this far?"

Although he had obtained the Heaven-Defying Technique, Yang Qi was still too immature after all, and when he saw his future self, he was naturally shocked and speechless.

Now he has only awakened one particle, but he has awakened three hundred particulates in the inventory.

That kind of strength is unimaginable to him!

He looked at his future self in the picture, a little in a trance.

"Cultivating the Divine Elephant Prison Force, can really be so against the sky?!"

"This... It's really a bit powerful to make sense. "

Although he knew that this god was against the heavens, he also knew the horror of this exercise.

However, when he saw himself in the picture, he was still shocked.

It was a little more powerful than he could have imagined.

"Especially the Dominating Body and the Dominion Eye that you realized when you cultivated to the seventh level."

"It's just overbearing."

"The body of the master can resist all attacks and convert all attacks into energy, such a mysterious ability is unimaginable." "As for the eye of domination, it is even more domineering, it can see through everything, see through all disguises and concealments."

In the future, there will be no hypocrisy in his eyes.

He only needs a glance to see through friend or foe, and he can see through all obscurity.

Simply outrageous.

If nothing else, just having this dominant eye alone will help him resolve and eliminate many crises in the future!

With such eyes, it is invincible.

The picture is still playing, Yang Qi is cultivating day and night, constantly getting stronger, and his cultivation is getting stronger day after day.

And because of the ridiculously powerful martial arts of the Divine Elephant Prison Force, he had almost no opponents along the way.

He almost killed all the way to the end, no matter what the enemy, it was not his opponent, all were killed.

Yang Qi's strength is unimaginable like a heavenly god!

Finally, his cultivation was promoted to the half-step Great Saint Realm.

As for that divine elephant Zhen Qi, he had also cultivated to the ninth realm.

The eighth realm is the pure land of the gods.

This is the realm forging method that comes with the god elephant Zhen Hell.

This law is to comprehend the law of time and space, take oneself as the center, condense true qi, and create a pure land, in which man is in a pure land, inviolable by all laws, and eternal and free.

Once trained, you can turn any attack into your own power, which is a true absolute defense!

Absolutely unbreakable defenses.

In the pure land of the gods, no matter how invaded, it was difficult to break through his defenses.

No matter how terrifying and evil the attack is, but this pure land of gods is enough to resist everything!

Four words of absolute defense are enough to say it all!

Almost nothing in this world is absolute, but since this Pure Land of Gods dares to call itself an absolute defense, then obviously the power of this defense is unimaginable.

Even if it's not really able to defend against all offensives.

But when the difference in strength between each other is not very large, wanting to break the defense of the Pure Land of the Gods is tantamount to dreaming.

As for the ninth divine power method he had comprehended, it was the Heavenly Divine Fist.

This punch is to sense the ancient heaven in the underworld, with the power of heaven, shock the demons, raise their hands, destroy the world, destroy and create the universe.

Magnificent power, from heaven, with supreme holiness, supreme majesty, supreme powerful mighty power, blasted through the heavens, destroyed the world, and killed the demons.

This is the Heavenly God Fist that can attack terror and even destroy the universe.

This divine power is extremely powerful, extraordinarily powerful, and even has the power to destroy the world.

Such a powerful and fierce offensive, Mo said that shocking the demons, that is, all the creatures in the sky and on the earth, how many dare to question?

And the highest realm of Heaven God Fist is the hand of God.

There are nine moves in the hand of God, which are creation, destruction, nature, immortality, eternity, reincarnation, epoch, other shore, and eternal life.

Each of these nine moves is powerful, and every move you comprehend must be true qi to be strong, your will will be immortal, your ambition is peerless, your domineering mind is vast, and you must uphold the supreme providence!

It can be described as extremely demanding, requiring supreme understanding, and even more so the ambition to destroy all enemies and overlook the ages.

But in the same way, this skill is unparalleled, if the nine moves are fully realized, and they are performed together, they can break through eternity and reach the other side!

The creatures of the heavens and realms were already stunned.

"This eighth god powers the pure land of the gods, how can it open up space! This is a space magic! (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"No, where is this, how many particles have been awakened, and this can already open up space?"


"Brothers, I look stupid, is this really not a demon?"

"I cracked it all over."

"It can be called the cultivation speed against the sky, not to mention the Holy King Plane, that is, the heavens and realms, how many people can have such an indescribable terrifying cultivation speed."

"Good boy, Yang Qi is really a good boy, what a purebred hanging ratio."

"The Pure Land of the Gods, the Heavenly God Fist, these two types of divine powers really make Yang Qi both offensive and defensive."

"The Heavenly God Fist can even destroy the world and destroy the universe, do you dare to think about this Nima?"

"When did the universe and the world become so easily shattered and so unstable?"

"Is it really that outrageous?"

"No, this is science fiction, is this really what human beings can achieve?"

"Moreover, Yang Qi obviously still has a long way to go on the road of cultivation now."

"This technique should not be so against the sky!"

"Could it be said that in his heyday, Yang Qi, who awakened 840 million particles and comprehended all the divine methods, will be even more fierce than the Barren Heavenly Emperor?!"

"I, Nima, isn't it, is the Barren Heavenly Emperor really going to be surpassed?"

"This exercise is really against the sky, so we can't believe it!"

"When have you ever seen such a heaven-defying technique, even the Barren Heaven Emperor's method of his incarnation is not outrageous to this point."

"Although this demon is really outrageous, what kind of person is the Barren Heavenly Emperor?"

"That is the strongest Hangbi in ancient times, the strongest Tianjiao in heaven and earth, and the rare son of destiny."

"Who can surpass such an existence?"

"Yang Qi can't do it, he's not qualified enough."

"I admit that although Yang Qi is against the sky, this technique is also against the sky, but I still feel that Yang Qi cannot surpass the Barren Heaven Emperor."

"Today's Barren Heavenly Emperor has almost become a benchmark at once, a benchmark for hanging comparisons."

"All the hanging ratios have to be compared with the Barren Heavenly Emperor, of course, these hanging comparisons are almost no comparison with the Barren Heavenly Emperor."

"Even Ye Fan, who is also the son of Heavenly Destiny and is also respected as the Heavenly Emperor, is inferior to the Barren Heavenly Emperor."

"The Barren Heavenly Emperor is the largest hanging ratio of the heavens and realms, and it is also the strongest hanging ratio, Yang Qi is still a little worse than him."

"Moreover, Yang Qi's external hanging is that exercise, which is a mysterious and powerful divine elephant and hell power."

"But the Barren Heavenly Emperor never relies on foreign objects, his most powerful technique, everything depends, is himself."

"The Barren Heavenly Emperor... It's not something Yang Qi can compare. "

The picture changes again.

Yang Qi in the picture is against the Taikoo Underworld.

And these enemies of the Taikoo Underworld Clan are all Great Saint Sixth Order.

"It's coming, pay attention, this man is called Xiaoshuai, and he is going to play a pig and eat a tiger again."

"Another play of defeating the strong with weakness and winning more with less, this time I firmly stand on Yang Qi."

"This also needs to be said, crossing the ladder against the enemy, the final winner must be a hanging comparison, their luck and demon, you are not unclear."

"But this time, it's really outrageous."

"Yang Qi is a half-step Great Sage, and his feet are soft against the powerhouse of the sixth order of the Great Sage, and this step is really a lot of realm crossed against the enemy."

"Under normal circumstances, Yang Qi would not have fought these enemies at all."

"But, who let him be hanging, he has hanging, he opens!"

"However, although the god elephant is hanging, although it is very devilish, although he has indeed crossed the level and fought alone."

"But this time, he wants to fight so many enemies at once, and the realm gap between them is still so big, is it really possible?"

"Can he really fight this? I'm a little worried, brothers. "

"No matter what world, the further you go to the back of the cultivation path, the greater the gap between the realms."

"Cultivation to the end, even if it is only one order difference, it is still a gap of the same gap."

"Yang Qi this time, fight strong with weakness, fight more with less, no matter how you look at it, there is nothing to win, this is almost a desperate situation."

"I don't believe it, he can still fight this time."

"Alas, brother, after watching the inventory for so long, you still don't understand the world of hanging comparisons."

"You think, who can beat the hanging ratio? The hanging ratio is always the most outrageous, although it seems not strong, but every time the intensity is directly full, it is outrageous! "

"Never believe that hanging is more determined than death, this is advice."

Just when the creatures of the heavens and realms were talking about it, on the picture of the heavenly dome, Yang Qi finally made a move.

The Heaven God Fist blasted out, and one after another fist seals fell from the sky, shocking everything and suppressing all enemies in the world.

Not to mention the enemy, even the heavens and the earth, they are almost destroyed, and the universe is going to be pierced!

Each punch had the momentum of destroying the heavens and the earth, with a terrifying vision, as if these fists could really shatter the heavens!

Moreover, no matter how those primeval underworld tribes attacked, their attacks would all disappear when they fell on Yang Qi, without causing the slightest damage.

Not only that, every time they shot, Yang Qi would be one point stronger.

The more they don't believe in evil and the more crazy they shoot, the stronger Yang Qi becomes.

Although Yang Qi was only himself and did not have an advantage in cultivation, he still succeeded in fighting on a par with these primeval underworld clans with his own strength.

Even, these primeval underworld clans were helpless against Yang Qi at all.

Seeing this scene, the creatures of the heavens and realms were completely numb, and they looked at the picture in the heavenly dome speechlessly.

"This Nima is still not a person, it is not okay to give a way to live."

"It's not buddy, you really don't have any acting, right?"

"A half-step Great Sage, hit so many sixth-order Great Sages, no matter how up or down!"

"It's okay not to die, you actually haven't been injured at all!"

"Not only that, you can actually be up and down with them, what kind of demon are you stepping on a horse, I really obeyed."

"Cow, you are ruthless."

"Tell me, it's not true."

"How can there be such a hanging comparison in this world, I don't believe it, I don't believe it!"

"Too perverted, too born Pill!".

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