Under the expectation of the creatures of the heavens and realms, but seeing the heavenly curtain, Xu Que suddenly called a pause.

The guard didn't know what to do, really stopped, looked at Xu Que in confusion, the same creatures of the heavens and realms were also curious, looking at Xu Que, they all wanted to figure out what Xu Que wanted to do.

The creatures of the heavens and realms looked at Xu Que in confusion.

"This kid has a lot of trouble, why did he suddenly call a pause?"

"Is he afraid?"

"Call a pause... Do you want to throw in the towel? "

"According to this kid's character of fearing that the world will not be chaotic, shouldn't it?"

"I see that Xu Que is instigated, and I know that hard power is not the opponent of this guard, so I simply called a timeout, and I will directly admit defeat later, and the transition is natural."

"This kid is too, he has never practiced seriously, and he has always relied on the pretense system to frantically pretend to improve his cultivation."

"The cultivation that has been promoted like this must be illusory, not an opponent of others at all, and it will definitely be shattered when touched."

"I see this kid called a timeout, eighty percent because of instigation."

"Does Xu Que want to admit defeat? Will this kid still be afraid? "

"Daoists, I always feel that this matter is not so simple, this kid is bold, dares to do anything, in the face of a guard, he will be afraid?"

"Something is wrong, something is wrong, something is clearly wrong!"

"Could it be that he's going to pretend again?"

"According to Xu Que's previous style, I feel that this matter is not simple, and this kid definitely has some bad intentions!"

The creatures of the heavens and realms all began to speculate about Xu Que's abnormal operation.

If you change to someone else, calling a timeout may really mean that you are not an opponent and want to admit defeat.

But Xu Que's hanging ratio is not simple, he is even more special than all the hanging ratios that have been inventoried before.

This kid has a magical ability, that is, he can always give you something that you don't expect, and he is bold and dares to think and do.

Anyone can instigate, but this kid will definitely not be "nine ninety-three".

He suddenly called a pause, there must be a reason!

Therefore, it naturally attracted the attention of countless creatures in the heavens and realms.

In the picture, Xu Que suddenly lit a cigarette, and then took a deep breath and slowly spit out a rounded smoke ring.

"Well, it's good, it's moist."

Seeing this scene, the creatures of the heavens and realms were stunned, what is this operation?

"What is this doing?"

"Big brother, you are fighting with someone, big brother!"

"How did you fight well, and suddenly smoked?"

"Isn't it dude, you're so addicted?"

"Lying in a groove, and this kind of operation?"

Just when the billions of cultivators in the heavens and realms were wondering.

In the sky curtain, Xu Que began to act.

I saw Xu Que walking idly, walking indifferently, dodging the guard's attack, calmly smoking a cigarette, and then slowly exhaling a smoke ring.

Then, through the faint circle of eyes that spread, his gaze fell on the guard.

Immediately afterwards, it was too embarrassing to directly raise the knife and kill the guard on the spot with a knife!

One knife in a second!

Immediately, in the shocked and stunned eyes of countless people, Xu Que slowly spoke.

"Under the bottom, blow up the sky to help Ye Liangchen."

"If you want to continue, Liangchen doesn't mind being with you to the end."

In a word, everyone is shocked!

Everyone was stunned.

The creatures of the heavens and realms were completely numb.

"My hot horse, this kid actually pretended up again?"

"Also Ye Liangchen, don't mind being accompanied?"

"I'll go to your second uncle's!"

"Just you kid can pretend, right?"

"Daoists, which plane is this, online and so on, urgent, really urgent!"

"Daoist, take me one, I can't bear it, this kid is really cheap!"

"Xu Que, this kid is really disgusting!"

"I can't help it either! I want to beat him up too! "

"I offered a reward of a hundred top-grade spirit stones, a Daoist friend of Xu Que's plane, to beat this kid for me, really, I really can't stand it!"

"Daoist, you are really atmospheric!"

"Daoist, accept my worship."

At the same time, the Emperor of the World.

Li Qiye looked disdainful and shook his head.

"That's it?!"

"That's it?"

"It can only be said generally."

Immediately, he sighed with some regret, "It seems that Xu Que's pretense skills are still not in place." "

"This pretending system is a god-level equipment that pretends to punch the face, and this kind of plug-in is a divine thing against the sky, and it must be played to the extreme."

"But I see that Xu Que Daoyou is obviously much more conservative this time, and he has not been able to meet the expectations in my mind. I can only say that if I have this plug-in, I must be better than Xu Que. "

"Hahaha, good life!"

"This Taoist friend is also quite capable of pretending."

"This Taoist's words are a little interesting, he actually thinks that he is on the way of pretending, but also above forcing Wang Xu Que, it seems that this Taoist friend also knows the essence of the way of pretending."


"This Daoist friend is obviously also a figure who forces Wang Yilian, at least no less than Perfect Anlan."

"But it's a pity, our Anlan Biwang is estimated to be out of sight, otherwise we will definitely compare with this Xu Que!"

An Lan: ??? When do I pack a unit of measure?

However, the special plane, God Domain.

Xu Que cleared the waybill with a look on his face, and shook his head without being moved: "Daoist, you don't know something." "

"Li Daoyou, I wonder if you have ever heard a word?"

"Don't let evil be small, don't pretend to be small!"

"It's small, but it has to be installed!"

As soon as these words came out, a terrifying wave was immediately set off in the heavens and realms.

"Huh? Hahaha, six, six, six, six! Crazy deduction of six to show my respect for Teacher Xu's words. "

"Teacher Xu said so well, don't pretend to be small, this is obviously the essence of the way of pretending."

"It's worthy of forcing Wang Xu Que, I recognize this!"

"If nothing else, just say pretending, Xu Que is definitely the essence of the way of pretending."

"This Xu Que, I really admire, he is simply a Dao Grandmaster."

"Pretend to be the peak at the end, and Xu Que is empty when I see it."

"Xu Que, you really have a set."

"Six Six Six, after listening to Teacher Xu's words, I suddenly felt enlightened, in the way of pretending, at least I can advance a lot!"

"It has to be Teacher Xu, this is the real forcing king."

"False king: ruthless words are hammered, and then cool."

"The real forced king: pretend to beat the face to get the reward, everything."

"Master, I realized!"

"This hangbi, I really like it, I really learned!"

"Other lives cannot be copied, although Mr. Xu's life cannot be copied either, but we can learn from his pretentious spirit!"

"Teacher Xu's spirit of endless life and pretending to be forced is really strong!"

"Learn! Learn it all for me! Learn to die! "

"Hahaha, in a word, Xu Que has changed from Xu Xiaozi to Teacher Xu, and it has to be you, Xu Que."

Just when the creatures of the heavens and realms were passionately discussing it, Xu Que in the sky curtain was also frantically pretending to punch his face.

You are pushing the king and are infinitely rampant.

With the blessing of the pretending system, Xu Que pretending is becoming more and more handy, more and more arbitrary.

Everywhere he passed, he left his legend, and spread it together with the three words of the Exploding Heavenly Gang.

And in the process of pretending to be forced along the way, his strength has also been greatly improved, and he has grown by leaps and bounds in a short period of time.

In the end, he even incarnated the Fried Heavenly Gang Flowers, showing his true colors, strong strength, thousands of demeanors, and dashing.

With the flawless vest of the Fried Heavenly Gang, Xu Que successfully pretended again, pretending to punch his face all the way, and his strength also grew wildly all the way, getting stronger and stronger.

And its pretense skills and techniques are becoming more and more smooth and smooth.

Seeing this scene, the creatures of the heavens and realms were completely dumbfounded.

"My enthusiastic horse, this is really outrageous, part-time is too outrageous!"

"Xu Quezhen didn't have a day of serious cultivation, purely relying on pretending to improve his cultivation!"

"The most outrageous thing is that just by pretending, he really raised his cultivation to such a point, who is not envious of this?"

"This kind of hanging, you don't need to work hard at all, you don't need to work hard, your cultivation can be improved."

"What you have to do is to show saints in front of people and pretend to be forced, which changes who is not happy."

"I obeyed, I really obeyed, worthy of you, forcing Wang Xu Que!"

"I want such a plug-in too!"

"Although all the hanging ratios are damned, but the most damned is this damn Xu Que!"

"Xu Que, you really deserve to die!"

Some creatures gritted their teeth and stared unwillingly at the figure on the heavenly dome. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"This guy is too pretending, really pretending!"

"This is more outrageous than pretending, I really can't stand it!"

"Good one Xu Que, you are really a saint hand compared to the middle of the king."

"Why is he so many vests, he alone supports the entire Exploding Heaven Gang!"

"What a Heavenly Bomber Gang, what a pretend criminal!"

"The entire Exploding Heaven Gang is all his Xu Que's vest, and this Nima is too outrageous!"

"Envy death Xu Que, as long as you pretend to be forced, the reward will be in hand, save time and effort, don't worry at all, and don't have to practice hard, it's really envious to death."

"There is still this kind of hanging in the world, who don't you envy this?"

"Brothers, I really envy this."

"This hanging is also too bullish, but I have no culture, and I go to the world in a groove!"

"This hanging, I can only say a word about lying groove!"

"No, Daoist, this hanging, it's worth a hundred lying grooves!"

"Daoist friends are right!"

"This pretense system is also too outrageous, is there really such an outrageous hanging in the world?"

At the same time, the big world.

At this moment, Xiao Yan was also numb, looking at everything in the sky with a shocked face.

"This Xu Que is really unexpected, not taking an unusual path."

From beginning to end, this kid has been pretending, and pretending to be forced is as simple as drinking water.

The most hateful thing is that he not only pretends to be without any punishment, but even gets a reward!

He became stronger step by step because of pretending, and became stronger step by step.

Who is not envious in this change, and who is not jealous in this change?

I'm really jealous!

Even Xiao Yan, the hanging bi, was envious.

Of course, the most hateful thing about Xu Que is not pretending, but impostor!

This is the point where people are most angry!

Xiao Yan thought at first that only he was impersonated, but looking at the later, what Li Bai, Sun Wukong, and Hua Wuquan were all impersonated by Xu Que........

Only then did he react, this kid is a veteran!

Wearing a vest, all of them are someone else's, and none of them are their own, this is really the anger of people and gods!

"Damn, my Xiao Yan is famous for a lifetime, and I was destroyed by this Dogecoin!"

Xiao Yan naturally gritted his teeth and hated to eat Xu Que, a guy who lacked virtue, alive.

For the first time, Xiao Yan felt such a strong urge to think about the sword man, even if the Soul Hall captured Xiao Zhan in the first place, he did not feel this way.

It can be seen that Xu Que really provoked Xiao Yan.

Although this annoying Xu Que is not the same world as he is, Xiao Yan still lives in Bengbu.

If you are good, you will be impersonated for no reason, and you will inexplicably carry a black pot on your back.

No one is happy with this.

If you have the opportunity to meet this guy, you must educate him well, even if it is a fellow countryman!

At the same time, the urban cultivation immortal world.

Chen Beixuan also looked at the figure above the sky dome with a surprised expression, and couldn't help but sigh deeply.

It turns out that in this pretense, there are people who can meet him.

He felt that Xu Que's comparison was almost comparable to him.

Even compared to him, this Xu Que may be more able to pretend!

This is simply the greatest praise for Xu Que.

There are not many who can compare with Chen Beixuan in terms of pretending, and there are even fewer who surpass him.

Xu Que's ability to make Chen Beixuan bow down is the greatest praise for his pretending achievements.

Chen Beixuan nodded thoughtfully: "Sure enough, pretending to be a piece is broad and profound, and no one can be completely proficient in this Dao." "

"In terms of pretending, I still have a lot of shortcomings, and I have to continue to improve myself."

Immediately afterwards, he stared straight at the figure on the sky dome.

"Xu Que, what a talent."

"A great talent like Xu Que, it's a pity that it's not a world with me, otherwise I must have a chat with him about pretending."

"However, if there is no pretending system, you can't easily try Xu Que's pretense method, and it is easy to be beaten to death."

"In the end, after all, improving strength is the foundation of everything, and strength is the right to speak."

"With strength, you can pretend to be as you like."

This inventory strengthened Chen Beixuan's mind to become stronger.

Only by becoming stronger can we grasp the right to pretend.

The creatures of the heavens and realms were talking about it, looking at the proud and domineering figure on the heavenly screen.

Good, good, a good Xu Que, Zhente Niang's is a talent!

Looking at the heavens and all the worlds, I can't find a second person who pretends to be so cheap.

Really curious, how can this kid be so cheap?

Just when the creatures of the heavens and realms were talking about it, Xu Que shouted with a smug face: "Exploding the sky and going to battle, not an inch of grass will be born!" As soon as the sky appeared, only needles and thread remained. "

"Good fellow, what about this Exploding Heavenly Gang?"

"Who doesn't know that the Exploding Heaven Gang is his brat's sect."

"The entire Exploding Heaven Gang is innumerable, and if you look closely, it is all Xu Que's vest, and the lack of virtue dog combination, it really deserves its name."

"Xu Que is still very self-aware, and this slogan is very appropriate. 1.1"

In the picture, Xu Que introduces himself.

"Contemptible and naïve, honest and honest."

Hearing his words, the creatures of the ten thousand worlds couldn't help but vomit blood.

This Nima?

What a brazenness!




No, in all fairness, you yourself say, which of these three points matches you?

What is this stuff?

You look at the broken things you have done, and then listen to your, do you believe it yourself?

Naïve and honest?

Bah me!

Let's just say it, Nima is actually so calm, with a calm and calm face, if you don't know what kind of person you are a stinky dog, you really believe it.

This is realistic and shameless!

"I'll go! How can this Gobi be so shameless? "

"Inventor, I ask you to directly descend the heavenly thunder and directly chop this damn guy to death."

"Can't stand a little, really can't stand a little."

"It's really not okay, the inventor, you send me over, let me kill this guy, I promise not to let him make everyone disgusting again."

"Kill Xu Que! There is also a blue sky and a day in the heavens and realms, and it is clear and clear. "

Cover the sky.

Ye Fan looked at the picture on the sky screen, speechless.

"Special lady's, honest and kind?"

"This has a little to do with you Xu Que? What a brazenness. "

"You kid messed with more peach blossoms than you ate, and you also deserve the whole mobile gun mount?"

"Still honest? You can really pretend. "

Ye Fan complained helplessly.

At the same time, countless beings in the heavens and realms also complained one after another.

"Nima, it's really brazen, this Xu Que is really a talent."

"Cheeky and pretentious talent."

"How can he still not die?"

"No way, who let people hang the comparison, the hanging ratio is always different."

"And his plugin is also a pretense system!"

"Outrageous! It's really outrageous! "。

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