"Pretend system?"

"This... What is it? "

Countless creatures in the heavens and realms all looked at the sky screen with a curious look at this moment, obviously full of curiosity about this thing that they had never heard of.

Pretending system, is this also hanging?

"I've never heard of this hanging? This gives me a very unusual feeling. "

"That's, who is a good person who uses these four words of pretending to be more than the system as his own name?!"

"Pretend system, hahaha, this system must be very good at pretending, to be honest, I am really curious about this system just by looking at the name."

"It's really big in the world, it's all strange, there is actually this kind of hanging, it's exciting to think about!"

"Brothers, just by looking at the name of this plug-in, I can already think of what kind of color this plug-in and the hanging ratio is."

"But to be honest, I'm really looking forward to it, I'm so excited."

"Brothers, I can't wait to see what this pretense system is all about."

"Who doesn't expect this?"

"Before, just looking at the hanging ratios pretending to be forced, but even so, their hanging has not yet brazenly called the pretending system."

"As a result, today's hanging ratio of the plug-in is directly called the pretending system, the main one is an easy-to-understand, crazy pretend, who can not love the family?"

"Family, love love, really love!"

"Hahaha, the hanging ratio really makes us unable to guess, not only are there all kinds of actions against the sky, but even this plug-in has such a different color, it is really amazing."

"Pretending system, the main pretense is a pretending system, right?"

"This hangs real cowhide."

"Xu Que, ruthless!"

"I'm curious who this Xu Que is, who has such an anti-heavenly appearance."

"If you have to hang up, you will be like a heavenly help, and from now on you will be invincible!"

The creatures of the heavens and realms were very curious, and they were all wondering how it would be to be worthy of such a hanging ratio against the sky.

This Xu Que must not be an ordinary person.

"I'm numb, why, is this the gap between hanging ratio and us ordinary people?"

"If we pretend to be forced, we will only be beaten and beaten."

"As a result, those hanging comparisons, they pretend to be legal and reasonable, and they can pretend to be every time."

"That's it, the most outrageous thing has to be this hanging ratio called Xu Que, with the pretense system, he can actually get a reward as long as he pretends to be forced."

"This Nima, people are more popular than dead!"

"Isn't this to cultivate an Immortal Saint Force?"

"I cracked, I never thought that there was such a plug-in in this world, wasn't it for the system when you chose the master, didn't you look at me?"

"I'm pretty good at pretending."

"I really can't stand the brothers, I really can't stand this system, if it's really like the name of this plug-in, pretending to be able to get what kind of anti-heaven exercises can be obtained, I feel that I will die in place, my Dao heart is broken!"

"This plugin is definitely the most outrageous plug-in in so many times!"

"Labor and management have never thought in their lives that there can be such a plug-in in this world."

"I can already think of the next scene, since I can be inventoried, it is naturally extraordinary."

"This Xu Que, since it is a hanging ratio, and there is such a pretense to hang out, there is no doubt that he will definitely give us a surprise."

"I can't wait haha!"

The creatures of the heavens and realms were all curious.

Can be inventoried, but also the pretending system, they really want to take a good look, what is going on with this pretending system, it is so amazing.

Pretending to be stronger is the dream of almost everyone.

It is really unheard of to be able to pretend, and most importantly, it can become stronger, maybe this new hanging ratio will give them a new experience?

It's outrageous!

At the same time, in the big world, Xiao Yan looked at the picture on the sky dome, and he was dumbfounded at the moment.


"Actually... Can it still be like this? Is there still such an outrageous hang? "

Although as a hangbi, pretending is the duty, but you are so bad to cover up, really do not hide at all, directly write the word pretend on your face?

"Pretend to be a system, pretend to be stronger." Xiao Yan frowned and gasped:


"There is actually this kind of plug-in?!"

"No, what's going on, how does it feel that since after me, one by one the hanging buckets are so outrageous and perverted.?"

Xiao Yan is also a hanging ratio, but compared with those hanging ratios inventoried later, it is not a grade at all.

These hanging ratios of the plug-ins, one is more outrageous than the other, and one is more stunning than the other.

Now even pretending to be plug-in is coming, which is really outrageous enough!

With him, he didn't dare to think about it!

But to be honest, pretending to be strong can become stronger.

Who can resist such temptation?

As long as you pretend to be strong, you can embark on the path of invincibility and suprema, who doesn't want this Nima?

Such a fragrant invincible road, who sees it is not bothered and confused!

As for pretending?

Who wouldn't yet.

Those thirty years of Hedong, thirty years of Hexi, isn't that his pretense quote?

"If you also have such a plug-in, what will you gain after saying that famous saying?"

"Let's take a look at what the specific functions of this so-called installation ratio system are!"

However, since it can be bound by such a system, it seems that this time the hanging ratio should be quite interesting.

I don't know what kind of person this hangbi is, but I want to have a good look.

I don't know if this time the hanging ratio can use the loading system to the extreme.

Can he use the full power of the pretense system?

At the same time, the mortal plane, Han Li frowned.


Somehow, he only felt as if these two words were born with him, and he couldn't hear them at all.

These two words are completely different from his life philosophy and completely inconsistent.

His path of cultivation is mainly steady, to put it bluntly, it is Gou.

And an old silver coin, how can he take the initiative to pretend.

Therefore, in Han Li's dictionary of life, there is no such thing as pretending.

Even though he has become an immortal now, he is still cautious and must be cautious, compared to when he was in the mortal and spirit worlds.

Han Liqi is really cautious.

In his opinion, if there is no strength to pretend, that is to find death.

If you have the strength to pretend, that is called pretending.

Han Li had been cautious all his life and naturally understood this truth.

Even though he is now an immortal, he is still extremely cautious, and the way of cultivation still requires documents.

He will definitely not pretend in this life.

If you can't pretend to be forced to be struck by that, you will be struck by lightning.

Han Li's gaze gradually identified.

That's right, even if all the creatures in the heavens and realms are pretending, he will never pretend.

It must be steady, and steadiness is the real road.

Muffling to make a fortune and secretly improve your strength is the most important thing.

At the same time, the creatures of the heavens and realms were talking about it.

"This so-called pretense system ... What the hell is it? "

"What is the system, how does this plug-in exist, is it exercises, baby, grandpa, or something else?"

"To be honest, I'm really looking forward to this plug-in."

"This pretending system, is it really that simple, pretending to get rewards?"

"Why am I so unconvinced, pretending that not everyone knows this? Doesn't that mean that getting rewards is a breeze? "

"Nope! This system must also hide a deeper meaning, and it will definitely not be so simple. "

"Fog grass, Daoist friends and I see the same thing!"

"This kind of plug-in that can be inventoried, it will definitely not be so superficial, I don't believe it!"

"This plug-in, there must be other things that are not simple."

Some planes have systems in them, so they naturally know what a system is.

However, even so, they still feel curious.

"I didn't expect that there was such a special system in this world."

"That's right, this is really the first time I've seen this outfit."

"Speaking of which, the system is really a treasure against the sky, as long as you can complete the tasks issued by the system, the system will give you extremely rich rewards."

"Moreover, this thing is still bound to the host, and unless the host dies, it will definitely not be snatched away."

"Some systems, after binding to the host, if the host dies, the system will explode."

"I've seen so many systems, but it's really the first time I've seen the pretense system, come on, show it, let me see what is different about this pretense system."

"What's the use of such an outrageous system?"

In the expectation of the creatures of the heavens and realms, Li Xiaoyao's voice came slowly. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

[Xu Que, originally a top student on Blue Star, was hated and killed because of a school-flower girlfriend, and after his death, he crossed into the fairy world and came with the strongest pretense system. ] 】


"See the crossing again?"

"Crossing should also be regarded as a hanging, I remember that Tang San of the Douluo plane, isn't it a crossing hanging, didn't he become a god in the end."

"Although Tang San's strength after becoming a god is a little miserable, but people have also become gods."

"I didn't expect that this time the hanging ratio, there was actually a plug-in at the beginning, it was okay."

"Now, I'm confident in this hanging ratio."

"The opening game comes with a plug-in, this luck is simply against the sky, I am now full of confidence in Xu Que's hanging ratio."

"This hanging ratio can definitely achieve something and stand at the top of one plane."

"This luck, the bar, not only crosses the hanging, but also the plug-in of the loading system, I feel that this kid is about to take off."

"A little looking forward to it, Xu Que has arrived in a new world, and there are two major plug-ins of the crossing hanging and the loading system, what kind of wonderful performance will there be." 、

"But this kid is really resentful enough, falling in love, and he was actually killed."

"Gee, it's really pitiful, it's a pity for his school flower girlfriend."

"Huh? Blue Star? "

"Is this blue star so unusual, I always feel that this blue star seems to be a little different."

"Don't forget, Emperor Ye Tian is also from Blue Star, and now this son of luck is also from Blue Star."

"Could it be that Blue Star is the center of the hanging ratio?"

"Why are there so many hanging ratios here?"

"I come from the same place as Emperor Ye Tian, and there are two major plug-ins of the crossing hanging and the pretense system, I am really curious about how this son will behave."

At the same time, the sky is shading.

Ye Fanli pressed the starry sky, standing between the star domes while looking at the picture on the sky screen, and the expression on his face was very interested.

"Crosser? System? "

"Also from the Blue Star?"

Unexpectedly, this time the hanging comparison is actually with himself is still a fellow countryman.

When the fellow saw the fellow, his eyes were full of tears.

I don't know how my fellow countryman and little brother who are also hanging up will behave.

Such an unusual plug-in, presumably Xu Que's practice should be quite interesting.

But speaking of it, Xu Que died really humiliated.

It's really miserable to have a good relationship, but because your girlfriend is too beautiful, she is calculated to death.

It's really miserable, compared to him...

Ye Fan's gloating expression was stunned in place.

No, speaking of miserable, he has to be the worst!

The most humiliated is himself!

Made, you can't blow yourself up if you want to!

People Xu Que can still die, but he is bent on death, but he can't blow himself up, and he can't die.

In an instant, Ye Fan thought of the culprit who caused him to be so miserable, one of the Dark Supremes - the Stone Emperor!

I almost forgot about this old man.

If he hadn't seen Xu Que today, he would have forgotten that he still had a grudge with Old Biden.

It was in the hands of the Shi Huang that he was forced to blow himself up.

It was Shi Huang who personally intervened to stop his self-explosion and gathered Ye Fan, who had exploded into a rain of light in the sky.

The stone emperor controlled his life and death, so that he could not even die.

Damn it!

I almost forgot to settle the account with the old man.

Now Ye Fan is already a red dust fairy, with the strength to overlook the entire starry sky, naturally he will not easily let go of Shi Huang,

“.. Shi Huang, old forced deng, I'm coming! "

At the same time, on the sky screen, the picture slowly emerged.

A small mountain village, incomparably quiet and peaceful, and just outside the small mountain village, a teenager in a tattered splendid costume woke up.

The creatures of the heavens and realms looked over curiously, wanting to see what this hanging ratio with the pretense system looked like.

They only saw a young man with clear eyebrows, red lips and white teeth, wearing a splendid dress, and that appearance was also handsome.

"This is Xu Que?"

"Needless to say, this young man looks good."

"Indeed, this hanging skin bag is really not bad."

At the same time, when the creatures of the heavens and realms were talking about it.

Above that special plane, the supreme divine realm.

A figure looked at all this, first stunned, then helplessly smiled, and then shook his head.

This figure is naturally Xu Que!

This time the hanging ratio that was inventoried.


This old bottom is going to leak out.

His own deeds are about to be exposed.

Xu Que took a deep breath, his face full of helplessness and depression: "Think of me Xu Que, a heroic name, to be completely gone!" "

Of course, Xu Que knew what he had done over the years.

Along the way, he was deceived and infinitely pretended, and to be honest, even he couldn't stand it.

If everything he did was seen by the creatures of the heavens and realms, he would definitely fall through his eyes.

I really have a different hanging ratio.

"Unexpectedly, I exploded the sky to help Xu Que, and there is also this day!"

In the picture, Xu Que was rewarded for pretending, and his cultivation began to skyrocket.

He was originally just a mortal, and he didn't have a trace of realm and aura in his body.

But because of pretending, the realm directly soared to the tenth layer of refining qi.

And to achieve all this, he did nothing else, just simply pretended to be forced.

Seeing this scene, the creatures of the heavens and realms were stunned, afraid that they would see it wrong, rubbed their eyes, and looked at the heavenly dome again.

"Groove! That's right! It's actually true! "

In just an instant, because of pretending, Xu Que's cultivation directly skyrocketed to the tenth layer of refining qi.

"Is this also called cultivation?"

A creature slowly gave a thumbs up, "Bull batch." "

"Is this the world of hanging comparisons, it seems that I really don't understand."

"No, a few hanging comparisons before people, so bad and pretending, to you are too lazy to pretend?"

"Directly from mortals to the tenth layer of refining qi?"

"This is the pretense system? It's really true to its name, as long as you pretend to be forced, you can get rewards! "

"Pretend to be stronger, and it's true, it's not ambiguous at all! Outrageous! Outrageous! "

The creatures of the heavens and realms were completely shocked by Xu Que's cultivation method, they had never seen such a crazy hanging ratio.

Genima is outrageous.

At the same time, the picture changes again.

Xu Que met a woman, and the woman insisted that Xu Que was a rogue.

And Xu Que did not refute, but began to commit slut.

"Since you say I'm a rogue, then I'm really a rogue, and I'm going to take action!"

Xu Que directly carried out hooliganism, and this scene made all the creatures of the heavens and realms stunned.

"I'll do it!"

"This son, what a!".

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