"I'm holding Nima's, it's not a joke, seriously, Xu Que, this kid is really cheap, it's just to the point where people are one, slut."

"Xu Que's son is simply a typical representative of the riotous and cheap, the heart is ruthless, the wave is cheap, the key is that he can always pretend to succeed, I am not convinced!"

"Borrowing Xiao Yan's name, the Buddha Fire Lotus successfully made Xiao Yan famous in the world and became a wanted criminal."

"At the poetry meeting, I used Li Bai's vest to copy Li Bai's poems, pretended to be forced once, and hugged the beauty back."


The creatures of the heavens and realms complained about Xu Que's commotion and his various deeds of pretending to be cheap.

Finally, he sighed.

"In fact, there is a saying, although Xu Que this guy is pretending to be cheap and is a typical representative of the riot, but I have to say that this son's brain is really easy to use, very lively, and can always think of some unexpected operations."

"Xu Que's operation can really shock everyone."

"A person like this kid with such a thick face and a black heart, who can pretend to be a pariah without scruples, even if you look at the heavens and realms, it is rare."

"I have to say, this house is really good at pretending."

"Xu Que is too good at pretending, pretending to know that the part-time job has reached the pinnacle and stands at the top of the heavens and realms."

"One thing to say, looking at the heavens and realms, you may not be able to find a guy who can pretend to be as strong as Xu Que."

"This son is simply forcing the king!"

"Forcing the king? This is not enough to summarize Xu Que's pretense achievements, in my opinion, perhaps this son should be called the king of forced kings, compared to the Holy Hand. "

"Makes sense."

"Xu Que and this pretending system are really a perfect match, one can pretend, the other pretending to be forced can get rewards, it's really outrageous."

"Speaking of which, this pretend system has gone through so many inventories, and the most outrageous plug-ins we have seen so far are simply bizarre and perverted."

"As long as you pretend to be forced, you can get rewards."

"Isn't this Nima outrageous?"

"That's right, pretending to be forced can get a reward, then who is still good at cultivation, everyone delves into how to pretend is not enough."

"Daoist, if you think too much, only Xu Que can get the pretense system, and the others will not have a basket even if they painstakingly study the way of pretending." 17

"It has to be Xu Que, a generation of forced kings!"

Those creatures who yearned for the way of pretending to be forced also sighed one after another: "If you really learned, it has to be Xu Que, this is the real king of forcing the king." "

"Teacher Xu Que is really a noble person on my road to pretending, and Xu Que is my idol."

"Teacher Xu Que, this forced king, is well deserved!"

"Xu Que, Teacher Xu Que is a model for my generation to pretend to be a person, what forced Wang Anlan, I am not familiar with it at all!"

"The real forcing king is our teacher Xu Que!"

"Teacher Xu Que, always drop God!"

There will never be a shortage of people in the heavens and realms who can't hold that fiery pretense heart, and when they saw Xu Que's wonderful commotion in the sky curtain inventory, the whole person was stunned.

Learned, really learned!

Xu Que's wonderful operation successfully enlightened their way of pretending.

On the road of pretending, they were fortunate to meet Xu Que, which really opened the door to pretending!

"Listen to Teacher Xu Que's words, it's better than ten years of reading!"

Meanwhile, the mortal plane.

Han Li looked at the vest in the sky, even if he dropped the vest, he was not worried about Xu Que, who would expose his true identity, and sighed faintly.

"It's worthy of you, Xu Daoyou."

"Xu Que Daoyou, really a talent."

The reason why Han Li sighed so much was completely because he was shocked by Xu Que's face.

It was hard for him to imagine how a person could be brazen to this bottom.

"This cheek, Han is really ashamed of himself."

Han Li originally thought that he was walking in the realm of cultivation, deceiving him, and stealing his brother's name, which was brazen enough.

But compared with Xu Que, it is really a small witch, and the things he did are nothing at all.

At most, he darkened his heart and used his brother's name.

Xu Que, that heart is not a little black, from the inside out, moving up to down, all black, and even flowing black water!

As for stealing names, Xu Que's whole body, from top to bottom, is all vests, all of which are other people's names.

"Others work hard to cultivate, Xu Que is good, as long as you pretend to be forced, the reward is in hand, no matter what it is, you can easily get it."

"It seems that this pretense system is really outrageous enough."

In Han Li's opinion, among all the plug-ins, this pretense system is the most abnormal and interesting.

Indeed, compared to Xu Que, any other creature in the heavens and realms who saw him in the way of pretense was a small witch, and it was not the same at all.

At the same time, the picture of the sky screen changed again, and Xu Que alone faced the four great talents.

These four great talents were quite famous in the entire imperial dynasty, and they were the most talented among the young handsome.

They couldn't get used to Xu Que's reputation rising and pretending to be forced in the imperial dynasty, so the four joined forces and wanted to overturn Xu Que.

Let Xu Que know that his talent is not worth mentioning in front of their four great talents.

Xu Que, on the other hand, was even more arrogant than they thought.

"Four great talents?"

Xu Que hooked his lips and sneered, "Then let's go together!" "

"I bombed the sky to help Li Bai, and I have never lost!"

Saying that, he stood proudly, and his face was full of pride.

"Come out, three hundred Tang poems!"

"You don't see it, Gao Tang Mingjing is sad and white, and the morning is like green silk twilight into snow..."

"Bright moonlight in front of the bed, suspected to be frost on the ground..."

"Goose, goose, goose..."

In Xu Gap, a classic that had been circulating in another world for thousands of years slowly came out.

The thousand-year-old essence, blooming lotus flowers in the mouth of Xu Gap, is placed between heaven and earth.

One after another, sentence after sentence, 300 Tang poems, four of them were shocked, attracting admiration.

The four great talents were stunned, the people watching the play were stunned, and even the creatures who looked at the inventory in the heavens and realms were also stunned after hearing Xu Que's poems.

In the picture, some people sighed and praised one after another:

"It is worthy of Li Baigongzi, and it is indeed a poetry immortal."

"Looking at the entire continent, there is no second person's talent that can match Gongzi."

"Li Baigongzi is really handsome in the world, and he is only a high-ranking eight fighter."

Even the creatures of the heavens and realms were shocked and amazed.

"I'm holding Nima's, this Xu Que, is really a big talent?!"

"These poems, although they have different angles and situations, are all masterpieces that can be passed down for thousands of years."

"How did these poems come about, I don't believe that this kid Xu Que can make so many poems."

"If Xu Que is a great talent, the sow can go up the tree!"

"Good fellow, this Xu Que is really a good poem!"

"Needless to say, this poem must have been plagiarized."

"This system really makes him understand, other people's identities, other people's poems, which you let him use the same as his own."

"Pretending to be forced with other people's poems, but also pretending to be so natural, so smooth, Xu Que, really worthy of you!"

"The king of forcing the king, Xu Que deserves it!"

"When will I be able to be as brazen as Xu Que."

"There is one thing to say, Xu Que's face is really a thousand miles, a rare occasion in a hundred lifetimes."

"This system really makes Xu Que understand that everything is pretending to be the highest purpose."

"When will I be able to get a pretending system like Xu Que, and I only need to pretend to cultivate every day to grow naturally, envy!"

When the creatures of the heavens and realms saw Xu Que's brazen operation, they all began to sigh, lamenting that Xu Que's face was thick and dark, and he used other people's names to pretend that he did not have any psychological burden.

At the same time, the big world.

Xiao Yan looked at all this and couldn't help but sigh.

"This Xu Que is really interesting."

"Counting up, he is also my fellow countryman, how come I have never seen such an excellent guy as him when I was on Blue Star before."

"This hand of thick black learning, when it is really the pinnacle, it belongs to yes."

"If you really want to talk about it, Xu Que's pretense system can be regarded as a real plug-in, a plug-in that is really lying down and feeding."

"As long as you pretend to be forced, you can get a reward, such a plug-in, it's really the first time I've seen it, and it's the first time I've heard of it."

"This pretense system is the real plug-in, and Xu Que is the real hanging ratio."

"Those hanging ratios counted earlier, although some have anti-heaven exercises, some have obtained extraordinary treasures, and some have unparalleled life and character enhancements, which are difficult to compare."

"But each of them has put in their own hard work to a greater or lesser extent." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"In the inventory, even the hanging ratio has experienced countless storms and waves, and it has been fought step by step."

"Even in the end, the hanging ratio stood at the top of the heavens and realms, becoming an unspeakable strong existence."

"But every one of them has also made a lot of efforts for this, and even survived death and resurrected after death."

"Just like me Xiao Yan, I almost fell several times."

"In the end, we can achieve what we are today, and we have put in our own hard work."

"Only this Xu Que really has no personal effort at all, all relying on the power of the system."

"This guy's daily life is to be brazen and pretend, and then get rewards, it's really envious."

"Pretend to be forced, the reward will naturally be in hand, such a life, who does not envy."

"This is the real, most comfortable life of hanging."

"Mu Mu Mu."

Xiao Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the sky screen.

For all this, he can only express envy.

Of course, if you have the opportunity to meet Xu Que, you must kill him!

"Feel for my reputation?"

"Don't let your brat appear in the same plane as me, or your brat will be hammered to death by me!"

One yard to one yard, although Xiao Yan is very envious of Xu Que's life.

But Xu Que stole his name, exercises, as well as alien fire and skills, and opened his vest, then he would definitely not let Xu Que go!

Meanwhile, the mortal plane.

Han Li looked at the picture on the sky screen, nodded thoughtfully, and sometimes frowned slightly, obviously falling into deep thought.

This time, he really benefited a lot!

Perhaps, he could follow Xu Que's operation and get himself a few more vests.

Xu Que will be Li Bai for a while, Xiao Yan for a while, and then become the demon king Sun Wukong, and then he will be a merry son.

Although the entire Exploding Sky Gang seems to be full of talents, everyone in it is actually Xu Que's vest.

In order to hide his identity, Xu Que prepared many vests, and he could change to a new one at any time.

This really inspired Han Li a lot.

Han Li also likes to wear a vest, but he is used to wearing only one vest, that is, his friend Li Feiyu.

But the wool thing can't be just a sheep.

After all, Li Feiyu's vest is only one, and if it is debunked or encounters any accident, it will obviously increase the risk.

The best way to achieve risk sharing is to prepare a few more vests and more identities.

Walking in the realm of cultivation, multiple identities and multiple paths, you can't just use one vest.

In case something happens to that vest, doesn't this simply increase the risk of exposing yourself.

Even if he becomes an immortal now, it doesn't prevent him from preparing a few more identities at all, can't the immortal world use these vests?

Of course you can use it!

Besides, now Li Feiyu's vest has provoked many enemies, and it has been known by many people.

It is true that a new vest should be prepared.

However, as if something suddenly came to mind, Han Li was suddenly stunned.

"That's not right!"

"His own face, anyway, the heavens and realms, including so many creatures in his plane, have already seen it."

"In that case, is there any need to hide your identity?"

"It's totally unnecessary!"

It's really unnecessary!

Even if you put on another vest, you will still be recognized at a glance.

"Forget it, you better hide honestly and continue to cultivate."

"Anyway, relying on the palm bottle, even if you don't go out for a lifetime, you can stand at the peak."

And when the creatures were talking about it, Xu Que in the picture pretended to beat his face all the way, and this happy road of pretending never stopped!

On this road, Xu Que completely let go of himself, kept pretending to be a wave, and always obtained the rich rewards of the pretending system, and his strength improved rapidly.

In the end, he even succeeded in becoming a god, entered the god world, and continued to wave in the god world, continuing to write his 323 new legend and new road of pretending.

And the creatures of the heavens and realms were completely numb when they saw this scene.

"This kid really goes wherever he goes."

"Xu Que is a human pretending machine."

"This pretense is simply not too outrageous, okay?"

"This pretending system is simply tailored for Xu Que, and if you change someone, you may not be able to play the strength of the pretending system, and it really has to be Xu Que!"

"I served! I served with all my heart! "

"Other hanging ratios, such as the Barren Heavenly Emperor and Ye Tiandi, went all the way against the felling, rushed out of the killing all the way, and interpreted invincibility with a lifetime."

"And this Xu Que, the whole person only represents two words, that is, pretending!"

"Xu Que, this forced king, is really deserved, and everyone expects it!"

"Six six six, long insight, really increased knowledge, Xu Que subverted my three views."

"I never thought that a person pretending to be forced could still be loaded on this, and Xu Que's way of pretending to be forced is really unparalleled."

"I can't even figure out why he can pretend like that?"

But the creatures of the heavens and realms complained and complained, and when they looked at the picture of the sky screen, their eyes were still full of fire.

From their eyes, you can see the deep expectation.

Who doesn't look forward to it.

That was the pretense system, and it was the plug-in that all the creatures in the heavens and realms wanted to get the most.

"Brothers, this hanging is really what I want the most."

"This hanging can pretend to be forced, and it can become stronger, who doesn't like it? Who can not love? "

"It makes sense, I love it, I really love this pretense."

"Robbed my favorite pretense, I and Xu Que are incompatible!"

See the complains of the creatures of the ten thousand worlds.

Special plane, divine realm.

Xu Que spread his hands and looked helpless: "Blame me?" "

"I don't want to pretend to be forced, but there is no way, who let my melon be a pretend system."

"If I had changed to another system, maybe I wouldn't have been like this."

"It's not my fault, it's all the system's pot, and you can't let me back the black pot."

"However, one thing to say, perhaps, I really lived to pretend."

"Before me, no one had ever been able to exert pretense to such a full extent, only me, I single-handedly perfected the way of pretending."

"Perhaps, I was born to pretend!"

Hearing this, the world boiled.

"Good, good, you really can fart!"

"Good guy, let this kid pretend again!"

"Don't stop me, I'm going to kill him!" This kid is really pretending! "


Special plane, Xu Que's fairy world.

Countless people saw the scene in the picture and were completely stupid.

"Feelings, this Nima Exploding Heavenly Gang, is there a special lack of someone?!"

"Good fellow, I really thought that this Exploding Heavenly Gang would gather together! Mess around, what Xiao Yan, Li Bo, all one person pretends?! "

"I obeyed, this Xu Que is a real dog!"

While the creatures of the ten thousand worlds were discussing, the picture appeared again in the sky curtain.

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