What continues to emerge in the sky curtain, in addition to Xu Que's various pretense behaviors of robbing homes and houses everywhere and pretending to beat his face, there are also his pretense quotes that shocked everyone and completely shattered the three views.

"Kung Fu, two words! One horizontal and one vertical, losing, lying down, winning, only those who are qualified to speak! "

"Whoever is the peak of the thousands of treasures, it is empty when Xu Que is seen!"

"Life and death look down, if you don't obey, do it!"

"In the end, everything is nothing but falsehood, only heaven and earth follow my heart!"

"Remember, in addition to being the god of food of the Exploding Heaven Gang, I am also the patron saint of the Exploding Sky Gang, known as Digga Ultraman!"

Under Xu Que, there were thousands of members of the Exploding Heaven Gang, and the "Lack of Virtue Dog" group heroically charged ahead, and where it passed, there was no grass.

Xu Que this guy is really ruthless, and all the treasure houses he fancy have been emptied by him.

Those of his enemies were even more violently pretended to be beaten in the face, and people were going to cry by him.

And the picture slowly dissipated in Xu Que's crazy and cool hanging sky.

Obviously, for Xu Que's inventory, it is over.

Although in the end, Xu Que also became a generation of strong people, extremely powerful, but the creatures of the heavens and realms did not pay attention to his realm, but all complained about this pretender.

"Good guy, I really didn't expect that this guy actually has quotes."

"Stand up and pretend to be a young man."

"There are actually quotes? Lying groove is not right, how is this development trend a little wrong! "

"Brothers, it's going to be bad, this development trend, it's very wrong."

"Quotes? What's the matter, even the quotes are in order? "

"Hahaha, this little quote is really a classic sentence after a sentence, and a sentence is more than a sentence that makes people itch at the root of their teeth."

"Good guy, I can only say good guy, I really have yours ah Xu Que."

"Xu Que, your kid is really a talent, and he has finished the quotation."

"Brothers, I really want to kill this kid, and then let this inventory end, who can help me hold down this pretender."

"Forget brother, it won't be impossible."

"Daoist, don't be angry with pretending to be a criminal, hurt your body, it's not worth it, it's not worth it."

"Is it okay to pretend to be more than a quote? Learned, learned. "

"Daoist friends have no strength, don't imitate easily, otherwise Xu Que is not dead, you will be killed first!"

In the complaining voices of the creatures of the heavens and realms, the picture finally slowly dispersed.

Immediately afterwards, the magnificent heavenly sound descended from the sky, poured down, and swept through the heavens and all worlds, all over the world.

[The seventh place is over, and the reward is distributed! ] 】


Is this the end of it?

"It's a little abrupt, is this suddenly over?"

"I thought I could see more wonderful operations of Xu Qiangwang, but now it seems that I just thought too much."

"Is this the end of it? Something is wrong, something is wrong, something is really wrong. "

"The road of forcing the king to pretend to come to an abrupt end?"

"Don't! Why is this inventory over, I haven't learned it yet! "

"Teacher Xu has so many wonderful operations, I haven't learned it yet, why is this inventory over!"

"Ah! I missed a hundred million! "

"The inventory is over? You might as well kill me!" "

When those monks who pretended to be forced together, when they saw the end of the inventory, they cried one by one, crying hoarsely, like a funeral examination.

I don't know, I thought there was something wrong with them.

For them, Xu Que is the ancestor of the way of pretending, the supreme existence.

Being able to learn Xu Que's way of pretending was a rare opportunity for these cultivators.

I finally had the opportunity to learn two hands, but I didn't expect that the inventory would be over.

This naturally became the biggest regret in their hearts.

"It's a pity, it's a pity!"

"If I can learn a few more hands of Master Xu's tumultuous operations, I will definitely leave my name in the future."

Most people, on the other hand, were excitedly cheering: "It's over!" Finally over brothers! "

"Buddy can't bear it for a long time!"

"This is the first time I've done it quickly, and I want to finish the inventory quickly."

"I really never thought before, it can be so painful to look at the inventory!"

"Although those hanging ratios were open before, their life road was boiling, and people were full of fighting spirit to see it, which made people unconsciously want to continue watching."

"But this Xu Que is too pretentious, too cheap, it is simply a commotion and cheapness."

"Buddy really can't stand it, if I look at it again, my eyes will have to be blind on the spot."

"I really can't stand this comparison, you really damn Xu Que."

"You don't die, who dies!"

"Although other hanging ratios are also open, at least there are people's efforts, and people have also worked hard to cultivate and improve their cultivation."

"You kid, sit back and enjoy the success, don't do anything every day, just pretend to be forced, hard pretend, it's really infuriating!"

"Xu Lack's dogecoin can still obtain the system, which is simply unreasonable."

"When Xiao Yanjiu died all his life and passed through the magma to obtain a different fire, Xu Que was pretending; When the Barren Heavenly Emperor faced the foreign land, killed through the foreign land, and fought the immortal king in blood, Xu Que was pretending; When Ye Fan was attacking the Dark Supreme and suppressing the Life Forbidden Zone, Xu Que was still pretending..."

"People work hard, this dog doesn't do anything but pretend to force it, it's really infuriating!"

"It's the same hanging ratio, but this Xu Que is definitely the most infuriating one."

"I can't stand it."

The creatures of the heavens and realms all complained one after another.

At the same time, the Emperor of the World.

Li Qiye was also quite surprised, this inventory suddenly ended, he looked at the picture on the sky screen, a little surprised.

"Is this the end of it?"

Immediately, he sighed softly.

To be honest, he hasn't seen enough of this inventory.

And the reason why he didn't see enough was very simple, Xu Que's operation was too interesting.

He is pretending to be a force, in fact, he also has a lot of experience, looking at Xu Que, who lives endlessly and pretends not to stop, he also feels very interesting.

Even, this Xu Que gave him a lot of inspiration in the way of pretending.

Perhaps, in the future, we can learn from Xu Que, a rising star.

"This Xu Que is really a talent."

Being able to think of so many pretense operations that even he couldn't think of, Xu Que is not a talent, who is.

"That plug-in, it's kind of interesting."

The plug-in in Li Qiye's mouth is naturally Xu Que's pretense system.

That plug-in is indeed very perverted, as long as you pretend to be stronger, you can become stronger.

To be honest, Li Qiye has lived for so long, he really has never seen such a plug-in.

This was indeed the first time he had seen such a plug-in.

"Gee, outrageous."

However, the plug-in is quite interesting.

Do you want to try and make a similar one out?

Li Qiye was a little moved.

At the same time, perfect plane, above the sky.

Even if he had to face the ultimate, deepest darkness of this world, he couldn't help but laugh when he saw the picture on the sky.

"Pretend to be stronger?"

This plug-in is really interesting.

He smiled lightly, and his face showed a bit of interest.

To be honest, this plug-in is quite interesting.

"This hanging, no matter which plane it is placed on, is definitely an existence against the sky."

"After all, as long as the plug-in that can become stronger as long as it is pretended, there is almost no risk, and the reward is so rich, there should be few plug-ins that can compete with this pretending system."

This plug-in, looking at the countless planes of the heavens and realms, is absolutely difficult to compare with it.

There is no risk, lying down and getting stronger, it will definitely cause countless creatures to rush crazy.

Even if he is now a Barren Heavenly Emperor, his strength is incomparably strong, enough to dominate eternity, but seeing this magical pretense system, he is still full of interest and wants to take a good look at what is going on.

This system, really interesting.

As for the rewards it issued, they are also rich, and they can adjust different rewards according to the improvement of the host's realm, and it can be said that artificial intelligence is not exaggerated.

However, in addition to this, the Barren Heavenly Emperor was quite curious about one thing.

"I wonder if the reward given by this system has anything to do with the level of the plane?"

He was a little curious, he didn't know what level of plane Xu Que was on, was it the supreme plane, the Great World, or something else?

After several counts by the enumerators, No. 10 already has a preliminary understanding of the order of the perfect plane.

Looking at the heavens and realms, the perfect plane should also be regarded as the middle rank of the supreme plane. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

After looking at so many inventories, it is rare to see a plane that can be compared with the perfect plane.

He was a little curious, if Xu Que came to the perfect plane, would the reward he would get stronger than now, wouldn't Xu Que be even more heaven-defying?!

If his conjecture is true, then this plug-in is really a bit perverted.

Unfortunately, the inventory was not put to the end, so he didn't know what Xu Que's experience was in the future, and whether he had become a powerful existence.

However, with the degree of perversion of this plug-in, as well as the pretense power of this guy Xu Que, it seems that it is not difficult to guess.

With the help of the system, it is not difficult for Xu Que to become the supreme existence of that plane.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the inventory turned out to be such an interesting hanging ratio.

It eased the tension before the war.

Looking away from the inventory of the sky, Arana's somewhat solemn gaze fell into the distance.

It was shrouded in vast black fog and could not see clearly in the distance.

In the dark expanse, there was a faint powerful aura that made people's hearts palpitate.

Obviously, that is the strong enemy to face after the famine.

If you want to completely solve the dark turmoil, you must step into this unfathomable darkness in front of you and crush everything!

Ever since entering the heavens, the desolate momentum had already felt the extremely terrifying dark power.

He had a hunch and could sense what was going to happen, but he couldn't stop here.

Behind him, there are nine heavens and ten earths, the immortal domain, the perfect plane, the heaven-covering world, countless creatures, and hundreds of millions of years of dark turmoil.

He is now an Immortal Emperor, and since he has the ability, he should exert everything he has at his disposal, Lili, and calm the dark turmoil.

Since he had the ability, he had to prevent those tragedies from happening.

Even though he knew that he was facing endless hardships, he could only step forward without hesitation.

No matter what it is, no matter how dark it is, he will be cut down and broken with a sword!

This heaven and earth need him.

So, without hesitation, he walked forward into the darkness ahead.

If someone is destined to cut off all the sources of evil by virtue of darkness, then let him come.

Desolate stepped forward, and his figure slowly disappeared into a vast black mist.

The Barren Heaven Emperor walked with his sword, with endless enemies in front of him, and a lonely brave behind him.

Even if you die nine times in your life, you must go!

At the same time, in the special plane, Xu Que also stared at the sky with endless attention.

"Isn't it? Gone? This is gone? That's the end of it."

"Is it so hasty? Inventor, you are so bad to put more clips out, I haven't seen enough. "

"My sassy heroic posture, I want to see more."

"Inventor, you should continue, you put more."

"Not only have I not seen enough of my dashing figure, I believe that the Daoists of the Heavens and Worlds are also the same, and they want to see my handsome face more."

"It's not right for you to suddenly stop like this, you will cause the anger of the creatures of the heavens and realms."

"I suggest you put more so that all the creatures of the ten thousand worlds can take a good look."

"It's a pity, just such a little picture, I haven't seen enough of it myself, and the creatures of the ten thousand worlds can't see enough."

"It's a pity that you can't see my heroic posture."

Xu Que's brazen words successfully attracted the anger of countless creatures in the heavens and realms.

"Brush up!"

"You give Lao Tzu a roll!"

"Honza has lived for so long, and I have never seen such a brazen person!"

"Xu Que this son, he really is not a son of man!"

"Xu Que Dogecoin is not a person."

I have to say that Xu Que's comparison is really famous in ten thousand worlds.

At this time, almost all the living beings in the heavens and realms knew that Xu Que had pretended to be a person.

"Ten thousand worlds are famous, and they all know that I Xu someone is an immortal saint, and this is enough."

Xu Que nodded in satisfaction, looking satisfied.

"Huh? This is? "

Suddenly, as if sensing something, Xu Que raised his head and looked above the sky dome, his eyes happy.

"Yo, this is?"

"If the needle does not poke, the reward will arrive, and it can continue to wave."

Above the mighty dome of the sky, a thick and majestic golden pillar of light poured down, shining brilliantly.

That powerful and magnificent momentum suddenly spread, sweeping in all directions of heaven and earth, and the momentum was boundless.

Endless reward rays fell, and almost instantly, Xu Que's momentum swept like seawater, spreading in all directions.

His realm came to the Immortal Emperor!

Almost instantly, Xu Que became an Immortal Emperor.

"Great! Hahahaha, I am very interested! "

Xu Que looked up to the sky and smiled, and his face was like a villain with a villain.

"Unexpectedly, I actually got a reward to become an Immortal Emperor, so wouldn't there be no opponent in this entire plane?"

"Hahahaha, great! Now, no one can stop my path of pretending! "

"I, Xu Que, am the real king of forcing kings!"

Xu Que was extremely excited, strength is the basis for pretending, now that he has the strength of the Immortal Emperor, see who can still block him.

When the creatures of the heavens and realms saw this scene, they were filled with righteous indignation, gritted their teeth, and were angry.


(Zhao's good) What a faceless Xu Que! Cheeky, shameless to the extreme! "

"Damn hangbi, I really can't stand it, pretend to be a criminal!"

"Ask online, is there a big guy who can come forward and beat him?"

"Together! Is there a big guy willing to act generously and kill this pretend criminal, I really can't stand it! "

"Can't bear it, how can someone be so cheap!"

"Joint application to kill Xu Que (1/100)!"

"I also apply, kill Xu Que, kill and pretend to be a criminal!"

"Pretending comes at a price."

"No, brothers, what are you doing in Xu Que?"

"The question is over, the next is our great opportunity!"

"Why waste time on this guy, we should find a way to get the opportunity to ask questions."

"Yes, asking questions is the key!"

Someone suddenly realized and spoke viciously: "Damn Xu Que, almost delayed my big thing!" "

"Compared to asking questions, this Dogecoin is something."

"I want to get the opportunity to ask questions, I want to become an immortal and become an ancestor!"

"I am willing to use Xu Que's 100,000-year life span to get the opportunity to ask questions."

"If it's not enough, then a million years, ten million years!"

"Me too!"

"It's the same."

Seeing this, Xu Que looked helpless.

"Daoists, please don't do this, I know you are jealous of my talent, but I can't help it, who can control this."

"I know you're jealous of my talent, but there's no way around it, or will you join my Exploding Sky Gang?"

"Spicy chicken! What a fried heavenly gang, roll! "

Xu Que's words naturally caused Ten Thousand Realms to scold angrily.

Soon, the expectation of asking questions took over the mainstream again.

"I'm looking forward to it, I wonder who will get the opportunity to ask questions?"

"The lucky one in a thousand miles is really looking forward to it."

"If I get the opportunity to ask questions, I have to ask how I can get the pretense system, it's so cool, it's the ultimate dream of every man."

"Me too!"

[Inventory is over, preemptive questions begin! ] 】。

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