At the same time, Li Xiaoyao also looked at the picture in the sky screen, a little surprised, but he didn't expect that it was actually the Black Emperor.

The black emperor naturally also knows, at the beginning it was the puppy who accompanied No. 10, and then No. 10 fell, it was he and Cao Yusheng who got the opportunity to relive No. 10 in the burial ground, but he and Cao Yusheng became burials.

Later, the dark turmoil, the black emperor fell, reincarnated, became a little black dog beside the beginningless emperor, he stayed by the beginningless emperor for ten thousand years, from the beginningless across the ancient starry sky, until his qi and blood decayed, disappeared, the black emperor has always accompanied him.

Later, when he disappeared without beginning, he sealed the Black Emperor as well.

Countless years later, the Black Emperor broke the seal and woke up, wanting to find his master, but there was no longer the figure in this world that single-handedly raised him.

For so many years, the Black Emperor has been looking for the Beginningless Emperor, the vast eternity, the vast starry sky, the person he wanted to find, but he never appeared.

Later, by chance, the Black Emperor and Ye Fan walked together and became good partners, and they were abducted with Ye Fan and mixed in the starry sky.

But even so, he never gave up looking for his master.

Now that the Black Emperor had seized the opportunity to ask questions, Li Xiaoyao naturally knew what he wanted to ask.

After all, all of the Black Emperor's thoughts were related to that man, and he must have asked where the man went.

It is worthy of being the Black Emperor, this luck is really good, he actually defeated the competitors of the Ten Thousand Realms and successfully obtained the opportunity to ask questions.

Just when the creatures of the ten thousand worlds were looking forward to what questions this dog could ask, the Black Emperor spoke.

"Dare to ask the inventor, I want to know, where is the Beginningless Emperor?"

The Black Emperor couldn't wait, and this was the only question he wanted to know.

Nothing else worries about anything other than this problem.

He has been looking for the Beginningless Emperor for an unknown number of years, and with his dog's strength, I am afraid that when he is dying, he will not be able to find the Beginningless Emperor.

But now that he has obtained this opportunity that everyone covets, he naturally wants to use the opportunity to ask questions.

So, the Black Emperor asked this question.

He just wanted to know where the Beginningless Emperor was now.

He has been looking for the Beginningless Emperor for an unknown number of years.

If the Great Emperor were still alive, they... Can we meet?

"Who? The Beginningless Emperor? Great? "

"To be honest, this name is a little familiar, but I can't remember for a while, where did this name appear?"

"Have you ever seen that name?" There is always a very familiar feeling. "

"Is it a hanging ratio? It doesn't seem to be, this hanging ratio has not appeared in the inventory. "

"This dog uses such a cherished opportunity to ask about the existence of a person, obviously this person is extremely important to the Black Emperor."

"The Emperor... The Great Emperor of the Heavenly Plane? "

"This is a terrifying existence, only under the immortals, suppressing an era and suppressing the mighty existence of the vast starry universe!"

"In the years when the immortals were not born, the Great Emperor was the supreme powerhouse."

"What is this dog's entanglement with a great emperor?"

"I said, this dog must be not ordinary, you see I really didn't say anything wrong!"

"Not buddy, you're not focused on the point, are you? Such a precious question, this dog is just to find the whereabouts of a person? "

"That is, let's not talk about who this beginningless person is, with the opportunity to ask questions, can't you use it to become stronger and then look for it?"

"It's a pity that such a good opportunity was wasted again!"

At the same time, covering the heavenly plane, all living beings did not pay attention to the spit and discussion from the heavens and all the worlds,

At this time, only shock remained in the hearts of all living beings!

"What? The Beginningless Emperor?! "

"It's actually that terrifying being?"

"This dog, know the Beginningless Emperor?"

"What is the connection between this dog and the Beginningless Emperor?"

The years where the Beginningless Emperor was located were too far away after all, and many creatures in the Heaven-Shading Plane did not understand the personnel of the Beginningless Emperor.

They only knew that the Beginningless Emperor was powerful, who had coerced the starry sky and suppressed ten thousand races, and the dark forbidden area did not dare to move.

But beside him, is there a dog?

For the Beginningless Emperor, the creatures who cover the heavenly plane are no strangers, he is the last emperor of the Desolate Ancient Era, the first congenital Eucharistic Dao fetus in history, preached in only five hundred years, and is the fastest enlightened emperor in recorded history.

Similarly, he is also known as the most powerful emperor in the history of the Terrans.

Who is the peak at the end of the fairy road, see the beginningless road into nothing!

This sentence is not empty talk.

The Beginningless Emperor has come all the way, extremely powerful, pushing across the heavens, sweeping all enemies, and coercing the starry sky.

In the era of his existence, the Beginningless Emperor was sovereign in heaven and earth, sweeping across the nine heavens and ten lands, and no one dared to attack him!

Even those supremes in the forbidden area of life can only honestly stay in the place.

The Beginningless Emperor, ascending to the pinnacle, swallowing the six and eight wastes, looking at the eternal and exclusive!

This is what all the creatures of the Heaven Covering Plane know.

But what they didn't know was that the Great Emperor saw a small stray dog dying, saved it with ancient techniques, and took it away and let it follow him.

And that stray dog is the Black Emperor.

"Why would this dog ask where the Beginningless Emperor is? Could it be the Beginningless Emperor's dog? "

"Fellow Daoists, although this dog looks ordinary, if you perceive it carefully, you can sense a powerful aura in its body, it is very likely that this is the dog of the Beginningless Emperor, and there is a relationship with the Beginningless Emperor."

"Since he can let this dog waste such an opportunity to ask questions, presumably his relationship with the Beginningless Emperor is extraordinary!"

Hearing this, the creatures covering the heavenly plane were all surprised, "The dog of the Beginningless Emperor? "

The Beginningless Emperor was the last Great Emperor of the Desolate Ancient Era, how far away it is now.

According to rumors, the Beginningless Emperor has already sat down and fallen, and his dog is actually still alive in this world?

Hiss—this dog can really live.

"Isn't the Beginningless Emperor rumored to have fallen, this dog still asks where the Beginningless Emperor is, this is destined to have no answer."

"Yes, if the Beginningless Emperor has not fallen, how can a new Great Emperor appear after that."

"It seems that this Beginningless Emperor's dog is going to be disappointed."

At the same time, the forbidden zone of life.

Many Dark Supremes also looked surprised.

"Hasn't the Beginningless Emperor already fallen, doesn't this dog know?"

"Why does he still ask about the existence of beginningless?"

"This... What exactly is going on? "

Although the Dark Supremes were surprised, they didn't have time to think about it at the moment.

Because they're busy running for their lives right now.

Since Ye Fan became a Red Dust Immortal and coerced the universe of heaven and earth, he opened the way to liquidate the dark forbidden area.

Those supremes in the dark forbidden area, one is counted as one, Ye Fan saw that one killed one, there was no wrongful killing at all.

Almost every one of these dark supremes in the forbidden area of life had blood on their hands and was deeply sinful.

Under the crazy pursuit of Emperor Ye Tian, many Dark Supremes have already fallen.

These Dark Supremes who survived by luck naturally fled madly to save their lives.

At this moment, they have no heart to worry about this.

The dark forbidden area will be pacified and destroyed, and there is still the mind to worry about this.

"I was really convinced, I thought I could still grab the opportunity to ask questions to change my fate, this is over, there is no chance at all!"

"You said that this black emperor is also, who doesn't know that Beginningless has fallen, for the sake of a person who has fallen, wasting an opportunity to ask questions, what a stupid thing!"

"Those who have fallen, what else is there to ask?"

"Might as well give me this opportunity and let me ask questions!"

Angry curses and wails intertwined and spread.

"No, I don't want to die yet!"

"Damn Black Emperor, why did you rush to ask, why did you waste this opportunity!"

"Even if this seat is a ghost, he will not let you go!"

At the same time, in the sky curtain, a back slowly appeared.

The back is facing away from all living beings, sitting cross-legged on the bell, majestic, revealing invincible momentum, magnificent shore, powerful and boundless.

Although he turned his back to all living beings, all living beings and beings from all the heavens and realms could sense the majestic power contained in this figure.

Obviously, this is a supreme being, and just a back is enough for the creatures of the heavens and realms to marvel at it.

[Who is the peak at the end of the fairy road, once there is no beginning, the road is empty. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

The sound of the magnificent shore fell from the sky, spread throughout the heavens and realms, and reached the ears of everyone.

When the words fell, the heavens were shocked, and the creatures all looked at the sky curtain in disbelief, looking at the figure on the sky curtain with their backs to all living beings, their faces were full of disbelief.

"I lean?! Such a high rating? "

"Once there is no beginning, the road is empty? I lean, cow, cow! "

"This beginningless can get such a high evaluation from the inventor, obviously this is not a general!"

"Really served, so strong!"

"What kind of existence is this beginningless, even the inventor has given such a high evaluation, it must be extraordinary!"

"Although he has not been inventoried, but even the inventor evaluates this beginningless, then it can only be said that this beginningless may not be weaker than the hanging ratio!"

"Could it be that he is also a hanger?"

"It's hard to say, if it is a hanging ratio, it should also be inventoried, but the inventor did not count him, perhaps... Is he not? "

"Whether it is a hanging ratio or not, anyway, this Beginningless Emperor is definitely not an ordinary person, and ordinary people will definitely not get such a high evaluation from the inventor."

"That's right, this Beginningless Emperor is by no means ordinary!"

"By the way, I suddenly found out!"

"Have you noticed that the back on this canopy is somewhat familiar, and it seems that you have seen it somewhere before?"

Suddenly, a creature spoke, extremely excited, obviously discovering everything unusual.

"Is it? What did you find? "

"We've seen this back?!"

As soon as these words came out, all of a sudden, the creatures of the heavens and realms frowned and thought carefully, when had they seen such a back?

Since it is seen by all the creatures of the heavens and realms, there is no doubt that it can only be an inventory.

In the inventory, such a back has appeared?!

Suddenly, some creatures suddenly realized!

"I remembered! Come to think of it! "

"Do you remember that when taking stock of the wilderness, there were three figures, who came across the river of time, broke through the years, broke the space, and helped the desolate kill the three quasi-immortal emperors from later generations."

"And among those three figures, one is Ye Fan, and the other is the white-clothed ruthless female emperor who is not an immortal only to wait for her brother to return in the red dust."

"Have you noticed that the last person, the last person whose identity we have never known, is very similar to the back in front of you?!"

"In other words, the third person whose identity we have never known is beginningless!"

"That's the Beginningless Emperor?!"

"Shhh—at that time, his cultivation was already a quasi-immortal emperor!"

The creatures of the heavens and realms suddenly realized, and then remembered that when taking stock of the wilderness, there was indeed such a scene, there were three quasi-immortal emperors from the later life, and the three quasi-immortal emperors of the boundary sea, as well as the nine ghost beasts, wanting to kill the wilderness and completely strangle it.

And at this moment, three figures came in broken time and came to support the wasteland.

Two of them, they already knew clearly, were none other than Emperor Ye Tian and the Ruthless Emperor.

The identity of the last person, they have never known, but now it seems that the identity of the last person has also been revealed.

It was precisely this time that the Black Emperor asked the question, the Beginningless Emperor!

The last person is the Beginningless Emperor!

"No wonder that the last person at the beginning was a big bell with a lot of coercion, out of the ordinary, the divine power overpowered, it turned out to be the Beginningless Emperor!"

"That last quasi-immortal emperor, a big bell can simply shatter the starry sky of the universe, overwhelm the eternal, and be extremely powerful."

"Unexpectedly, it was the Beginningless Emperor!"

"Ye Fan, ruthless, beginningless..."

"Shhh-good guy, there are so many terrifying existences in this heaven-covering plane."

Ruthless, Ye Fan, and the beginningless iron triangle, each of them can be called against the sky, they are unimaginable, and they are even more provocative existences.

This heaven-shading plane is really a gathering of heroes.

It seems that the power of the heaven-shading plane is far more than that!

And when the creatures of the heavens and realms discovered this, they were almost boiling.

I never expected that the Beginningless Emperor had actually assisted the Barren Heavenly Emperor, and he had crossed the long river of time and space to help the Barren Heavenly Emperor kill all enemies.

This wave of dreams is linked to belong to yes.

However, this also indirectly proves one thing, since the Beginningless Emperor can be promoted to the realm of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, he will personally assist the Barren Heavenly Emperor in the future and fight for the Barren Heavenly Emperor.

This means that the Beginningless Emperor is not dead, not only is he not dead, his strength will become stronger and stronger!

Realizing this, many creatures in the plane, including the Heaven Covering Plane, were numb in their scalps and shocked!

"It's actually alive!"

"Such a great existence, actually not dead, he is still alive."

"In the past, he was already an invincible hand in the starry sky, but now that so many years have passed, how terrifying is he?"

At the same time, in the perfect plane, countless living beings looked at the powerful figure that suppressed the heavens although they turned their backs to all living beings, and they were also full of shock for a while, and they didn't know what to say.

This figure, such a terrifying aura, so powerful and powerful, is simply unimaginable.

"Such a terrifying aura, is this the Beginningless Emperor?"

No wonder he was able to assist the Barren Heavenly Emperor.

Such a powerful and majestic momentum, looking at the entire perfect plane, they had only seen it in the wilderness.

In addition, neither the first person of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, Meng Tianzheng, the Great Elder of the Heavenly God Academy, or the immortal kings of that exotic land, had such a terrifying and powerful momentum.

Such a momentum is unimaginably powerful and terrifying, although it is not as good as the wilderness, but it is not far off.

Moreover, such a powerful existence, looking at the heavens and realms, countless living beings, how many people can do it?

Although Beginningless is not comparable to the Barren Heavenly Emperor, it is no longer weak, and such a powerful existence is rare in the world.

"This Beginningless Emperor is definitely not an ordinary person!"

Perfect plane, above the sky, looking at the sky above.

It turned out that one of the three people who came across time in the inventory was beginningless.

He thought of the inventory, and it was Ye Fan, the ruthless person, and the unknown third person in the inventory.

It turned out that the third person was Beginningless.

Although he has never seen beginningless, in the inventory, he has also seen beginningless, and beginningless has also left a deep impression on him.

Although he had never met, he had a feeling that perhaps the day they met was not far away.

At the same time, covering the heavenly plane, the Black Emperor looked excited.

"Sure enough! It's the host! I knew the master must not be dead! "

The figure he thought about day and night may finally be seen.

Over the years, he thought day and night, never forgetting for a moment, after searching for so many years in heaven and earth, he finally found the trace of his master.

The inventor really knows where the owner is!

The master must still be alive, otherwise, how could the master become a quasi-immortal emperor in the future.

At this moment, Li Xiaoyao's magnificent voice also descended.

[The Beginningless Emperor is hiding in the Immortal Road. 】

"Immortal Road?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked, he went to the fairy road?

Beginningless is actually in the fairy road.

Suddenly, the Black Emperor had tears in his eyes, crying with joy and excitement.

"I know!"

"Master, I'll go to Xianlu to find you!"

Senlu, he must go to Guang!.

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