Above the heavenly dome, as time passed, the picture changed again and again, and Yang Qi's life path completely appeared in front of everyone.

Along the way, he continued to cultivate, improve his strength, step by step, although the danger is constant, bathed in bloody storms, but his strength is indeed becoming significantly stronger, stronger and stronger.

In the Skydome picture, crossing the border to kill enemies has become Yang Qi's common routine, although his strength is not as good, but every time he can defeat the strong with weakness, win more with less, and create his own legend.

Along the way, he was able to fight against the strong and defeat one enemy after another who was stronger and more terrifying than him.

With such an anti-heaven technique as the god elephant Zhen Prison Energy, Yang Qi himself is already invincible, after all, the strength of this Divine Elephant Zhen Guan Jin is obvious to everyone, and this exercise can become an external hang-up because it is enough against the sky.

Under the blessing of the god elephant Zhen Hell, Yang Qi came all the way, invincible and famous!

Every time the Divine Elephant Zhen Jin cultivates to the next level, he will awaken that extremely heaven-defying and terrifying divine power.

And as Yang Qi's cultivation of the Divine Elephant Suppression Strength deepened, the creatures of the heavens and realms finally saw how against the heavens this technique was.

"Brothers, I'm stupid, what kind of anti-heaven technique is this? No, this can't be considered an exercise anymore, right? "

"What did you forget to take stock? Is it a hanging ratio, can this be called exercises? This is just hanging! "

"With such a practice, what more bicycle? Give it to me too! "

"Yang Qi has already been so against the sky since he cultivated here, I really dare not think how terrifying he will be in the future!"

Cultivating to the highest depths, how powerful and unimaginable those magical methods are.

Yang Qi awakened more and more particles, and he successfully comprehended the tenth divine power, the Eternal Heavenly Song.

True qi is played, eternal heavenly song, everything that exists, everything that does not exist, is dyed with the breath of God!

The player is descended, and the opponent cuts his life and lowers his breath, and lives and dies.

This method can germinate all things, achieve all spirits, perform primeval divine arts, add 3,000 buff auras to oneself and those who are beneficial to oneself, and give three thousand negative auras to those who are unfavorable to oneself.


Eleventh, the wheel of fortune.

The wheel of fate is to gather endless beliefs, and with the fate luck of many people, in order to condense into an entity, there is no disadvantage.

If 07 is once completed, the wheel of fate condenses the entity, which can portray the world's heavenly path, truth, gods and demons, Confucianism, and Buddha Zen scriptures on the wheel, expound the road of fate, and reverse fate, cause and effect; Peek into and even change the past, the future.

Of course, this wheel of fate can also be used to hide its own cause and effect and change all fateful connections.

It can also gain insight into luck, play with luck, and even comprehend the true meaning of fate, turn into a dragon of fate, and attack and kill the enemy.

How supreme and mysterious this thing of fate is, but this wheel of fate can play with fate, so that fate becomes a thing in the palm of your hand, how terrifying!

Twelfth, the Flame of Hope.

This fire is born at the cost of burning the Godhead, which can carry the endless blessings of the gods and create a beautiful future.

This method can condense the power of faith into the body, thereby enhancing the condensation degree of the wheel of fate, which is a gain for the wheel of fate.

The gods incarnate the flame, and the gods bless. Immortal glory, shining through the ages. Eight desolations into ashes, the sky is mighty!

Thirteenth, the gospel of the Lord.

Rely on the power of fate to reverse the fate of others, and cause terrifying consequences with the ability of fate in the void dimension.

Words follow the law, words are said in the sky, words are spoken, and fate is set.

The fourteenth stage, the life and death disillusionment thunder law.

This thunder is said to be shaped by the Lord of God, which can detect countless kingdoms of God and subdue all living beings.

In addition, this thunder can also evolve into the things that the spellcaster thinks, and it is a mysterious power that combines illusion and thunder magic.

This life and death disillusionment thunder method, the germinating thunder, can not only destroy the universe, but also give birth to all things, the sound of divine thunder, the germination of life, the birth of all spirits.

Of course, if he attacks with his might, the person who bears the divine thunder will die and die, and all disasters will not recover!


This god is like a hell power, and there are a total of twenty-two divine powers.

Twenty-two divine powers, each of which is unimaginably powerful, unimaginably magnificent and against the sky.

The creatures of the heavens and realms were stunned at this moment.

"I'll take a go, this exercise, who is not confused?"

"Brothers, I really confused this exercise, every weight of this exercise is a plug-in, and there is supreme terror."

"No, this exercise makes my scalp numb, every change of magical power is a great magical power, there is a great terror, and it is indescribably magnificent."

"No, is there really such a practice in this world, a practice hides so many hangings, it is simply good that Nima is perverted."

"Pervert! Not only is the hanging ratio perverted, but this exercise is also a pervert, which is simply a legend in the martial arts world! "

"I'm stupid."

"No, that eternal heavenly song, true qi into play, what does this mean, can it be said that the appearance comes with BGM?"

"Cow batch, cow batch, this is something I never expected."

"As for the wheel of fate and the flame of hope, it is even more outrageous."

"It can control fate and control the luck of living beings! That is fate, supreme, esoteric and obscure, how many incomparable strong people can hardly influence, and even cannot escape the fate. "

"This technique can actually change fate, I, Nima, really don't be too outrageous, okay?"

"No, just say it, such an external exercise, how against the sky, how terrifying, will there really be people who don't want it?"

"Who wouldn't want such unimaginable exercises?"

At the same time, the big world.

Xiao Yanren was already stupid, and his face was full of shock.

"I'll go to your uncle's, isn't it, really so perverted?"

"After watching it for such a long time, I really thought it was an exercise, no, you call this thing an exercise?!"

"Who has such a heaven-defying exercise?! You just tell me it's not hanging! "

Watching Yang Qi in the sky curtain constantly cultivating the Divine Elephant Prison Force, Xiao Yan couldn't sit still at all!

Each of these exercises is an extremely powerful method, whether it is attacking and killing divine powers, or blessing and gaining methods, it is equally outrageous and unimaginable.

Each divine power contains heavenly means, enough to suppress everything, and any enemy is definitely not the opponent of this divine elephant.

The gods are terrifying!

Now he can indeed generously admit that his burning technique is indeed not comparable to this heaven-defying technique.

Although there is still a lot of room for improvement in the incineration technique, if he can enter the supreme plane, the incineration technique will definitely be far beyond the present, and it will be extremely powerful.

But even Xiao Yan, who has always been full of confidence in himself, after seeing the demon and strength of the god elephant prison power, he is a little uncertain, even if he enters the supreme plane and obtains the heaven-defying improvement of the burning technique, whether he can compare with the god elephant prison power.

The divine elephant is the first in all the exercises he has ever seen!

Being struck by lightning can embark on the road of hanging against the sky, this plot is really brain-opening, making people's scalps numb.

However, I have to say that the intensity of this exercise is really outrageously high.

If you can obtain this divine elephant and hell power, you can indeed push all the way, be invincible, and in the future, you are destined to become the strongest and become a supreme invincible existence!

Yang Qi, destined to reach the top.

"What a comparison."

Xiao Yan muttered in shock, this was originally used by others to describe him, but now it was copied to Yang Qi by him intact.

At the same time, the perfect plane, the Nether.

God King Tang San was also completely numb at this moment, looking at the unimaginably powerful exercises on the sky screen, as well as the terrifying power of the gods.

His face was full of incredulity and shock.

"How is that possible?"

"How can such a heaven-defying technique exist between heaven and earth?"

"Is there really such a heaven-defying practice in this heaven and earth?"

Tang San felt incredible.

Such an exercise is absolutely impossible to exist in the Douluo plane!

It seems that the rank of the Douluo plane is not enough.

Tang San quickly went through all the exercises of the Douluo plane in his mind, and although he didn't want to admit it, he had to admit that this technique was indeed extremely powerful, powerful to the extreme.

If he can get this technique, what Douluo plane, what perfect plane, is it not at his disposal?

For a while, a light of reverence and hope appeared in Tang San's eyes.

"If I can get this exercise, I will become a supreme powerhouse, not only the Douluo plane, but also the perfect plane!"

"I am a God King in the Douluo plane, if I can get this technique, even in the perfect plane, I am a supreme being!"

"How could a chicken be chased into such a embarrassing appearance, damn it! What a damn it! "

"The first thing after my god is calm is to kill all the chickens in the perfect plane!"

Tang San clenched his fists with a look of resentment.

What a damn it!

Is there any way to get yourself the power of the gods? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Tang San's complexion was unpredictable, and it was wonderful and complicated for a while.

At the same time, the hegemony of the emperor.

Under the moonlight, Li Qiye looked at the picture in the sky screen, and a meaningful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

To be honest, he was really interested in this god elephant.

Because this god is like a prison spirit, constantly refreshing his cognition.

Not only the powerful combat power, but also the mighty shore of the power of 480 million divine elephants, but also these extremely powerful and unimaginable divine methods.

This exercise is peerless, and it is indeed extremely powerful.

Not to mention the entire Saint King Plane, even if you look at the heavens and realms, including his Emperor Overlord World, it is difficult to find such a technique.

This god is really wonderful.

"This exercise, it's simply not too wonderful, there are actually so many means against the sky!"

"The most important thing is that each of these means can be used as hole cards!"

And, the most crucial point is... His physique is a hell god body, which is very suitable for this god and hell power.

It's a pity that Yang Qi is not in the emperor's hegemonic plane, otherwise, even he wants to snatch it.

The temptation of this anti-heaven technique is too great.

It seems that the Holy King's throne is destined to be uncalm.

Li Qiye looked meaningfully at the heavenly dome, such a heaven-defying technique was in the hands of Yang Qi, who had not yet grown.

Guilty of it.

"It can be expected that the powerhouses of the entire plane will definitely flock to snatch this anti-heaven technique from him."

"Yang Qi is not wrong, but who let him obtain such a heaven-defying technique, and was also inventoried and exposed."

"Moreover, he has not yet grown up, so he is destined to be coveted by the powerhouses of the entire plane."

"Under such circumstances, it is foreseeable that Yang Qi's life will be difficult."

At the same time, the Holy King's throne, Yan Capital City, countless forces gathered and worked together to attack the Yang family.

The forces led by many wealthy families in the Yan Capital City united, rolled up their mighty power, and attacked the Yang family, setting off a turmoil.

And this turmoil, even the royal family of the Great Yan Dynasty could not stop it, and even, the royal family faintly played an important role in it.

Many wealthy families urged countless cultivators, just like an army, with a strict lineup and exuding a killing aura.

They all wanted to break through the Yang family and obtain that heaven-defying method, and the gods were like hell power.

"Today, no matter what, at all costs, we will also attack the Yang family and learn the news of Yang Qi from the mouth of the Yang family."

There was a middle-aged man with a great figure, a profound mountain, and a strong and heavy voice, and the sound reverberated through the long street, shaking the Yan Capital City!

Under his order, those cultivators rushed forward without fear of death, even if they were on the road with their own lives and blood, they did not hesitate, even if they were asked to sacrifice their lives, they would not hesitate, they would only stride forward.

These cultivators can hardly be called people, they should be regarded as weapons.

Weapons that have no emotions and only know how to do what they are told, at all costs, even their lives.

They were willing to sacrifice everything, as long as they could break through the Yang family.

There are not a few such cultivators, obviously, these cultivators are all dead warriors who are usually carefully cultivated by the major families, and now they have finally come in handy.

Even if you fill it with your life, you have to fill out a god elephant to fill it out.

Of course, in addition to these dead soldiers, there are also 120 forces that simply want to rob the gods and elephants.

Some forces may not have dead soldiers, but they are also involved in such chaotic battles, because their purpose is also to calm the gods.

That god and elephant Zhen Ji Jing appeared in the inventory, and the true anti-heaven technique that was sealed and verified by the sentient beings of the heavens and realms was powerful and unmatched.

This exercise, that is, the external hanging, is enough to change a person's destiny, achieve a hanging ratio, and give birth to a great existence standing on the top of heaven and earth.

Who doesn't want to gain this heaven-defying technique and become the supreme being above the heavens.

Countless forces swarmed in, fearlessly rushing to kill.

On the long street, it was densely packed with black spots, which were countless cultivators, and these cultivators were like ants storming the gate of the Yang family.

Although the Yang family will also die the Hao clan of Yan Capital City, how can the strength of their family be compared to these forces joining forces.

Can't stop it, can't stop it at all.

The Yang family resisted desperately at first, but soon, they could not resist these countless cultivators and endless forces after all.

The gate of the Yang family's mansion shattered, and countless people poured into the Yang family.

Those cultivators exuded a fierce and cold aura, rushing into the Yang family, and some people were still laughing maniacally and shouting madly.

"Hahaha, finally broke through the Yang family, give it to me, and force Yang Qi's whereabouts."

The major forces pressed forward step by step, forcing the Yang family to retreat step by step, and the Yang family to retreat step by step, but even so, they were still fighting to the death.

The Yang family suffered heavy casualties, but still did not surrender.

Yang Zhan's eyes were red, but he still roared angrily: "Hugh wants to learn the news of Qi Er from my Yang family!" "

"Hugh wants to learn the whereabouts of the Third Young Master from our mouth, you thieves, damn it!"

Even Yang Susu joined the battle at this moment, doing his best to kill the enemy who stood in his way.

At this moment, the Yang family worked together and had only one idea, that is, to block these people and resolutely prevent them from knowing Yang Qi's whereabouts.

Countless forces killed the red eye, all wanting to take the divine elephant prison power for themselves.

If you can obtain that technique, you will embark on the road against the sky, especially the every heavy means against the sky, it is even more fascinating.

At the same time, the sky dome picture changes.

Yang Qi attacked and fought all the way in the picture, and finally his figure stood above the heavens, with a bright light above his head and an endless abyss under his feet.

His eyes were deep and he muttered.

"The Holy One supports the gods in heaven with his backbone, the king suppresses the demons in hell with his power, and between heaven and earth, there is only a holy king!"

That kind of figure is incomparably magnificent, incomparably majestic, he seems to stand above the heavens and the earth, with holy heaven on top and forest hell at his feet.

And he stands alone between heaven and earth, stepping on hell with his feet and the church above his head, magnificent and indescribably holy and majestic.

Countless creatures looked at the figure with deep eyes, like a god, and their minds instantly roared and exploded.

This is a god, a supreme being.

And such a great being, not so long ago, was just a teenager.

But now, he overlooks the heavens!

The picture is now dissipated!

The heavens are shaken.

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