Just when the creatures of the heavens and realms were talking about it, in the picture of the heavenly dome, Yang Qi was surrounded by extremely mysterious things slowly unfolding, and it was none other than his divine image of hell power, the eighth realm comprehended the divine power - the pure land of the gods.

The Pure Land of the Gods is the supreme absolute defense, no matter what kind of attack, no matter how powerful the attack, it is difficult to break through the defense of the Pure Land of the Gods.

Moreover, because Yang Qi still has a dominant body, such a perverted ability against the sky, combined with his absolute defense, all attacks are difficult to cause damage to him, and even will only become his energy and make him stronger.

It is precisely because of this that even in the face of many enemies, Yang Qi did not panic at all, but fought more and more courageously, and the stronger the covenant battle.

He was in the Pure Land of the Gods, and the absolute defense of the Pure Land of the Gods allowed him not to worry about the attacks of these primeval underworlds, and focus on solving the calamities within the Pure Land of the Gods.

He had to face the four tribulations in the Pure Land of the Gods, sharpen himself with these four tribulations, and take the final step of achieving the Great Saint.

I have to say that Yang Qi's idea is subversive and crazy.

However, he did so without hesitation.

Therefore, Yang Qi walked between the pure lands of the gods and calmly faced the four calamities that came to him.

Yan Futi robbed the water, the instant fire, the Xuanhuang robbed the earth, and the eternal divine wind!

Water, fire, earth and wind, the four calamities came one by one, sharpening Yang Qi's realm, Yang Qi has experienced so many experiences and gone through many tribulations.

Finally succeeded in condensing the stigmata.

Condensing the stigmata means that he has finally broken through the shackles, broken through the realm of a half-step Great Sage, and become a true Great Sage!

The terrifying aura erupted between heaven and earth, coercive and magnificent, unparalleled and vast, spreading between heaven and earth.

Yang Qi walked out from the Eternal Divine Wind, and his cultivation realm had already advanced to the Great Sage.

This scene completely shocked the eyes of the heavens and all worlds.

"No, you guy, you are really used to opening and hanging, you can't live without hanging, right?"

"This time, it was actually another "May 10" breakthrough? "

"Is this the demon and pervert you hang up, it's really a little too much!"

"How can it be so outrageous?"

"Actually broke through again in battle, this time actually managed to break through the Great Sage, don't be too outrageous, Zhennima is excessive!"

"I'm really convinced, you don't give people a way to live at all."

"Yang Qi's combat power is really terrifying, when he was not a great saint, he was already able to fight back and forth with these sixth-order great saints without falling behind."

"Now, when he has advanced to the Great Sage Realm, how terrifying should his strength be?"

"Can't these primeval underworld powerhouses be killed by him alone, right?"

"I do, it's really unclear!"

"How perverted he was just now, you didn't see it."

"This guy can't be reasoned with at all."

"No, even if he is really promoted to the Great Sage now, he is still six realms away from each other!"

"The gap of six realms, and there are so many people on the other side, he can't really kill these people on the other side in seconds, right?"

"Why not?"

"How showy Yang Qi's operation is, seeing that the brothers' scalps are numb, maybe he can really defeat these enemies of the primeval underworld clan now?"

"The 10,000th time to sigh the strength of the divine elephant and hell power."

"Is this god really so outrageous?"

"I really have to say that this exercise, just an exercise, can become a plug-in for a real reason."

"Such a pervert, such a powerful exercise, who wouldn't want it!"

"One exercise is enough to change fate, it can be called against the sky!"


At the same time, Xiao Yan, who has been called a monster for many years and has also exploded terrifying talent, was also stunned when he looked at the scene in the picture, and he looked confused.

"What kind of monster is this when I take Nima's?"

"This exercise, is it really so against the sky?"

Xiao Yan was stunned, so it seems that his burning technique is really incomparable!

A single exercise can create a demon, which is really outrageous.

What kind of monster is this Yang Qi?

Crossing the border against the enemy is actually nothing, especially in Xiao Yan's view, it is even nothing.

Because he himself is a hanger, he does not do less such things as crossing the border against the enemy.

Even with less fighting, he often does this.

However, it is really outrageous to cross the border against the enemy with such a big gap, and it is really the first time he has seen such a big gap that he can actually cross the border against the enemy.

Even he had to say that the last sentence of Zhennima was outrageous!

Although he crossed the border to face the enemy before, the difference between their realms was not large, not a chasm-like realm gap.

Moreover, the enemy is not numerous, there is only one.

Under such circumstances, it is simply normal for him to be able to cross the border against the enemy and defeat.

After all, he is a hangbi, the son of luck, and it is normal to have such a record.

But...... Yang Qi's operation is really a bit outrageous.


This Yang Qi, Nima not only has to cross six realms to face the enemy, but also has to fight a group alone!

Xiao Yan didn't understand, he really didn't understand!

Xiao Yan didn't understand, he really didn't understand!

"How is the current hanging ratio... How outrageous is it already? "

"How do you feel that you are more than a star and a half worse than these people?"

"Is it because the plane is different, so you look a little 1ow?"

"It doesn't make sense, it really doesn't make sense."

He still remembered that when he used to be a hangbi, he was far from such a demon.

Sure enough, it's not better than not knowing, it's more frightening than being shocked.

These hanging ratios are really more than one demon, one more outrageous than another.

Although he is also a hanging ratio, he filed a complaint against this outrageous hanging behavior.

Suddenly, Xiao Yan seemed to have a premonition of something, and looked at the sky dome with a look of disbelief.

"I, Nima, isn't he going to destroy these enemies next?"

Don't be so outrageous, brother!

This technique is really so outrageous, right?

"I didn't expect that there was such a heaven-defying technique in this time, and even the burning was inferior."

It's really a big horror!

Xiao Yan could only sigh secretly in his heart.

At the same time, in the picture of the heavenly screen, Yang Qi had successfully promoted to the Great Sage, and the vision was monstrous, and the terrifying aura was incomparable, rolling the heavens and the earth.

All of them were mixed with supreme divine power, as if they could destroy the sky and the earth, tearing the sky.

The Heavenly Divine Fist burst out like a violent wind and rain at this moment, and everywhere it passed, it rolled the supreme divine power, shattered the void of heaven and earth, and shook the entire world!

The primeval underworld who faced this blow was directly killed by the incomparable force of the fury, and its body shattered into powder!

His body instantly collapsed, miserable.

The hand of the heavens turned into a big palm and fell down, directly grabbing another ancient underworld clan member in his hand, and then the ancient underworld clan was also pinched and exploded, turning into a blood mist in the sky.

Mighty and mighty. Emanating from Yang Qi.

Although it had only grown by one realm, Yang Qi's combat power had grown terrifyingly!

Almost in the blink of an eye, he killed and destroyed all the Ancient Underworld.

Those primeval underworld clans, all of them are Great Saint Sixth Order, there are many people, and they are menacing.

The creatures of the heavens and realms were completely numb, looking at the picture in the heavenly curtain, they were speechless for a while, not knowing what to say.

"This is the end of the kill?!"

"This Nima is finished?"

"This is not a few chickens, but the Taikoo Underworld of the Great Saint Sixth Order!"

"It's the same as killing a chicken?!"

"I'm Nima, really perverted!"

"Isn't this a pervert, what is it?"

The difference of six realms, the gap in numbers is so huge, it is easy to kill you, who dares to believe this Nima.

So relaxed and comfortable, he simply killed these primeval underworld people.

It really makes people wonder how terrifying it would be if he were full of firepower.

Is this the hanging ratio?

This hangs up, it's a bit too much.

With one enemy as many, easily obliterate enemies that are so much stronger than yourself.

The last moment was not a great saint, but the next breath successfully stepped into the great sage realm, coercing thousands of people.

With a wave of his hand, he easily killed these powerful enemies in seconds, and he had nothing to say except for demons and perverts.

Is this hanging really so outrageous?

I don't dare to write a novel like that!

The power of this god and elephant is really terrifying, it is worthy of being a heaven-defying exercise, and one exercise is enough to become an external plug-in.

"Terrifying! It's terrifying! "

"Such anti-heaven exercises are extremely rare when looking at the heavens and the earth, this Yang Qi Zhennima is not a person!"

"Crossing the steps to kill the enemy? Buddy can't even think about it! "

"The stronger the strength, the greater the gap between realms, and the gap between small realms can be called a gap."

"Don't talk about killing the enemy, the realm is at a disadvantage, it is already extremely difficult to be able to teach, and under such a large realm gap, it is simply a fantasy to kill people beyond the level."

"Yang Qi's pervert not only did it, but also stepped across six small realms in a row, killing a large number of enemies."

"Vozh! Six realms! That's not for fun! "

"It's so perverted, it's outrageous."

"What kind of demon is this Nima."

"This Yang Qi and the Divine Elephant are really so outrageous and so against the sky?"

"How against the sky, how outrageous this is."

"Oh, is this the treatment of the hanging ratio? It can't be compared, it really can't be compared. "

"Is this the treatment of hanging comparison, don't say it, it's really impossible to compare."

"Killing the enemy beyond the level, Zhennima is outrageous, a fantasy for us, but for hanging bi, it is easy."

"The reason why the hanging ratio is hanging comparison is really reasonable."

Countless creatures in the heavens and realms looked at the picture on the heavenly screen, and their faces were full of shock.

A good Yang Qi, crossing so many realms, fighting with many enemies, winning battles, killing all enemies.;

This operation is simply six heaven-shaking.

In the big world, Xiao Yan saw this scene, and a mouthful of old blood almost didn't spew out.

"Groove! Dude, what are you doing, this is outrageous. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Winning the strong with weakness is really a general script.

Xiao Yan is simply not too familiar with the general script of the hanging ratio.

Because he himself is a proper hanging ratio, he himself has defeated the weak and the strong countless times.

But despite this, Xiao Yan was still a little unable to accept Yang Qi's demon.

Everyone is hanging the ratio, it is true that winning with weakness is a routine operation, but it is too outrageous for you to win with weak victory and strong 0.......

No matter what it is, even if it is against the sky, even if it is a demon, you must at least have some reason.

But Yang Qi's operation of this hanging ratio is a bit against common sense.

There is no reason at all, it is hard open.

It's really outrageous, how can this be?

This plug-in really has a big horror!

Although the Divine Elephant Zhen Prison Jin is only a skill, the strength of this technique is against the heavens and demons, even Xiao Yan's hanging ratio, he has palpitations.

It's outrageous.

It doesn't make sense.

The strength of this divine elephant has long exceeded everyone's expectations at the beginning.

This exercise is extraordinary to the extreme!

At the same time, Perfect Plane, Ara also looked at the picture with a surprised face, his brows furrowed tightly.

"Crossing six small realms to kill the enemy?"

Although he also often crosses the border to kill people, with fewer enemies and more enemies, he has not fought anyone under such a strange realm gap.

This Yang Qi can do this, it is indeed very strong.

Whether it is the anti-heaven gong divine elephant Zhen Ji Jin, or Yang Qi himself, they are ridiculously powerful.

He estimated in his heart that the strength and power of the Great Sage Realm corresponded to the Heavenly God Realm of the perfect plane he was in.

It can be reborn by dripping blood, creating and resurrecting, such a mysterious power is what the Heavenly God Realm can have.

As for the realm of the sixth order of the Great Sage, comprehending the heavenly machine, comprehending the past, present, and future, such an ability, in horizontal comparison, is almost a perfect plane of the Void Dao Realm.

"In other words, Yang Qi fought against those enemies of the sixth order of the Great Sage with the strength of the Great Sage Realm, which is almost equivalent to the perfect plane of the Heavenly God fighting the Void Dao Realm powerhouse."

"Yang Qi not only fought those enemies, but even won battles, and even killed them, this strength is indeed extremely terrifying."

This Yang Qi's combat power is indeed terrifying.

Crossing so many realms, being able to kill those enemies, Yang Qi can look forward to the future.

"With such a heaven-defying technique, as well as his own talent for taking demons, I don't know what step Yang Qi can go in the future."

"Perhaps, he will have a chance to go to that legendary boundless realm?"

If he really reached the boundless realm, how powerful he would be.

The Barren Heavenly Emperor couldn't help but look forward to it.

Boundless, if Yang Qi can go smoothly, it should be the pinnacle he can reach.

Similarly, this realm is also the supreme and strongest realm of the Holy King's throne.

The Barren Heavenly Emperor was a little curious about whether his current self was the opponent of a boundless powerhouse.

The strength of his own Immortal Emperor is much worse than that of Boundless.

If a demon like Yang Qi arrives in the Infinite Realm, with the strength of the gods and elephants, he is weak and strong with himself.

Fighting with one, you may be able to test your strength.

The Barren Heavenly Emperor had a bit of battle intent in his heart, burning with the desire to fight.

Along the way, he has walked through battles and stepped through countless bloody storms.

Now he is among the Immortal Emperor Realms, his great power is unparalleled and his strength is immense.

In these heavens and realms, there are fewer and fewer people who can be his enemies and be his opponents.

He also expected Yang Qi to be strong and able to fight him.

At the same time, the mortal plane,

Han Li's scalp was numb, and he looked at the picture on the sky dome with a shocked expression. 5.5 "I'm taking Nima's, it's outrageous. "

At this moment, he finally realized one thing: that is, this god seemed to be more perverted than he thought?

The strength of this divine elephant has long exceeded the power that Han Li thought.

Even, compared to the now complete palm sky bottle, it is still better, not worse at all!

Palm Bottle, this is Palm Bottle!

Han Li after learning the origin of the palm sky bottle was a real shock.

This palm heavenly bottle is the first mysterious thing in the first manifestation of the heavenly path and the birth of chaos, which contains all the laws of the heavenly way, the remains of chaos, and has the incredible ability to seize the heaven and earth.

Even, the palm bottle has the power to control time.

The Palm Heaven Bottle can already be regarded as powerful against the sky, but at the moment, it seems that this god is more powerful!

Needless to say, those powerful, comprehensive, and outrageous magical methods.

This divine elephant has even given the ability to kill enemies across the six realms, and it is still more than one enemy!


Old Demon Han gasped, his eyes were full of shock as he looked at the picture on the sky dome, and his heart was shocked.

"What the hell is this exercise?"

"Every time a particle awakens, Yang Qi's strength skyrockets a lot."

"Moreover, as the particles of awakening opened more and more, Yang Qi's strength became stronger and stronger, and even every time he raised a realm, he contained a means against the sky."

Until now, this exercise has not seen the upper limit!

"Don't be ridiculous, this technique won't have no upper limit, right?"

There is no upper limit to the exercises, don't be too outrageous!

This Nima is also outrageous!

Can he follow his train of thought and create a practice of cultivating body particles.

This is a completely different practice from the practice system of this world.

If it can really be so powerful, it seems that it is not impossible?

Han Li was a little moved.

If he can really create a technique with this, coupled with the palm bottle, his own improvement will definitely be even more against the sky! .

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