Yang Qi's body was surging, unimaginable, the magnificent mighty power, such a mighty force was as majestic as a roaring wave.

That powerful mighty power, incomparable, is enough to shatter the entire world, shake the vast heaven and earth, and the vast starry universe.

This surging power that could almost shatter the heavens made Yang Qi feel unprecedentedly powerful.

The force that roamed wantonly in his body, and the power that roamed all over his body's limbs was so strong that it almost overflowed from his body.

He is already above all living beings, mighty and mighty above the nine heavens, supreme and powerful.

"Is this a god?"

"This terrifying power is like what you have refined thousands of times!"

This sudden arrival of powerful power did not make him feel half uncomfortable!

Is this the means of the inventors? The inventor really has a magic method!

Even though he has now entered the legendary God Realm, he still can't see through the inventory!

Sensing the surging power in his body, he threw away the thoughts in his mind, and a surprised smile appeared on Yang Qi's face.

The majestic true qi, where it passes, the mighty power is mighty!

From Yang Qi's body, an astonishing momentum permeated, covering the sky.

At the same time, his divine image was calm and intense, and he also came to the point of Dacheng.

The twenty-two divine powers were all mastered by him, and each of them was a powerful plug-in that could be called a pervert.

Each divine power is enough to overturn heaven and earth, destroy everything, and is extremely powerful.

These divine powers seemed to be one with Yang Qi, and when his mind moved, those divine powers that were enough to destroy the heavens and the earth would burst out instantly.

Now after becoming a god, Yang Qiwei is unparalleled in strength and his strength is unprecedentedly strong.

But even so, he still couldn't see through the inventor who was high above and hidden behind the inventory, as if he knew everything and knew everything.

"Inventor, what a terrifying means."

Yang Qi looked at the heavenly dome with some surprise, even though he had become a god now, he still couldn't see through what a mighty existence that supreme inventor was.

The inventor is terrible.

What a great existence that is.

He looked directly at the heavenly dome, as if he wanted to look through the heavenly dome at the hidden inventor hidden behind the vast heavenly dome.

But as far as his eyes could see, his breath perception was completely without that powerful existence.

It was destined to be an unimaginable great being, and even if he became a god now, there was no possibility of comparison.

At the same time, his mind shrouded the entire Yan Capital City, and naturally he also sensed that the Yang family was in trouble.

Those forces, where did they have the courage to dare to find trouble with the Yang family?

The Yang family is the family that raised him, and there are his 950 fathers, aunts, brothers, and so many deceased people.

How could he sit idly by and watch the Yang family collapse.

Since these forces dare to attack the Yang family, they should also be destroyed.

Yang Qi's heart moved, and the gate of hell suddenly opened behind him.

In an instant, the heavens and the earth changed color, and the vast pitch-black mist spread between the heavens and the earth, shrouding the mountain forest in the blink of an eye.

At the same time that the black mist spread, the majestic and obscure aura also flowed, and the terrifying aura of death gushed out from the gates of hell like a river.

Anyone who is contaminated with this terrifying breath of death will fall on the spot and their vitality will wither.

At the same time, as the breath of death spread, countless demonic spirits frantically poured out from within the gates of hell.

They are powerful, have no thoughts, no souls, and only know how to listen to Yang Qi's orders.

They only have the most primitive desire to kill, and everywhere they pass, all living beings will die and be torn apart.

Like the army of hell, they are invincible and killing, and everywhere they go, they can only slaughter.

There is only one purpose for these demon spirits, and that is the Yang family!

Countless demon spirits flocked to the Yang family, displaying unimaginable terrifying strength and a crazy desire to kill.

Although these cultivators come from wealthy families and major forces, they are just mere mortals in the end.

How dare mortals face these terrifying demons.

In front of these terrifying demons, they were like pieces of paper, torn apart at will.

Countless living beings were suppressed and crushed under this terrifying demon army.

Those powerful cultivators all died, and all died in the hands of the demon spirit army.

In an instant, those cultivators who were originally still overwhelming and powerful, and who were menacing, were all killed.

The Yang family's crisis was solved.

This is Yang Qi's current power, overlooking heaven and earth, above the heavens.

At the same time, the Holy Throne, future time and space.

Above the heavenly dome, the holy and magnificent breath stirred wantonly, and the momentum of the mighty shore was forced on the heavenly dome, scattering between infinite heaven and earth.

In the midst of the white holiness and majesty is the supreme and majestic divine realm.

The vast divine realm, where the gods are, this even the supreme place.

A figure, hazy and vague and powerful, like a primeval mountain, stood in the center of the God Realm, standing with his hands in his hands, and the aura emanating from his body was enough to destroy the heavens.

He stood with his hands in his hands, looked up at the sky screen, this powerful being that was difficult to describe in words, and saw Yang Qi.

Aotian, finally showed a smile.

"Found you, Fate Nihilist." (ajci) The Void of Fate is a vapor form of Fate Void that was bred in the ancient Chaos Realm at the beginning of the Divine Realm.

Because the fate of the nihilistic person is born with nothingness, it has nothing to do with past cause and effect, so no one can calculate his fate.

Even the supreme mighty existence of Aotian could hardly deduce where this Illusory of Fate was.

Unexpectedly, what he couldn't find, it was this inventory that helped him find it.

Yang Qi is not only a Void of Destiny, but also a fragment of the mark of the gods.

He had been searching for something for so long, and finally found it.

The mark of the gods, he finally found it.

He is the true successor of the future mark of the gods, and now he can get back what belongs to him.

Even though Yang Qi has become a god now, he is still not his opponent.

Aotian's strength, looking at the entire God Realm, can be called terrifying, and few people are his opponents.

Yang Qi had just become a god, how could he be his opponent.

It just so happens that he can take back what belongs to him.

This time, he was bound to recapture the mark of the gods.

Obtain the mark of the gods, count thousands, bury everything, and bury all the past and future lives.

Perhaps, he can use this to step into that realm.

There is no life and no death!

That's what he really craves!

The realm of nothingness, the supreme realm!

Aotian showed a look of madness and longing.

At the same time, above the heavens and realms, seeing the terrifying aura exuded by Yang Qi in the heavenly curtain, the endless creatures were also shocked by this.

"I'm so strong?!"

"It's worthy of hanging comparison, it's really terrible!"

"They are all gods, why is Yang Qi's god so strong, but Tang San's sea god is so weak."

"Hahaha, what is Tang San, can that be compared?"

"It's true that Tang San is like a villain compared to a villain, and he is more shameless than a villain."

"To be honest, these hanging ratios are really outrageous, one is more stunning than the other, and one is more perverted than the other."

"I really don't understand, how dare these people find trouble with Hangbi, how dare they?"

"After watching the inventory so many times, you still haven't figured out how outrageous a creature the hanging ratio is?"

"How dare they, how can they look for death like this?"

"No, it's really not dead, is it?"

"This group of people actually want to grab the exercises, are they brainless, really don't know how terrible it is to offend the hangbi?"

"Gee, that is to say, ah, this is the hanging ratio, who can compare."

"That is, people become gods at the age of eighteen, and the entire Holy Throne Plane, who can do it?"

"Eighteen-year-old gods, future achievements are limitless and unimaginable."

"Sure enough, it's still that sentence, young is an advantage, such a young god, or a hanging comparison, are you afraid of you?"

"The entire Holy King Plane, who can compare to this hanging comparison."

"Moreover, Yang Qi has improved not only his cultivation this time, but even the Divine Elephant Prison Strength has also been improved."

"His divine image is a prison power, and now he has achieved great success, and his great power is extraordinary."

"That's right, just now, the Divine Elephant Zhen Prison Jin has already revealed its supreme power, where the demon spirit army passed, all the enemies were torn apart by them, and those forces who wanted to persecute the Yang family and obtain the exercises, without exception, were all killed, and the end was extremely miserable."

"Hey, don't dare to look, really don't dare to look."

"With such terrifying strength, as well as that heaven-defying god and elephant calming power, how terrifying Yang Qi should be in the future, I can't imagine it."

"Even, his strength is immeasurable now, and the secondary plane has long been unable to withstand his divine power, and is about to collapse and destroy."

"The plane can't carry it, now he should be so magnificent."

"Compared to the exercises or something, inventory is the biggest hanging of the exercises."

"Even if it is Yang Qi in the inventory, it took so long to become a god and become a unique holy king in heaven and earth."

"But after the inventory, he who received the inventory reward became a god almost instantly."

"These countless creatures dare not think about it, the realm that cannot be touched in a lifetime, here in Yang Qi, it is just a blink of an eye."

"This is even faster, more outrageous, and more incredible than his own cultivation by relying on the external god elephant to suppress the hell power."

"Isn't that outrageous, you say?" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"It has to be an inventory, a realm that is difficult for others to reach in their lives, through inventory, it can be achieved in an instant."

"This is the biggest plug-in and the biggest opportunity for the hanging biblers."

"One step to become a god is really a step to heaven. Directly become a winner in life! "

"If I have the opportunity to become a hangbi, I will definitely be able to ascend to the sky in one step!"

"I envy these hanging ratios, not only hanging, but also improving cultivation, it's really outrageous to die."

"But write, I don't wait for the comparison, such a chance against the sky, after all, there is no chance to get."

"Even if you don't get counted, you can get an exercise."

"I don't have the luxury of being able to get such an opportunity to take an inventory, I can just get an exercise, I don't pick, the god elephant can barely calm the hell."

"Huh? Does this start to be modest? "

Hearing this, the creatures of the heavens and realms suddenly burst into laughter.

"I rely on, this Taoist friend, shameless, it has to be you."

"This Taoist, please pay attention to your face."

"That's a god and elephant hell power, it's actually just barely okay, don't be too outrageous."

At the same time, in the picture of the heavenly dome, the continent where Yang Qi was located began to crumble, shattering and disintegrating.

Obviously, this continent could no longer withstand his terrifying mighty power, completely disintegrated, and he had to soar.

Today's Yang Qi, if he does not ascend and stays on this continent, this continent will completely collapse into a heavenly powder.

The entire Yang family, all the clansmen who had survived the calamity, all looked at Yang Qi, at the majestic and mighty Yang Qi in the sky.

Their expressions were all shocked, obviously hard to believe, and even more difficult to accept.

They couldn't have imagined that the third young master of their own waste had actually become a god!

"That's the legendary supreme and omnipotent god!"

The shock that the Third Young Master had become a god brought to them was really unimaginable.

Third Young Master, now he is a well-known waste, but now he has actually become a god?!

Moreover, one moment is still the fifth stage of qigong, and the next breath is already a god, invincible to this continent, overlooking heaven and earth, and has to soar, otherwise it will collapse the continent.

"It can only be said that it is worthy of being the third young master, and it is worthy of hanging the ratio."

"It's terrible."

As the person who gets along with Yang Qi the most, he has become a god at this moment, and it is naturally the Yang family who has suffered the most.

Who would have thought that he would actually be a hanging bi.

Yang Qi's life history at the beginning was not at all a sign of comparison.

Whoever hangs will be inexplicably slashed by lightning and deceived by bad women.

But Yang Qi is really a hangbi, and has become a god, supreme.

It's really numb!

After solving all the troubles and saying goodbye to Yang Zhan and the others, Yang Qi had to soar.

If he doesn't fly again, this continent will no longer be able to carry him, and it will completely collapse and scatter into a cloud of powder.

Under the gaze of countless creatures in the heavens and realms, Yang Qi ascended and went to the God Realm.

"Since then, this holy throne has become more young heavenly gods." 、

"The gods who are only eighteen years old, it is estimated that the group of old guys in the god world have never seen it, and they dare not think about it."

"Don't dare to think, really don't dare to think."

"Such a life is simply perfect, and if you ascend to the god realm at a young age and become a majestic god, supreme, will you really be envious?"

"I really want this kind of life!"

"Who can not envy?"

"At a young age, the achievement of gods, the practice of defying the sky, the supreme cultivation, and the powerful supreme treasure, such a life is simply against the sky."

"Exercises, cultivation, and supreme treasures, I want them all!"

"Who can not envy this? Who looks at this and doesn't leave a harako. "

"Give me a chance, I can also become a hang, and I can also become a god."

At the same time, perfect planes.

"Is it over?"

The Barren Heavenly Emperor looked at the picture on the heavenly dome and spoke softly.

Needless to say, this exercise is really perverted, really powerful, and really against the sky.

Even he, the Immortal Emperor, was shocked.

Such powerful exercises are rare in the world.

Compared to his other incarnation method, it is not much inferior.

However, Yang Qi's experience is quite similar to him, and he has fought all the way out of the bloody storm.

Along the way, Yang Qi also killed all the way, defeated countless strong enemies, and broke through countless setbacks, and only then successfully reached the top.

Although Yang Qi relied on exercises to a large extent to achieve such a heaven-defying achievement.

But it is also rare to have such an achievement.

Moreover, Yang Qi himself is also very decisive and ruthless, he has a clear understanding of everything, does not panic when things happen, is calm and calm, and plans and then moves.

Every time Yang Qi made a move, his calculation was extremely clear and thorough.

Such a person is indeed a talent, plus such exercises, it is strange that there are no achievements.

If it were someone else, even if he got this heaven-defying god and elephant calming strength, he might not have such achievements.

As for becoming a god?

He was really curious about how Yang Qi's combat power would be after becoming a god, and how powerful it would be.

Instead, he hoped to be able to fight well with the many rivals of the heavens and realms, and try it to see who was stronger.

As for a certain three, of course, he was subconsciously excluded by the Barren Heavenly Emperor.

It is estimated that he can't even beat Bazhen Chicken.

At the same time, the sky is shading.

Ye Fan looked at the picture of the heavenly dome, and his heart was unhappy.

"No, what's going on?"

"Yang Qi's side actually has a boss who takes the initiative to come to the door?"

"Why don't you have it?"

Except for Han Li who was not found because he was too meticulous, all the other hanging ratios had bosses who came to the door to die, why didn't he have it?

He is also a red dust fairy, these supremes, so faceless?

He also wanted him to personally go to the door and kill them.

How abominable!

However, it is almost finished anyway.

Forget it, don't count with them.

"Holy King's Throne?"

He was really curious about how this anti-heaven technique was.

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