Just when the heavenly beings were talking.

On the plane where the postquel of Journey to the West is located, a figure is standing with his hands in his hands, and the dark magic energy around him is rolling and surging, and he looks up at the picture on the sky screen, thoughtful.

This person wore a black robe, his long black hair naturally fell down, he stood between heaven and earth, looking up at the picture on the sky screen.

I saw that the demonic qi around his body was surging and swept away, but he himself stood in this heavenly demonic qi, but he did not have any vision of entering the devil.

He stood there, dressed in black and black-haired, his eyes were deep, and he couldn't see a trace of demonic qi at all, but if he kept staring at him, he would find that he would sink unconsciously.

Obviously, this is a powerful Great Demon existence, with magnificent and terrifying strength, and extremely powerful.

He looked at the picture on the sky, and a flash of essence flashed in his eyes.

He naturally knew that although the picture in this heavenly curtain was also a westward journey, it was definitely not the westward journey where he was at that time.

These are two very different planes.

But when he saw the six-eared macaque, he suddenly calculated his heart, and his eyes were nailed to the six-eared macaque.

"The six-eared macaque, the strength is not bad, and the real Monkey King is exactly the same, extremely similar."

"If it weren't for the inventor to explore the delusion, I am afraid that if I look at the heavens and realms, absolutely no one will be able to see through his disguise."

"In this way, there is a good plan!"

He wants to overturn the Buddha gate and sit in the palm of the world, the whole plane.

One of the major obstacles is the Monkey King, who has now achieved fame and was named as the Buddha Fighting to defeat the Buddha.

If he can't solve Sun Wukong, this guy will definitely be a big obstacle for him.

But this Monkey King is powerful, and has a pair of fire eyes and golden eyes, which can penetrate the void of time, and it is not simple to deal with him.

But when he saw this six-eared macaque today, he had a good idea, but he could just use it to deal with Sun Wukong!

Wutian smiled with satisfaction, and his ghostly eyes seemed to be able to see through people's hearts.

Even if he defeated the Buddha, the most famous monkey, he now has a way to solve it.

The devil rises and the Buddha disappears, and the Buddha gate will eventually be extinguished.

At the same time, in the curtain.

Sun Wukong showed his might, did not spare his hand, exerted his terrifying power, lifted the golden hoop rod, and smashed down at the six-eared macaque.

"Ugh! Eat Lao Sun's stick! "

Where the golden hoop rod passed, all the mountains and sea peaks and 11 mountains were razed to the ground.

Even, the waves of qi rolled around, and the earth cracked, cracking a terrifying deep ravine, and spreading.

Sun Wukong's combat power is extremely powerful, and the six-eared macaque is not an opponent at all, and in the end, he is still defeated.

Although they are the same four monkeys of the mixed world, the combat power of the six-eared macaque is far less than that of Sun Wukong.

After all, after the birth of Sun Wukong, he worshipped Bodhi Laozu, practiced with Bodhi Ancestor, and later swallowed so many rare treasures, drank the Heavenly Court Spirit Wine, ate all the peaches in the Peach Orchard, and even Taishang Laojun's Dulu Palace was patronized by him.

After eating so many good things, Sun Wukong has led troops against the sky, fought with Nezha, Yang Jian and others several times, and his combat skills are constantly improving.

His combat power is much stronger than the six-eared macaque that looks exactly like him.

Therefore, under the offensive of Sun Wukong, the six-eared macaque is naturally defeated and is not an opponent at all.

"This Monkey King is really strong, I didn't expect it to be so powerful, this monkey, it's really not ordinary."

"That's right, you see, that six-eared macaque is not his opponent at all, only chased by him."

"In fact, the six-eared macaque is not simple, it can confuse the world for so long, and it has persisted for so long under the offensive of Sun Wukong, which is enough to see that this monkey is not simple."

"It's a pity that he chose the wrong person, it's not good to impersonate whom, but he wants to impersonate Sun Wukong, this is bad luck."

"No, this Monkey King won't also be a hanging comparison, right? Why do I have a bad feeling? "

"It's not a secret, brother, in fact, I am too."

"I don't know what to say, I really think that this Monkey King and the hanging comparisons are indeed very similar in some ways. Don't you think so? "

"Hahaha, the Taoist friend above, didn't you get poisoned by the inventory? Why do you look like hanging comparisons to everyone now? "

"That is, I see that Taoist friends can't be dizzy, everyone is like hanging comparisons? No kidding. "

The creatures of the heavens and realms were talking about it.

At this moment, in the sky curtain, seeing that the six-eared macaque was not Sun Wukong's opponent at all.

Seeing that this fake Monkey King was about to be killed by a stick from the real Wukong, the six-eared macaque finally couldn't hold back at this moment, and immediately shouted towards the sky.

"Buddha save me!"

The direction he shouted happened to be the west, and that was where the Buddha Gate was!

In a word, all the heavens and all worlds were shocked!

Countless creatures looked curiously at this monkey who had fallen into a desperate situation and would be killed by Sun Wukong's stick almost the next moment, looking confused.

"Buddha? Who is it? "

"Is this monkey still moving soldiers at the last moment of his life? It's kind of interesting. "

"Buddha... Is this name so great and magnificent, is it really the contentment of ten thousand Buddhas, the supreme Venerable of Buddhism? "

"Why did these six-eared macaques call Buddha to save him?"

"What's going on?"

"Who is the Buddha, and what is the involvement and connection in this matter?"

At the same time, in the entire westward travel plane, everyone was instantly stunned, looking at the six-eared macaque in disbelief, staring at the six-eared macaque deadly.

Just because of the name he shouted out just now in a panic.



Looking at the entire Journey to the West, who else can be called Buddha without a name?

Only the current Buddha, the current Buddha, the Buddha who is in charge of the Buddha's gate!


Suddenly, the faces of countless creatures changed, obviously to something, looking at the picture on the sky screen in disbelief.

At this moment, as if they had gained insight into some peerless conspiracy, they looked at the picture on the sky screen in disbelief, and looked at the six-eared macaque on the sky screen.

They believe that six-eared macaques will not bark when they are on the verge of death.

He pronounced the word Buddha because he believed that Buddha would come to his rescue.

"But what can be the connection between one being the lord of the Buddhist gate and the other being a six-eared macaque posing as his monkey?"

"Why is he called Buddha?"

Thinking of this, almost all the creatures' complexions changed.

No one is a fool, they can naturally guess what is going on.

"In this case, there is only one explanation..."

"That is, this monkey was sent by the Buddhist sect?"

The six-eared macaque was personally appointed by the Buddha to do these things!

"If that's the case, then it's not easy."

The stakes must be profound.

You know, Sun Wukong is a member of the sutra retrieval team, which is equivalent to his own people within the Buddhist gate.

But now, it is the main of the Buddha Gate who is looking for someone to replace Sun Wukong and replace his own people within this Buddha Gate.

Especially in the context of today's journey to the west, going to the Western Heavenly Great Lei Yin Temple to obtain sutras is the most important thing in the entire Buddha Sect and even the Three Realms.

Why did the Lord of the Buddha Gate, such as the Buddha, want to replace this Monkey King, and still use this kind of tricky means to deceive everyone, and God unknowingly changed the Monkey King.

Although the skin bag and name are still Sun Wukong, the lizi in it has long been replaced by a six-eared macaque.

"Why is that?"

It seems that there are a lot of things involved in this.

This matter is not simple!

At the same time, the majestic and magnificent Heavenly Court.

On the Qiongxiao Treasure Hall, the monarchs of the Heavenly Court were all above the main hall, and when they saw this scene, they were also filled with righteous indignation.

Unexpectedly, the Buddha Gate turned out to be so shameless!

"What a Buddha gate, it turned out to be so brazen, it's really black-hearted!"

Under the crown of the twelve beads, the Jade Emperor's face instantly became gloomy.

This is the scheme of the Buddha Gate!

Want to hide the sky and cross the sea, quietly replace the Monkey King, and replace it with a better control six-eared macaque.

And this matter was hidden from everyone, not even his Heavenly Court.

"Good, good, really worthy of being a Buddha, a Buddha in the world, what a Rulai!"

"What a good means!"

The anger in the eyes of the Jade Emperor can almost break through the sky!

In an instant, countless creatures in the heavens and realms also knew instantly.

Unexpectedly, it was actually the scheme of the Buddha Gate.

How did the Buddha come up with such a dirty, insidious and shameless scheme?

A good Buddhist sect, on the surface compassionate, but behind the scenes uses such dirty means. 、

What a Buddha, even the Buddha is so hypocritical.

No wonder his disciples were even more shameless.

"What a hypocritical Buddha, what a shameless thing!"

At the same time, the West Heavenly Buddha Gate.

The figure sitting on the golden lotus platform was already extremely angry at this moment, and his face was full of angry killing intent.

"Damn it!"

"This damn six-eared macaque is really stupid!"

The Buddha, who should have no phase and no self, and could not look at everything, was already extremely angry at this moment, and he couldn't wait to directly strangle the six-eared macaque who was stupid as a pig.

What a monkey, this damn monkey is obviously stupid like a pig, really damn it! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The Buddha's face was full of anger.

But he knew that if he didn't show up, today's events would be even more difficult to end.

Throughout the three realms, there will be various legends, and there will be different opinions, and it will be more difficult for the Buddha Gate to carry out the plan.

Thinking of the Buddha's plan, even if his heart was angry, but at this moment, the Buddha had to come forward, and he had to wipe the ass of the six-eared macaque.

Damn six-eared macaques, as long as they are a little smarter, they won't let their Buddha Gate be so passive.

But damn it, why can he always be so stupid!

Damn it!

Buddha was angry, but the monkey really couldn't save it.

Therefore, when he was furious, he directly reached out and tore the space, and his figure disappeared into the void.

Immediately afterwards, in the Lingxiao Treasure Hall, a mighty momentum pervaded.

Everyone was startled at first, and then the void cracked, and a figure walked out of it, surrounded by extremely rich Buddha intent.

If the Buddha came to the heavenly court in person, he first looked around, scanned the audience, and then did not say anything, his eyes fell on the six-eared macaque, snorted coldly, grabbed it with his big hand, and directly grabbed the six-eared macaque, and his figure reappeared in the void crack.

"This Buddha seems to be really anxious, his true body personally descended to the Heavenly Court, and even the grand pomp and circumstance in the past is useless."

"Can this person not even care about his own pomp and circumstance, it should not be said, this six-eared macaque is really the first person in the history of the Three Realms."

"Hmph, a Buddha like a Buddha, is really arrogant and domineering, and he is the master of the Buddha Gate, so he doesn't put the Heavenly Court in his eyes at all?"

"The matter of the journey to the west was originally the cooperation between the Heavenly Court and the Buddha Gate, and now the Buddha Gate wants to replace Sun Wukong, such as the Buddha himself coming, but there is not even an explanation, how much this is looking down on the Heavenly Court!"

"My Heavenly Court, is this how people are insulted?"

Even the Jade Emperor, who was sitting on the throne of the Nine Dragons, clenched his fists after seeing such an arrogant and domineering punishment act as the Buddha, and his face was extremely gloomy, as if he could drip water.

There is not a single explanation, even perfunctory, but not a single one.

After catching the six-eared macaque, he went directly to his own care.

Good good, good a Buddha, good a Buddha.

Now it seems that the Buddha Gate did not put the Heavenly Court in its eyes at all!


In the eyes of the Jade Emperor, there was a faint color.

At the same time, when the creatures of the heavens and realms saw this scene, they naturally understood what the situation was and saw the clues.

"Gee, it's clear how things are now."

"Unexpectedly, it was really a big game of chess played by the Buddha Sect."

"The ambition of the Buddha Gate is really not small, but unfortunately, in the end, it still met the inventor."

"Fortunately, there are inventors who see through everything, otherwise if you really let the Buddha become a virtue, it will be bad."

"What the result will be, that's unknown."

"I really didn't expect that the dignified Buddhist sect would have such a face, which is really shameless."

"A good one steals the sky and crosses the sea, is this the Buddha Gate?"

"This operation of the Buddha Gate really makes my scalp numb, brothers!"

The creatures of the heavens and realms talked about each other a lot, full of crusade and disdain for the Buddha Gate.

At the same time, Li Xiaoyao's magnificent heavenly voice also slowly fell.

[End of this question.] 】

[Next inventory, open in three days.] 】

As soon as the words fell, a wailing sound sounded in the 237 Heavenly Worlds.

"Isn't it, that's the end of it? How is it so fast? "

"Time flies so fast, this is the end of the question?"

"I also want to ask questions, give me another chance!"

"Inventor, don't go, inventor."

"It's another difficult three days to begin, it's so painful."

Ignoring the wails of the creatures of the heavens and realms, Li Xiaoyao ended the scene directly.

Every time he ended his question, the creatures of the heavens and realms were like this, and he had long been accustomed to it.

The hobbies and prayers of the beings of the heavens and realms did not care about him at all.

Rules that cannot be broken.

Take stock and ask questions, and close the door after the process is completed.


He exhaled a turbid breath, his eyes expectant, and now, he could finally claim his reward.

[Congratulations to the host, get the Hell God Body, not extinguished! ] 】


Li Xiaoyao's eyes lit up, isn't this the physique of Li Qiye, one of the kings?

The Zhen Hell Divine Body, one of the twelve immortal bodies. This weight is like Wanyue, once trained, the weight of the body alone can crush everything!

After this body is completed, it can attack the Immortal Emperor, even if it is not defeated by the Immortal Emperor, it can save his life.

The demons are extremely powerful.

As for the immortal power, it is even more a powerful technique that refining the flesh body, extremely powerful, able to push all enemies in the heavens and realms, immortal and immortal!

That was the practice that the Barren Heavenly Emperor had once had!

That's a good thing!

With all his current exercises, plus the two perverted anti-heavenly physiques of the Zhen Hell Divine Body and the Desolate Ancient Saint Body, he can be called invincible!

Now that he is cultivating, he is twice as effective with half the effort, and he will definitely be able to climb to the pinnacle at a speed that is unimaginable to everyone!

"Huh, by the way, the system, inventory hanging ratio, can you inventory yourself?"

Li Xiaoyao suddenly became interested, it takes time and energy to cultivate by himself, it is better to take inventory of himself, how good is it to take off directly?

But only two cold words from the system answered him.

[Can't. 】


Li Xiaoyao made amends and lost interest.

That's it, just get rewards.

Anyway, his current self, the quasi-emperor realm plus all these hole cards, is close to invincible.

Such trifles, do not care.

It's good to have a system.

As for the next hanging ratio to be inventoried, he has already thought about it.

However, there are still three days left, just take the opportunity to cultivate, and cultivation is the big thing.

Three days later, the heavens and realms, countless living beings were looking forward to it.

"Why hasn't the inventor come yet, can't it be oversleeping?"

"What kind of joke, the inventor still needs to sleep?"

"Come on, I can't wait."

At this moment, the sky curtain descended across the horizon, the purple-gold sky curtain, majestic and magnificent!

The creatures exclaimed, "Coming! Here it comes! "

The mighty heavenly voice was passed down.

[Inventory of the seventh hanging protagonist: Xu Que. ] 】

[Carrying pendant: loading system.] 】

[The advantages of this hanging: As long as the son of luck is forced, he can get rewards, all kinds of exercises and magical powers, and the progress is rapid in a short time. ] 】

For a moment, Ten Thousand Worlds was stunned.


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