Xiao Yan looked at what happened in the sky curtain, and was completely speechless.

"You use my exercises, use my fire, and even use my name, your name is Xiao Yan, so who am I?!"

"This Brother Xu Que, don't make the two of us have a good relationship!"

"Ren Han Tianzun, with Li Feiyu's name, that's his brother, human feelings ~ good."

"I'm not familiar with you, big brother, don't use my name-character to make fools of me!"

For the first time, Xiao Yan fell into deep self-doubt, and his whole person was messy.

"It's not buddy, you are sick, you blow up the sky to help Xiao Yan, why do you still use my exercises, my alien fire?"

"Okay, Nitt's Cheng Xiaoyan, then who will tell me, who am I?"

Xiao Yan was really speechless, looking at the guy in the sky curtain who arrogantly claimed to be the Exploding Heaven Gang Xiao Yan, he didn't know what to say.

"No, how can this Xu Que be so meticulous, he is simply not the son of man, and Han Tianzun is the same hahahaha."

Han Li looked helpless, what does it matter to me?

I didn't provoke you, how can I complain about Xu Que, and still pull it on me?

Besides, although I, Han Li, also borrowed the name of my good brother, I was only steady and afraid of death, but I was not as complaining as Xu Que.

He is just steady, this Xu Que is steady on the one hand, and he is guilty of cheapness, which is incompatible with his style, don't get involved.

"Although I Han also borrowed the name of my good brother, it was to help my good brother fulfill his long-cherished wish and make him famous all over the world."

"It's not for selfish desires."

"What my brother wants to do most is to walk the rivers and lakes and become famous, but unfortunately he is not talented enough to be famous in the world."

"As his good brother, I am naturally obligated to use my good brother's name to break into the rivers and lakes, is it wrong for me Han Li?"

"I'm dedicated to my good brother, and I'm different from Xu Que."

Looking at Han Li's selfless and righteous appearance, the creatures of the heavens and realms could only hehe.

I believe you are a ghost, a bad old man is very bad.

At the same time, the flood bit.

Western soil, Mount Meru, the dojo is magnificent, the holy humane field, the fairy mist is shrouded, and the clouds are steaming.

Although the Western Earth Continent is barren, this Mount Meru is also the dojo of Western saints, as a saint's field, it is naturally extraordinary, and there are still some conditions.

At this moment, the Second Saint of the West looked at Xu Que's commotion on the sky screen, his eyes straightened, and his face was shocked.

Obviously, I didn't expect that there could be such a commotion operation, and this is really eye-opening!

This sub's commotion is really eye-catching, and it's also very useful.

To paraphrase other people's names to walk the world, how could they not think of such a good idea?

This idea is really good, and they have to let their Western disciples study hard.

In the future, even if they really cause any trouble, the cause and effect will not be able to bear their heads.

"Senior brother, I see that this son has a relationship with me in the West."

"I should let my Western disciples learn this well."

"This son is really a great talent."

"If I can get this disciple in the West, it will definitely be like a tiger."

The two saints sighed with emotion, and their faces were full of joy.

Unexpectedly, I found such a great talent by accident.

This Xu Que is really the treasure of their Western teaching.

At the same time, the picture of the sky screen changed again.

Xu Que in the picture has been pretending to be forced, but he has never been killed, and even became stronger because of pretending.

In the back, Xu Que pretended to be even more frustrated.

In the poetry meeting, he even claimed to be the Heaven Bombing Gang Li Bo, crazy to poetry, and became a copyist, pretending to be frustrated.

"Before I was three years old, I used poetry to compete with Heshuo, and at the age of five, poetry ran rampant, and after the age of ten, I was no longer stuck in things, and I could write poetry with grass, trees, bamboo and stone. Known as Shixian, nicknamed Dugu Seeking Defeat. "

Some people were stunned, and their faces were complicated to look at Xu Que, who was talking and talking on the sky screen.

"No, young man, why are you so familiar with this little word?"

And those beings of the heavens and realms who did not know the inside and were kept in the dark were equally stunned, looking at Xu Que on the sky screen, a little unbelievable.

"Can't you see that this Xu Que is still so talented?"

"It's a long life, isn't it, have we always underestimated this comparison? He's actually quite talented? "

"This son, it's not simple, there is such an amazing talent, I didn't expect that we underestimated him!"

"A good poet immortal, a good solitary seeking defeat, this time, the old man I am convinced."

"Although this Xu Que kid is cheap and pretend, he still has some talent, and this one can be regarded as being installed by him."

"I'll go, hateful, actually let Xu Que this guy pretend to be a wave of bi, it's really angry with me, angry with someone!"

At the same time, the Great Tang.

Li Bo was stunned when he saw all this happening on the sky screen:

"Isn't it? What did he say? His name is Li Bo? So what is my name? "

"Why do I always feel like I'm living in his shadow?"

"Brother Li, what he said is all your poems!"

"Yes! This is my poem! "

Li Bo came back to his senses and slammed the wine jug in his hand to the ground.

"Use my name, make my poem!"

"Xu Que, you are really a person!"


"Is it okay to respect me?"

Only then did the creatures of the heavens and realms understand what was going on.

"Huh? Hahaha, let me just say, Xu Que, this kid has a set of troubles, let him write poetry? How can it be! "

"Look, now that the bitter lord has come forward, understand, Xu Que's kid's poems are completely copied from others."

"Xu Que is brazen about this."

"This kid is really shameless, I really obeyed."

"I thought this guy was really talented, but I didn't expect that he would actually engage in this set again, it's not enough to harm a Xiao Yan, but also to harm another Li Bo."

"This kid's face is so thick, and I don't know why he can be so brazen."

Just when the creatures of the heavens and realms complained, the person behind the poetry meeting, Lady Ya, the sister of the emperor of the Fire Yuan Kingdom, had already weakened her legs, and she was so shocked by Xu Que's amazing talent that she couldn't walk.

Immediately, it was easily taken down by Xu Que.

Seeing this scene, the creatures of the heavens and realms became even more crazy.

"Good boy, good guy, Xu Que, Xu Que, you really are not a thing."

"Using Li Bo's name and writing Li Bo's poems, he not only pretended to punch his face, but also successfully hugged the beauty back."

"I took all the benefits, I didn't pay anything at all, the only thing I did was put on a vest, copied a few poems, and then brazenly said that I wrote it myself."

"You boy, you boy, you are really a thing, Xu Que."

"Pretender! Pure pretender! I envy this pretender! "

"Bad brothers, I really envy this."

"Okay Taoist, which hang is better than you didn't say that, almost got it."

"This son, when it is really a pretending hand, is admired below."

"Perhaps in my life, among all the people I have met, only the perfect plane forced Wang Anlan to fight with this Xu Que."

"However, although An Lan pretended to be forced, although he was finally hammered to death by the Barren Heavenly Emperor, people at least have the strength and confidence to pretend."

"Xu Que, this kid belongs to whether he is better than hard pretending, or this kid can pretend."

"Xu Que's life is the life I really want, drinking, pretending, bubble girl, in this life, become stronger in pretending, and finally stand proud of the heavens, this experience, is it not cool death?"

At the same time, the Emperor of the World.

Li Qiye looked at the sky screen in surprise, and could only say Xu Que.

"Xu Que?"

This is more than pretending, it is deep in my heart.

Li Qiye nodded slowly, looking at the pretended and cheap figure on the sky screen with satisfaction.

Although this kid is indeed cheaper, he really knows how to pretend.

Li Qiye was satisfied with this.

He seemed to see his own shadow in Xu Que.

This son has a lot to offer in the future.

However, the current Xu Que is still a little bit worse, which is not complete than pretending, and many times it is still a little stiffer.

But this is not in the way, just pretend more.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a plug-in in this world, as long as you pretend to be stronger."

"This plug-in is quite interesting."

If you have it, you can become stronger every day, and become stronger every day, maybe your strength will be far beyond today.

More powerful than it is now!

In the history of online literature, the four major forced kings, Nan Chen Bei Li Dong Zhang Xi Xu.

He is that North Li, Li Qiye!

Speaking of pretending, Li Qiye is also a good hand, after all, he is too ancient and powerful.

At the same time, covering the sky plane, looking at everything in the picture, Ye Fan was a little confused at the moment, staring at the sky in disbelief.

"It's not buddy, what kind of joke, can you still play like this?"

He cut down all the way and found that Xu Que had basically not practiced on his own, and he was all pretending to be forced along the way.

He really kept pretending, relying on the dress ratio step by step to get to the point where he is now! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Ye Fan gasped and slowly gave a thumbs up.

At this point, what else is there to say, only one word remains: cattle!

This Xu Que's life is the ultimate dream of men!

Even though he is now a Red Dust Immortal and the leader of a giant force, he only has a face full of envy for Xu Que's comparison.

Pretending, bubble girl, strength is growing by itself in this relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, which is also too cool.

It's a dream for all men in the whole world!

If he could, he also wanted to become a forced king Xu Que.

It's too hard to practice like this.

This is still the case of getting the reward, if you really follow the previous timeline, if you want to grow into a red dust fairy, you don't know how many tribulations and ups and downs you have to go through.

But as long as Xu Que pretends to be forced, he can become a supreme powerhouse, isn't this enviable?

Forced also pretended, the reward was also taken, envy!

"Although this kid Xu Que is my fellow countryman, I can't control my desire to hit him."

"It's not because of his commotion and cheapness, it's purely because this kid was so lucky that he actually got the pretense system."

"This system is really enviable, if I don't beat him, it's really difficult to get out of this evil breath in my heart."

At the same time, the picture in the sky screen changed again.

Ask for flowers 0

Xu Que stepped into the demon territory alone, and when he arrived at the demon territory, he habitually put a vest on himself.

Self-proclaimed Fried Heaven Gang Monkey King!

And he encountered the thunder calamity, and with the pretense of Dafa, he finally successfully survived the thunder calamity and relaxed and relaxed.

And seeing this scene, the creatures of the heavens and realms were completely numb at this moment.

"No, my warm horse, Xu Que, can you hang this ratio normally."

"You use pretending to cultivate to become stronger, we endure, and we endure it when you pretend to be a girl."

"But you're pretending to be a robbery, that's a little abnormal, right? Is this the operation of a normal person? "

"Scourge Xiao Yan, scourge Li Bo, scourge Li Bo and then scourge Sun Wukong, you kid is really squandering and harming people, is there another one to scourge Sun Wukong?"

"There are really countless vests on this guy, I'm really convinced."

"The entire Exploding Heaven Gang is full of talents, countless of them, but at a real glance, it is actually all Xu Que alone, and the rest are all his vests."

"This scene is a little too funny, hahaha."

There are many planes who naturally know who Sun Wukong is, and they have all heard the legend of Sun Wukong.

And plus the end of the last inventory, just got questions.

You also know that Sun Wukong is the Qi Tian Great Sage of the Western Journey plane, and he is a cow monkey!

Therefore, when Xu Que pretended to be forced with Sun Wukong, someone immediately spoke.

"Monkey King?!"

"Good fellow, you even have Sun Wukong out of it! Good boy, it has to be you. "

"Qi Tian Great Sage!"

"Real punishment, boy, you are a real punishment, the Great Saint come out quickly!" Someone is doing things in your name, hurry up and give him a little lesson. "

"Dare to use the name of our Great Sage, this is not looking for death?"

"I didn't see the six-eared macaque pretending to be the Great Sage, and he was almost killed by the Great Sage, this Xu Que dares to impersonate Sun Wukong, and the end will definitely be miserable."

"That is, not in the same plane, otherwise with his one hundred and eighty guts, he would not dare to impersonate Sun Wukong, the Qi Heaven Great Sage."

"Lying groove, this plug-in, really don't be too outrageous, say it's Qi Tian Great Saint Sun Wukong, it can really be perfectly disguised, right, it has to be you!"

"It's a really awesome system, it's really easy to use."

"Xu Que, this kid is also a talent, he really understood the true meaning of pretending, not only pretending, but also pretending to be beautiful, and even playing a lot of benefits."

"This is the true essence of pretending, Xu Que really comprehended it, no wonder he can become a big forcing king."

"This kid, I still underestimate him, he is the real forcing king, the first person who comprehends the essence of pretending, no one can compare!"

"Even, even Perfect World's complaining forced Wang Anlan is not his opponent at all."

"An Lan pretended to be forced, except for the beating, nothing was gained, but Xu Que was different, Xu Que received so many rewards."

"Compared with Xu Que, An Lan is a scumbag."

"In this way, in this pretense, there is really no one who can surpass Xu Que, I would like to call Xu Que the king of force!"


"That makes sense."

At the same time, in the westward travel plane, many immortals and demons and monsters looked at the picture in the sky screen, and they were also stunned at this moment.

"No, I'll go, he..."

"How can this kid's audacity be so big, even he dares to impersonate that lawless monkey?"

"Is he really not afraid of death?"

As if thinking of the appearance of the monkey stick when it hit the Lingxiao Treasure Hall, the immortal god who spoke shrunk his head while looking around.

"This pretense system is actually so strong?"

"Xu Que's son can really disguise himself as Sun Monkey perfectly."

"It's really, a good pretense system, a good Xu Que, really pretending all the time."

And Sun Wukong was also happy, scratched the golden monkey hair on his head, and smiled.

"I didn't expect that one day Lao Sun could also become famous in other worlds, which is really wonderful."

"This kid actually dares to impersonate Lao Sun, interesting, a little interesting!"

Surprisingly, Sun Wukong not only did not become angry, but even faintly excited and indifferent.

Because Xu Que and him are not in the same plane, even if Xu Que impersonates him, it will not have any effect on him, and even help him make a name for himself in other planes.

The reason why he wanted to kill the six-eared macaque was because the six-eared macaque was evil after impersonating him, and even wanted to take the scriptures of the West Heaven in his place.

That's why he wanted to kill.

But Xu Que and him are not a plane, and there is no conflict, and they are still making a name for him, so he naturally will not make a move.

Just when the Ten Thousand Realms were discussing, Xu Que came to the competition arena and successfully fought with a guard who was guarding here.

"Okay, come on guards, kill Xu Que! I'm just looking at him unpleasantly! "

"Come on, little brother, I'm optimistic about you, kill Xu Que, you are the new forced king!"

At the same time, the special plane, Xu Que looked helpless.

"Fellow Taoists, don't be like this, I'm afraid."

However, the heavenly beings were indifferent, "Bah, kill you a dog!" "

However, although Xu Que admitted it, he did not panic at all.

Because next, all the heavens and all worlds will see how he pretends to be forced.

Give them a little pretense to shock.

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