Seeing this scene, the creatures of the heavens and realms could not help but complain about their burning hearts.

"I'll go, no, buddy, can you pay attention to the identity, we are also a hanging comparison, why is it so humiliating."

"That is, you are a hangbi, an existence destined to stand on the top of heaven and earth in the future, so cheap, this is all your black history."

"Just imagine, if Xu Que really becomes the supreme existence of this plane in the future, how funny these black histories will be."

"As a hangbi, we don't have any temperament, we have to maintain our identity, brother."

"Such a, does your family know, is your family okay?"

"Hahaha, I died of laughter, Xu Que's operation of hanging comparison is all guaranteed by his family, it's really outrageous hahaha."

"No, how is this hanging ratio a little crooked and auspicious, pretending and cheap, is this a non-mainstream hanging ratio, it seems that it is indeed different from the previous several hanging ratios."

"Even if you pretend to be cheap and cheap, people may still become stronger, you say you are not angry, angry or not?"

"Alas, it's all you and I don't have this blessing, I can't become a hanging ratio, otherwise, we would have achieved the Dao long ago."

"Alas, it's all fate, envy this Xu Que, actually has such a good life."

"Pretending to be forced can become stronger, now I really can't sleep today."

Meanwhile, the mortal plane.

Han Li looked at the picture in the sky curtain, looking at the figure on the sky dome that was constantly pretending to die, a little confused, but a little kind.

He inexplicably felt a cordial feeling from Xu Que.

What is this situation?

Han Li can be sure that he absolutely does not know this hanging ratio, and there is absolutely no entanglement with this hanging ratio.

But if so, why did he feel that this hanging was more intimate?

Han Li frowned, his hand subconsciously rubbing his chin, looking confused.

"Something is wrong, very wrong, it always feels like something bad is going to happen."

"What's going on with this Xu Que?"

Han Li's brows furrowed tightly, looking at the picture on the sky screen, his face solemn.

This Xu Que seems to be really different, a little interesting.

But why is it related to yourself?

What does oneself have to do with the truth?

At this time, Han Li was unsure, and his gaze fell on Xu Que's face with obvious confusion.

In the picture, Xu Que is fighting the system, pretending to be a dead offender and a slut, and all kinds of waves to death.

And he is constantly being rewarded by the system.

The most important thing, because of the strength of the system, no matter how Xu Que waves, he can't die at all, and there is no danger to his life at all.

The creatures of the heavens and realms were shocked when they saw this scene. 197 is not a buddy, although you are a hanger, but are you really not afraid of death at all?

"So tossed to death, buddy, you are really a tough guy, really not afraid of death?"

"This Xu Que Daoist, is it really not simple, is he so adventurous?"

"He seems to know that he is a hangbi?"

"He is so wavey, he seems to know that he can't die."

"Shhh-this operation, see that I am really angry, angry with me!"

"It's good that you are also a generation of comparisons, not to mention how great Guangzheng is, at least you don't be so cheap, the villains are not as annoying as you buddy."

"Look at this guy and I'm really angry."

"This operation really reveals only three words from beginning to end, from top to bottom, everywhere: riot and cheap."

"I announced that Xu Que subverted my perception of hanging ratio, he really knows it."

"I thought that all the hanging ratios in the world were like Ye Tiandi or Barren Heavenly Emperor, all the way up."

"The worst is the same as Han Li, steady and steady, step by step, step by step to improve himself."

"But Xu Que completely subverted my perception of hanging ratio, he is really outrageous."

"I originally thought that Han Li was already an extreme in Hangbi, but I didn't expect that there was a more ruthless and extreme one today!"

"His operations, I hate the roots of my teeth just by looking at them."

"This force, although I know that he is hangbi, there is a car luck protection, and there are so many plug-ins, the strength is strong, I can't beat him nine out of nine, but I still really want to kill him!"

"Xu Que is really too cheap!"

"Kill Xu Que!"

"Beat the tummy and hang than Xu Que!"

"Hey buddy, you say this, you think, if you have this system, can't you?"

"You can even be more mean than him."

"This is not wrong, pretending to be a system that can become stronger, who doesn't like it, who doesn't love it?!" If it's me, I can too! "

"However, pretending to be coercive is pretending, committing a slut, although this kid is very good at pretending, but at the same time, he is also very good at committing slut."

"Really, his operations make me have a cerebral hemorrhage."

"If I can go to the plane where he is, I must give him his favorite big mouth!"


"Dude, you are good enough, I support you spiritually."

"Daoist friends are reasonable, if you want to go, please bring the old immortal, just because we have a common goal!"

At the same time, a thought of the eternal world.

Bai Xiaochun looked at Xu Que, who was crazy to death, crazy to commit slut, and crazy waves all the way on the sky screen, and everyone was stupid and opened their mouths.

"Good guy..."

It took a long moment before he retracted his chin and spoke as if muttering.

"Xu Que, real cowhide, this is the real originator of the pariah world."

This Xu Que, not only cheap, but also waves, but also crazy death, this buddy really carried all the factors of looking for death on himself alone.

But just like that, he can actually live to this day, and he is not dead yet.

It can only be said that his external hang-up is really hot Thai pants! That's awesome!

Such a crazy guy can save his life, it is worthy of the pretense system, cattle!

Bai Xiaochun nodded thoughtfully.

He thinks that although he and Xu Que are similar, there is still a bit of a gap.

Although he is also cheap, but he is meticulous!

If he commits a slut, Bai Xiaochun will hide himself deeply, get up, and wait until this matter is over before coming out to commit a slut.

But Xu Que is different, while pretending, he commits a crime again, it is completely a crime against the wind, no one is afraid, he insists on committing a slut.

"Brother Xu Que, he is really a model for my generation!"

Saying that, Bai Xiaochun patted his chest.

Be a brother, in the heart!

"But that pretending system is really good, not only can you pretend, but also get rewards, it's really a little envious."

"If I can also have such a system myself, I can also be the same as Xu Que, pretending to be invincible!"

At the same time, in the envy of the creatures of the heavens and realms, Xu Que began to operate again.

In order to hide his true identity, Xu Que began to put a vest on himself crazy.

And in order to facilitate his own vest, he established the Exploding Heaven Gang and continued his own path of pretending to be a pariah.

He was wanted by the royal family, so he had to put on layers of vests, and layers of vests came from the same place - the Exploding Gang!

The famous Sky Bombing Gang is here!

"Exploding Sky Gang?"

The corners of the creature's mouth twitched, and his face was obviously a little hesitant.

"Is that the name? Isn't it a bit casual? "

"Exploding Heavenly Gang, this name is a little too casual."

"Good fellow, this is the beginning of the sect, Xu Que, your growth rate, is really cowhide!"

"In order to put a vest on himself, he set up a Fried Sky Gang."

"No, Xu Que, how many vests to set, actually want to establish a gang for this."

"In this case, then I feel that something is wrong, isn't this Xu Que going to make a big wave?"

"No, isn't he big enough now?"

"Exploding the Heavenly Gang, this is going to blow up the Heavenly Capital? Xu Que, Xu Que, your special lady is really a talent. "

"I'm looking forward to what Xu Que will do next."

"Presumably, Xu Que will definitely open our eyes."

"Wait for the Heaven Bombing Gang to blow up the sky!"

Countless creatures laughed and scolded.

"It should be said that Xu Que is really a strange person, as a hangbi, but he always does not do some serious things, always engaged in these tumultuous operations, it is really interesting."

"Sure enough, if you don't enter a family, it's not a family."

"You can't sleep two people under the covers."

"This pretending system is such a strange system, it really makes sense to bind Xu Que."

"Because of Xu Que, this kid, the special lady's is not a good thing ahhaha."

"It feels like the system is tailor-made for this house."

As soon as the picture turned, it was still Xu Que who appeared on the sky dome.

Xu Que is still doing his old job, pretending!

He received the reward, so he waved his hand and without hesitation, he exchanged the Burning Technique, as well as the two different fires of Qinglian Earth Heart Fire and Bone Spirit Cold Fire.

Immediately, he changed his appearance and stepped out, his body burning with flames and extraordinary momentum. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Xu Que's eyes were deep, his momentum was extraordinary, and the fire was raging, and he knew at a glance that this son must be unusual.

(BBCG) and Xu Que stood with his hands in his hands, all of them were masters, and he spoke coldly.

"Honza, Exploding Heaven Gang Xiao Yan!"


Countless question marks appeared above the heads of the creatures of the heavens and realms, and these creatures looked at everything in the picture, their faces full of confusion.

"Xiao Yan?"

"Yandi Xiao Yan?"

"Exploding Heaven Gang Xiao Yan?"

No, what is the situation, when did Emperor Yan go to Xu Que's plane?

Also joined the Fried Sky Gang?

"Why does this Xu Que claim to be Xiao Yan of the Exploding Heaven Gang?"

"I don't know, why did he pretend to be Yandi Xiao Yan?"

"No, it's not important, don't you realize a very serious matter, Xu Que, he knows Yandi Xiao Yan!"

"The two of them are not a plane at all, and they can actually impersonate Xiao Yan's name, don't you think this is really outrageous?"

"It's not the same plane, how can you know the existence of Xiao Yan, the Yan Emperor, and pretend to be the Yan Emperor."

"Moreover, look at the two flames suspended behind him, and take a closer look to see if they are the Yan Emperor's Qinglian Earth Heart Fire, and the Bone Spirit Cold Fire!"

"I, Nima, he is completely Xiao Yan now, this is exactly the same as copying and pasting!"

"Even, you carefully perceive and perceive, he still has the breath of incineration on him!"

"Brothers, that is a burning technique, Xiao Yan's exclusive exercise."

"Brothers, I'm stupid, how did he know Emperor Yan?"

"How did he get all this, the Burning Technique, the Qinglian Earth Heart Fire, and the Bone Spirit Cold Fire, how did Xu Que get it?"

"This plane seems to be extraordinary."

After speculating one after another, the creatures of the heavens and realms could only come to one conclusion in the end.

That is this plane, which is indeed not ordinary, but a special plane.

In this way, Xu Que could know Yandi Xiao Yan, and he also had the incineration technique, as well as the Qinglian Earth Heart Fire and the Bone Spirit Cold Fire, which seemed normal.

There is only such an explanation.

And watching Xu Que effortlessly obtain the Bone Spirit Cold Fire, the Burning Technique, and the Qinglian Earth Heart Fire, the creatures of the heavens and realms were even more crazy.

"My warm horse, what do I see?!"

"Easily, there are these three things? Sure enough, people are not comparable. "

"Think about Xiao Yan, how many tribulations he went through in order to obtain the Qinglian Earth Heart Fire, and how many times he almost died and almost fell in order to collect the alien fire."

"Look at Xu Que again, just pretending to be forced, and getting all this, it's really outrageous!"

"Moreover, it is still the original, the power is not bad at all, and it is by no means the kind of pirated fire in Huaqiangbei."

"Xiao Yan worked hard, escaped from death, and finally obtained a strange fire. As a result, your kid pretends to be forced, which is difficult not to be unbalanced. "

"You kid, it's really outrageous!"

"The most outrageous thing is that you use Xiao Yan's exercises, use Xiao Yan's strange fire, and even use Xiao Yan's name?!"

"Self-proclaimed Xiao Yan? Hahaha, Xiao Yan is stunned, you are Xiao Yan, then who am I? "

"Isn't it a little too outrageous."

"My Di Ma! I don't know how Xiao Yan will feel when he knows all this. "

"I guess I'm going to be angry."

"By the way, I don't know why, I seem to see the shadow of an old man in Xu Que, an old man who makes me feel extremely familiar."

"It's not a secret friend, I also feel this way."

"I feel as if I saw our Han Tianzun in him."

"Killing people and setting fire to the rain, thousands of people admire Han Tianzun!"

"Yes, that's right, that's how it feels!"

"Han Tianzun uses his real name every time he punishes evil and promotes good deeds, and every time he does bad things, he puts on a vest of fierce rain, which is not too similar to what Xu Que is doing now, ahahah!"

"Of course, their starting point is still different, Han Li is Gou, he doesn't want to lose his life, this Xu Que is cheap, he just wants to spend his whole life."

At the same time, the big world.

Xiao Yan looked at the sky screen in front of him, and the person was already stupid.

"Exploding Heaven Gang Xiao Yan?! I'm Nima! "

"I wasted for three years, sank into the fighting spirit for three whole years, was looked down upon by people for three years, and then was dismissed."

"In the inventory, in order to become stronger, I went through countless hardships and dangers, and finally absorbed the alien fire and made myself stronger step by step."

"This step by step, which time is not nine deaths?"

"Even if I easily became a Dou Emperor in this life, it was because I had experienced too much before and experienced so many hardships and dangers."

"In a normal timeline, I have to go through endless tribulations and setbacks to obtain those alien fires and become a Dou Emperor."

"Unexpectedly, you kid pretended to be forced!"

Xiao Yan looked unwilling: "Good you Xu Que, you really can." "

"I actually call myself Xiao Yan, your name is Xiao Yan, so what is my name?"

"How abominable to use my name as a blessing!"

"Daoists, excuse me, people in Daqian, how should I beat Xu Que?"

"Wait online, it's quite urgent."

At the same time, the mortal plane,

The old silver coin Han Li also lost his smile.

Unexpectedly, this Xu Que actually had such a commotion operation, this kid is really interesting.

"Not bad, it's really like my demeanor."

"This Xu Que, I approve."

Xu Que's method of wearing a vest is simply the same as Han Li.

Walking in rivers and lakes, how can you do without a few vests?

Just for the matter of putting on a vest, he recognized Xu Que.

"Good boy, very promising."

In an instant, the picture changes.

The Xu Que in the picture is being chased by a group of people, playing for his life and fleeing, desperate.

Seeing this scene, the creatures of the heavens and realms suddenly smiled one by one, and everyone was happy.

Seeing Xu Que's embarrassed appearance, the creatures were extremely happy.

"Hahaha! Nice job! "

"Kill him!"

"Kill him!"

"Kill Xu Que this hanging ratio!"

"He's hanging bi!"

"What's wrong with hanging ratios? Hang Bi also has to die! Xu Que is not dead, it is difficult to understand the hatred in my heart, this kid is really too cheap! "

And at this moment, when Xu Que was really chased and killed to the point that there was no way and there was no way out, he also gave up running away.

"Hahaha, great, this guy is finally going to be killed."

However, Xu Que turned around and shouted, "Buddha Fury Fire Lotus! "

Suddenly, a beautiful and brilliant fire lotus exploded with a rosy feeling, and the mighty force was terrifying, and the battle was solved immediately, and all the chasers were solved.

And Xu Que unhurriedly spoke indifferently: "Help Xiao Yan in the next explosion of the sky." "

And Xiao Yan completely exploded.

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