The picture in the sky curtain was finally frozen at the moment when Yang Qi ascended to the Divine Realm.

The young man was heroic, his body was imposing, shattered the void, and he stepped on the entire continent and left!

Above his head, there was the majestic and sacred infinite heavenly curtain of the Divine Realm, and in the distance below his feet, there was a continent that was getting farther and farther away.

And that young man, flew to the heavenly realm, young god, full of heroism!

This scene slowly faded, and finally dissipated, slowly dissipating above the sky curtain.

"This is soaring!"

"I really envy these hanging ratios, the eighteen-year-old gods, I dare not think about it."

"Maybe only the hanging ratio can have such an opportunity, such an achievement."

"It's really envious, if only I also became ~ for hanging."

"Alas, how easy it is to become a hanging ratio, countless creatures in the heavens and realms, only a total of a few hanging ratios have been identified so far."

"Who doesn't want to be a hanging ratio, if they become a hanging ratio, it is really a good opportunity to change their fate against the sky and completely change everything."

Just as the creatures of the heavens and realms were talking about it, a magnificent sound resounded in the heavens and realms.

【Rewards have been issued.】 】

[Questions are opened, randomly selected, all heavenly beings, please be prepared to ask questions.] 】

"Questions are finally about to begin!"

"Aaaa I can't wait! "

"Brothers, a big opportunity has come!"

"Dear Taoists, don't forget the agreement between us, if you grab a question, you must ask a question that can get a great opportunity!"

"Don't worry, this question will definitely be grabbed!"

"Although I don't know where your confidence comes from, the old man is still optimistic about you!"

Compared with the appraisal with a threshold, this kind of threshold, anyone can participate, which is equivalent to the question of the whole people's carnival, which is actually the heart of the creatures of the heavens and all worlds.

After all, there are too few hanging ratios, so these ordinary creatures can only itch to watch those hanging ratios being inventoried to get huge opportunities.

But that's not the case.

Asking questions is a common opportunity for all living beings in the heavens and realms, regardless of strength or origin, as long as they are creatures of the heavens and realms, they have the opportunity to ask questions.

Looking at the inventory hanging ratio is just Tu Yile, for them, the real opportunity is this opportunity to ask questions!

What the creatures of the heavens and realms really want is to ask questions.

After all, they all have self-knowledge, know that hanging has nothing to do with them, they will not be counted in this life, and the rich rewards of extravagant inventory are just greed.

But this question is different, as long as it is a creature of the heavens and realms, everyone has the opportunity to ask a question.

This is a common opportunity for all ordinary beings in the heavens and realms.

Although there are many creatures in the heavens and realms, there are countless of them.

But this is also enough to make the creatures of the heavens and realms crazy about it.

Although this opportunity to ask questions is rare, there is still hope in it.

Moreover, if you really grab the opportunity to ask questions, it is possible to become a linkage.

Needless to say, how devilish and perverted it is, after watching so many inventory, they also know this.

If they can become a hanging ratio, then from now on, they can be regarded as embarking on a completely different life path.

Their fate will be completely rewritten!

Even if it cannot be inventoried, it will become a smooth wind and luck blessed by luck, and the future life will be extremely brilliant.

If it can really become a hanging ratio, you still need to envy these lucky hanging ratios in the inventory?

They're the same kind of people!

Getting the opportunity to ask questions and become a hanging comparison is already the common obsession of the creatures of all the heavens and worlds.

Although countless sentient beings are staring at this opportunity to ask questions, they all want to become a match, they know that the competition is fierce, but they are still full of expectations for it.

This is their only chance to change their lives against the sky!

"Give it a chance, stocktaker."

"Inventor, you are my good brother, please give me a chance, let me become a hangbi."

"I want to grab the opportunity to ask questions, and the big brother of the inventor will give me a chance!"

"Needless to say, this opportunity to ask questions must be mine!"

"It's me!"

"Don't fight, it's a fool!"

The creatures of the heavens and realms were looking forward to the opportunity to ask questions.

I don't know who will spend this opportunity to ask questions, and what kind of questions the questioner will ask.

"Don't worry, brothers, we have an agreement. No matter who it is, if they have the opportunity to ask questions, they must ask questions that have a level that can help all of us in the heavens and realms. "

"Just like the Zhang Zhenren in the comprehensive martial arts plane asked, how can we ascend, this can help all of us!"

"That's right, this Taoist friend said well, you must not be like the previous Chu Feng, ask some brainless, don't know the so-called bad questions."

"It's good, asking a broken jar inexplicably, it's simply a waste of opportunity, and it also loses an opportunity for us to better improve ourselves."

"That's it, that Chu Feng, really stupid to death, dislike this guy."

At the same time, the Holy Ruins plane.

Chu Feng looked at the sky curtain, seeing everyone's discussion, he also looked helpless, and spread his hands: "Blame me?" "

"No, good manners, what am I doing with Diss?"

Chu Feng also felt very aggrieved.

This jar is obviously of extraordinary origin, it must not be simple, he will ask here.

"Why is my question out of level, it's clear that you don't understand."

"This jar must have a great origin! Definitely not simple. "

"The contents of this jar must not come from an ordinary source."

Chu Feng held the jar with a proud face: "It's clear that you don't recognize the goods, and you also say that I have no brains, who has no brains." "

"As long as I grab another opportunity to ask questions, I will definitely shock everyone."

"I'm really curious, what exactly is this, and what is the origin of the three seeds in it."

"I've got to get another chance to ask questions, so maybe I can figure it out!"

The immature Jar Heavenly Emperor held the stone jar with a firm face.

At the same time, floods.

The desolate earth cracked, the sky turned upside down, the stars fell, the mountains and rivers were shattered, and the vast heaven and earth were about to be shattered.

And the reason why the flood world has such a tragic situation now is naturally because the Lich is calamitous.

The Lich Tribulation broke out completely, and the Wu Clan and the Demon Clan, the two most powerful races in the current flood wilderness, fought a big war in order to compete for the supremacy of the flood wilderness.

Under the great battle, countless creatures fell, and countless creatures died because of the impact of this great war.

Of course, the Flood Barren World has also been greatly impacted, and the Flood Barren World is almost shattered.

But the witch and demon races have already killed the red eye, and no one cares that the current flood famine is almost at its limit.

All of them have only one idea, that is, to completely kill the witch race/demon race!

The Lich War is coming to an end, and the final battle is inevitable.

But within the Wu clan, something happened.

After the Tuzu Wu retreated from the body of the ancestral witch, he became a peaceful mother, and became a reincarnation.

The twelve ancestors lacked one, and it was difficult to arrange the twelve heavenly gods array.

The Twelve Heavenly Gods Great Array is based on the twelve ancestral witches, mobilizing the essence blood in their bodies, and establishing an unparalleled killing formation with endless blood qi, reproducing Pangu's phantom and killing all enemies.

If you want to arrange this array, the twelve ancestors are indispensable.

But at present, Houtu Zuwu has become the lord of the tunnel, Pingxin Niangniang, and there is no body of Zuwu.

There were only eleven of the twelve ancestral witches left, and there was no way to arrange the twelve Heavenly Gods Great Array.

Without the Twelve Heavenly Gods, the Wu Clan was naturally defeated.

Because the demon clan has the top combat power of Dijun and Eastern Emperor Taiyi, Fuxi, and Kunpeng.

In addition, they have more powerful and terrifying, extremely powerful formations Zhou Tian Star Dou Array.

The Zhou Tian Star Dou Great Array was only able to resist the Twelve Heavenly God Great Array, but now without the Twelve Heavenly God Great Array, the Wu Clan was not the opponent of the Demon Race at all.

Right now, the Wu Clan has no other way.

If you want to win, your only hope is to grab questions.

If they can grab the opportunity to ask questions and ask the inventory takers how they can defeat the demon race, perhaps this is their only hope.

At the same time, on the thirty-three heavenly domes, there was a majestic and vast demon court.

Inside and outside the demon court, whether it was those powerful demon kings or ordinary demon soldiers, they were all excited and joyful at this moment, and even more so, they couldn't even hold back the excitement in their hearts and cheered.

They cheered because they had finally defeated the Wu Clan!

In the recent battle between the two Lich races, the demon race won one victory after another, and seeing that it was about to completely destroy the witch race, the demon race was naturally excited.

After defeating the Wu Clan, then the Overlord of the Flood Desolation is none other than the Demon Clan!

From now on, the demon race is the true master of this heaven and earth!

Not to mention the demon kings, even the two supreme powerhouses, Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi, could not control the excitement in their hearts.

Finally, it's time to take charge of the flood world.

But even so, they are still looking forward to asking questions.

Although the Lich War is coming to an end, and the demon race is about to become the overlord of heaven and earth, there is no need to worry about this matter.

But there is another thing that most affects everyone's hearts.

Even the Lich Wars are more important than this one.

That is... Sanctification!

If they can seize the opportunity to ask questions, they will be able to count the omniscience and omnipotence of the people, and the grandeur and greatness, which will surely tell them how to become holy.

If he can become a Heavenly Dao Saint, then he will truly stand on the top of the flood and desolation, overlooking countless living beings. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Under the saints, all are ants!

If you can't become holy, even if you unify the flood waste, you will only be an ant!

I only hope that the all-knowing and all-powerful inventors can surprise them.

And their demon clan can also get their wish and grab the opportunity to ask questions.

In the expectation of all the living beings in the heavens and realms, Li Xiaoyao's magnificent voice finally slowly fell.

[Grab the question, start! ] 】

As Li Xiaoyao's voice fell, two figures appeared on the edge of the boundless sky.

"Huh?! Two figures?! "

"It was actually two people who grabbed the opportunity to ask questions this time?"

"No, I didn't grab it!"

"It's really abominable, it's harder than buying a lottery ticket!"

"Who, who the hell, actually has such good luck to grab the opportunity to ask questions."

"I'm jealous, I'm twisted, I'm crazy, I'm crawling in the dark, so envious!"

"The opportunity to ask questions has been snatched away again!"

"But why two people, and what is the situation?"

As the distance closer, the picture on the sky dome became clearer.

Everyone saw clearly that it was actually a fox in the picture?!



The creatures of the heavens and realms looked at the picture in disbelief.

"How can it be a monkey?"

"No, it's two?!"

Two monkeys, what's going on?

"Why two monkeys? What about the breeders, where did the breeders go? "

At the same time, in the westward travel plane, those two identical monkey figures, who else can be besides the monkey king Sun Wukong.

What appears on the picture of the sky dome is the scene of the westward journey.

As for the two monkeys, they are naturally Sun Wukong and the six-eared macaque that turned into the appearance of Sun Wukong.

At this time, it is the plot of the real and fake Monkey King.

Two monkeys are at war, and if you look closely, you will find that the two monkeys actually look exactly the same.

"No, this opportunity to ask questions was actually snatched away by monkeys? What does this mean? "

"Insult me? Is it insulting me? "

"I can't even compare with a monkey, it's so hateful, so angry, I can't even rob a monkey!"

"But what's going on, why do these two monkeys grab the opportunity to ask questions, and these two monkeys look exactly the same?"

"What's going on?"

The creatures of the heavens and realms gritted their teeth and wondered.

"It's strange, why are these two identical monkeys still hit?"

"Can two monkeys be so similar, how do I feel that no matter how I look at it, these two monkeys are exactly the same."

"I'm cracking, what's the situation with this Nima?"

"These two monkeys are monsters, look at them like this, obviously monkeys, but like people, monkeys and crowns, and can fight, there must be monsters."

"No need, even if the monkeys look similar, the monkeys who wear clothes and become human look similar, but they can't be like this."

"Are these two monkeys twin brothers?"

"Ah, aren't all monkeys the same, is there any difference?"

"Of course it's different, it's just that we look similar, every monkey is different from every monkey, just like everyone is different."

"But these two monkeys are too similar, almost identical."

"What's more, not only do they look exactly the same, but even the clothes they wear are the same!"

"Yo, really, what is the situation?"

"Which plane is this, why is it so interesting?"

At the same time, the creatures of the Westward Journey plane saw this scene and exclaimed in surprise: "Great Sage?!" "

"Huh, no, why are these two great saints? What is the situation? "

"The Great Sage still has a brother? I haven't heard of it. "

Seeing the confusion of the creatures of the heavens and realms, the creatures of the Westward Journey plane took the initiative to explain.

"Our face is the plane of the journey to the west, and as for the monkey that appears in the picture, it is Sun Wukong, the monkey king of the Great Saint of Qi Heaven."

"This Great Sage Master protects the sutra taker to go to the Western Heaven to obtain the sutra, and his mana is strong and his strength is extraordinary."

"Got it."

The creatures of the heavens and realms all nodded at this moment, "Understood, but why are there two?" Could it be that your Great Saint Master is two? "

"Moreover, these two monkeys are still fighting?"

"Do you have any clues?"

And just when the creatures of the heavens and realms were confused, Li Xiaoyao already knew this well.

It turned out to be this scene.

In that case, he probably knew what questions the two monkeys wanted to ask.

The ins and outs of this real and fake Monkey King can be regarded as twists and turns, and even led to a thousand-year public case.

In the picture, both monkeys claim to be the real Qi Tian Great Saint Sun Wukong, and even hit all the way to the Heavenly Court, wanting to let the old friends of the Heavenly Court distinguish who is real and who is fake!

At this moment, they noticed that their figures actually appeared on the sky screen.

Suddenly, both monkeys scratched their faces with joy.

"Great! The opportunity to ask questions actually let Lao Sun grab it! "

The two monkeys spoke in unison.

"I grabbed it!"

"Yes! Yes! It's the Monkey King! "

At the same time, the westward travel plane.

Tang Monk, Zhu Bajie, and Sha Monk and Apprentice also looked nervously at the picture on the heavenly dome, looking confused and expectant.

They are also curious, they are also anxious.

Because they can't tell which one is true and which is false.

Unexpectedly, I actually grabbed the opportunity to ask questions, and it seems that I can let the inventor help.

At the same time, Lingshan, the Western Buddha Gate.

Seeing this scene, the Buddha was worried.

It's not good, I originally wanted to consume a wave of Heavenly Court luck with this.

Unexpectedly, he was actually robbed of the opportunity to ask questions by this monkey.

It's not good.

The inventors know everything and know everything, maybe this time they really want to show their stuffing?

At the same time, in the confusion of the heavens and realms, the two Monkey Kings stopped fighting and opened their mouths at the same time.

Not only the movements, but even the tone and expression are exactly the same.

"Dare to ask the inventor, which of us is the real Monkey King?"

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