Hearing the outrageous questions of these two monkeys, countless creatures in the heavens and realms were dumbfounded, all dumbfounded, looking at the two monkeys on the sky screen in disbelief, stunned for a long time, before slowly punching out a lying groove.

"What's going on with this Nima?"

"Which is the real Monkey King? Don't you know this? "

"As for wasting such an opportunity to ask questions?"

"I'm really speechless, brothers, after waiting for so long for this opportunity, I was robbed by a monkey, and I even wasted it! I hate it! "

"Fox, give me the opportunity to ask questions, and give me the opportunity to become a matcher!"

The faces of the creatures of the heavens and realms were full of helplessness.

"No, I really obeyed, play? Are you two monkeys playing? "

"This is an opportunity to ask questions, you guys are wasting it? Born! It's really a birth! "

"Monkeys are really just monkeys, and their brains are really not smart."

"Such a precious, hard-won, the opportunity to ask questions that all the creatures in the heavens and realms are eager for was actually wasted by them, isn't this Nima a brain dead?!"

"me off! What the hell is going on with these two monkeys? "

"Isn't it, that's it?"

"One opportunity to ask questions is gone."

"I'm going crazy! This is an opportunity to ask questions, this is the greatest opportunity I can encounter in my life! It was actually wasted like this! I really want to kill! "

"Does it really matter which of you two monkeys is real and who is fake? I ask you, does it really matter? "

"Anyway, it looks exactly the same, which is true and which is fake!"

"It doesn't matter if it's true or not!"

"Oh, but don't you think it's really strange that they look exactly the same?"

"You can't tell which is true and which is false, so aren't you curious who is the real Monkey King?"

"In other words, it looks so similar, can the inventor tell the difference?"

No matter how you look at it, these two monkeys not only look the same, but also behave exactly the same as "five, four, seven", which is completely unclear, which is true and which is false. "

"That is, with a monkey-like face, who can tell who is true and who is false?"

"But then again, can there really be two monkeys in the world that look so similar?"

"This should not be some kind of calculation of existence, otherwise, under normal circumstances, there are two monkeys so similar."

"Brother who thinks about it, I am a little scared when you say so."

"So this monkey, is only one fake, or is both fake?"

"Brothers, it's a little scary."

"Listening to you say this, I do feel a little scared!"

Not only were ordinary beings in the heavens and realms curious, but even those powerful people were looking at the sky with interest at this moment.

To be honest, they were also a little curious about which of these two monkeys was real and which was fake.

There seemed to be a gaze that could penetrate Jiuxiao fell on the sky screen and fell on these two monkeys, but after a long gaze, the mighty still shook his head, obviously not distinguishing the true from the false.

In these two monkeys, not only the appearance, movements, and posture are exactly the same, but even the breath is exactly the same, really like a monkey.

"How can such a monkey be two monkeys?"

"This is obviously the same monkey!"

"It's exactly the same, how can you tell the difference?"

Even with his insight, this is exactly the same monkey.

Why is that?

Could it be that someone deliberately covered up the heavenly machine and deliberately made everything like this?!

There is a great power suddenly realized, and it seems to smell the breath of conspiracy.

It seems that the appearance of these two monkeys is not simple!

These powerful people are not ordinary creatures, and they have seen countless deceitful and intrigues along the way.

Their eyes are far-reaching, and what they see is not the depths that ordinary people can see.

Just like these two monkeys, ordinary people may only marvel at the fact that the two monkeys are exactly the same.

But for them, there must be demons when things go wrong.

They can guess that there is a calculation behind this.

But, even so, there is no glimpse of the truth.

In their opinion, the two monkeys are exactly the same, without any flaws, and they naturally can't find the truth about why the two monkeys are exactly the same.

Therefore, we can only hope for the inventors.

At least so far, the inventors have always shown that they are all-knowing, omniscient, and omniscient.

Presumably, the matter of this monkey should also be clear to the inventor.

Perhaps the inventors know the inside story of why these two monkeys are so similar and understand this conspiracy?

At the same time, the westward travel plane.

Tang Monk, Zhu Bajie, Sha Monk, and even White Dragon Horse all raised their heads nervously, staring at the sky curtain, waiting for the inventor to speak.

They were really nervous, and they were really curious about which was the real master brother and which was the lawless monkey who had guaranteed them all the way to the Western Heaven to obtain scriptures.

Even many demons were all curious.

"Which is the Monkey King?"

"One Monkey King is already unlucky enough, and now it comes out directly?"

"Let King Ben not live!"

"Which Xiao Xiao San, who dares to impersonate his brother, is it impatient!"

"Shhh-one true and one fake two Monkey Kings, this is not simple."

"In my opinion, this matter will definitely not be too simple, dare to impersonate the Great Sage?!"

"Don't worry, let's see how the inventor solves the confusion, if it is the inventor, it should be easy to distinguish the real Great Sage, right?"

Although they can't see which monkey is real and which monkey is fake, the inventor must know!

The inventor was a more powerful and difficult existence to figure out than the bald donkey in the Western Earth and the Heavenly Emperor in the Nine Heavens.

Such an existence is supreme, magnificent, omniscient, omniscient.

Such an existence must be able to see the ins and outs.

Just wait for the answer.

At the same time, Western Buddha Gate, Lingshan, Great Leiyin Temple.

The current Buddha Duo Bao Rulai Buddha looked calmly at the picture on the heavenly dome, although he seemed to be indifferent, but in fact, he had already begun to wail in his heart.

"By what?"

"Why is this fox so lucky?"

This monkey's luck was profound, and seeing that this final plan was about to succeed, he actually grabbed the opportunity to ask questions.

In this way, all his arrangements will be lost.

The Buddhist plan also fell through the box this time.

His worst fear was about to happen.

The reason why the Buddhist gate set up this situation is to ensure the stability of the western journey to the sutras.

With the behemoth force of the Buddha Gate in the western travel plane, up and down its hands to cover the heavenly path, naturally can do this matter without knowing it.

Seeing that they were about to successfully complete the layout and complete the calculation of the Buddhist gate.

But who would have thought that killing Cheng and biting gold halfway actually allowed the monkey to grab the opportunity to ask questions.

The creatures of the Westward Journey plane naturally did not know what was going on, and did not dare to expose them.

But from the outside, the mighty, powerful, omniscient inventor is different.

Other planes cannot interfere with their westward plane.

In other words, the calculation of the Buddha Gate, looking at the heavens and realms, only the inventor can intervene in all this.

Originally, there were countless creatures in these heavens and realms, and the inventors would definitely not notice them.

But who would have thought that the monkey would change his life against the sky and seize the precious opportunity to ask questions.

In this way, the calculations of the Buddha Gate can be pushed under the noses of the inventors.

With the great power of the inventor, how can he not see through all this, if he helps Sun Monkey, then their Buddhist family's painstaking plan will be completely lost.

It's bloody!

How could this monkey grab the opportunity to ask questions!

Among the four people who traveled to the west, this monkey was the most detached, the most unstable, free and uninhibited, and there was no reverence in his heart.

They also have no due respect for their Buddhas, Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Arhats, Vajras, and so on.

Such an uncontrollable monkey, if left unchecked, will only cause disaster in the future.

So, they are heading for the six-eared macaque to take their place.

The six-eared macaque can change into the appearance of Sun Wukong, exactly the same, let him go to the West Heaven to learn the scriptures, better control, and can also achieve the purpose of taking the scriptures.

It turns out that this thing is so perfect that it is about to be completed.

But who would have thought that this fox actually grabbed the precious opportunity to ask questions.

That was an opportunity that he hadn't been able to grab as a Buddha!

Even if he, as a Buddha Rulai, was in charge of the Westward Journey Buddha Gate, he had no way to face the supreme inventor who was above the heavens and realms, and there was no way to resist at all.

How the inventor is, the mighty shore is infinite, the supreme, the mighty power is magnificent, and everything in the heavens and all worlds is in his eyes and ears.

Such an existence is by no means comparable to him, the Buddha.

For a while, Buddha Rulai sat nervously on the lotus platform, waiting for the voice of the inventor to sound.

If the inventor opens his mouth, he basically sets a dead end for the Buddha.

But even so, he can only wait helplessly for the result, and there is no other way.

On the other side, just as the creatures of the heavens and realms were speculating, Li Xiaoyao's magnificent voice finally sounded.

[At the beginning of heaven and earth, there were four monkeys in the mixed world. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

As soon as the words fell, the creatures of the heavens and realms were collectively shocked.

"No, yo, what does this opening statement mean?"

"Four monkeys of the mixed world, this Monkey King is also a monkey, can it be said that this Monkey King is one of the four monkeys of the mixed world mentioned by the inventor?"

"Four monkeys of the mixed world? Really? "

"At the beginning of heaven and earth, the four monkeys of the mixed world were born."

"If you say so, is this Monkey King actually innate divine? I lean, his origin is so big? "

"No, this monkey actually opened up heaven and earth... Already born? "

"This origin, this heel, looking at our plane, is almost comparable to an ancient saint!"

"I didn't expect that the origin of this monkey was so difficult?"

A group of powerful and great demons in the Westward Journey plane were also shocked at this moment, looking at the sky in disbelief.


They really couldn't imagine that Sun Wukong still had such a terrifying origin!

Monkey king...... Innate sacred?

When the heavens and the earth first opened, they were already born?!

It is worthy of being an inventor, and he knows such a secret:

This is a secret that the Westward Journey plane does not know how much power it has!

"This monkey even has such a origin? No, didn't he jump out of a stone? So many living beings have seen it, how can it be a congenital being? "

"Sure enough, he knows everything and knows everything, and it seems that he has to be an inventor."

At the same time, the western travel plane, the western spirit mountain, the Great Leiyin Temple.

Duo Bao Rulai sat on the lotus platform of the golden throne, his heart was apprehensive, and his heart was full of anxiety and fear.

He didn't expect that the inventor would even know such a secret.

The four monkeys of the mixed world challenged his nerves even more.

Unexpectedly, the inventor really knows everything!

He knows it all!

It seems that this plan is probably going to fall short.

At this moment, Li Xiaoyao continued to speak.

[One of the four monkeys of the mixed world, Lingming stone monkey Sun Wukong, through change, know the sky, know the location, move stars for fights. ] 】

[The second of the four monkeys of the mixed world, the monkey with the arm, take the sun and the moon, shrink a thousand mountains, argue with blame, and make a fool. ] 】

[The third of the four monkeys of the mixed world, the Akajiri horse monkey, Xiaoyin and Yang, will be able to personnel, be good at entering and leaving, avoid death and prolong life, is the Wujiqi who was finally suppressed for evil under Zhongshan when Dayu cured the water. ] 】

As soon as the words fell, the westward journey plane.

Countless creatures looked at the sky screen, their faces full of shock.

"This is the Four Monkeys of the Mixed World?"

"Lingming Stone Monkey Sun Wukong?! It's not a stone monkey, Sun Monkey jumped out of the stone! "

"Unexpectedly, Sun Wukong actually has a great origin, he is one of the four monkeys of the mixed world, no wonder this monkey is so powerful, it turns out to have such a deep background and feet."

"In this way, he is so strong, it makes sense."

"I said, a monkey can't be a simple stone monkey."

"Not only Sun Wukong, but the other two monkeys seem to be very powerful, take the sun and the moon, Xiaoyin and yang, these are extremely heaven-defying abilities."

"That's right, I have also heard that it was said that there was no support for Qi back then, but it gave King Yu a headache for a long time, and if it weren't for the powerful help, I really couldn't help him."

"That Wuzhiqi is so powerful, presumably the gibbon monkey should not be much worse."

"And a monkey, didn't it say that it was a mixed world four monkeys, a four-limbed monkey, and the last one left?"

"What's the last monkey?"

"Could it be that this last monkey has something to do with today's events?"

"It can only be said that it is possible!"

[The last one, the six-eared macaque, is good at listening, can sense, knows before and after, and everything is clear. ] 】

[These four monkeys do not fall into the ten categories, nor are they ten feathers and ten scales, and they are not up to the name of the two! ] 】

[The same as the true Goku, is a six-eared macaque of the four monkeys of the mixed world! ] 】

"Huh? Six-eared macaque?! "

"I lean on, it's really this monkey, it's really this last monkey's thing!" I guessed right! "

"Six-eared macaques? No wonder! "

"This monkey is the same as Sun Wukong, the four monkeys of the mixed world, and also has the ability to listen, and can know everything that happened before and after the past and the future."

"It's no wonder this monkey pretends to be so similar."

"He knows everything about Sun Wukong, and naturally he can be used well as a costume."

"Don't say, it's really difficult for ordinary people to tell, even if it's powerful, it's estimated that it can't be, only the inventor has such a 4.9 ability."

"Yes, that's exactly it."

In the picture of the sky screen, the identity of the six-eared macaque was discovered, naturally he was shocked, and he quietly retreated in his heart.

Since the inventor even knows such a secret, he can naturally distinguish the real and fake Wukong, it seems that he is about to show his stuffing, so let's run.

The six-eared macaque was about to slip away, but was stopped by Sun Wukong.

"Ruined Lao Sun's reputation and want to run?!"

"Lao Sun can not agree, watch the beating!"

Saying that, Sun Wukong couldn't help but smash the golden hoop rod!

At this time, the heavens and all worlds also understood who was true and who was false.

At the same time, the West Earth Buddha Gate.

For example, Buddha sat on the lotus platform, but his expression was a little annoyed.

What is fake is really fake.

This damn six-eared macaque really didn't have any determination at all.

The inventor has not yet said that he is fake, he himself has exposed himself.

As long as you don't admit it, don't you admit it to death?

Only the inventor can tell that as long as he can survive this question, there will be a lot of opportunities to confuse all the creatures in the entire westward journey in the future.

Unfortunately, these six-eared macaques still can't hold their breath, and the entire Westward Journey plane knows that this is the case.

Forget it, forget it.

As long as his plans are not exposed, everything can be considered in the long run.

At the same time, everyone in the entire Heavenly Court also understood what was going on.

"Hahaha, the truth has come out!"

"That fake monkey really didn't pursue it, showing his horse's feet."

"But to be honest, this six-eared macaque is really bold, and even the Qi Tian Great Sage dares to impersonate."

"It's really six to fly."

"Gee, Ironhead."

"Sure enough, it has to be an inventor, who knows everything and knows everything."

"If it weren't for the inventors to explore the delusion this time, I'm afraid no one would be able to see through this fake monkey."

"The inventor, really against the sky, is an unimaginable existence!"

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