"Between heaven and earth, there is only a holy king?"

"Seriously, what a big breath!"

"Good fellow, give me a whole blood!"

"There is only one case if you have the guts, you have the guts to say such a thing, and you will not be killed."

"That is Yang Qi stepping into the supreme realm, the entire plane is under his control, he is in charge of a universe, this heaven and earth naturally take him supreme, naturally only him."

"Between heaven and earth, he is the only one, how powerful and terrifying is this?!"

Thousands of living beings, endless prosperity, all surrendered and knelt at the feet of the holy king, even life and death, heavenly court, and hell were within his control.

Yang Qi had indeed reached the unimaginable magnificence of the shore realm, reaching the supreme peak of this plane.

In the end, he achieved Boundless?

Relying on a practice, finally stepped on the supreme realm, don't say it, such an experience will definitely shock the heavens and worlds of unknown creatures.

But yes, it's really what is happening before their eyes.

Yang Qi relied on a technique, from the beginning of the waste, rose against the sky, became stronger and stronger, rebelled against the strong, and killed the enemy.

He came all the way from the bloody rain and bloody wind, and along the way, he became stronger and stronger, more and more perverted, and finally he successfully stepped on the pinnacle and stood on the supremacy of the entire plane!

Just don't be too perverted!

"My warm horse, these hanging ratios, really one is more perverted than another, one is more outrageous than another, it's simply not too perverted."

"To be honest, this Yang Qiguo is ruthless, has brains, and has such a powerful technique against the sky, it is indeed reasonable for him to reach the peak and achieve the supreme existence."

"He can achieve boundless, there is no need to question it, such a character plus such a heaven-defying technique, if he does not achieve, it is really outrageous."

"Needless to say, this exercise also accounts for a big reason, such a powerful and majestic exercise, I wonder who can not achieve the peak?"

"Such a heaven-defying technique, looking at the heavens and realms, there are not many of them, not only powerful combat power, but also many unimaginable and powerful divine methods, each of these anti-heaven methods can destroy the heavens and kill strong enemies."

"Such a heaven-defying exercise, looking at the world, unique!"

"With such a technique, achieving a pinnacle of the realm seems completely reasonable and expected, there is no need to be surprised at all, who can't do it?"

"Buddy is really blood-boiling, from the beginning everyone shouts and beats, no one looks down on the waste, growing into the last supreme holy king of heaven and earth, the top boss, this experience, is simply more bloody than the blood of a teenager!"

"Moreover, all this is done by relying on just one exercise?!"

"Do you dare to believe this?!"

"Who dares to believe this?!"

"This exercise makes my brain a little hot, and the blood is on the head brothers."

"Brothers, no, I'm going to find a thunderclap."

"Good brothers, wait for my news."

"Heaven-defying exercises, I'm coming!"

"Buddy upstairs, you are not hanging bi, you must be careful, don't be cut by lightning!"

"Don't worry, buddy will definitely be able to obtain the anti-heaven technique and become a supreme powerhouse."

Just when the creatures of the heavens and realms were talking about such a solution, the inventory was finally over.

"After reading it, Yang Qi's brilliant and splendid cow's life is over."

"I'll go, this hanging ratio is too against the sky, this is the most anti-heavenly and smoothest hanging ratio among so many inventories."

"Except for being struck by lightning at the beginning, I haven't seen him hold back since he obtained the exercise."

"Even the Barren Heavenly Emperor has been suppressed in foreign lands and killed several times; Emperor Ye Tian also had the experience of surviving many times, and even being killed by someone, and he couldn't even control his self-explosion. "

"But Yang Qi, this buddy, from the beginning after obtaining the Divine Elephant Prison Force, has completely swept all the way, pushed all the way, and suppressed everything."

"I haven't seen this buddy hold back at all."

"No matter how many realms are different, he can always defeat the strong with weakness and kill the enemy, which is simply not too outrageous."

"Just like before the difference of six small realms, with one enemy and more than one, the result was to kill all those enemies, Yang Qi is synonymous with outrageous."

"I have to say, this is really cool to watch, a smooth tailwind all the way, I haven't seen such a hanging ratio for a long time, such a life experience."

"Seeing that my scalp is numb, I should not say, Yang Qi really has you, your luck is simply stronger than those two sons of destiny."

"Both the Barren Heavenly Emperor and the Ye Tiandi are envious of their real names."

"If nothing else, just the smoothness of this road of life, invincible, can be called invincible, simply invincible!"

"Moreover, in the end, he achieved the supreme, became the supreme, unique holy king who suppressed everything in heaven and earth, and was even more invincible in the world, a true invincible existence!"

"The combat power of the Saint King plane should not be low, it must be regarded as the supreme plane."

"Those anti-heaven methods alone are enough to be worthy of becoming an anti-heaven plane."

"The heroes see the same thing, although I think that the Holy King plane should not be as powerful as the perfect plane, and it should not be as strong as the perfect plane in the ranks, but they are definitely not much different from each other."

"Although Yang Qi is not the son of Heavenly Destiny, with his strength, it is estimated that he can be comparable to the two Heavenly Emperors of Barren Heaven and Ye Tiandi."

"I feel the same, he finally became a Saint King, he was too powerful and domineering."

"I feel that compared to the Barren Heaven Emperor's arbitrariness, although it is less legendary and imposing, it is just as majestic."

"I stand on Yang Qi's vote, Yang Qi's heaviest achievement, really not bad!"

"That's right, such a hanging ratio, with Ye Tiandi and Barren Heavenly Emperor, is on a par with it."

Meanwhile, the mortal plane.

Han Li looked at the picture on the sky dome, and his face was shocked.

This growth experience was really numb, and after looking over and over for a long time, he finally came to a conclusion.

"Yang Qi has been interpreting two words in this life - invincible!"

"Yang Qi is Nima's really invincible!"

He possessed peerless exercises, but he did not underestimate the enemy's anxiety at all, but was full of confidence in himself.

While killing decisively, never hesitating, and never leaving himself with future troubles, he is also careful everywhere, absolutely not putting himself in danger, and absolutely not letting himself overturn.

Although watching Yang Qi come this way is extremely dangerous, experiencing countless killings, and coming from the bloody rain, in fact, Yang Qi is really cautious and stable enough.

It can even be compared with Han Li.

Of course, Han Li was stable to an extreme, almost becoming Gou, and in this way, no one else could shake his status.

From these pictures on the heavenly dome, he could also see that Yang Qi's brain was actually very useful, and he was always prescient.

"Not only is he strong and has the Heaven-defying Technique, Yang Qi also has enough wisdom to control everything in his own hands."

"In times of crisis, there are all kinds of tricks."

"Even, this person has quite no lower limit, as long as he can help himself and get himself out of the crisis, no matter what means, he can try."

Because he was once deceived by bad women, he was even more decisive in killing women, and he would not be soft at all and pity Xiang Xiangyu.

"Such a person, with almost no weaknesses, is simply terrible!"

Fortunately, he was not this guy's enemy, otherwise, he would have had a headache and didn't know what to do with this Yang Qi.

Become Yang Qi's enemy, just wait for destruction, there will definitely be no good ending.

Han Li's gaze fell on the sky dome, a little curious, now that the inventory has ended, I don't know what kind of reward Yang Qi will get.

"Now, his trouble... It should not be small. "

As the saying goes, Pifu is not guilty, but guilty.

Yang Qi is still just that weak fellow, far from becoming a Supreme Saint King in the future, overlooking heaven and earth, everything is as powerful as between his control.

Now the news that he is carrying a heaven-defying technique has been leaked.

It is foreseeable that countless strong people will flock to him, just to obtain the exercises on him.

"Who doesn't blush when they see this exercise?"

Not to mention those people in the Holy King Plane, even if he is not in the same plane, and now that he has become an immortal, his strength is strong, he is all moved by this.

This exercise is destined to bring great trouble to Yang Qi, who is not yet a strong man.

At the same time, the big world.

Xiao Yan let out a long sigh.

"I threw Lei Loumu, and finally ended this life of hanging bi."

He was now a little speechless, and he didn't know how to describe these comparisons.

What's going on?

How come these hanging ratios after him, one is more outrageous than the other?

It is simply not a category that people can understand!

It's all perverts!

Although he is the same as these hanging ratios, he always feels that he is not a level compared with these hanging ratios!

Not a level at all, nothing comparable.

Just Nima is outrageous! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Of course, these ratios do not include a certain three.

Although a certain three is a god king, it is estimated that he has really reached the perfect plane as one of the supreme planes, and he is only ravaged by a chicken.

This is the real shame of hanging comparison.

Xiao Yan let out a long sigh of relief.

Fortunately, fortunately, there are a certain three of this guy to the bottom of himself, otherwise, this person will really lose a lot.

But to be honest, these hanging ratios are really outrageous enough, one by one.

For example, this Yang Qi, just one exercise, let him reach the pinnacle and become a supreme powerhouse, how terrifying this is.

If you can get this technique, you should also be able to become an invincible powerhouse.

But thinking that obtaining this technique would be struck by lightning, Xiao Yan still shook his head decisively.

Either I was afraid of being struck by lightning, or I suddenly felt that it seemed that the burning technique was also very good, after all, it can grow infinitely, and it will inevitably become one of the strongest exercises in this heaven and earth in the future!

Being struck by lightning is such a dangerous thing, I still don't want to do it.

Although he is also a hanging ratio, his hanging ratio is obviously different from other people's hanging ratio.

The content of the other hanging ratios was obviously much heavier than his, and there was simply not a drop of blood in the hanging.

It really makes people wonder if they are plugged into essence.

They are not as perverted as them, and they are really going to die if they are not good at being slashed by lightning.

People can not die because they are perverted enough, they still don't try.

"Alas, it is still good for my burning technique, I believe that the burning technique will be more powerful in the future, and it is comparable to the power of the god and elephant prison."

Just when the creatures of the heavens and realms were talking about it, a new picture suddenly appeared above the heavenly dome.

At this moment, Li Xiaoyao spoke, and the holy sound penetrated the heavens and all the worlds.

[The sixth place is over and the reward is distributed! ] 】

When the words fell, countless creatures in the heavens and realms boiled!

"Here it comes, it's time again to hang bi's favorite moment"

"The reward of the inventor, this is the strongest plug-in than the hanging ratio!"

"Every time I watch these hanging comparisons and get rewards, I really envy them!"

"Daoist, don't use foul language!"

Just when countless beings in the heavens and realms were talking.

In the picture, it is Yang Qi's figure that appears.

At the moment, he is still very weak, completely not as strong as in the future.

At this time, he was on the top of a mountain forest.

At the same time, above his head, there were vast golden clouds gathered and stacked together, looking above the heavenly dome, extremely majestic!

Yang Qi's face was serious, sitting cross-legged on the top of the mountain, and immediately after, everyone saw that from the majestic and sacred purple-gold sky curtain, a thick and incomparable light burst down!

The golden mangmen are mighty, rendering the heavens and the earth golden at this moment, coercive and incomparably majestic!

Under this extremely majestic aura, Yang Qi was instantly enveloped in golden light, and his breath was hidden in this mysterious and powerful aura.

At the same time, in the Yan Capital City, those forces that had gathered together to attack the Yang family and wanted to get Yang Qi's clues from the Yang family were all dumbfounded!

Their scalps were numb, they were horrified, and they looked at the picture on the sky in horror!

"'Not good! It's night! "

They haven't found Yang Qi yet, but Yang Qi is going to get a reward!

Once Yang Qi gets the reward, he will be the same as those who were counted before, ascending to the sky in one step and becoming a supreme powerful existence!

At that time, they will definitely not be Yang Qi's opponents, not only will they not be able to obtain that heaven-defying technique, but they will even be killed because of it!

They will surely die!

Judging from Yang Qi's decisive character in the previous inventory, it must be so!

For a while, these wealthy families in Yandu City all panicked.

They don't want to die yet!

Before you have obtained the exercises, are you going to put your life into it?

Almost everyone knows what it means to get Yang Qi rewarded.

All of them, have to die!

At the same time, Yang Qi looked at the golden light above the sky screen, pouring towards him, and a smile appeared on his face.

Finally, the reward came.

When the reward is received, he will also become the most powerful existence in the plane just like those previous hanging ratios.

Then all the current crises will be solved.

As long as you can get the reward, then everything will no longer be a problem.

Under the expectation of ten thousand worlds, the holy light poured down, and endless golden light shrouded Yang Qi.

Xuan Xuan immeasurable light, the mighty golden light scroll fell on Yang Qi with supreme might.

It was unimaginably magnificent.

The terrifying aura swept through, and the roll (Nord's) moved in all directions.

When the mighty golden rays fell on Yang Qi's body, surging True Qi rushed through his body, traveling throughout his body.

One by one, the particles continue to light up.

At the same time, boundless visions surged around him.

There are gods and demons whispering, and there are holy kings towering over the sky, ruling heaven and earth, overlooking heaven and hell.

Behind Yang Qi, the demon wings slowly unfolded, covering the sky.

In addition, the gates of hell appeared, incomparably majestic and ancient, exuding a forest atmosphere.

The gates of hell opened, as if all living beings were only alive and dead in Yang Qi's thoughts.

In addition, there was also a hell furnace condensed in his body, exuding an unparalleled terrifying momentum.

At the same time, Yang Qi's cultivation also began to skyrocket.

The road to the rise of a hanging ratio is about to begin!

Yang Qi's cultivation couldn't stop raging at this moment.

Qigong six stages, seven stages... Kill!

Rush all the way through the legendary realm, comprehend the pure land of the gods, the heavenly fist, the body of domination, and open the eyes of domination!

But his realm is still climbing wildly in an unstoppable trend.

In the end, his realm reached the divine realm and became a god who watched the heavens.

The sentient beings of the heavens and realms were stunned and shocked.

"My Nima?! Is this becoming a god? "

"Eighteen-year-old god, what are you kidding?"

"Eighteen years old to become a god, gee, I'm afraid that this person on the holy throne will go crazy, who can withstand this."

"Sure enough, hanging is actually being rewarded by being inventoried than the real plug-in, which is not much faster than climbing step by step to become a god overlooking the heavens, and it is much cooler."

"This is directly tens of thousands of years less detour."

"It's terrible!"

And at this moment, as Yang Qi became a god, the supreme terrifying power spread out and scattered across the heavens and the earth.

Under the vision of the sky, the entire continent could hardly withstand it, and there was a faint tendency to collapse.

The creatures of the Holy King's throne looked at the majestic Yang Qi at this moment, and they were all numb.

"I, Nima, step from refining qi to god, what kind of joke, is it outrageous?"

The creatures of the Holy King's throne are stupid.

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